What's the difference between delta and primary delta in GestureDetector? - flutter

onVerticalDragUpdate: (details) {
var dy = details.delta.dy;
var primaryDy = details.primaryDelta;
I couldn't find out the difference between a regular delta and a primary, both seems to do the same job. Can anyone explain the difference between these two deltas? (As usual Docs are not very clear, at least to me)

delta → Offset The amount the pointer has moved in the coordinate
space of the event receiver since the previous update
Meaning, The distance covered by dragging since the last pointer contact. Delta gives dx for horizontal distance and dy for vertical distance.
primaryDelta → double The amount the pointer has moved along the
primary axis in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the
previous update
primaryDelta gives the absolute distance in only one primary direction of dragging, meaning if the drag is primarily in horizontal axis(GestureDragUpdateCallback + Horizontal only) then this value represents the drag distance in the horizontal axis. If the drag in is vertical axis (GestureDragUpdateCallback + Vertical only) then this value represents the drag amount in the vertical axis.
Note: if the GestureDragUpdateCallback is for a two-dimensional drag (e.g., a pan), then this value is null.


Finding the tangent on a given point of a polyline

I have a list of X,Y coordinates that represents a road. For every 5 meters, I need to calculate the angle of the tangent on this road, as I have tried to illustrate in the image.
My problem is that this road is not represented by a mathematical function that I can simply derive, it is represented by a list of coordinates (UTM33N).
In my other similar projects we use ArcGIS/ESRI libraries to perform geographical functions such as this, but in this project I need to be independent of any software that require the end user to have a license, so I need to do the calculations myself (or find a free/open source library that can do it).
I am using a cubic spline function to make the line rounded between the coordinates, since all tangents on a line segment would just be parallell to the segment otherwise.
But now I am stuck. I am considering simply calculating the angle between any three points on the line (given enough points), and using this to find the tangents, but that doesn't sound like a good method. Any suggestions?
In the end, I concluded that the points were plentiful enough to give an accurate angle using simple geometry:
//Calculate delta values
var dx = next.X - curr.X;
var dy = next.Y - curr.Y;
var dz = next.Z - curr.Z;
//Calculate horizontal and 3D length of this segment.
var hLength = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var length = Math.Sqrt(hLength * hLength + dz * dz);
//Calculate horizontal and vertical angles.
hAngle = Math.Atan(dy/dx);
vAngle = Math.Atan(dz/hLength);

swift: orient y-axis toward another point in 3-d space

Suppose you have two points in 3-D space. Call the first o for origin and the other t for target. The rotation axes of each are alligned with the world/parent coordinate system (and each other). Place a third point r coincident with the origin, same position and rotation.
How, in Swift, can you rotate r such that its y-axis points at t? If pointing the z-axis is easier, I'll take that instead. The resulting orientation of the other two axes is immaterial for my needs.
I've been through many discussions related to this but none satisfy. I have learned, from reading and experience, that Euler angles is probably not the way to go. We didn't cover this in calculus and that was 50 years ago anyway.
Got it! Incredibly simple when you add a container node. The following seems to work for any positions in any quadrants.
// pointAt_c is a container node located at, and child of, the originNode
// pointAtNode is its child, position coincident with pointAt_c (and originNode)
// get deltas (positions of target relative to origin)
let dx = targetNode.position.x - originNode.position.x
let dy = targetNode.position.y - originNode.position.y
let dz = targetNode.position.z - originNode.position.z
// rotate container node about y-axis (pointAtNode rotated with it)
let y_angle = atan2(dx, dz)
pointAt_c.rotation = SCNVector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, y_angle)
// now rotate the pointAtNode about its z-axis
let dz_dx = sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx))
// (due to rotation the adjacent side of this angle is now a hypotenuse)
let x_angle = atan2(dz_dx, dy)
pointAtNode.rotation = SCNVector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, x_angle)
I needed this to replace lookAt constraints which cannot, easily anyway, be archived with a node tree. I'm pointing the y-axis because that's how SCN cylinders and capsules are directed.
If anyone knows how to obviate the container node please do tell. Everytime I try to apply sequential rotations to a single node, the last overwrites the previous one. I haven't the knowledge to formulate a rotation expression to do it in one shot.

