I tried to plot a piecewise function in matlab.
syms x
y = piecewise(-1<x<0, x^2+2*x, 0<=x<1, 0);
as the plot came is correct but visually its no good.
I want to set its origin at the center of the plot. How to do it?
Set same minimum and maximum space on both sides of the origin.
ax = gca;
MaxX = max(abs(ax.XLim)); MaxY = max(abs(ax.YLim));
axis([-MaxX MaxX -MaxY MaxY]);
If you also want (psuedo)-axis lines at origin, you may further use:
xline(0,'--'); yline(0,'--'); %requires R2018b
But if you actually want to move the axis location to origin then you may use the properties
XAxisLocation and YaxisLocation instead of pseudo axis lines.
ax.XAxisLocation='origin'; ax.YAxisLocation='origin';
Consider the simple code below that generates a straight downward sloping line in MATLAB.
clear, clc, close all
t = 0:0.1:1;
y = -t+1;
ax = gca
This is a line with slope -1, so the (acute) angle between the horizontal axis and the line is 45 degrees. Except it isn't when you measure with a protractor on your monitor.
Without changing the range of values displayed on the x and y axes or the height of the figure window, how could I ensure I would measure 45 degrees from the horizontal axis to the line if I held a protractor up to the screen?
My current approach is to change the width of the figure window. In the limit as the figure window is infinitely thin, the line x is a vertical line. Conversely, if the figure window is stretched to the edges of a monitor, it flattens out. Somewhere in the middle, the line has the angle I want. I just can't find a good way to mathematically find this point and instantiate it in code.
Edit: A slightly more generic solution for any acute angle. (I didn't test obtuse angles.)
clear, clc, close all
ang_deg = 70;
slope = tand(ang_deg);
t = 0:0.1:1;
y = -slope*t+1;
f = figure;
f.Position(3) = f.Position(3)*1.5;
% For a given height, change the width
ax = gca;
ax.Units = 'pixels';
ax.Position(3) = ax.Position(4)/slope;
You can achieve that with
axis equal
which, according to the documentation,
uses the same length for the data units along each axis.
You may want to also use
axis tight
fits the axes box tightly around the data by setting the axis limits equal to the range of the data
Follow up your commands with a declaration that you'll be working in pixels, and then set the width to the height:
ax.Units = 'pixels';
ax.Position(3) = ax.Position(4);
In MATLAB, say I have the parameters for an ellipse:
(x,y) center
Minor axis radius
Major axis radius
Angle of rotation
Now, I want to generate random points that lie within that ellipse, approximated from a 2D gaussian.
My attempt thus far is this:
num_samps = 100;
data = [randn(num_samps, 1)+x_center randn(num_samps, 1)+y_center];
This gives me a cluster of data that's approximately centered at the center, however if I draw the ellipse over the top some of the points might still be outside.
How do I enforce the axis rules and the rotation?
my assumptions
x_center = h
y_center = k
Minor Axis Radius = b
Major Axis Raduis = a
rotation angle = alpha
num_samps = 100;
data = [randn(num_samps, 1)+h randn(num_samps, 1)+k];
chk=(((((data(:,1)-h).*cos(alpha)+(data(:,2)-k).*sin(alpha))./a).^2) +...
if ~isempty(idx)
How to know the exact size and position of the axis box (without axis labels and numbers)? For example, if I use
axis equal
set(gca,'position',[0.1,0.1,0.7,0.8]) %normalized units
The size of the axis frame/box is varyed in the case of the figure window resizing (or using axis equal), but the value of get(gca,'position') remains unchanged. For example:
Z = peaks(20);
axis equal
ans =
0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150
after axis equal, the axis box is changed, but get(gca,'position') gives the same coordinates:
ans =
0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150
I need these to align the colorbar to the axis box (with fixed gap between them) in the case of axis equal.
When you call axis equal, the axis box aspect ratio is fixed and the Position property is treated as a maximum size. When you resize the figure window, the axis box will remain centered in the Position rectangle, but in order to maintain the same aspect ratio as before, it may not take up the entire Position rectangle.
