Logstash 7.10.2 Windows x64 - How to add Memorize plugin into it - elastic-stack

I am having logstash-filter-memorize.gemspec file. I don't know how to add this memorize plugin into logstash. Can someone please help me how to add this plugin into logstash in windows 10 operating system.


wso2iot 3.1.0 install problems

Clean install:
Downloaded wso2iot 3.1.0 from GitHub
Downloaded yajsw-stable-12.09
Put them in one file (wso):
Pointed jdk1.7.0_75 for JAVA_HOME
Pointed CARBON_HOME to my wso/wso2iot 3.1.0
This is what I downloaded only.
Run iot-server in folder bin.
After that nothing the system don't give me localhost why?
Is this installation correct for running wso2iot?
If not please advise me. Do I need to install something else?
First, you need to have java 8 on your system in order to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0. Secondly, if you need to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 as a windows services, you need to have jajws 11.03.
Please refer the following document for more information
You can download the latest release candidate for WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 from here unzip it and start the pack in the following order.
Navigate to <IOTS_HOME>/bin and run ./broker.sh
./iot-server.sh &
Then you can login to the console from - https://localhost:9443/devicemgt
Additionally, to the above reply by jdk7. Make sure that you have JAVA 8. WSO2 IoT Server needs JAVA 8.
[1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/IoTS310/System+Requirements

Powershell - Install an application

How would I run a program installer (in C:\Downloads) using a Powershell V1 script?
I do not have control over the Powershell version so please do not ask me to update to newer version.
If I do it manually, there will be a few options for me to choose before installing. I also have to specify the location for the application.
If I have to do it via scripts, how do I set which options to choose and specify the location?
I have searched the application support page and they do not have anything I need for the installation of the software via scripts.
I am not a very skilled person when it comes to scripting as I just started out months ago.
Do you know about Chocolatey? It's a Windows package manager that allows you to install Windows applications using CLI.
To install Chrome for example:
choco install googlechrome
You can find all the available packages here.

How Configure / Debug Openerp/Odoo In eclipse '' WINDOWS "

I searched the Internet for how to debug Odoo in Eclipse for Windows,
I did not find the way only to Unix/linux server
Does anyone know the step of configurate this
How to debug Odoo in Eclipse under Windows?
here is a complete guide to Odoo development under Windows 7 (although it is very similiar under Windows 8, so you should be fine using this guide under that operating system). What will you need:
A machine with Windows 7 installed on it
Internet connection
An hour of time to prepare your environment
NOTE - This is a guide for Odoo v7 development under Windows, therefore it might, but not necessarily will work for v8 - there might be some dependencies problems.
See this link>> https://www.odoo.com/fr_FR/forum/how-to/developers-13/how-to-debug-odoo-in-eclipse-under-winows-36105
Debug Openerp/Odoo In eclipse

issues for birt plugin in eclipse if multiple user use it on linux at same time

i am going to use BIRT plugin in eclipse in my linux operating system.
I want to know that whether there is any issue if multiple users use that plugin at the same time?
if so, what are the issues in using it?
if not, please tell me how many user can use that plug in at the same time?
please help.
As long as Eclipse is installed correctly for a multi-user system there should not be a problem.
See this entry in the Eclipse help for install information: http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.isv%2Freference%2Fmisc%2Fmulti_user_installs.html

Include drivers with application installation

I have created an application in C# that relies on a specific driver (a custom virtual hid driver based on VMulti).
Currently, I have everything working and I want to combine both the application and driver into one installation package. As of right now, my application part has a .exe file and a .dll file. My driver has an .inf and .sys file, hidkmdf.sys, and WdfCoInstaller01009.dll (this dll is from the WDK). I am not able to install the driver through the traditional method of right-clicking the inf and clicking install. Instead, I use devcon to install it (command is "install inffile.inf hardwareid")
I tried using InstallShield LE, but I am only able to install the application, not the driver. After doing some searching, I found people using DIFxAPP to create the installation framework for drivers, however, I am not sure if this can be integrated into InstallShield so that the driver is installed during the application installation process.
So my main question is: What is the best and simplest method for combining application and driver installation into one package (meaning the setup.exe will install both the driver and the application)?
I am very new to driver development and application deployment, so any suggestions are welcome.
Thank You
EDIT: It is preferred that the solution does not require any paid tools.
Acctually, exists a many ways to implement this which depends on your Windows Installers skills.
You didn't specify target OSes for your application, that's why can I give you some ways:
PnpUtil.exe internal Windows 7 utility (only for Windows 7)
DPInst.exe included to WDK
DifXAPI merge module.
You can install drivers with help of all these utils via Custom Actions.
NOTE: That your driver SHOULD BE signed, otherwise you will receive error during silent installation.