Method Replace in Core Plot 1.0 ?

I want to used this method in core plot 1.0 but that method now work with core plot 1.0 so what will be alternative for this ?
CPTXYAxis *y = axisSet.yAxis;
**//this all method are not work**
y.majorGridLineStyle = majorGridLineStyle;
y.minorGridLineStyle = minorGridLineStyle;
y.visibleRange = [CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat(0.0f) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat(100.0f)];
CPTConstraints yConstraints = {CPTConstraintFixed, CPTConstraintFixed};
i want to try this Example but that give me error Example link
The way constraints are handled changed. See the announcement on the Core Plot discussion board.
Here's a summary of the change:
CPTConstraints allows two basic types of constraint. Note that when
used for floating axis positioning, the axis doesn't clip the
constrained position to the visible area so it is possible to use an
offset that will push the floating axis outside the visible area.
Fixed offset from either the lower or upper bound of the range.
Note that for axes, this range is in view coordinates, so the lower
bound is to the left for a horizontal axis and at the bottom for a
vertical axis. The offset is towards the middle of the range, so a
positive offset from the lower bound goes in the positive direction
but a positive offset from the upper bound goes in a negative
Relative offset. This is used to maintain a position that is a
certain fraction of the range—0.0 is the lower bound, 1.0 is the
upper bound, and 0.5 is the middle. It is not restricted to these
values; any CGFloat value can be used.
CPTConstraints is immutable, so you have to create a new object
whenever you want to change the constraints.

Draw Camera Range with Postgis

i am working on some camera data. I have some points which consist of azimuth, angle, distance, and of course coordinate field attributes. In postgresql postgis I want to draw shapes like this with functions.
how can i draw this pink range shape?
at first should i draw 360 degree circle then extracting out of my shape... i dont know how?
I would create a circle around the point(x,y) with your radius distance, then use the info below to create a triangle that has a larger height than the radius.
Then using those two polygons do an ST_Intersection between the two geometries.
NOTE: This method only works if the angle is less than 180 degrees.
Note, that if you extend the outer edges and meet it with a 90 degree angle from the midpoint of your arc, you have a an angle, and an adjacent side. Now you can SOH CAH TOA!
Get Points B and C
Let point A = (x,y)
To get the top point:
point B = (x + radius, y + (r * tan(angle)))
to get the bottom point:
point C = (x + radius, y - (r * tan(angle)))
Rotate your triangle to you azimouth
Now that you have the triangle, you need to rotate it to your azimuth, with a pivot point of A. This means you need point A at the origin when you do the rotation. The rotation is the trickiest part. Its used in computer graphics all the time. (Actually, if you know OpenGL you could get it to do the rotation for you.)
NOTE: This method rotates counter-clockwise through an angle (theta) around the origin. You might have to adjust your azimuth accordingly.
First step: translate your triangle so that A (your original x,y) is at 0,0. Whatever you added/subtracted to x and y, do the same for the other two points.
(You need to translate it because you need point A to be at the origin)
Second step: Then rotate points B and C using a rotation matrix. More info here, but I'll give you the formula:
Your new point is (x', y')
Do this for points B and C.
Third step: Translate them back to the original place by adding or subtracting. If you subtracted x last time, add it this time.
Finally, use points {A,B,C} to create a triangle.
And then do a ST_Intersection(geom_circle,geom_triangle);
Because this takes a lot of calculations, it would be best to write a program that does all these calculations and then populates a table.
PostGIS supports curves, so one way to achieve this that might require less math on your behalf would be to do something like:
SELECT ST_GeomFromText('COMPOUNDCURVE((0 0, 0 10), CIRCULARSTRING(0 10, 7.071 7.071, 10 0), (10 0, 0 0))')
This describes a sector with an origin at 0,0, a radius of 10 degrees (geographic coordinates), and an opening angle of 45°.
Wrapping that with additional functions to convert it from a true curve into a LINESTRING, reduce the coordinate precision, and to transform it into WKT:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('COMPOUNDCURVE((0 0, 0 10), CIRCULARSTRING(0 10, 7.071 7.071, 10 0), (10 0, 0 0))')), 0.01))
This requires a few pieces of pre-computed information (the position of the centre, and the two adjacent vertices, and one other point on the edge of the segment) but it has the distinct advantage of actually producing a truly curved geometry. It also works with segments with opening angles greater than 180°.
A tip: the 7.071 x and y positions used in the example can be computed like this:
x = {radius} cos {angle} = 10 cos 45 ≈ 7.0171
y = {radius} sin {angle} = 10 sin 45 ≈ 7.0171
Corner cases: at the antimeridian, and at the poles.

