Provide class metadata to the generic in swift (Codable) - swift

I have a method that works on Codables and does, among other things, this:
func doWhatever<T>() -> T? where T: Codable {
var myName = String(describing: T.self)
return nil // or whatever
Then i can get myName as the class name at run time to get the right data to create an instance of T.
Now some of my Codable need to provide a custom name for this.
So while i could edit ALL of my codables (a few hundred models) to conform to some protocol that provides name, i really want to avoid doing it.
Since there are no custom attributes in Swift, i concocted this;
protocol MetadataProvidingCodable {
static func customName() -> String
Then in my generic i can check whether the T conforms to it:
func doWhatever<T>() -> T? where T: Codable {
var myName = String(describing: T.self)
if T.self is MetadataProvidingCodable.Type {
myName = ... // Get customName() from T without an instance???
return nil // or whatever
But my problem is that i need to be able to call my static func on the T type without having an instance of T. Is that possible?

You can type cast the T.self as MetadataProvidingCodable.Type like that:
func doWhatever<T>() -> T? where T: Codable {
var myName = String(describing: T.self)
if let type = T.self as? MetadataProvidingCodable.Type {
myName = type.customName()
return nil // or whatever
Edit: If you can somehow move the common logic to a separate function, you can override the doWhatever() function with another one that return a type that conforms to both Codable and MetadataProvidingCodable.
Then the compiler will figure out what function will call based on the return type:
func doWhatever<T>() -> T? where T: Codable {
print("doWhatever: Codable")
var myName = String(describing: T.self)
return nil
func doWhatever<T>() -> T? where T: Codable & MetadataProvidingCodable {
print("doWhatever: Codable & MetadataProvidingCodable")
var myName = T.customName()
return nil
struct Example1: Codable {}
struct Example2: Codable, MetadataProvidingCodable {
static func customName() -> String {
return "Example2"
let example1: Example1? = doWhatever()
let example2: Example2? = doWhatever()
// prints
// doWhatever: Codable
// doWhatever: Codable & MetadataProvidingCodable


Using swift Generic Types with protocols

I've tried to use generic type with protocol:
class Weak<T: AnyObject> {
weak var value: AnyObject?
init (value: AnyObject) {
self.value = value
protocol SomeProtocol: AnyObject {
func doSomething()
func createWeak(object: SomeProtocol) -> Weak<SomeProtocol> {
return Weak<SomeProtocol>(value: object)
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func doSomething() {
print("Some 2")
let temp = SomeClass()
let weakObject = createWeak(object: temp)
And got the compiler error:
error: 'SomeProtocol' is not convertible to 'AnyObject'
return Weak(value: object)
But without AnyObject constraint it works fine
class Weak<T> {
var value: T?
init (value: T) {
self.value = value
protocol Protocol {
func doSomething()
class Class: Protocol {
func doSomething() {
print("This is class")
func createWeak(object: Protocol) -> Weak<Protocol> {
return Weak(value: object)
let temp = Class()
let weakObject = createWeak(object: temp)
Why I can't use protocols inherited form AnyObject in generic classes?
Swift protocols are incomplete types, which means that you can't use them in places like generic arguments, as the compiler needs to know the whole type details so it can allocate the proper memory layout.
Your createWeak function can still be used if you make it generic:
func createWeak<T: SomeProtocol>(object: T) -> Weak<T> {
return Weak<T>(value: object)
The above code works because the compiler will generate at compile time a function mapped to the concrete type you pass.
Even better, you can make the initializer generic, and convert Weak to a struct (value types are preferred Swift over reference ones):
struct Weak<T: AnyObject> {
weak var value: T?
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
which you can use it instead of the free function:
let weakRef = Weak(temp)

Unwrapping generic type

Let's say I have some variable with type
let someVariable: SomeType<AnotherType?>
and I am sure that this concrete instance not contain any nil of AnotherType?. Is there is general way to convert it to SomeType<AnotherType>? For example, I need this convert for use someVariable in some function.
It could go along these lines:
protocol _Optional {
associatedtype _Wrapped
func unveil() -> _Wrapped?
extension Optional: _Optional {
typealias _Wrapped = Wrapped
func unveil() -> _Wrapped? { return self }
extension SomeType where T: _Optional {
func rewrap() -> SomeType<T._Wrapped>? {
guard let _value = value.unveil() else { return nil }
return SomeType<T._Wrapped>(value: _value)
struct SomeType<T> {
let value: T
let someValue = SomeType<Int?>(value: 42) // SomeType<Int?>
let rewrappedValue = someValue.rewrap() // SomeType<Int>?
let forceUnwrappedValue = someValue.rewrap()! // SomeType<Int>
Specifics depend on details of the particular implementation for SomeType (I use a simplest assumption in my example).

