Getting rid of Mix related code in Elixir Releases - deployment

I am developing an elixir application and deploying that application via Elixir Releases and Docker. All of that is going fine and I can use environment variables for runtime configuration.
For local development I wanted to use dotenv and the way I'd like to set up my project is that I want to read configuration from my config/*.exs files.
Now I found out that Mix is not available in Elixir releases so the proposed solution of dotenv for configuring .exs files via environment variables will fail on production start.
defmodule App.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
unless Mix.env == :prod do
# ... the rest of your application startup
(UndefinedFunctionError) function Mix.env/0 is undefined (module Mix is not available)
I was wondering if I can just on compile time determine whether I'm in production mode and just leave out the dotenv load section:
I came up with this:
defmodule Roundhay.Application do
def start(_type, _args) do
quote do
unquote(unless Mix.env() == :prod, do: load_env())
# load rest of application
defp load_env do
But that just yields the same problem.
Is there any way I can just omit the whole block existing when compiling in production mode?

Did you read the top section of the docs you linked to?
WARNING: Not compatible with Elixir releases
It seems like what you're trying to do is not supported by that library, because it fundamentally relies on Mix being available at runtime.
There is also a comment on a closed issue recommending against trying to use macros, as you are doing:
It is entirely possible that you could inject your secrets into the
compiled result through macro use. It would totally possible without
realizing you had done it.
Additionally, many apps do not build in the same environment they
deploy, and this has caused issues repeatedly for users of this
library, who inadvertently inject values into the compiled result that
are blank because a macro inserted them at compile time but they are
only available at run time in the production environment
Another way you could do it is to follow standard Elixir patterns for config, and use a tool like tool like direnv to set your environment for running the release locally.


how to disclude development.conf from docker image creation of play framework application artifact

Using scala playframework 2.5,
I build the app into a jar using sbt plugin PlayScala,
And then build and pushes a docker image out of it using sbt plugin DockerPlugin
Residing in the source code repository conf/development.conf (same where application.conf is).
The last line in application.conf says include development which means that in case development.conf exists, the entries inside of it will override some of the entries in application.conf in such way that provides all default values necessary for making the application runnable locally right out of the box after the source was cloned from source control with zero extra configuration. This technique allows every new developer to slip right in a working application without wasting time on configuration.
The only missing piece to make that architectural design complete is finding a way to exclude development.conf from the final runtime of the app - otherwise this overrides leak into production runtime and obviously the application fails to run.
That can be achieved in various different ways.
One way could be to some how inject logic into the build task (provided as part of the sbt pluging PlayScala I assume) to exclude the file from the jar artifact.
Other way could be injecting logic into the docker image creation process. this logic could manually delete development.conf from the existing jar prior to executing it (assuming that's possible)
If you ever implemented one of the ideas offered,
or maybe some different architectural approach that gives the same "works out of the box" feature, please be kind enough to share :)
I usually have the inverse logic:
I use the application.conf file (that Play uses by default) with all the things needed to run locally. I then have a production.conf file that starts by including the application.conf, and then overrides the necessary stuff.
for deploying to production (or staging) I specify the production/staging.conf file to be used
This is how I solved it eventually.
conf/application.conf is production ready configuration, it contains placeholders for environment variables whom values will be injected in runtime by k8s given the service's deployment.yaml file.
right next to it, conf/development.conf - its first line is include application.conf and the rest of it are overrides which will make the application run out of the box right after git clone by a simple sbt run
What makes the above work, is the addition of the following to build.sbt :
PlayKeys.devSettings := Seq(
"config.resource" -> "development.conf"
Works like a charm :)
This can be done via the mappings config key of sbt-native-packager:
mappings in Universal ~= (_.filterNot( == "development.conf"))
See here.

How do you configure jshint or eslint differently per environment in ember-cli?

I want to support the usage of 'debugger' statements locally and on the development deployment but not when it gets to staging or production.
I'm using Ember-cli with environments and am not understanding how to define the jshint or eslint directives differently.
By design we can configure both linting libraries differently via their configuration files for app code & test code via .eslintrc or .jshintrc files which reside at the root folder and the tests folder. So even though we can have different rules for these categories of code, we can't differentiate them per environment.
The reason it might not make sense to do so is because the assets that get generated after the build process that gets deployed doesn't necessarily need to conform to these rules since transpilers like babel (may) optimize generated code for us.
While I don't understand the need to keep debugger statements after a debugging session in the codebase, you can use broccoli-strip-debug to remove them automatically in production builds and disable the debugger flag in the linting configuration altogether which gets you the setup you're looking for.

How to keep separate dev, test, and prod databases in Play! 2 Framework?

