my board:STM32 H743 after configure the advanced timer to capture pwm input,i can get the pwm frequency. but if i use hal_init() in the
main function,can't get, why? i add led in the interupt , now led not on, means ,can get into call back my codes:
configuration part:
tim2 just let led toggle 1s in callback function
void TIMx_Configuration(void)
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(GENERAL_TIM_IRQn, 0, 1);
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.Instance = GENERAL_TIM;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.Init.Period = 10000 - 1;
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.Init.Prescaler = 240000 - 1;
void TIM8_Configuration()
//set priority
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(MOTORIC_TIM_IRQn, 0, 0);
TIM_IC_InitTypeDef TIM_ICInitStructure;
TIM_SlaveConfigTypeDef TIM_SlaveConfigStructure;
motoric_htimx_bldcm.Instance = MOTORIC_TIM;
motoric_htimx_bldcm.Init.Period = 100;
// TIMxCLK = HCLK=240MHz
// timer frequency=TIMxCLK/(TIM_Prescaler+1)=1MHz
motoric_htimx_bldcm.Init.Prescaler = MOTOR_ICPWM_PRESCALER_COUNT - 1;
configure timer ic mode*
TIM_ICInitStructure.ICPrescaler = TIM_ICPSC_DIV1;
TIM_ICInitStructure.ICFilter = 0x0;
TIM_SlaveConfigStructure.SlaveMode = TIM_SLAVEMODE_RESET;
TIM_SlaveConfigStructure.InputTrigger = TIM_TS_TI1FP1;
//four channel capture
every channel use ic it mode,input frequency is about 1.5khz
just led,show the interrupt is ok
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
if(htim->Instance == GENERAL_TIM)
void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
//get capture value
if (htim->Channel == HAL_TIM_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_1)
IC1Value = HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(&motoric_htimx_bldcm,TIM_CHANNEL_1);
IC2Value = HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(&motoric_htimx_bldcm,TIM_CHANNEL_2);
if (IC1Value != 0)
//to count frequency
DutyCycle = (float)((IC2Value+1) * 100) / (IC1Value+1);
Frequency = 240000000/24000/(float)(IC1Value+1);
if not get ,zero
DutyCycle = 0;
Frequency = 0;
finally, this question is solved.
it's not about hal_init(),the reason is that:my pwm capture configuration is configured to slave mode,need to change to master mode .like this:
TIM_MasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&motoric_htimx_bldcm, &TIM_MasterConfig);
I am using STM32L496RG and have configured it as a slave as follows
/* SPI1 init function */
void MX_SPI1_Init(void)
hspi1.Instance = SPI1;
hspi1.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_SLAVE;
hspi1.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES;
hspi1.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT;
hspi1.Init.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW;
hspi1.Init.CLKPhase = SPI_PHASE_1EDGE;
hspi1.Init.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT;
hspi1.Init.BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_2;
hspi1.Init.FirstBit = SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
hspi1.Init.CRCPolynomial = 7;
if (HAL_SPI_Init(&hspi1) != HAL_OK)
I am simply trying to receive data from ESP32 (master) and transmit some data back to ESP32.
