Swift: Extending Combine operators - swift

I'm trying to wrap a tryMap operator along the lines of this article.
extension Publisher where Output == Data {
func decode<T: Decodable>(as type: T.Type = T.self, using decoder: JSONDecoder = .init()) -> Publishers.Decode<Self, T, JSONDecoder> {
decode(type: type, decoder: decoder)
extension Publisher where Output == URLSession.DataTaskPublisher.Output {
func processData(_: #escaping (Self.Output) throws -> Data) -> Publishers.TryMap<Self, Data> {
tryMap { element -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = element.response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200
else {
throw URLError(.badServerResponse)
return element.data
While using it I'm getting a compiler error which I'm struggling with:
return urlSession
.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.processData // <- Value of type '(#escaping (URLSession.DataTaskPublisher.Output) throws -> Data) -> Publishers.TryMap<URLSession.DataTaskPublisher, Data>' (aka '(#escaping ((data: Data, response: URLResponse)) throws -> Data) -> Publishers.TryMap<URLSession.DataTaskPublisher, Data>') has no member 'decode'
.decode(as: InstantResponse.self)
What would be the correct way of doing it?

First of all, you aren't calling processData - you are missing the parentheses, which would actually execute the function. Second, your processData declaration is incorrect, it should not take a closure as its input argument, since you aren't using that closure anyways.
extension Publisher where Output == URLSession.DataTaskPublisher.Output {
func processData() -> Publishers.TryMap<Self, Data> {
tryMap { element -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = element.response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200
else {
throw URLError(.badServerResponse)
return element.data
return urlSession
.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.processData() // parentheses necessary here
.decode(as: InstantResponse.self)


Swift Combine to map URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher HTTP response errors

Given an API that for invalid requests, along with 400-range HTTP status code the server returns a JSON payload that includes a readable message. As an example, the server could return { "message": "Not Found" } with a 404 status code for deleted or non-existent content.
Without using publishers, the code would read,
struct APIErrorResponse: Decodable, Error {
let message: String
func request(request: URLRequest) async throws -> Post {
let (data, response) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: request)
let statusCode = (response as! HTTPURLResponse).statusCode
if 400..<500 ~= statusCode {
throw try JSONDecoder().decode(APIErrorResponse.self, from: data)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(Post.self, from: data)
Can this be expressed succinctly using only functional code?
In other words, how can the following pattern be adapted to decode a different type based on the HTTPURLResponse.statusCode property, to return as an error, or more generally, how can the response property be handled separately from data attribute?
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.decode(type: Post.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
you could try something like this approach:
func request(request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Post, any Error> {
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.tryMap { (output) -> Data in
let statusCode = (output.response as! HTTPURLResponse).statusCode
if 400..<500 ~= statusCode {
throw try JSONDecoder().decode(APIErrorResponse.self, from: output.data)
return output.data
.decode(type: Post.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
I use a helper method for this:
extension Publisher where Output == (data: Data, response: HTTPURLResponse) {
func decode<Success, Failure>(
success: Success.Type,
failure: Failure.Type,
decoder: JSONDecoder
) -> AnyPublisher<Success, Error> where Success: Decodable, Failure: DecodableError {
tryMap { data, httpResponse -> Success in
guard httpResponse.statusCode < 500 else {
throw MyCustomError.serverUnavailable(status: httpResponse.statusCode)
guard httpResponse.statusCode < 400 else {
let error = try decoder.decode(failure, from: data)
throw error
let success = try decoder.decode(success, from: data)
return success
typealias DecodableError = Decodable & Error
which allows me to simplify the call sites like so:
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.decode(success: Post.self, failure: MyCustomError.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
workingdogsupport has provided a good literal translation (+1). And LuLuGaGa has illustrated a nice compositional style (+1).
I might expand upon the latter, though, and recommend pattern matching on the various status codes, e.g. 2xx codes for decoding success, 4xx for graceful web service errors, and a more general .badServerResponse (and includes the diagnostic information so that the developer working on the call point has a chance to figure out what went wrong) for anything else.
E.g., you might have an general extension (which doesn’t use any types particular to the app):
extension Publisher where Output == (data: Data, response: URLResponse) {
func decode<Success: Decodable, Failure: Decodable & Error>(
success: Success.Type = Success.self,
failure: Failure.Type = Failure.self,
decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()
) -> AnyPublisher<Success, Error> {
tryMap { data, response -> Success in
switch (response as! HTTPURLResponse).statusCode {
case 200..<300: return try decoder.decode(Success.self, from: data)
case 400..<500: throw try decoder.decode(Failure.self, from: data)
default: throw URLError(.badServerResponse, userInfo: ["data": data, "response": response])
Or, because I hate force-unwrapping:
extension Publisher where Output == (data: Data, response: URLResponse) {
func decode<Success: Decodable, Failure: Decodable & Error>(
success: Success.Type = Success.self,
failure: Failure.Type = Failure.self,
decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()
) -> AnyPublisher<Success, Error> {
tryMap { data, response -> Success in
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
throw URLError(.badServerResponse, userInfo: ["data": data, "response": response])
switch response.statusCode {
case 200..<300: return try decoder.decode(Success.self, from: data)
case 400..<500: throw try decoder.decode(Failure.self, from: data)
default: throw URLError(.badServerResponse, userInfo: ["data": data, "response": response])
Regardless, I might then have an extension for this app that decodes your particular web service’s specific error struct:
extension Publisher where Output == (data: Data, response: URLResponse) {
func decode<Success: Decodable>(
success: Success.Type = Success.self,
decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()
) -> AnyPublisher<Success, Error> {
decode(success: success, failure: APIErrorResponse.self, decoder: decoder)
Then the app code can avail itself of the above (and infer the success type):
func postsPublisher(for request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Post, Error> {
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
Anyway, that results in a succinct call-point, with a reusable extension.