If you want it to take up the entire Position rectangle, you can call axis equal again. (this may depend on your MATLAB version; it worked for me in R2015b).
This is also discussed in a bit more detail on MATLAB Central.
To answer your original question, it's a bit complicated. You'd have to get the plot box aspect ratio (using pbaspect() or the axes PlotBoxAspectRatio property) and figure it out:
ah = gca();
% Get the axes Position rectangle in units of pixels
old_units = get(ah,'Units');
pos = get(ah,'Position');
% Figure the PlotBox and axes Position aspect ratios
pos_aspectRatio = pos(3) / pos(4);
box_aspect = pbaspect(ah);
box_aspectRatio = box_aspect(1) / box_aspect(2);
if (box_aspectRatio > pos_aspectRatio)
% PlotBox is wider than the Position rectangle
box_height = pos(3) / box_aspectRatio;
box_dy = (pos(4)-box_height) / 2;
box_position = [pos(1), pos(2)+box_dy, pos(3), box_height];
% PlotBox is taller than the Position rectangle
box_width = pos(4) * box_aspectRatio;
box_dx = (pos(3)-box_width) / 2;
box_position = [pos(1)+box_dx, pos(2), box_width, pos(4)];
Note that this will give you the box position in pixels; if you want it in the normalized units that are the axes default, you'll need to normalize it:
fig_pos = get(get(ah,'Parent'),'Position');
box_position = box_position ./ fig_pos([3 4 3 4]);
I'm trying to create 3D plots in Matlab, and I have practically no experience. I'd really like to draw the figure described by these equations:
x = cos(u) sinh(t) / (cosh(t) - cos(u));
y = cos(u) sin(u) / (cosh(t) - cos(u));
z = sin(u);
where both u and t vary from -pi to pi. This is what Paul Bourke calls Ghost Plane.
a = -pi:.01:pi;
b = -pi:.01:pi;
[U,T] = meshgrid(a,b);
X = (cos(U).*sinh(T))./(cosh(T)-cos(U));
Y = (cos(U).*sin(U))./(cosh(T)-cos(U));
Z = sin(U);
With the code, I get something... indescribable. How do I plot the figure?
Your code is correct. You just need to zoom in.
Some tips to make this more viewable:
Use less fine grids, by changing a = ... and b = ... to: linspace(-pi,pi,40);
Add this ,'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','interp'); to the surf command to only plot the lines and those in color.
Add this axis equal vis3d; after the surf command, so the axis will have correct scaling and behave well while rotating.
Add whitebg('black'); and grid off; to make the background black.
Change to surf(X,Y,Z,-U,...); and add colormap('HSV'); if you want the same colors as in the original.
set(gca,'xtick',[]); set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); set(gca,'yticklabel',[]); set(gca,'ytick',[]); to remove the axis ticks
You might want to use the cameratoolbar to: Change the projection to perspective projection, zoom all the way out, move the camera in very close, to get nice perspective distortions.
VoilĂ :
I have data that records the x and y positions of an animal in a 2D assay over time stored in a matlab matrix. I can plot these co-ordinates over time, and extract the velocity information and plot this using cline.
The problem I am having at the moment is calculating the heading angle. It should be a trivial trigonometry question, but I am drawing a blank on the best way to start.
The data is stored in a matrix xy representing x and y co-ordinates:
796.995391705069 151.755760368664
794.490825688073 150.036697247706
788.098591549296 145.854460093897
786.617021276596 144.327659574468
781.125000000000 140.093750000000
779.297872340426 138.072340425532
775.294642857143 133.879464285714
What I would like to be able to do is know the angle of the line drawn from (796.995, 151.755) to (794.490, 150.036), and so on. My research suggests atan2 will be the appropriate function, but I am unsure how to call it correctly to give useful information.
difx = xy(1,1) - xy(2,1);
dify = xy(1,2) - xy(2,2);
angle = atan2(dify,difx);
angle = angle*180/pi % convert to degrees
The result is 34.4646. Is this correct?