void state_standby()
if(HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1,(uint8_t*)cmd_from_esp, sizeof(cmd_from_esp), 200)!=HAL_OK){
if (cmd_from_esp[0] == 'S' && cmd_from_esp[1] == 'T' && cmd_from_esp[2] == 'A' && cmd_from_esp[3] == 'R' && cmd_from_esp[4] == 'T'){
if (HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1,(uint8_t*)cmd_from_esp,sizeof(cmd_from_esp),200)!= HAL_OK){
flash_page_count = 0;
esp_page_count = 0;
But when I run my code, even though nothing is being received, my code goes into the Error_Handler function inside HAL_SPI_Receiveand goes to state 0x03 (HAL_TIMEOUT). But, nevertheless, when it receives data from ESP32, it does change its state is able to receive the data properly. But the problem I am facing is during my transmission. If I receive START in STM32, I send the same thing back to ESP32, but on the ESP32, I receive STARS. I am not sure if it this is because of HAL_ERROR or due to coding on ESP32 which is below -
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){
if (serverClients[i] && serverClients[i].connected()){
//get data from the telnet client and push it to the UART
for(m = 0;m<j-2;m++)
else {
if (serverClients[i]) {
void vspiCommand() {
//Serial.println("in vspi");
//use it as you would the regular arduino SPI API
vspi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(spiClk, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
digitalWrite(VSPI_SS, LOW); //pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer
received_data[m] = vspi->transfer(data_array[m]);
// Serial.print(data_array[m]);
// Serial.print('\t');
digitalWrite(VSPI_SS, HIGH); //pull ss high to signify end of data transfer
ESP32 receives data through my phone into data_array buffer and sends it to STM32, which in turn is sending the received data back to ESP32 which it is trying to read.
EDIT - I have modified the code a bit. Now, I am using HAL_SPI_Receive_ITand it stops hanging on that error. Made the following change in Slave side.
while (1)
while(HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY);
void HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi)
And following changes in master side -
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){
if (serverClients[i] && serverClients[i].connected()){
//get data from the telnet client and push it to the UART
// read the bytes incoming from the client:
char thisChar = serverClients[i].read();
inData += thisChar;
// echo to the server what's been received to confirm we have the string
if (thisChar == '\n')
// Serial.print("\nreceived:");
// Serial.print(inData);
for(int i=0;i<(j-2);i++)
vspi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(spiClk, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
digitalWrite(VSPI_SS, LOW); //pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer
received_data[i] = vspi->transfer(data_array[i]);
// Serial.print(data_array[m]);
// Serial.print('\t');
digitalWrite(VSPI_SS, HIGH); //pull ss high to signify end of data transfer
serverClients[i].write(received_data, (j-2));
The slave(STM32) is able to receive the data properly, but the master(ESP32) receives the proper data only alternately. For example, if I send hello, it receives eeeee(second character of whichever data I'm trying to send). If I send hello again, it receives hello. . (In the image, you can see the slave received data in buffer array and master received data in COM2 port.
I built a simple Scala application and a simple Arduino script to test serial communication on the jSerialComm library. The program only finds one active port (the one the Arduino connected to), the baud rates are the same on the port and the Arduino and the code throws no exceptions while writing. The Arduino, however, receives nothing (the RX led is off).
The Scala code:
import com.fazecast.jSerialComm._
object Test extends App {
val ports = SerialPort.getCommPorts
val port: SerialPort = ports(0)
var bytes = Array[Byte]()
val toWrite: Long = 3
var a = 0
var b = 0
var c = 0
while (true) {
if (a < 3) a += 1 else a = 0
bytes = Array[Byte](a.toByte, a.toByte, a.toByte)
port.writeBytes(bytes, toWrite)
println("Sent " + bytes(0) + " to " + port.toString)
The Arduino code:
const int R = 12;
const int G = 13;
const int B = 11;
void setup() {
pinMode(R, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
byte buff[3] = {0, 0, 0};
int numR = 0;
bool cont1 = false;
bool cont2 = false;
bool cont3 = false;
Serial.print("Found stuff");
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
if(buff[i] == 1){
cont1 = true;
if(buff[i] == 2){
cont2 = true;
if(buff[i] == 3){
cont3 = true;
if(cont1) digitalWrite(R, HIGH); else digitalWrite(R, LOW);
if(cont2) digitalWrite(G, HIGH); else digitalWrite(G, LOW);
if(cont3) digitalWrite(B, HIGH); else digitalWrite(B, LOW);
if(cont1 || cont2 || cont3) delay(1000);
I had forgotten to open the port with
Now it works just fine
I'm trying to run Lmic library build for arduino ( to work with my Renesas Synergy SK-S7G2 board using e2 studio.
