In HMS, How to change app signatures for new version of application which already released? - huawei-mobile-services

I have released 4.4.2 -v ,4.5.0-v and 4.5.1-v apk versions
I want to change the app signature ,while submitting new version I am getting error like - The keystore used by your App is inconsistent with the version on the shelf please refer the rule 8.6 of "App Gallery Review Guidelines"
How to submit the apk with different app signature?
I would like to remove 4.5.0 too.

Once a signature key is generated in AppGallery Connect or uploaded by you, it cannot be modified.
For details,check the following documents:

Yes. For this You need to remove the application from App Gallery Connect, then after only it is possible to delete the application.
After the application is submitted successfully for removing, the app status changes to Pending removal. Huawei operations personnel will handle your application in 1 to 2 working days.
Note: Removing an app will not release the package name used by the app. A package name can be released only after you delete the app.
For details, check the following documents:
Remove the app:
Delete the app:
Note: For released app, changing signature is not recommended.


App bundles and APKs using sensitive permissions : android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES

We have already deployed a number of versions of our app to Playstore when I tried to release a build a week ago , They Showed me a waring to declare the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES because it was present in our first Internal test build due to openFile: package.
But we have already removed it from our code atleast 3 months ago and the playstore is asking us to fillout a form explaining why we need the Install Package Permission and where we use it in our App. We don't actually use it on our app. can any of you help me with this I'm also attaching the form that they showed inorder to declare the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission.
I tried to release the latest version of our app to production just like I always do but they are preventing the release until I solve the issue sown in App Contents for sensitive permission declaration.It didn't happen like this before.

Play Console: Flutter App You can't rollout this release because it doesn't allow any existing users to upgrade to the newly added app bundles

I am using Flutter to release the Android app. I have some updates and I am trying to release the one. However, there is an error saying that You can't rollout this release because it doesn't allow any existing users to upgrade to the newly added app bundles. I am quite lost what I have to do in this case. Play Console doesn't explicitly say anything about it.
What have I done wrong, and how can I fix this error?
The version code for the app bundle that you're uploading is probably lower (or lesser) than the current app bundle on your play store. Check the version code of the app bundle on play store and increase it. Than try again to rollout with higher version code

HMS Core Playstore Version Cannot use Huawei ID Sign In

Firstly, I made an app with flutter, I just implement Account Kit and Scan Kit for the app. Well, I got a previous bug for using google pixel 3XL (AVD) API Level 30, then I tried to change it to Nexus 6 API Level 28, and it worked (the latest version of HMS Core on both AVD). After I tried to run the application on my phone(Poco F1, using HMS Core Playstore Version), I found a bug like the following picture
But when I use the latest version of HMS Core, the bug is gone. Well, the problem it's not that much but when I submit the app to HMS Gallery, the reviewer found the bug and rejected my application proposal because he found an error message like the picture above, even though I already gave a note to use the latest HMS Core. But I don't think he read my note and it's like he doesn't understand the language(Indonesia) used in my application so he takes issue with the system that we have made, even though the application system that we made is like that.
Error Log - Huawei Sign In (Playstore Version HMS Core):
note for reviewer:
attachment from reviewer:
Comment from the reviewer:
[Description]: An error occurs in your App). Please see the attachment, here is the path: Go to Console > App Service > AppGallery Connect>Find your app from the list and click the version to check the attachment. Please refer to rule 3.1 of "AppGallery Review Guidelines": ­[Test Step]: 1. When clicking on "Sign in with Huawei ID", an error message pops up. 2. When login in using the admin test account, a QR code appears and prompts "scan me", but there is no scanning function. [Test Environment]: Wi-Fi connection, EMUI 10.1.0 (Mate 30), EMUI10.0.0(P20 pro) Multilingual settings. ­[Suggestion]: Please identify it accordingly. Then revise and resubmit your app for review.
I've made a demo video for this threat, please check this
Please help me how can I submit this app
In the pics that you provided, we found a configuration issue.
SigningConfigs can contain debug or release.
so you can try to change here
In the screen recording that you provided, Error code 6003 is displayed.
To solve your issue, You need to check whether the certificate fingerprint of the APK signature file submitted to the AppGallery is the same as that configured on the AppGallery Connect website:
Ensure that the device and cloud configurations of the certificate fingerprint are consistent. The certificate packaged by the client application is the same as the SHA256 certificate fingerprint configured for the application on the AppGallery Connect website.
Verify that the certificate fingerprint is correctly configured when you apply for related services. Open the APK file of an app, extract the META-INF directory from the file, obtain the CERT.RSA file in the directory, and run the keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA command to record the signing certificate information.
Sign in to AppGallery Connect, click My projects, and select a required project. On the displayed page, select the app, go to Project settings > General information, and check whether the value in SHA-256 certificate fingerprint is the same as that in step 1.
In addition, HMS Core (APK) will cache the signature file. You need to find HMS Core (APK) on the Apps page of your device and clear its cache, restart your app, and perform the previous operation again.