Swift Protocol as Generic Parameter

Given this class:
class ServiceRegistry {
var store = [String : AnyObject]()
var allRegisteredType: [String] {
return { $0.0 }
func registerInstance<T>(instance:AnyObject, forType type: T.Type) {
store[String(type)] = instance
func instanceForType<T>(type: T.Type) -> T? {
return store[String(type)] as? T
Is there a way I can enforce that T must be a Protocol, without using the #obj?
This is a modified version of my type assertion technique. I added the "as? AnyClass" assert so that the type can only be of protocol type. There might be a more elegant way of doing this but going through my notes and research about class assertion this is what I came up with.
import Foundation
protocol IDescribable:class{}
class A:IDescribable{}
class B:A{}
let a = A()
let b = B()
func ofType<T>(instance:Any?,_ type:T.Type) -> T?{/*<--we use the ? char so that it can also return a nil*/
if(instance as? T != nil && type as? AnyClass == nil){return instance as? T}
return nil

Get class name of object as string in Swift

Getting the classname of an object as String using:
returns something like this:
I am looking for the pure version: "CalendarViewController". How do I get a cleaned up string of the class name instead?
I found some attempts of questions about this but not an actual answer. Is it not possible at all?
String from an instance:
String(describing: self)
String from a type:
String(describing: YourType.self)
struct Foo {
// Instance Level
var typeName: String {
return String(describing: Foo.self)
// Instance Level - Alternative Way
var otherTypeName: String {
let thisType = type(of: self)
return String(describing: thisType)
// Type Level
static var typeName: String {
return String(describing: self)
Foo().typeName // = "Foo"
Foo().otherTypeName // = "Foo"
Foo.typeName // = "Foo"
Tested with class, struct and enum.
We can get pretty descriptions of type names using the instance variable through the String initializer and create new objects of a certain class
Like, for example print(String(describing: type(of: object))). Where object can be an instance variable like array, a dictionary, an Int, a NSDate, etc.
Because NSObject is the root class of most Objective-C class hierarchies, you could try to make an extension for NSObject to get the class name of every subclass of NSObject. Like this:
extension NSObject {
var theClassName: String {
return NSStringFromClass(type(of: self))
Or you could make a static funcion whose parameter is of type Any (The protocol to which all types implicitly conform) and returns the class name as String. Like this:
class Utility{
class func classNameAsString(_ obj: Any) -> String {
//prints more readable results for dictionaries, arrays, Int, etc
return String(describing: type(of: obj))
Now you can do something like this:
class ClassOne : UIViewController{ /* some code here */ }
class ClassTwo : ClassOne{ /* some code here */ }
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Get the class name as String
let dictionary: [String: CGFloat] = [:]
let array: [Int] = []
let int = 9
let numFloat: CGFloat = 3.0
let numDouble: Double = 1.0
let classOne = ClassOne()
let classTwo: ClassTwo? = ClassTwo()
let now = NSDate()
let lbl = UILabel()
print("dictionary: [String: CGFloat] = [:] -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(dictionary))")
print("array: [Int] = [] -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(array))")
print("int = 9 -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(int))")
print("numFloat: CGFloat = 3.0 -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(numFloat))")
print("numDouble: Double = 1.0 -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(numDouble))")
print("classOne = ClassOne() -> \((ClassOne).self)") //we use the Extension
if classTwo != nil {
print("classTwo: ClassTwo? = ClassTwo() -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(classTwo!))") //now we can use a Forced-Value Expression and unwrap the value
print("now = Date() -> \(Utility.classNameAsString(now))")
print("lbl = UILabel() -> \(String(describing: type(of: lbl)))") // we use the String initializer directly
Also, once we can get the class name as String, we can instantiate new objects of that class:
// Instantiate a class from a String
print("\nInstantiate a class from a String")
let aClassName = classOne.theClassName
let aClassType = NSClassFromString(aClassName) as! NSObject.Type
let instance = aClassType.init() // we create a new object
print(String(cString: class_getName(type(of: instance))))
print(instance.self is ClassOne)
Maybe this helps someone out there!.
Swift 5