I have altered the hal.cpp file and now the code runs perfectly and I can see the up-link message on the TTN network, The problem that I am facing is that my frame is somehow changing between aes encryption (my guess) because I have checked it before encryption and it shows the LMIC.frame[6] and
LMIC.frame[7] values to be 0x00 but for some reason what I am receiving on the TTN network is 0xFF. and because of this the cnt on TTN shows 65535 as the first count.
The library has 2 aes methods which can be used and I have tried both but they give me the same result.
The reasons I have come up with so far is:
32 bit arm m4 processor may be the cause, as the library was intended for 8 bit arduino (but library also has a 32bit processor version for aes and I have tried that as well but got same result)
My hal_ticks() function is still not doing what it is supposed to do.
I would love an input from anyone, below you can see the console output on e2 studio and the physical payload received on the TTN network. I am also attaching the hal.c file that I have made.
Thank you in advance
physical payload received on TTN
406511012680 FFFF 0171F9EF1810C3B61F4D4EDE940844A945CE
console messages while running on e2 studio
Time: 0
5824: engineUpdate, opmode=0x808
7349: TXMODE, freq=868100000, len=26, SF=7, BW=125, CR=4/5, IH=0
Packet queued
42111: RXMODE_SINGLE, freq=868100000, SF=7, BW=125, CR=4/5, IH=0
73505: RXMODE_SINGLE, freq=869525000, SF=9, BW=125, CR=4/5, IH=0
EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
79028: engineUpdate, opmode=0x900
hal.c file
* hal.c
* Created on: Jul 4, 2019
* Author: areeb
* Copyright (c) 2015 Matthijs Kooijman
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* This the HAL to run LMIC on top of the Arduino environment.
#include <hal/hal.h>
#include "hal_data.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../lmic/lmic.h"
ssp_err_t err;
u4_t t ;
unsigned int ticks=0, fg=0;
u2_t cnt=0 ;
uint32_t scaled = 0, ch=0;
static volatile bool spi_done = false;
static bool dio_states[3] = {0};
void spi_callback(spi_callback_args_t *p_args)
spi_done= true;
void timer0_callback(timer_callback_args_t *p_args)
void irq_callback(external_irq_callback_args_t *p_args)
if(p_args->channel == 1)
else if(p_args->channel == 2)
else if(p_args->channel == 14)
// if(p_args->channel == 14)
// {
// radio_irq_handler(2);
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// I/O
//#define nss (IOPORT_PORT_04_PIN_13)
//#define rst (IOPORT_PORT_05_PIN_11)
u1_t transmit[1]={0},ccc=0;
u1_t recv[1]={0};
static void hal_io_init () {
// g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.nss, IOPORT_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinCfg(lmic_pins.dio[0], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT|IOPORT_CFG_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.dio[0], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinCfg(lmic_pins.dio[1], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT|IOPORT_CFG_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.dio[1], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinCfg(lmic_pins.dio[2], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT|IOPORT_CFG_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE);
// g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.dio[2], IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT);
// val == 1 => tx 1
void hal_pin_rxtx (u1_t val) {
// set radio RST pin to given value (or keep floating!)