Strong password suggestion stopped working for registration in iOS14? [duplicate]

This is the full error-message:
Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: com.ckbusiness.Wishlists due to error: Cannot identify the calling
app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's
application-identifier entitlement
What am I missing here??
We have the same issue with Xcode 12.2 and iOS 14.2 and applied more details on the Apple Developer forum.
Can this be related? The documentation of the Associated Domain File shows a new section at the bottom about macOS 11 and iOS 14:
Starting with macOS 11 and iOS 14, apps no longer send requests for apple-app-site-association files directly to your web server. Instead, they send these requests to an Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN) dedicated to associated domains.
Update - December 3:
We checked many things:
Code signing
Our target is set to "Automatically managing signing".
In App Store connect we looked up the the entitlement:
Select app
Select "Activity"
Select a Build
Scroll down to "Store Information", the right column shows the Entitlements.
The matches the prefix in the application-identifier. The latter matches exactly with the value in the apps array in the apple-app-site-association file on our website.
However, when performing Build & Run with Xcode on device, the debug app is signed with a different Signing Identity:
Apple Development: (other ID than
An estimated guess is that this would create a mismatch with the apple-app-site-association file. Hence we added this new id to the existing apple-app-site-association file and uploaded on our server:
"webcredentials": {
"apps": ["", // Release ID from App Store
""] // Debug ID from Xcode
Tried again, still the same error.
Also performed the usual stuff like:
Uninstall app from iPhone and reboot iPhone
Clean Build Folder in Xcode
Delete Xcode folder DerivedData from /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode and rebooted MacBook
Availability of apple-app-site-association file
While updating this file on our server, we found a docu update. In June 2019 (when we launched this particular app) it mentions to place the file in 2 folders:
https://<fully qualified domain>/apple-app-site-association
https://<fully qualified domain>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
Note: Currently only the later .well-known directory is mentioned.
It appeared that our file was only in the first folder. So we duplicated it and checked again, but still the error is shown.
To rule out that it takes time for iOS 14 to update changes of the apple-app-site-association file based on the new Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN), we even used the mode option in the entitlements file:
While you’re developing your app, if your web server is unreachable from the public internet, you can use the alternate mode feature to bypass the CDN and connect directly to your private domain.
You enable an alternate mode by adding a query string to your associated domain’s entitlement as follows:
Again, no luck.
TestFlight version
To avoid using Xcode debugger and it's debug signing, archived the Xcode 12.2 build and submitted it to App Store. Verified the entitlements from the build in App Store Connect as described above. They match the apple-app-site-association file.
Released for internal TestFlight testing and tested on device. Tapping the first password text field does not show the password suggestion.
Although we seem out of options, hopefully any of these exercises can inspire others to identify a solution. Or it's just a massive Apple bug and we need to wait for a fix from them.
Work again in Version 13.0 beta (13A5155e) !

ionic 2 image-picker xcode 8 upgrade - Info.plist permissions error

Just upgraded to xcode 8 and it appears to break my app on open album, see below for error log. I have uninstalled and installed a number of times, also tried updating my ionic install.
NOTE: After the xcode 8 upgrade, i had to reinstall ios-sim &
ios-deploy (again) as it wasn't being found.
ccd[1426]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServicePhotos and client /Users//Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/268F812D-B91E-40A2-943B-7DCF6548CF18/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/2FCEDD36-41B6-47A8-B49D-49DC356DA9C3/ without NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key
V2[1491]: [access] This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
A patch was made available overnight! woo hoo! see below:
Patch ready for pull