TinyMCE - Hide the toolbar and makes it appear when textarea is clicked - tinymce

I would like the toolbar of TinyMCE to be only displayed when the user clicks in the textarea.
Any clue how to do that ?
Thanks a lot

Have you tried TinyMCE's inline mode?


How can I best add an interactive button or sidebar to tinymce?

I want to add a UI element like this to my wysiwyg.
The UI doesn't need to be exactly like this.
What are my options in TinyMCE 6?
A custom button? A sidebar?

Tinymce adding text with button

I'm trying to implement a button outside of the TinyMce editor, that would add text to the active editor upon clicking.
How can I do this?
(For example: There's a button on my website that should add "Test" into the editor, but it doesn't).
Thanks for help :)
Add this code to the onClick of your button:
// the editor id is the same id of your textarea, default "content" in case your textarea does not have an id
tinymce.get('your_editor_id').execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, "Test");
In case you have one single editor on your page you may also use tinymce.activeEditor instead of tinymce.get('your_editor_id').

How to don't show facebook comment after like pressed?

So, when I click Like button I see the form to add some comment. I want to hide or prevent displaying this form. How to do that?
See this Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
Basically you just need to modify the css and hide the comment box after facebook like.

How can i show textbox as a Dropdownlist on mouseover

When I hover over a textbox I want it to be displayed as a dropdown list, then after I click it I want it to be displayed as a text box again, how can this be done using jquery?
Try this JqueryUI Autocomplete Box, It can be tweaked as ComboBox as well.
I suggest to use this.

UIWebView action sheet popup on a link - customization

I'm trying to replace or add more options into the action sheet popup in uiwebview. When touching long touch on a link standard uiwebview popup shows up. I saw some apps which did it, but i can't figure it out.
the standard options are : open or copy, i want to hide copy and add send email.
Any help ?
That "action" popup can be disabled in a UIWebView by setting the CSS class -webkit-touch-callout: none or by setting document.documentElement.style.webkitTouchCallout = "none"; in javascript.
Once you disable the default behavior you can create any custom action sheet you'd like.
You want to customize the UIMenuItems of the UIMenuController. I explain how to do this here: Customize UIMenuController