Here is the extension to get the typeName as a variable (work with both value type or reference type).
protocol NameDescribable {
var typeName: String { get }
static var typeName: String { get }
extension NameDescribable {
var typeName: String {
return String(describing: type(of: self))
static var typeName: String {
return String(describing: self)
How to use:
// Extend with class/struct/enum...
extension NSObject: NameDescribable {}
extension Array: NameDescribable {}
extension UIBarStyle: NameDescribable { }
// Out put:
Swift 5.2:
String(describing: type(of: self))
Swift 3.0
String(describing: MyViewController.self)
I suggest such an approach (very Swifty):
// Swift 3
func typeName(_ some: Any) -> String {
return (some is Any.Type) ? "\(some)" : "\(type(of: some))"
// Swift 2
func typeName(some: Any) -> String {
return (some is Any.Type) ? "\(some)" : "\(some.dynamicType)"
It doesn't use neither introspection nor manual demangling (no magic!).
Here is a demo:
// Swift 3
import class Foundation.NSObject
func typeName(_ some: Any) -> String {
return (some is Any.Type) ? "\(some)" : "\(type(of: some))"
class GenericClass<T> {
var x: T? = nil
protocol Proto1 {
func f(x: Int) -> Int
class Class1: NSObject, Proto1 {
func f(x: Int) -> Int {
return x
struct Struct1 {
var x: Int
enum Enum1 {
case X
print(typeName(GenericClass<Int>.self)) // GenericClass<Int>
print(typeName(GenericClass<Int>())) // GenericClass<Int>
print(typeName(Proto1.self)) // Proto1
print(typeName(Class1.self)) // Class1
print(typeName(Class1())) // Class1
print(typeName(Class1().f)) // (Int) -> Int
print(typeName(Struct1.self)) // Struct1
print(typeName(Struct1(x: 1))) // Struct1
print(typeName(Enum1.self)) // Enum1
print(typeName(Enum1.X)) // Enum1
If you have type Foo, the following code will give you "Foo" in Swift 3 and Swift 4:
let className = String(describing: Foo.self) // Gives you "Foo"
The problem with most of the answers on here are that they give you "Foo.Type" as the resulting string when you don't have any instance of the type, when what you really want is just "Foo". The following gives you "Foo.Type", as mentioned in a bunch of the other answers.
let className = String(describing: type(of: Foo.self)) // Gives you "Foo.Type"
The type(of:) part is unnecessary if you just want "Foo".
In Swift 4.1 and now Swift 4.2 :
import Foundation
class SomeClass {
class InnerClass {
let foo: Int
init(foo: Int) { = foo
let foo: Int
init(foo: Int) { = foo
class AnotherClass : NSObject {
let foo: Int
init(foo: Int) { = foo
struct SomeStruct {
let bar: Int
init(bar: Int) { = bar
let c = SomeClass(foo: 42)
let s = SomeStruct(bar: 1337)
let i = SomeClass.InnerClass(foo: 2018)
let a = AnotherClass(foo: 1<<8)
If you don't have an instance around:
String(describing: SomeClass.self) // Result: SomeClass
String(describing: SomeStruct.self) // Result: SomeStruct
String(describing: SomeClass.InnerClass.self) // Result: InnerClass
String(describing: AnotherClass.self) // Result: AnotherClass
If you do have an instance around:
String(describing: type(of: c)) // Result: SomeClass
String(describing: type(of: s)) // Result: SomeStruct
String(describing: type(of: i)) // Result: InnerClass
String(describing: type(of: a)) // Result: AnotherClass
Swift 5.1
You can get class, struct, enum, protocol and NSObject names though Self.self.
To get name of a Swift class from an object, e.g. for var object: SomeClass(), use
String(describing: type(of: object))
To get name of a Swift class from a class type, e.g. SomeClass, use:
String(describing: SomeClass.self)
You can try this way:
To get the type name as a string in Swift 4 (I haven't checked the earlier versions), just use string interpolation:
"\(type(of: myViewController))"
You can use .self on a type itself, and the type(of:_) function on an instance:
// Both constants will have "UIViewController" as their value
let stringFromType = "\(UIViewController.self)"
let stringFromInstance = "\(type(of: UIViewController()))"
You can use the Swift standard library function called _stdlib_getDemangledTypeName like this:
let name = _stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(myViewController)
Swift 5:
Way 1:
print("Class: \(String(describing: self)), Function: \(#function), line: \(#line)")
Class: <Test.ViewController: 0x7ffaabc0a3d0>, Function: viewDidLoad(), line: 15
Way 2:
print("Class: \(String(describing: type(of: self))), Function: \(#function), line: \(#line)")
Class: ViewController, Function: viewDidLoad(), line: 16
One can also use mirrors:
let vc = UIViewController()
String(Mirror(reflecting: vc).subjectType)
NB: This method can also be used for Structs and Enums. There is a displayStyle that gives an indication of what type of the structure:
Mirror(reflecting: vc).displayStyle
The return is an enum so you can:
Mirror(reflecting: vc).displayStyle == .Class
Swift 3.0:
You can create an extension like this one.. It gives back the class name without the project name
extension NSObject {
var className: String {
return NSStringFromClass(self as! AnyClass).components(separatedBy: ".").last ?? ""
public class var className: String {
return NSStringFromClass(self).components(separatedBy: ".").last ?? ""
You can extend NSObjectProtocol in Swift 4 like this :
import Foundation
extension NSObjectProtocol {
var className: String {
return String(describing: Self.self)
This will make calculated variable className available to ALL classes. Using this inside a print() in CalendarViewController will print "CalendarViewController" in console.
You can get the name of the class doing something like:
class Person {}
String(describing: Person.self)
To get class name as String declare your class as following
#objc(YourClassName) class YourClassName{}
And get class name using following syntax
I've been looking for this answer off and on for a while. I use GKStateMachine and like to observe state changes and wanted an easy way to see just the class name. I'm not sure if it's just iOS 10 or Swift 2.3, but in that environment, the following does exactly what I want:
let state:GKState?
print("Class Name: \(String(state.classForCoder)")
// Output:
// Class Name: GKState
Try reflect().summary on Class self or instance dynamicType. Unwrap optionals before getting dynamicType otherwise the dynamicType is the Optional wrapper.
class SampleClass { class InnerClass{} }
let sampleClassName = reflect(SampleClass.self).summary;
let instance = SampleClass();
let instanceClassName = reflect(instance.dynamicType).summary;
let innerInstance = SampleClass.InnerClass();
let InnerInstanceClassName = reflect(innerInstance.dynamicType).summary.pathExtension;
let tupleArray = [(Int,[String:Int])]();
let tupleArrayTypeName = reflect(tupleArray.dynamicType).summary;
The summary is a class path with generic types described. To get a simple class name from the summary try this method.
func simpleClassName( complexClassName:String ) -> String {
var result = complexClassName;
var range = result.rangeOfString( "<" );
if ( nil != range ) { result = result.substringToIndex( range!.startIndex ); }
range = result.rangeOfString( "." );
if ( nil != range ) { result = result.pathExtension; }
return result;
The above solutions didn't work for me. The produced mostly the issues mention in several comments:
This solutions worked on XCode 9, Swift 3.0:
I named it classNameCleaned so it is easier to access and doesn't conflict with future className() changes:
extension NSObject {
static var classNameCleaned : String {
let className = self.className()
if className.contains(".") {
let namesArray = className.components(separatedBy: ".")
return namesArray.last ?? className
} else {
return self.className()
Swift 5
This kind of example for class var. Don't include the name of bundle.
extension NSObject {
class var className: String {
return "\(self)"
Swift 3.0 (macOS 10.10 and later), you can get it from className
self.className.components(separatedBy: ".").last!
I tried type(of:...) in Playground with Swift 3. This is my result.
This is the code format version.
print(String(describing: type(of: UIButton.self)))
print(String(describing: type(of: UIButton())))
Swift 5.1 :-
You can also use generic function for get class name of object as string
struct GenericFunctions {
static func className<T>(_ name: T) -> String {
return "\(name)"
Call this function by using following:-
let name = GenericFunctions.className(ViewController.self)
Happy Coding :)
This solution will work for all the classes
Swift 5 solution:
extension NSObject {
var className: String {
return String(describing: type(of: self))
class var className: String {
return String(describing: self)
class TextFieldCell: UITableVIewCell {
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
let cellClassName = TextFieldCell.className
If you don't like the mangled name, you can dictate your own name:
#objc(CalendarViewController) class CalendarViewController : UIViewController {
// ...
However, it would be better in the long run to learn to parse the mangled name. The format is standard and meaningful and won't change.
Sometimes the other solutions will give a non useful name depending on what object you are trying to look at. In that case you can get the class name as a string using the following.
String(cString: object_getClassName(Any!))
⌘ click the function in xcode to see some related methods that are fairly useful. or check here