Cannot map error after flatMap usage (Never result type)

I have RestManager class which is used for fetching data from Internet and is returning AnyPublisher
class RestManager {
func fetchData<T: Decodable>(url: URL) -> AnyPublisher<T, ErrorType> {
.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.tryMap({ data, _ in
let value = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
if let array = value as? Array<Any>, array.isEmpty {
throw ErrorType.empty
return value
.mapError { error -> ErrorType in
switch error {
case is ErrorType:
return ErrorType.empty
case let urlError as URLError:
switch urlError.code {
case .notConnectedToInternet, .networkConnectionLost, .timedOut:
return .noInternetConnection
case .cannotDecodeRawData, .cannotDecodeContentData:
return .empty
return .general
return .general
Repository has two functions (getWorldwideData and getCountryData returning AnyPublisher<(WorldwideResponse item or CountryResponse item), ErrorType>)
In viewModel, I made these functions.
private func getData() {
.flatMap { value -> AnyPublisher<Covid19StatisticsDomainItem, ErrorType> in
self.loader = true
self.error = nil
switch value {
case let .country(name):
return self.countryPipeline(name: name)
case .worldwide:
return self.worldwidePipeline()
.mapError { error in
self.error = error
.assign(to: &$homeScreenDomainItem)
private func worldwidePipeline() -> AnyPublisher<Covid19StatisticsDomainItem, ErrorType> {
.map { response -> Covid19StatisticsDomainItem in
self.error = nil
self.loader = false
return Covid19StatisticsDomainItem(worldwideResponseItem: response)
private func countryPipeline(name: String) -> AnyPublisher<Covid19StatisticsDomainItem, ErrorType> {
.getCountryData(for: name)
.map { response -> Covid19StatisticsDomainItem in
self.error = nil
self.loader = false
return Covid19StatisticsDomainItem(countryDayOneStatsResponse: response)
I wanted to make clean code, so I split code into two separate function based on useCaseSelection.
useCaseSelection is enum with two types.
error is ErrorType? value wrapped with #Published, in which I want to save error type if there is any error.
homeScreenDomainItem is Covid19StatisticsDomainItem instance wrapped with #Published.
Problem is in getData function where in MapError pipeline I am getting:
Cannot convert value of type () to closure result type Never
I tried to use setFailureType(to: ErrorType.self) but that is not helping.

