Visual Studio Code - WordWrap only specific file formats - visual-studio-code

Is there a way to make Visual Studio Code Word-Wrap only specific files (.py, .cpp, etc) and not utilities formats such as .txt, .json, etc?
I just started working on a project and I need to process a lot of txt files and it's annoying not seeing how the content of the file is structured because of the Wordwrap setting.

Yes, this can be done by customizing your settings.json. The quickest way is to use the command palette (CTRL or CMD)+P and begin typing configure language
followed by the file type you are specifically looking to alter
you can then customize the settings as needed. The code below can be added to your settings.json file to make JSON and .txt files always use word wrapping by default
"[plaintext]": {
"editor.wordWrap": "on"
"[json]": {
"editor.wordWrap": "on"
more information can be found in the official docs


How can I stop VS code from converting tabs to spaces in a particular file?

In the VS code editor, the default setting is to replace tabs by spaces, which is what I want. However, this is disastrous in a make file. I have written a make file (named Makefile) but VS code insists on changing tabs to spaces so I get a "Missing Separator" error when I run make.
If I go to File > Preferences > Settings and type #id:editor.insertSpaces in the menu, I see this:
When I click on Modified elsewhere I see this:
The second screenshot seems to says that the editor won't insert spaces in a Makefile, but it certainly is. What am I doing wrong, or what have I failed to do?
Try modifing settings.json
VScode Settings
There are 3 levels (by higher priority)
Worspace Settings JSON
User Settings JSON
Default Settings JSON
This should fix most inconveniences:
"[markdown]": {
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": false
What worked for me was adding the following to settings.json:
"[makefile]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": false

VsCode: Is there a keyboard shortcut How to make VS Code treat files without extension as a certain language?

Is there a keyboard shortcut How to make VS Code treat/reopen/reload files without extension as a certain language?
Just to be clear, here's my use case:
Sometimes I have a big JSON I need to read so I copy it in VsCode new file but since it's a new file I have to save it a s JSON extension to read it in the correct format. So my question is: Is there a way to specify the language for this new file(without extension) to open it as JSON for example?
Thank you
I found these two options:
// The following example associates all files in a folder `somefolder` to PHP:
"files.associations": {
"**/somefolder/*.*": "php"
// The default language mode that is assigned to new files.
"files.defaultLanguage": "html"
Add the lines of your choice to settings.json.
Nevermind guys I found it:
The feature is called Change Language Mode.
The default shortcut is Ctrl+K M if you want to customize it here's the name of the command:
You can also click in the lower right of VSCODE window to change the language mode:

how to disable word-wrap in VS Code for a specific file?

I am using windows and VS Code, I have few files that I do not need to wrap them wherever I press Alt+Shift+F, is there a way to disable auto format wrapping for specific files?
Explained here Language-specific editor settings but specifically:
CTRL+SHIFT+P and type "Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings"
Select the language or add section in the file (start typing [ to see list of suggestions) or edit if already there.
If wrapping, depending on columns available in your editor you might want to update editor.wordWrapColumn. Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and editor.wordWrapColumn
"editor.wordWrapColumn": 200,
"[typescript]": {
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.wordWrap": "off",
"[plaintext]": {
"editor.wordWrap": "bounded",
Looks like VSCode allows for this. You can tweak it as you prefer for each file type.
However note that there have been reports of it not working for markdown files.
I guess it is something still being tweaked.
Looks like this person made an extension that might be useful for you.
Looks like you can setup a few quick easy setting toggles. would at least make it quicker as you're bouncing from file to file.

VSCode: Permanently change syntax highlighting on a single file or set of files?

I have a markdown file which I would like to permanently highlight using JSON syntax.
But I don't want to treat ALL .md files this way, just a few of them.
Is there a way to accomplish that, so I don't have to manually change the highlighting each time I open the file?
You can change this with the 'files.associations' setting. For example
"files.associations": {
"*.md": "json"

Set encoding permanently in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code to write a LaTeX file with the LaTeX Workspace plugin.
However everytime that I open VS Code it insists that the encoding of the TeX file is UTF-8 and makes all the special characters go bezerk, but for some reason TeX Live doesn't compile in that encoding even if I convert it. Since another person is using the file too and their editor is set in Windows 1252 encoding, I want to keep using that.
How to set a encoding to a file permantly (or to an extension) in VS Code?
There are language-specific configurations. CTRL-Shift-P and see "Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings... However, I do not see a LaTex choice there. But you may because of the LaText Plugin. So you could do something like:
"[latex]": {
"files.encoding": "windows1252"
If you don't see one perhaps you could associate your file extension (.tex?) with one on the list and then the above setting?
I assume you have
"files.autoGuessEncoding": false
already set to false - the default. WTH, try "true".
And see Allow to set files.encoding as language specific setting for files on startup so the lanuage-specific setting should work better on start-up.
Your settings.json per user or per workspace can contain an encoding directive.
If you want Java files opened in UTF-8,
then the following has no effect
"files.encoding" : "utf8",
but this works
"[java]": {
"files.encoding": "utf8"
The existing answers show a possible solution for single files or file types. However, you can define the charset standard in VS Code by following this path:
File > Preferences > Settings > Encoding > Choose your option
This will define a character set as default.
VSCode set default file encoding
Sven Eschlbeck's answer illustrated:
The following page will be opened. There are many settings. To get to the desired item without scrolling through all entries, type "Encod" in the search box. Observe that the item "Files: Encoding" is presented to us. Now we can change the setting.
Tips to share with you: "GB18030" applies fairly well universally for source code files containing Chinese characters.
More tips:
The encoding being applied to the current file is shown in the status bar. Mouse right-click this to call up the options as shown.
Here, you can switch encoding ad-hoc.
Having autoGuessEncoding true in USER and autoGuessEncoding false, "files.encoding": "windows1250" in WorkSpace was still giving me windows1252.
I do not uderstand why User overchanged WorkSpace. I have to disable autoGuessEncoding also in USER to finally get "files.encoding": "windows1250" work everytime.
So you can face the same issue and this could help.