Implementing copy() in Swift

I want to be able to copy a custom class in Swift. So far, so good. In Objective-C I just had to implement the NSCopying protocol, which means implementing copyWithZone.
As an example, I have a basic class called Value which stores a NSDecimalNumber.
func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject! {
return Value(value: value.copy() as NSDecimalNumber)
In Objective-C I, could easily just call copy to copy my object. In Swift, there seems to be no way to call copy. Do I really need to call copyWithZone even if no zone is needed? And which zone do I need to pass as a parameter?
The copy method is defined in NSObject. If your custom class does not inherit from NSObject, copy won't be available.
You can define copy for any object in the following way:
class MyRootClass {
//create a copy if the object implements NSCopying, crash otherwise
func copy() -> Any {
guard let asCopying = ((self as AnyObject) as? NSCopying) else {
fatalError("This class doesn't implement NSCopying")
return asCopying.copy(with: nil)
class A : MyRootClass {
class B : MyRootClass, NSCopying {
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
return B()
var b = B()
var a = A()
b.copy() //will create a copy
a.copy() //will fail
I guess that copy isn't really a pure Swift way of copying objects. In Swift it is probably a more common way to create a copy constructor (an initializer that takes an object of the same type).
Well, there is a really easy solution for this and you do not have to create root class.
protocol Copyable {
init(instance: Self)
extension Copyable {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(instance: self)
Now, if you want to make your custom class be able to copy, you have to conform it to Copyable protocol and provide init(instance: Self) implementation.
class A: Copyable {
var field = 0
init() {
required init(instance: A) {
self.field = instance.field
Finally, you can use func copy() -> Self on any instance of A class to create a copy of it.
let a = A()
a.field = 1
let b = a.copy()
You can just write your own copy method
class MyRootClass {
var someVariable:Int
init() {
someVariable = 2
init(otherObject:MyRootClass) {
someVariable = otherObject.someVariable
func copy() -> MyRootClass {
return MyRootClass(self)
The benefit of this is when you are using subclasses around your project, you can call the 'copy' command and it will copy the subclass. If you just init a new one to copy, you will also have to rewrite that class for each object...
var object:Object
//This code will only work for specific class
var objectCopy = Object()
//This code will work regardless of whether you are using subClass or superClass
var objectCopy = object.copy()
In my case the object chain was large and nested so was looking for simpler solutions.
The core concept being simple enough... duplicate the data by new initialization, I used Encode and Decode to deep-copy the entire object since my objects were already conforming to Codable,
Simple Example:
class MyCodableObject: Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
var name: String
var description: String { name }
init(name: String) { = name
let originalArr = [MyCodableObject(name: "a"),
MyCodableObject(name: "b")]
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(originalArr)
let copyArr = try JSONDecoder().decode([MyCodableObject].self, from: data)
//modify if required
copyArr.forEach { obj in = "\( modified"
print(originalArr, copyArr) //-> [a, b] [a modified, b modified]
} catch {
Refactor (Generic Solution):
To simplify future cases we can create a protocol that will provide a copy function.
For Non-Codable objects, you will have to implement your own copy function.
For Codable objects, we can provide a default implementation so it's ready-to-use. Like so:
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> Self
extension Copyable where Self: Codable {
func copy() -> Self {
do {
let encoded = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
let decoded = try JSONDecoder().decode(Self.self, from: encoded)
return decoded
} catch {
We can now conform a Codable object to our Copyable protocol and start using it immediately.
extension MyCodableObject: Copyable {}
let a = MyCodableObject(name: "A")
let b = a.copy() = "B"
print(, //-> "A B"
We can also conform an Array of Codable objects to Copyable and access the copy function instantly:
extension Array: Copyable where Element: Codable {}
let originalArr = [MyCodableObject(name: "a"),
MyCodableObject(name: "b")]
let copyArr = originalArr.copy()
copyArr.forEach { (obj) in = "\( modified"
print(originalArr, copyArr) //-> [a, b] [a modified, b modified]
IMO, the simplest way to achieve this is :
protocol Copyable
init(other: Self)
extension Copyable
func copy() -> Self
return Self.init(other: self)