implementing a simple geofence in objective-C

I am trying to implement somewhat of a simple geofence algorithm that basically does the following:
Say I have two point A and B (each point has a latitude and longitude
value in earth).
I can draw a straight line from point A to point B
I can set a perimeter, which is a rectangle, around that line (see drawing
below for more clarity)
What I want to do is as follows, if the phone current location is outside of this red perimeter then it triggers something, basically a delegate. The perimeter size should be able to be adjusted to a percentage size, so 5% would be a small perimeter around the line and 70% would be a large perimeter around the line. Be aware that the perimeter should be a rectangle, not circle with radius. I am guessing that there will be a bunch of if statements involved in building this... if anyone could come up with a simple and elegant solution to this (would be great if I can see code in objective-C) that would be awesome. Or any guidance would be helpful as well
You can create a path from the four points of the rectangle and then use CGPathContainsPoint to check whether the current location is inside the path.
As for the conversion of latitude and longitude to planar x, y coordinates, the simplest solution is to use Mercator projection using Map Kit. Check Understanding Map Geometry for more info.
Here's an example:
// create four rectangle points from A, B
dx = (B.x - A.x) * 0.05; // 5% of the A-B length
dy = (B.y - A.y) * 0.05;
// topmost corner, above B
points[0].x = B.x + dx - dy;
points[0].y = B.y + dy + dx;
//rightmost corner, to the right from B
points[1].x = B.x + dx + dy;
points[1].y = B.y + dy - dx;
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, points[0].x, points[0].y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, points[1].x, points[1].y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, points[2].x, points[2].y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, points[3].x, points[3].y);
// convert latitude, longitude to planar coordinates
MKMapPoint location = MKMapPointForCoordinate([newLocation coordinate]);
BOOL inside = CGPathContainsPoint(path, NULL, CGPointMake(location.x, location.y), YES);
Note: This code expects that the current location is a point, while in reality, it is a point and a radius of accuracy, which is effectively a circle. This complicates things a bit because now you need to define how to handle situations when the current location is not known exactly, but you only know that it's somewhere in the circle. If the rectangle is large (say 5 km), then you may simply require radius of accuracy less than 50m, do the calculation as if the current location was exact and ignore the small inaccuracy of the computation. If the rectangle is smaller (say 50m), you may also do the calculation as if the current location was exact, but then the false positives probability would be higher (e.g. sometimes you would be detected as in the rectangle while you would be standing outside of it).
Or you may want to go for the "perfect" solution and do circle-rectangle intersection, which is more complex and may result not only in YES and NO answers but also in "with this accuracy it cannot be determined whether you are inside or outside of the rectangle".
You need to find the nearest point on the main A-B line to the users location. Look at the following link for more information... Point Line
Now given that you can find the nearest point on a line from users point (current location) you can check if the distance between their location and the nearest point is within the threshold you are interested in, if it exceeds it then they are 'outside' of the zone around the line.