void hal_pin_rst (u1_t val) {
if(val == 0 || val == 1)
g_ioport.p_api->pinCfg(lmic_pins.rst, IOPORT_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.rst, IOPORT_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
if(val == 0)
else if (val == 1)
g_ioport.p_api->pinCfg(lmic_pins.rst, IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT);
g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.rst, IOPORT_DIRECTION_INPUT);
ioport_level_t readpin;
u1_t rd=0;
//static void hal_io_check() {
// uint8_t i;
// for (i = 0; i < NUM_DIO; ++i) {
// if (lmic_pins.dio[i] == 0xff)
// continue;
// g_ioport.p_api->pinRead(lmic_pins.dio[i], &readpin);
// if(readpin == IOPORT_LEVEL_HIGH)
// rd = 1;
// else
// rd = 0;
// if (dio_states[i] != readpin) {
// dio_states[i] = !dio_states[i];
// if (dio_states[i])
// radio_irq_handler(i);
// }
// }
void hal_io_check() {
uint8_t i;
// for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// if (lmic_pins.dio[i] == 0xff)
// continue;
// if (dio_states[i] != 0) {
// dio_states[i] = !dio_states[i];
// if (dio_states[i])
// radio_irq_handler(i);
// }
// }
// radio_irq_handler(0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SPI
//static const SPISettings settings(10E6, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
static void hal_spi_init () {
err = g_spi0.p_api->open(g_spi0.p_ctrl,g_spi0.p_cfg);
err = g_timer0.p_api->open(g_timer0.p_ctrl,g_timer0.p_cfg);
err = g_timer0.p_api->start(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
g_external_irq0.p_api->triggerSet(g_external_irq0.p_ctrl, EXTERNAL_IRQ_TRIG_BOTH_EDGE);
g_external_irq1.p_api->triggerSet(g_external_irq1.p_ctrl, EXTERNAL_IRQ_TRIG_BOTH_EDGE);
g_external_irq2.p_api->triggerSet(g_external_irq2.p_ctrl, EXTERNAL_IRQ_TRIG_BOTH_EDGE);
void hal_pin_nss (u1_t val) {
g_ioport.p_api->pinDirectionSet(lmic_pins.nss, IOPORT_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
if(val == 0)
else if(val == 1)
// perform SPI transaction with radio
u1_t hal_spi (u1_t out) {
if((out & 0x80) == 0x80)
uint8_t temp[1] = {out};
g_spi0.p_api->write(g_spi0.p_ctrl, (const void*)temp,1,SPI_BIT_WIDTH_8_BITS);
while(false == spi_done)
spi_done = false;
return 0;
else if((out > 0x00) && (out & 0x80) != 0x80)
ccc = out;
uint8_t temp[1] = {out};
g_spi0.p_api->write(g_spi0.p_ctrl, (const void*)temp,1,SPI_BIT_WIDTH_8_BITS);
while(false == spi_done)
spi_done = false;
else if(out == 0x00)
g_spi0.p_api->read(g_spi0.p_ctrl, recv, sizeof(recv), SPI_BIT_WIDTH_8_BITS);
while(false == spi_done)
spi_done = false;
return recv[0];
return recv[0];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void hal_time_init () {
// Nothing to do
u4_t hal_ticks () {
// Because micros() is scaled down in this function, micros() will
// overflow before the tick timer should, causing the tick timer to
// miss a significant part of its values if not corrected. To fix
// this, the "overflow" serves as an overflow area for the micros()
// counter. It consists of three parts:
// - The US_PER_OSTICK upper bits are effectively an extension for
// the micros() counter and are added to the result of this
// function.
// - The next bit overlaps with the most significant bit of
// micros(). This is used to detect micros() overflows.
// - The remaining bits are always zero.
// By comparing the overlapping bit with the corresponding bit in
// the micros() return value, overflows can be detected and the
// upper bits are incremented. This is done using some clever
// bitwise operations, to remove the need for comparisons and a
// jumps, which should result in efficient code. By avoiding shifts
// other than by multiples of 8 as much as possible, this is also
// efficient on AVR (which only has 1-bit shifts).
// g_timer0.p_api->stop(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
// static uint8_t overflow = 0;
// Scaled down timestamp. The top US_PER_OSTICK_EXPONENT bits are 0,
// the others will be the lower bits of our return value.
