MongoDB replication as a service on windows - mongodb

I am trying to configure a replica set on windows as a service, means that even the PC will restart the mongod will run again automatically.
problem is that I run the mongod like this:
mongod --dbpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\data" --logpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\log\mongod.log" --port 27017 --storageEngine=wiredTiger --journal --replSet test_replica
And once I close the CMD running this command the service is killed. How do I run it correctly then?
Also, currenctly the service is navigating to the default cfg file but I see the replication there is marked with # (so the service is running as standalone). and when I try to add to replication the replSet: test_replica it won't start anymore.

You should put all your parameters into a configuration file. Then you can create the service like this:
mongod.exe --config c:\MongoDB\config\mongod.cfg --install
For a replica set you typically create several services, not just one. It is possible to run a replica set with just one member, however this is quite useless. Of course, when you create several services then each one needs his own config file (and also his own dbPath, port, etc.)
The next time your PC will boot, the mongo service should also start. Or start it manually with command net start <mongo service name>

You should install mongodb as windows service. Read the guide from the official documentation
Setting --replSet from command line or replication:replSetName in configuration file is not enough. Read this guide, in short: after mongodb process is started in replica set mode, you should run rs.initiate() in mongo shell.


Unable to configure mongoDB

Im learning mongoDB and exploring its features, i try several commands when i run the terminal and mongod acts like does not care. It always starts the server even though i simply run for reading help.
Some commands that i run
mongod --help
mongod --port 5000
mongod --dbpath C:\myfolder\myproj\data\db
Everytime, no matter witch i run from the above commands it starts the server always even when searching for help. The port and path do not change also, it looks like it ingores everything other than the mongod in the terminal. Any help?
mongod starts the service, but when you close the terminal then also the service terminates.
However, usually you install mongod as a Service. See mongod.exe for details.
Maybe this package will help you: mongoDB-oneClick

Setting path for replica set different from root in windows doesnt work

As I created replicaSet outside of /data/db folder by mistake, so I would like to set path to folder which is not root where I created replica set, instead of starting again.
I tried this(inside mongodb-instance folder is 3 replica folders):
"D:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath D:\mongodb-instance
then I try to run It:
mongod --replSet "rs0"
but still got the same problem:
Data directory C:\data\db\ not found.
For replication, you need to setup multiple servers. Then each of them will have their own data folders.
Then start the servers using command
mongod --host <hostname> --port <portNum> --replSet "nameOfReplicaSet"
Once all the servers are running you'll have to initiate the replication by connecting to any one of them and execute the rs.initiate(replConfig) command with whatever configuration you need.
You can refer to the docs here.

How to execute 'service mongod start' using additional parameters in CentOS?

I unable to start MonogoDB service after adding users into admin db as well as my db.
I setup MonogoDB and started service using following command i.e.
service mongod start
Using command prompt, I added few users like dbOwner, clusterAdmin, readWrite, read roles base users. Along with that I also changed configuration from /etc/mongod.conf. in that file, I changed port number, IP addresses, dbPath, and security.authorization: enabled.
Then I restarted mongod service using following command.
service mongod restart
After ran this command, mongod service stopped successfully, but failed to start with only 'FAILED' message.
I tried execute following command i.e.
mongod --port 27123 --dbpath /path/to/db --auth
It is working.
Question: How to execute 'service mongod start' using additional parameters in CentOS?
MonogoDB: 3.4
OS: CentOS 7
I got solution i.e.
mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
It starts child process and also I can stop mongod service using service mongod stop command.
But I don't know whether it is correct or not.
I can't certify exactly where the script that "service" command uses on CentOS 7, but in Ubuntu 18.04 mongod service script file is in
There you can change the user who executes the process and add any parameters you want, like --auth.
Said that, if you ever executed mongod as root, some files on where you store the db data will have the owner as root, making the database fail to start as another user. The fix I found for that is to manually chown to mongodb:mongodb (or the user you want to use) all the files that are owned by root inside the database.
Hope this helps.
mongod.service file from mongodb github

Start Mongodb server in two modes parallely

I have installed mongo db in my local system, i am aware that at any point in time we can start the mongo using mongod service.
in normal mode which will run on port 27017
in rest API mode where we can query to collections and db's which normally runs on mongo port + 1000
i want to start both mode together, any help would be appreciated.
You should add modify your mongod config file to enable http.
add following config line, see
enabled: true
or add parameter in the command line
mongod --httpinterface
You can start multiple instances of mongod. You just have to make sure that they're using different ports and different dbpaths.
To run two separate instances of mongod
This will start a mongod instance on port 27017 and use dbpath /data/db
Start another command prompt and type in
mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /data/db2
Just make sure that you have a folder named db2 inside your data folder in your c drive. That's where it stores the data.
Additionally, if you're on Node.js, the MongoDB Node.js driver provides a server method where you can start a mongod instance programatically.
var mongo = require("mongodb");
var server = new mongo.Server('localhost', 27017, { auto_reconnect : true} );
This will create a server in what you are calling the Rest API mode.
And then you can simply start mongod from command prompt specifying some other port and dbpath.
I'm not sure which we can start two instance of mondo or not!. but try this:
Run one of then through service mongod start and second one directly by running binary file (e.g. /usr/bin/mondodb). (also you can run both of them directly from CLI.)
In second mode, you most give appropriate parameter for mondo (e.g. path for config file). If you don't know how to give/pass parameters to mondo's binary file, see man mongodb or go and read /etc/init.d/mongod (in Debian based distributions), it give you useful information)
Unfortunately I don't have an installed mongoDB on my machine, so I can't give you exact commands.

mongodb replica set on azure vms - configure to run as a service

I've completed this tutorial and successfully deployed a 3 node replica set. I can connect to it from other hosts and all is good. The question I have is that in the tutorial it states
Start MongoDB
Once the configuration files have been edited, start the database process manual:mongod on each instance by:
Log on onto the instance
Run the following command to start the process:
mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
This should start the manual:mongod process
To me this seems as though the replica set is running as a user process and not as a system service as in the command
sudo service mongodb start
So what happens if one of the machines reboots? Is that process dead? How can I configure the whole replica set to run as a service?
On machine reboots, the mongod process will stop and you have to restart it.
In system scripts, I am not sure if on box restarts, mongod restart is automatically taken care of or not. But you can have service scripts for mongod process, which you get automatically, when you install using mongodb apt-get/yum packages.