HTTP POST request using Swift Combine

I'm fairly new to Combine declarative API. I'm trying to implement a generic network layer for a SwiftUI application. For all requests that receive data I understand how to structure the data flow.
My problem is that I have some HTTP POST requests that returns no data. Only a HTTP 200 on success. I can't figure out how to create a publisher that will handle a decoding that can fail since there could be not data in the body of the response. Here's what I tried:
func postResource<Resource: Codable>(_ resource: Resource, to endpoint: Endpoint) -> AnyPublisher<Resource?, NetworkError> {
return Just(resource)
.subscribe(on: queue)
.encode(encoder: JSONEncoder())
.mapError { error -> NetworkError in
return NetworkError.encoding(error)
.map { data -> URLRequest in
return endpoint.makeRequest(with: data)
.tryMap { request -> Resource? in
self.session.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in
guard let httpUrlResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { throw NetworkError.unknown }
guard (200 ... 299).contains(httpUrlResponse.statusCode) else { throw NetworkError.error(for: httpUrlResponse.statusCode) }
return data
.tryMap { data -> Resource? in
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(Resource.self, from: data)
.mapError({ error -> NetworkError in
switch error {
case is Swift.DecodingError:
return NetworkError.decoding(error)
case let urlError as URLError:
return .urlError(urlError)
case let error as NetworkError:
return error
return .unknown
The compiler is complaining with the following error on tryMap row:
Declared closure result 'Publishers.TryMap<URLSession.DataTaskPublisher, Resource?>' is incompatible with contextual type 'Resource?'
Anyone has an idea?
enum NetworkError: Error {
case encoding(Error)
case error(for: Int)
case decoding(Error)
case urlError(URLError)
case unknown
func postResource<Resource: Codable>(_ resource: Resource, to endpoint: Endpoint) -> AnyPublisher<Resource?, NetworkError> {
.subscribe(on: queue)
.encode(encoder: JSONEncoder())
.mapError { error -> NetworkError in
.map { data -> URLRequest in
endpoint.makeRequest(with: data)
.flatMap { request in // the key thing is here you should you use flatMap instead of map
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.tryMap { data, response -> Data in
guard let httpUrlResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { throw NetworkError.unknown }
guard 200 ... 299 ~= httpUrlResponse.statusCode else { throw NetworkError.error(for: httpUrlResponse.statusCode) }
return data
.tryMap { data -> Resource? in
try? JSONDecoder().decode(Resource.self, from: data)
.mapError({ error -> NetworkError in
switch error {
case is Swift.DecodingError:
return NetworkError.decoding(error)
case let urlError as URLError:
return .urlError(urlError)
case let error as NetworkError:
return error
return .unknown
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)

Swift Combine Nested Publishers

I'm trying to compose a nested publisher chain in combine with Swift and I'm stumped. My current code starts throwing errors at the .flatMap line, and I don't know why. I've been trying to get it functional but am having no luck.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to download a TrailerVideoResult and decode it, grab the array of TrailerVideo objects, transform that into an array of YouTube urls, and then for each YouTube URL get the LPLinkMetadata. The final publisher should return an array of LPLinkMetadata objects. Everything works correctly up until the LPLinkMetadata part.
EDIT: I have updated the loadTrailerLinks function. I originally forgot to remove some apart of it that was not relevant to this example.
You will need to import "LinkPresentation". This is an Apple framework for to fetch, provide, and present rich links in your app.
The error "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context" occurs at the very last line (eraseToAnyPublisher).
func loadTrailerLinks() -> AnyPublisher<[LPLinkMetadata], Error>{
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: "Doesn't matter")!)
.tryMap() { element -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = element.response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw URLError(.badServerResponse)
return element.data
.decode(type: TrailerVideoResult.self, decoder: JSONDecoder(.convertFromSnakeCase))
.compactMap{ $0.results }
.map{ trailerVideoArray -> [TrailerVideo] in
let youTubeTrailer = trailerVideoArray.filter({$0.site == "YouTube"})
return youTubeTrailer
.map({ youTubeTrailer -> [URL] in
return youTubeTrailer.compactMap{
let urlString = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\($0.key)"
let url = URL(string: urlString)!
return url
.flatMap{ urls -> [AnyPublisher<LPLinkMetadata, Never>] in
return urls.map{ url -> AnyPublisher <LPLinkMetadata, Never> in
return self.getMetaData(url: url)
.map{ metadata -> LPLinkMetadata in
return metadata
func fetchMetaData(url: URL) -> AnyPublisher <LPLinkMetadata, Never> {
return Deferred {
Future { promise in
LPMetadataProvider().startFetchingMetadata(for: url) { (metadata, error) in
struct TrailerVideoResult: Codable {
let results : [TrailerVideo]
struct TrailerVideo: Codable {
let key: String
let site: String
You can use Publishers.MergeMany and collect() for this:
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
func loadTrailerLinks() -> AnyPublisher<[LPLinkMetadata], Error> {
// Download data
URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: "Doesn't matter")!)
.tryMap() { element -> Data in
guard let httpResponse = element.response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw URLError(.badServerResponse)
return element.data
.decode(type: TrailerVideoResult.self, decoder: decoder)
// Convert the TrailerVideoResult to a MergeMany publisher, which merges the
// [AnyPublisher<LPLinkMetadata, Never>] into a single publisher with output
// type LPLinkMetadata
.flatMap {
.filter { $0.site == "YouTube" }
.compactMap { URL(string: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\($0.key)") }
// Change the error type from Never to Error
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
// Collect all the LPLinkMetadata and then publish a single result of
// [LPLinkMetadata]
It's a bit tricky to convert an input array of values to array of results, each obtained through a publisher.
If the order isn't important, you can flatMap the input into a Publishers.Sequence publisher, then deal with each value, then .collect them:
.flatMap { urls in
urls.publisher // returns a Publishers.Sequence<URL, Never> publisher
.flatMap { url in
self.getMetaData(url: url) // gets metadata publisher per for each url
(I'm making an assumption that getMetaData returns AnyPublisher<LPLinkMetadata, Never>)
.collect will collect all the emitted values until the upstream completes (but each value might arrive not in the original order)
If you need to keep the order, there's more work. You'd probably need to send the original index, then sort it later.

