Adsense ruins mobile's Pagespeed score, mobile 50, desktop 98 - adsense

When I remove adsense code, both scores 100. Can somebody help me to speedup adsense code on mobile? or i just have to live with it?

Adsense is a third-party network that loads third party codes, you have no control over their resources. Adsense ad scripts, images and css files are poorly optimized.
What you can do is to consider lazy loading ads. Or Live with it.


Why PageSpeed Insights reduce my calification when adding google advertisement in my website?

Why PageSpeed Insights reduce my calification when adding google advertisement in my website ?
Is there any way to optimize the code load? try asynchronously and loading ad units from js.
Please help
Your PageSpeed score will always be lowered when you have AdSense or other ad networks actively running on your site.
All AdSense is already loading asynchronously. You can only have a marginal affect on the ad loading speed by deciding at what point during the page loading process you want to trigger the loading of your AdSense code.
Even extremely well optimized websites will generally not get a PageSpeed score of 100/100 if their pages have AdSense code on it.
Google Page Speed only gives you basic insight into what could be improved. Try checking your site on instead to better test your site's Loading Speed.

Adsense for web apps

Google has Adsense and Admob
Adsense is thought for websites that have a lot of text and content (eg. blogs)
Admob is for mobile apps
But what about web apps?
I have made several free-to-use web apps that are used daily because they help people do things (eg. convert something from one format to another) but they have no paragraphs and little text. Sometimes they are just a form input asking for a file and then the web app returns an output file.
How can I put adsense in these web apps?
I tried to apply for the Adsense program with my homepage but it got rejected. My homepage has a link to each of these web apps and a little description (eg. "A web app for converting XML to PDF", etc)
The rejection email says:
We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.
Insufficient content:
To be approved for AdSense and show
relevant ads on your site, your pages need to have enough text on them
for our specialists to review and for our crawler to be able to
determine what your pages are about.
So... as I see it: To be able to use adsense I will need to create a .com or .net (ie: a first level domain, as needed by Adsense) and fill it with "enough text" and "content".
But what content though? Should I invent content? should I write about my cat?
Writing is not my business. I do web apps.
Google thought on writers and provided Adsense for them.
Google also thought on mobile developers and provided Admob for them.
How should I proceed?
As you commented adsense requires you to publish "enough" content, this is quite subjective because it doesn't say how much is enough for them. I would recommend you to try carbon, I have used it to monetize my webapps and I have not had any problems.

How can I test Google ads on my site

I am developing a website where I want to show Google ads. How can I test ads on my site? Additionally:
Does Google allow me to test ads?
Does it think my tests are fake impressions?
Can I get blocked by Adsense?
here is site link
Google may not like it, but in its TOS it says you are allowed to test your ads, although I would recommend you not to refresh the site thousands of times. Instead, I would first remove the AdSense tags and use some divs with fixed width & height and a background color (or a background image which looks like a Google ad) to test it excessively. If you have tested your layouts, remove the test divs and re-add your Google AdSense code. Now you can test it an additional few times to be 100% sure that all works. You can surely reload the page 10-20 times. Remember to just view the ads for testing but never ever click on your own ads – Google doesn't like that.

How to add adsense in unity webplayer games?

I want to know that how can i add Google adsense in unity games for web-player only. I know for mobile we use admob .
I see games on and several other sites that they have few seconds timer and in this time they show their Google ads in game iframe .
Now how can i do the same in unity ?
Having a form of ads in a unity game is indeed possible GameAdTrading is one of the few, if not only providers of this service. They offer ads for mobile, web and standalone players.
adding actual AdSense is not possible as can be read in this adsense topic Where the support obviously states that another monetizing option should be found.
Theoratically you also should be able to inject the ad code into the website using Application.ExternaEval(). Do keep in mind that this might be penalized by google, if it does not require special permissions to begin with

Looking for a way to display Google Adsense in IPhone application

My client has saved lot of Google Adsense javascripts in his db and displaying in his website.
Now he wants to display those javascripts ads in his IPhone application.
Is there a way to do it?
Since Google Adsense is mainly for websites I think the better way might be to implement a mobile version of your website. I am not sure how it is going to look as most of the adsense JavaScript is configured to be displayed on a website and not on mobile website.