// u4_t t = ticks;
// g_timer0.p_api->counterGet(g_timer0.p_ctrl, &cnt);
// cnt = 65535-cnt;
// if( (cnt > 65000) && (cnt < 65535 ) )
// {
// g_timer0.p_api->reset(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
// cnt=0;
// t++;
// }
// scaled = ticks >> US_PER_OSTICK_EXPONENT; // 625
// Most significant byte of scaled
// uint8_t msb = scaled >> 24;
// Mask pointing to the overlapping bit in msb and overflow.
// const uint8_t mask = (1 << (7 - US_PER_OSTICK_EXPONENT));
// Update overflow. If the overlapping bit is different
// between overflow and msb, it is added to the stored value,
// so the overlapping bit becomes equal again and, if it changed
// from 1 to 0, the upper bits are incremented.
// overflow += (msb ^ overflow) & mask;
// Return the scaled value with the upper bits of stored added. The
// overlapping bit will be equal and the lower bits will be 0, so
// bitwise or is a no-op for them.
// g_timer0.p_api->start(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
// return scaled | ((uint32_t)overflow << 24);
// 0 leads to correct, but overly complex code (it could just return
// micros() unmodified), 8 leaves no room for the overlapping bit.
t = ticks;
//// hal_disableIRQs();
g_timer0.p_api->counterGet(g_timer0.p_ctrl, &cnt);
if(cnt != 0 )
cnt = 65535 - cnt;
// if( (cnt < 500) )
// {
// g_timer0.p_api->reset(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
// cnt=0;
// t++;
// }
// hal_enableIRQs();
return ((t<<16)|cnt);
// Returns the number of ticks until time. Negative values indicate that
// time has already passed.
static s4_t delta_time(u4_t time) {
u4_t t = hal_ticks();
s4_t d = time - t;
if( d<=0 ) return 0; // in the past
if( (d>>16)!=0 ) return 0xFFFF; // far ahead
return (u2_t)d;
void hal_waitUntil (u4_t time) {
while( delta_time(time) != 0 );
// s4_t delta = delta_time(time);
// // From delayMicroseconds docs: Currently, the largest value that
// // will produce an accurate delay is 16383.
// while (delta > (16000 / US_PER_OSTICK)) {
// delta -= (16000 / US_PER_OSTICK);
// }
// if (delta > 0)
//// delayMicroseconds(delta * US_PER_OSTICK);
// check and rewind for target time
u1_t hal_checkTimer (u4_t time) {
// No need to schedule wakeup, since we're not sleeping
return delta_time(time) <= 0;
static uint8_t irqlevel = 0;
void hal_disableIRQs () {
// __disable_irq();
// g_timer0.p_api->close(g_timer0.p_ctrl);
// g_external_irq1.p_api->disable(g_external_irq1.p_ctrl);
// g_external_irq2.p_api->disable(g_external_irq2.p_ctrl);
void hal_enableIRQs () {
if(--irqlevel == 0) {
// __enable_irq();
// g_timer0.p_api->open(g_timer0.p_ctrl,g_timer0.p_cfg);
// g_external_irq1.p_api->enable(g_external_irq1.p_ctrl);
// g_external_irq2.p_api->enable(g_external_irq2.p_ctrl);
// Instead of using proper interrupts (which are a bit tricky
// and/or not available on all pins on AVR), just poll the pin
// values. Since os_runloop disables and re-enables interrupts,
// putting this here makes sure we check at least once every
// loop.
// As an additional bonus, this prevents the can of worms that
// we would otherwise get for running SPI transfers inside ISRs
void hal_sleep () {
// Not implemented
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(LMIC_PRINTF_TO)
static int uart_putchar (char c, FILE *)
LMIC_PRINTF_TO.write(c) ;
return 0 ;
void hal_printf_init() {
// create a FILE structure to reference our UART output function
static FILE uartout;
memset(&uartout, 0, sizeof(uartout));
// fill in the UART file descriptor with pointer to writer.
fdev_setup_stream (&uartout, uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
// The uart is the standard output device STDOUT.