In particular, for test-cases, I want to keep the test database separate so that the test cases don't interfere with development or production databases.
What are some good practices for separating development, test and production environments?
EDIT1: Some context
In Ruby On Rails, there are different configuration files by convention for different environments. So does Play! 2 also support that ?
Or, do I have to cook the configuration files, and then write some glue code that selects the appropriate configuration files ?
At the moment if I run sbt test it uses development database ( configured as "default" in conf/application.conf ). However I would like Play!2 to use a different test database.
EDIT2: On commands that play provides
For Play! 2 framework, I observed this.
$ help play
Welcome to Play 2.2.2!
These commands are available:
run <port> Run the current application in DEV mode.
test Run Junit tests and/or Specs from the command line
start <port> Start the current application in another JVM in PROD mode.
There are three well defined commands for "test", "development" and "production" instances which are:
test: This runs the test cases. So it should automatically select test configuration.
run <port>: this runs the development instance on the specified port. So this command should automatically select development configuration.
start <port>: this runs the production instance on the specified port. So this should automatically select production configuration.
However, all these commands select the values that are provided in conf/application.conf. I feel there is some gap to be filled here.
Please do correct me if I am wrong.
EDIT3: Best approach is using Global.scala
Described here: How to manage application.conf in several environments with play 2.0?
Good practice is keeping separate instances of the application in separate folders and synching them i.e. via git repo.
When you want to keep single instance you can use alternative configuration file for each environment.
In your application.conf file there is an entry (or entries) for your database, e.g. db.default.url=jdbc:mysql://
The conf file can read environment variables using ${?ENV_VAR_NAME} syntax, so change that to something like db.default.url=${?DB_URL} and use environment variables.
A simpler way to get this done and manage your configuration easier is via GlobalSettings. There is a method you can override and that its name is "onLoadConfig". Try check its api at API_LINK
Basically on your conf/ project folder, you'll setup similar to below:
conf/application.conf --> configurations common for all environment
conf/dev/application.conf --> configurations for development environment
conf/test/application.conf --> configurations for testing environment
conf/prod/application.conf --> configurations for production environment
So with this, your application knows which configuration to run for your specific environment mode. For a code snippet of my implementation on onLoadConfig try check my article at my blog post
I hope this is helpful.

Passing RAILS_ENV into Torquebox without using a Deployment Descriptor

I am wondering if there is a way to pass a value for RAILS_ENV directly into the Torquebox server without going through a deployment descriptor; similar to how I can pass properties into Java with the -D option.
I have been wrestling with various deployment issues with Torquebox over the past couple weeks. I think a large part of the problem has to do with packaging the gems into the Knob file, which is the most practical way for managing them on a Window environment. I have tried archive deployment and expanded deployment; with and without external deployment descriptor.
With an external deployment descriptor, I found the packaged Gem dependencies were not properly deployed and I received errors about missing dependencies.
When expanded, I had to fudge around a lot with the dependencies and what got included in the Knob, but eventually I got it to deploy. However, certain files in the expanded Knob were marked as failed (possible duplicate dependencies?), but they did not affect the overall deployment. The problem was when the server restarted, deployment would fail the second time mentioning it could not redeploy one of the previously failed files.
The only one I have found to work consistently for me is archive without external deployment descriptor. However, I still need a way to tell the application in which environment it is running. I have different Torquebox instances for each environment and they only run the one application, so it would be fairly reasonable to configure this at the server level.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
The solution I finally came to was to pass in RAILS_ENV as a Java property to the Torquebox server and then to set ENV['RAILS_ENV'] to this value in the Rails boot.rb initializer.
Step 1: Set Java Property
First, you will need to set a Rails Environment java property for your Torquebox server. To keep with standard Java conventions, I called this rails.env.
Dependent on your platform and configuration, this change will need to be made in one of the following scripts:
Using JBoss Windows Service Wrapper: service.bat
Standalone environment: standalone.conf.bat (Windows) or standalone.conf (Unix)
Domain environment:: domain.conf.bat (Windows) or domain.conf (Unix)
Add the following line to the appropriate file above to set this Java property:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Drails.env=staging
The -D option is used for setting Java system properties.
Step 2: Set ENV['RAILS_ENV'] based on Java Property
We want to set the RAILS_ENV as early as possible, since it is used by a lot of Rails initialization logic. Our first opportunity to inject application logic into the Rails Initialization Process is boot.rb.
The following line should be added to the top of boot.rb:
# boot.rb (top of the file)
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ENV_JAVA['rails.env'] if defined?(ENV_JAVA) && ENV_JAVA['rails.env']
This needs to be the first thing in the file, so Bundler can make intelligent decisions about the environment.
As you can see above, a seldom mentioned feature of JRuby is that it conveniently exposes all Java system properties via the ENV_JAVA global map (mirroring the ENV ruby map), so we can use it to access our Java system property.
We check that ENV_JAVA is defined (i.e. JRuby is being used), since we support multiple deployment environments.
I force the rails.env property to be used when present, as it appears that *RAILS_ENV* already has a default value at this point.

Different routes for prod and dev in play 2.0

My Play 2.0 application runs under different directories during development and in production:
During dev we use /, in production it runs as /crm/.
Is it possible to define a "root directory" of some sort for play?
This article suggests using the isDev() sort of methods and this one to use a config variable, but it seems like the routes file no longer allows code inclusion: adding %{ }—style tags to the routes file results in compilation errors.
In 2.0 or 2.0.1 you can't do it.
If you use the trunk-version you can define a property:
This property can be set by in the usual way at production.
But this is only possible with the future version.
As there seems to be no other solution, I decided to go with a shell script that modifies the routes file on deployment and adds the necessary prefix to every route.