Given a name of a file like this:
let fileName = "example.jpg"
I am grabbing the URL of this directory using a helper function, which returns the URL to me:
let imagesURL = getURL()
How can I append the string fileName to the imagesURL such that it returns something like this:
How do I get it in both String and URL format?
This gives you a new URL with the fileName appended:
let appended = imagesURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
And this converts it back to a string:
let strVersion = appended.absoluteString //full URL
let strVersion2 = appended.path //path only
has been deprecated, use
url.appending(path: filename) instead.
I have an input string "+20" and I am trying to pass that as query parameter in url.
So I am trying to encode the myInputString by doing
let s1 = myInputString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
But in the debugger, the string s1 still shows as '+20' instead of '%2B20'
Is there something I did wrong?
As already mentioned by matt + is a legal URL character. If you really need to encode it you would need to create your own custom urlQueryAllowed and subtract the plus sign from it:
extension CharacterSet {
static let allowedCharacters = urlQueryAllowed.subtracting(.init(charactersIn: "+"))
let myInputString = "+20"
let s1 = myInputString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .allowedCharacters) // "%2B20"
Need to convert array of string value to array of URL. Some one help me to convert the String array to URL array in swift.
let urls = ["", "", "", "randomSmth"].compactMap { URL(string: $0) }
"compactMap" ensures that it just ignores invalid urls.
Use compact map to filter non valid URLs
let arrayOfStrings = ["","", "notRerallyAnURL"]
let arrayOfURLs = arrayOfStrings.compactMap { URL(string:$0) }
I have a url string (fake)
And I'd like to create a new URL string
The issue I'm facing is the last parameter ces_ssn can sometimes be anything like ces_fw or adv_let so I can't entirely set an endIndex in my code.
Is there a way to create a function that is dynamic in saying just give me the first 32 characters every time, not matter the endIndex
You have a URL. Use URL. Assuming you know you want to drop the last two parts of the path, you can do:
let myURL = URL(string: "http://fools.sayers.mine.cs/api/analytics/ces_ssn")!
let shortURL = myURL.deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent()
This works for Swift 4
var url = "http://fools.sayers.mine.cs/api/analytics/ces_ssn"
let newStr = url.prefix(32)
or probably the perfect way
if let index = url.range(of: "api/")?.upperBound {
let api = url.prefix(upTo: index)
You can use prefix()
That sounds prone to mistake if all of a sudden your URL is https instead of http, for example.
Instead I would do:
let url = URL(string: "http://fools.sayers.mine.cs/api/analytics/ces_ssn")!
let components = url.pathComponents
let scheme = url.scheme!
let host =!
let slash = components.removeFirst()
print (components) // ["api", "analytics", "ces_ssn"]
The components you are interested in are then the 0 and 1 component, and you could reconstruct your URL like this:
let newURL = "\(scheme)://\(host)/\(components[0])/\(components[1])"
print (newURL) // "http://fools.sayers.mine.cs/api/analytics"
How to convert String like "fff\"fff" to URL?
URL must contain " character and be like "ff"ff"
You escape the " character to %22. The easiest way to do that is via URLComponents:
var components = URLComponents(string: "")!
components.query = "ff\"ff"
let url = components.url! //
I want to convert a UIImage to a string representation. I am using the following code:
let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(resizedImage)
if let imageBase64 = imageData?.base64EncodedDataWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions (rawValue: 0)) {
let strBase64:String = imageBase64.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
The resulting string looks something like:
But the format I am looking for should contain "/", like the following (a random image I found):
I don't know how to get the second format (containing the "/").
You're encoding it twice. Just do
let strBase64 = imageData?.base64EncodedStringWithOptions([])