How to calculate total count of previous year - tableau-api

I have student data classified as per the year of enrollment and semester. For calculating retention rate, I need to divide all retained students for CY by total count of PY. How should I create a formula for that?

Your code will look something like this
Calc 1
IF Year = 2021 THEN Amount END
Calc 2
IF Year = 2020 THEN Amount END
Then you do Calc 1 - Calc 2 in another calculated field. Or you can also use lookup function if it is a table calculation
Lookup Function -1


How can I show cumulative percentage or sum of an attribute in a line chart power bi

I have a business requirement to show the trend of cumulative percentage of an atribute over last 2 years. I used a measure to create running total of the attribute for this year and the results are correct.However When I tried to apply the same logic for the past 2 years it is giving me incorrect values.I have created a date table that spans from 2021 to 2023 dec and The X axis of the chart displays weeknumber.Could some one help me with this issue?
Thanks in Advance!
The measure for this year :
Cumulative2023 =
'Table'[CY CountNum2023]
,'Table'[CY CountDen2023]
'Table'[CreatedDate] <= MAX('Table'[CreatedDate])

Execute IF-THEN_ELSE before Execute Calculation - Tableau

I have a graph below.
I would like to calculate lapsed rate which is sum of lapsed value divided by sum of inforce value. I use the formula below in calculated field.
However that formula will also pick the value from Q2 (quarter 2) 2016. What I want to do is to tell tableau to check first if any quarter does not contain both inforce value and lapsed value then skip that quarter. In this case I need to calculate lapsed rate which does not include Q2 2016. How do i do this?
I'm using Tableau v.10.
This is just a quick approach and may not be the most efficient but it seems to work.
You need to use a combination of a row level calculation and a level of detail calculation.
The level of detail calculation can be used to flag the quarters which have both a lapsed and inforced status. Once these quarters are flagged you can calculate the lapsed rate at a row level which can then be rolled up using a sum.
Create a calculated field as follows:
Let me know if you have any questions or need any tweaks.
// Calculate the number of Inforce/Lapsed occurences per Quarter
[Status] = 'Inforce'
[Status] = 'Lapsed'
DATEPART('quarter', [Date]):
= 2
// Calculate the Lapsed Rate as both statuses exist in the quarter
[Status] = 'Lapsed'
then [Total Amount]
sum([Total Amount])

How to Calculate YTD (Jan to prev month) in a single column in tableau

Original post -
I have a report in which I have sales per month in the column and commodities in the row. The data show actual sales and future estimates for each month.
Need to calculate Year-To-Date (YTD) total for 2016 (from Jan to Previous month) and have it in a single column at the end of the actual values.
I already created a calculated field - YTD
But when I add to the view, it creates a another section for YTD with sum for each month till April.
Can someone please help me in how to achieve this in Tableau?
There are couple of ways to achieve this view in Tableau
1. To create calculated field for each Month and YTD and add measure names in Row & Measure values in Text
2. Make union of 2 queries - one that select all the correct values & second that have YTD calculation in month column. Then use pivot it

how to simulate date for one year in kdb

i would like to simulate random timestamp data.
100 records in a day for one year.
How am I am able to do that?
when i set a:2013.01.01D00:00:00.000000000
the randomize data doesn't stay in a day.
thanks for your input
I am not sure, if this can be done easily. But you may generate 100 random timestamps for every day of 2013 in the next way
daysInYear: 365;
year: 2013.01.01D00:00:00.000000000;
//array of 365 elements, where every element represents corresponding date of year
dates: year + 01D * til daysInYear;
//array of 365 elements, where every element is an array of 100 random timestamps [0 .. 1D)
randomNanos: cut[100; (100 * daysInYear)?1D];
//array of 365 elements, where each element is an array of 100 random dateTimes for given day
result: dates + randomNanos;
//put all the dates in single array
raze result
The short version which does the same is below:
raze (2013.01.01D+01D * til 365) + cut[100; (100*365)?1D]
In order to simulate data for a single day, it's possible to generate random times (as floats less than one) and add them to the day you would like to generate data for. In this case:
Will return 100 random times on 2016.03.01. If you want to generate data within a time range you can restrict the size of the float to something less than 1, or greater than a certain minimum value.
If you want to handle leap years... Not sure of a better way at the minute other than adding the max number of days onto the start of the year and asking whether it's the 31st. Adding on 366, it can either be 31st or 1st. If it's the 31st good, otherwise drop off the last date.
q)last 2015.01.01+til 365
q)last 2016.01.01+til 365
2016.12.30 /we are a day short
/return the dates and the number of days based on whether its a leap year
q)dd:$[31i~`dd$last d:2016.01.01+til 366;(366;d);(365;-1_d)]
q)/returns (366;2016.01.01 2016.01.02...)
q)/the actual logic below is pretty much the same as the other answer
q)raze{[n;dy;dt] dt+n cut(n*dy)?.z.N}[100;].dd
2016.01.01D16:06:53.957527121 2016.01.01D10:55:10.892935198 2016.01.01D15:36:..

daily to monthly sum in matlab of multiple years

My data is excel column. In excel sheet one column contain last 50 years date (no missing date; dd/mm/yyyy format) and in other column everyday rainfall (last 50 years; no blank).
I want to calculate what is the sum of monthly rainfall for every month of last 50 years in Matlab. Remember, there four types of month ending date: 30, 31, 28 and 29. Upto now I am able read the dates and rainfall value from excel file like below
filename = 'rainfalldate.xlsx';
% Extracts the data from each column of textData
[~,DateString ]= xlsread(filename,'A:A')
formatIn = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
DateVector = datevec(DateString,formatIn)
rainfall = xlsread(filename,'C:C');
what is the next step so that I can see every months of last fifty years rainfall sum?
I mean suppose July/1986 rainfall sum... Any new solutions?Code or loop base in Matlab 2014a
As #Daniel suggested, you could use accumarray for this.
Since you want the monthly rainfall for multiple years, you could combine year and month into one single variable, ym.
It is possible then to identify if a value belongs to both a determined year and month at once, and "tag" it using histc function. Values with similar "tags" are summed by the accumarray function.
As a bonus, you do not have to worry about the number of days in a month. Take a look at this example:
% Variables initialization
y=[2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015];
m=[1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3]; % jan, feb and march
values = 1:9;
% Identifyier creation and index generation
ym = y*100+m;
% Sum
total = accumarray(subs',values);
The total variable is the monthly rainfall already sorted by year and month (yyyymm).