stdout = &uartout ;
#endif // defined(LMIC_PRINTF_TO)
void hal_init () {
// configure radio I/O and interrupt handler
// configure radio SPI
// configure timer and interrupt handler
#if defined(LMIC_PRINTF_TO)
// printf support
void hal_failed (const char *file, u2_t line) {
I am making a simple voice visualization program. My goals are:
Playback microphone input
Visualize voice spectrum and gain in real time
Here is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class VisualizeVoice : MonoBehaviour
private const int NUM_SPECTRUM_SAMPLES = 256;
private const int NUM_SPECTRUM_BARS = 32;
private const int NUM_PCM_SAMPLES = 16000;
private const float BAR_DROP_SPEED = 1e-3f;
private const int NUM_SAMPLES_TO_AVERAGE = 8;
private string _deviceName;
private float[] _spectrumData = new float[NUM_SPECTRUM_SAMPLES];
private float[] _fPCMData = new float[NUM_PCM_SAMPLES];
private float _gain = 0;
private AudioClip _audio; // Audio from microphone
private AudioSource _playback; // To play the audio from microphone
// For visualization
private GameObject[] _spectrumBars = new GameObject[NUM_SPECTRUM_BARS];
private GameObject _gainBar;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
if (Microphone.devices.Length == 0) {
Debug.LogError("No Microphone");
_deviceName = Microphone.devices[0];
Debug.Log("Current microphone is " + _deviceName);
if ((_playback = this.GetComponent<AudioSource>()) == null) {
_playback = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
_playback.loop = true;
_playback.bypassEffects = true;
_playback.bypassListenerEffects = true;
_playback.bypassReverbZones = true;
_playback.priority = 0;
_playback.pitch = 1;
_playback.clip = _audio = Microphone.Start(_deviceName, true, 1, AudioSettings.outputSampleRate);
// Sync microphone and playback, but it always fails
float waitTime = 0;
while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(_deviceName) > 0) && waitTime <= 2)
waitTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (waitTime > 2) {
Debug.LogError("time out waiting for microphone");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
// Get PCM data and calculate gain
var audioPosition = Microphone.GetPosition(_deviceName);
_audio.GetData(_fPCMData, audioPosition);
// Get spectrum data
_playback.GetSpectrumData(_spectrumData, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
// Update visualization
private void InitVisualization()
// Initialize spectrum bars
for (int ibar = 0; ibar < NUM_SPECTRUM_BARS; ibar++) {
_spectrumBars[ibar] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
_spectrumBars[ibar].transform.parent = this.transform;
_spectrumBars[ibar].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(ibar, 0, 0);
_spectrumBars[ibar].transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
// Initialize gain bar
_gainBar = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
_gainBar.transform.parent = this.transform;
_gainBar.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-5, 0, 0);
_gainBar.transform.localScale = new Vector3(4, 0, 1);
// Overall dimension
this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 10.0f, 0.2f);
private void UpdateVisualization()
// Update spectrum bars
for (int ibar = 0; ibar < NUM_SPECTRUM_BARS; ibar++) {
// Calculate value of each bar
float value = 0;
for (int isample = 0; isample < nSamplesPerBar; isample++) {
value += _spectrumData[ibar * nSamplesPerBar + isample];
value /= nSamplesPerBar;
// Use current value if increasing, or slowly drop previous value if decreasing
float prevValue = _spectrumBars[ibar].transform.localScale.y;
if (value < prevValue)
value = prevValue - BAR_DROP_SPEED;
// Y scale is set to value
_spectrumBars[ibar].transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, value, 1);
// Update gain bar
_gainBar.transform.localScale = new Vector3(4, _gain, 1);
private void UpdateGain()
_gain = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES_TO_AVERAGE; i++) {
_gain += Mathf.Abs(_fPCMData[NUM_PCM_SAMPLES - i - 1]);
Here are my questions:
I can't use while (!Microphone.GetPosition(_deviceName) > 0)); to avoid latency from microphone to speaker. If I use it, my application just freezes. If I add code to allow time-out, it has time-out every time.