How to decode the body of an error in Alamofire 5?

I'm trying to migrate my project from Alamofire 4.9 to 5.3 and I'm having a hard time with error handling. I would like to use Decodable as much as possible, but my API endpoints return one JSON structure when everything goes well, and a different JSON structure when there is an error, the same for all errors across all endpoints. The corresponding Codable in my code is ApiError.
I would like to create a custom response serializer that can give me a Result<T, ApiError> instead of the default Result<T, AFError>. I found this article that seems to explain the general process but the code in there does not compile.
How can I create such a custom ResponseSerializer?
I ended up making it work with the following ResponseSerializer:
struct APIError: Error, Decodable {
let message: String
let code: String
let args: [String]
final class TwoDecodableResponseSerializer<T: Decodable>: ResponseSerializer {
lazy var decoder: JSONDecoder = {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
return decoder
private lazy var successSerializer = DecodableResponseSerializer<T>(decoder: decoder)
private lazy var errorSerializer = DecodableResponseSerializer<APIError>(decoder: decoder)
public func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> Result<T, APIError> {
guard error == nil else { return .failure(APIError(message: "Unknown error", code: "unknown", args: [])) }
guard let response = response else { return .failure(APIError(message: "Empty response", code: "empty_response", args: [])) }
do {
if response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300 {
let result = try errorSerializer.serialize(request: request, response: response, data: data, error: nil)
return .failure(result)
} else {
let result = try successSerializer.serialize(request: request, response: response, data: data, error: nil)
return .success(result)
} catch(let err) {
return .failure(APIError(message: "Could not serialize body", code: "unserializable_body", args: [String(data: data!, encoding: .utf8)!, err.localizedDescription]))
extension DataRequest {
#discardableResult func responseTwoDecodable<T: Decodable>(queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated), of t: T.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (Result<T, APIError>) -> Void) -> Self {
return response(queue: .main, responseSerializer: TwoDecodableResponseSerializer<T>()) { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let result):
case .failure(let error):
completionHandler(.failure(APIError(message: "Other error", code: "other", args: [error.localizedDescription])))
And with that, I can call my API like so:
AF.request(request).validate().responseTwoDecodable(of: [Item].self) { response in
switch response {
case .success(let items):
case .failure(let error): //error is an APIError
log.error("Error while loading items: \(String(describing: error))")
completion(.failure(.couldNotLoad(underlyingError: error)))
I simply consider that any status code outside of the 200-299 range corresponds to an error.
ResponseSerializers have a single requirement. Largely you can just copy the existing serializers. For example, if you wanted to parse a CSV (with no response checking):
struct CommaDelimitedSerializer: ResponseSerializer {
func serialize(request: URLRequest?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?) throws -> [String] {
// Call the existing StringResponseSerializer to get many behaviors automatically.
let string = try StringResponseSerializer().serialize(request: request,
response: response,
data: data,
error: error)
return Array(string.split(separator: ","))
You can read more in Alamofire's documentation.