If it is correct, how do I get the value to be in the range 0-360?
You can use the diff function to get all the differences at once:
dxy = diff(xy); % will contain [xy(2,1)-xy(1,1) xy(2,2)-xy(1,2); ...
Then you compute the angle using the atan2 function:
a = atan2(dxy(:,2), dxy(:,1));
You convert to degrees with
aDeg = 180 * a / pi;
And finally take the angle modulo 360 to get it between 0 and 360:
aDeg = mod(aDeg, 360);
So - you pretty much got it right, yes. Except that you have calculated the heading from point 2 to point 1, and I suspect you want to start at 1 and move towards 2. That would give you a negative number - or modulo 360, an angle of about 325 degrees.
Also, using the diff function gets you the entire array of headings all at once which is a slight improvement over your code.
[rc mi]=
EDIT the problem of "phase wrapping" - when the heading goes from 359 to 0 - is quite a common problem. If you are interested in knowing when a large change happens, you can try the following trick (using aDeg from above - angle in degrees).
dDeg1 = diff(aDeg); % the change in angle
dDeg2 = diff(mod(aDeg + 90, 360)); % we moved the phase wrap point by 180 degrees
dDeg12 = [dDeg1(:) dDeg2(:)]';
[rc mi]= min(abs(dDeg12));
indx = sub2ind(size(dDeg12), mi, 1:size(dDeg12, 2));
result = dDeg12(ii);
What I did there: one of the variables (dDeg or dDeg2) does not see the phase wrap, and the min function finds out which one (it will have a smaller absolute difference). The sub2ind looks up that number (it is either positive or negative - but it's the smaller one of the two), and that is the value that ends up in result.
You can verify the angle by plotting a little line that starts at the first point and end in the direction of the heading. If the angle is correct, it will point in the direction of the next point in xy. Everything depends on where yo define 0 degrees at (straight up, say) from and whether positive degrees is rotation counterclockwise (I do) or clockwise. In MATLAB you can get the numbers between 0 and 360 but using modulo---or you can just add 180 to your results but this will change the definition of where the 0 degree mark is.
I made the following script that is a bit complex but shows how to calculate the heading/angle for all points in vector format and then displays them.
xy =[ 796.995391705069 151.755760368664
794.490825688073 150.036697247706
788.098591549296 145.854460093897
786.617021276596 144.327659574468
781.125000000000 140.093750000000
779.297872340426 138.072340425532
775.294642857143 133.879464285714];
% t = linspace(0,3/2*pi, 14)';
% xy = [sin(t), cos(t)];
% calculate the angle:
myDiff = diff(xy);
myAngle = mod(atan2(myDiff(:,1), myDiff(:,2))*180/pi, 360);
% Plot the original Data:
plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), '-bx', 'markersize', 12);
hold all
axis equal;grid on;
title('Original Data');
% Plot the calculated angle:
axis tight; grid on;
% Now plot the result with little lines pointing int he heading:
plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), '-bx', 'markersize', 12);
hold all
% Just for visualization:
vectorLength = max(.8, norm(xy(1,:)- xy(2,:)));
for ind = 1:length(xy)-1
startPoint = xy(ind,:)';
endPoint = startPoint + vectorLength*[sind(myAngle(ind)); cosd(myAngle(ind))];
myLine = [startPoint, endPoint];
plot(myLine(1,:), myLine(2, :), ':r ', 'linewidth', 2)
axis equal;grid on;
title('Original Data with Heading Drawn On');
For example, if you use my test data
t = linspace(0,3/2*pi, 14)';
xy = [sin(t), cos(t)];
You get the following:
and if you do yours you get
Note how the little red line starts at the original data point and moves in the direction of the next point---just like the original blue line connecting the points.
Also note that the use of diff in the code to difference all the points properly at once. This is faster and avoids any problems with the direction--looks like in your case it's swapped.