The gain bar seems irrelevant with my voice. I don't know if my calculation is right.
I'm not sure if I need to average over multiple samples calculating gains, and how many samples I need to average over. I need this gain value later to detect silent moments and cut audio data.
To 1.
You can. Unity allows to define Start as a Coroutine
private IEnumerator Start()
On this way you can use a non blocking
while (!Microphone.GetPosition(_deviceName) > 0))
yield return null;
I am creating a sort of game with Arduino and Processing. In my code, I use Daniel Shiffman's class Timer, but would like to create two different Timers using two different instances of the class.
My problem is that these two instances seem to be getting mixed up, with each one doing parts of what the other should be doing.
For example, timer should run for 10 seconds and correctTimer should run for 3 seconds, but they both run for 10 seconds. Additionally, when timer is finished, it should set the background to red and when correctTimer is finished, it should set the background to blue. However, both Timers set the background to blue when they are finished.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this?
import processing.serial.*;
int end = 10;
String serial;
Serial port;
float[] array;
// --------------------------------------------------
PImage img;
PImage correct;
PImage incorrect;
float thumb;
float index;
float middle;
float ring;
float pinky;
// --------------------------------------------------
String alphabet;
int randomNum;
String letter;
// --------------------------------------------------
int savedTime;
int totalTime;
int passedTime;
boolean quit = false;
class Timer {
Timer(int tempTotalTime) {
totalTime = tempTotalTime;
void start() {
savedTime = millis();
//quit = false;
boolean isFinished() {
passedTime = millis() - savedTime;
if (passedTime > totalTime) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Timer timer;
Timer correctTimer;
// --------------------------------------------------
boolean checkLetter(String letterPicked, float flexR_THUMB, float flexR_INDEX, float flexR_MIDDLE, float flexR_RING, float flexR_PINKY) {
if (letterPicked == "A") {
if (flexR_THUMB > 12000 && flexR_THUMB < 22000 &&
flexR_INDEX > 27958 && flexR_INDEX < 38500 &&
flexR_MIDDLE > 26035 && flexR_MIDDLE < 41650 &&
flexR_RING > 16492 && flexR_RING < 26000 &&
flexR_PINKY > 37528 && flexR_PINKY < 53500) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false; }
// --------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
size(1280, 950);
port = new Serial(this, "/dev/tty.usbmodem1421", 9600);
serial = port.readStringUntil(end);
serial = null;
correct = loadImage("img/RIGHT.png");
incorrect = loadImage("img/WRONG.png");
correctTimer = new Timer(3000);
// --------------------------------------------------
void startOver() {
letter = "A";
img = loadImage("img/" + letter +".png");
image(img, 0, 0, 1280, 950);
timer = new Timer(10000);
// --------------------------------------------------
void draw() {
while(port.available() > 0) {
serial = port.readStringUntil(end);
if (serial != null) {
float[] array = float(split(serial, ','));
thumb = array[0];
index = array[1];
middle = array[2];
ring = array[3];
pinky = array[4];
if (checkLetter(letter, thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky) == true && quit == false) {
image(correct, 0, 0, 1280, 950);
quit = true;
} else if (timer.isFinished() && quit == false) {
background(255, 0, 0);
quit = true;
if (correctTimer.isFinished()) {
background(0, 0, 255);
Please try to post a MCVE instead of your whole project. Just put together a small example that demonstrates the problem. That makes it much easier for us to help you.
But your problem is caused by your savedTime, totalTime, and passedTime variables being outside the Timer class. Basically that means they're shared between all instances of the Timer class. You can use println() statements to confirm this.
To fix your problem, just move those variables inside the Timer class, so each instance has its own copy of them.
If you're still having trouble, please post a MCVE in a new question post, and we'll go from there. Good luck.