Implemented in a struct as :
struct Struct : Copyable
var value: String
init(value: String)
self.value = value
init(other: Struct)
value = other.value
And, in a class, as :
class Shape : Copyable
var color: NSColor
init(color: NSColor)
self.color = color
required init(other: Shape)
color = other.color
And in subclasses of such a base class as :
class Circle : Shape
var radius: Double = 0.0
init(color: NSColor, radius: Double)
super.init(color: color)
self.radius = radius
required init(other: Shape)
super.init(other: other)
if let other = other as? Circle
radius = other.radius
class Square : Shape
var side: Double = 0.0
init(color: NSColor, side: Double)
super.init(color: color)
self.side = side
required init(other: Shape)
super.init(other: other)
if let other = other as? Square
side = other.side
If you want to be able to copy an array of Copyable types :
extension Array where Element : Copyable
func copy() -> Array<Element>
return { $0.copy() }
Which then allows you to do simple code like :
let shapes = [Circle(color: .red, radius: 5.0), Square(color: .blue, side: 5.0)]
let copies = shapes.copy()
In my opinion, more Swifty way is to use associated type in Copyable protocol which allows define return type for method copy. Other ways don't allow to copy an object tree like this:
protocol Copyable {
associatedtype V
func copy() -> V
func setup(v: V) -> V
class One: Copyable {
typealias T = One
var name: String?
func copy() -> V {
let instance = One()
return setup(instance)
func setup(v: V) -> V { =
return v
class Two: One {
var id: Int?
override func copy() -> Two {
let instance = Two()
return setup(instance)
func setup(v: Two) -> Two {
super.setup(v) =
return v
extension Array where Element: Copyable {
func clone() -> [Element.V] {
var copiedArray: [Element.V] = []
for element in self {
return copiedArray
let array = [One(), Two()]
let copied = array.clone()
Copyable instances in swift
The great thing about this approach to copying Class instances is that it doesn't rely on NSObject or objc code, and most importantly it doesn't clutter up the "Data-Style-Class". Instead it extends the protocol that extends the "Data-Style-Class". This way you can compartmentalize better by having the copy code in another place than the data it self. The inheritance between classes is also taken care of as long as you model the protocols after the classes. Here is an example of this approach:
protocol IA{var text:String {get set}}
class A:IA{
var text:String
init(_ text:String){
self.text = text
extension IA{
func copy() -> IA {
return A(text)
protocol IB:IA{var number:Int {get set}}
class B:A,IB{
var number:Int
init(_ text:String, _ number:Int){
self.number = number
extension IB{
func copy() -> IB {
return B(text,number)
let original = B("hello",42)
var uniqueCopy = original.copy()
uniqueCopy.number = 15
Swift.print("uniqueCopy.number: " + "\(uniqueCopy.number)")//15
Swift.print("original.number: " + "\(original.number)")//42
To see an implementation of this approach in real code: Then check out this Graphic Framework for OSX: (PERMALINK)
The different shapes uses the same style but each style uses a style.copy() call to create an unique instance. Then a new gradient is set on this copy rather than on the original reference like this:
The code for the above example goes like this:
let gradient = Gradient(,[],GradientType.Linear,π/2)
let lineGradient = Gradient(Gradients.teal(0.5),[],GradientType.Linear,π/2)
let fill:GradientFillStyle = GradientFillStyle(gradient);
let lineStyle = LineStyle(20,NSColorParser.nsColor(,CGLineCap.Round)
let line = GradientLineStyle(lineGradient,lineStyle)
let rect = RectGraphic(40,40,200,200,fill,line)
let ellipse = EllipseGraphic(300,40,200,200,fill.mix(Gradients.teal()),line.mix(
let roundRect = RoundRectGraphic(40,300,200,200,Fillet(50),fill.mix(,line.mix(Gradients.yellow(0.5)))
let lineGraphic = LineGraphic(CGPoint(300,300),CGPoint(500,500),line.mix(Gradients.deepPurple()))
The copy call is actually done in the mix() method. This is done so that code can be more compact and an instance is conveniently returned right away.
PERMALINK for all the supporting classes for this example:
Only if you are using ObjectMapper library :
do like this
let groupOriginal = Group(name:"Abc",type:"Public")
let groupCopy = Mapper<Group>().mapAny(group.toJSON())! //where Group is Mapable
Swift making copies of passed class instances
If you use the code in the accepted answer(the OP answered their own question) here, so long as your class is a subclass of NSObject and uses the Copying protocol in that post it will work as expected by calling the copyOfValues() function.
With this, no tedious setup or copy functions where you need to assign all the instance variables to the new instance.
I should know, I wrote that code and just tested it XD