understanding an inheritance in Postgres; why key "fails" in insert/update command - postgresql

(One image, tousands of words)
I'd made few tables that are inherited between themselves. (persons)
And then assign child table (address), and relate it only to "base" table (person).
When try to insert in child table, and record is related to inherited table, insert statement fail because there is no key in master table.
And as I insert records in descendant tables, records are salo available in base table (so, IMHO, should be visible/accessible in inherited tables).
Please take a look on attached image. Obviously do someting wrong or didn't get some point....
Thank You in advanced!

Sorry, that's how Postgres table inheritance works. 5.10.1 Caveats explains.
A serious limitation of the inheritance feature is that indexes (including unique constraints) and foreign key constraints only apply to single tables, not to their inheritance children. This is true on both the referencing and referenced sides of a foreign key constraint. Thus, in the terms of the above example:
Specifying that another table's column REFERENCES cities(name) would allow the other table to contain city names, but not capital names. There is no good workaround for this case.
In their example, capitals inherits from cities as organization_employees inherits from person. If person_address REFERENCES person(idt_person) it will not see entries in organization_employees.
Inheritance is not as useful as it seems, and it's not a way to avoid joins. This can be better done with a join table with some extra columns. It's unclear why an organization would inherit from a person.
id bigserial primary key
name text not null
verified boolean not null default false
vat_nr text
foto bytea
# An organization is not a person
id bigserial not null
name text not null
# Joins a person with an organization
# Stores information about that relationship
person_id bigint not null references person(id)
organization_id bigint not null references organization(id)
usr text
pwd text
# Get each employee, their name, and their org's name.
join person on person_id = person.id
join organization on organization_id = organization.id
Use bigserial (bigint) for primary keys, 2 billion comes faster than you think
Don't enshrine arbitrary business rules in the schema, like how long a name can be. You're not saving any space by limiting it, and every time the business rule changes you have to alter your schema. Use the text type. Enforce arbitrary limits in the application or as constraints.
idt_table_name primary keys makes for long, inconsistent column names hard to guess. Why is the primary key of person_address not idt_person_address? Why is the primary key of organization_employee idt_person? You can't tell, at a glance, which is the primary key and which is a foreign key. You still need to prepend the column name to disambiguate; for example, if you join person with person_address you need person.idt_person and person_address.idt_person. Confusing and redundant. id (or idt if you prefer) makes it obvious what the primary key is and clearly differentiates it from table_id (or idt_table) foreign keys. SQL already has the means to resolve ambiguities: person.id.


PostgreSQL database: Get rid of redundant transitive relation (maybe 3NF is failed)

I'm creating a hybrid between "X-Com Enemy Unknown" and "The Sims". I maintain game state in a database--PostgreSQL--but my question is structural, not engine-specific.
As in X-Com, there are some bases in different locations, so I create a table named Base with ID autoincrement identity as primary key.
Every base has some facilities in its territory, so I create a table named Facility with a foreign key Facility.Base_ID, referring to Base.ID.
Every base has some landing crafts in its hangars, so I create a table named Craft with a foreign key Craft.Base_ID, referring to Base.ID.
Every base has some troopers in its barracks, so I create a table named Trooper with a foreign key Trooper.Base_ID, referring to Base.ID.
Just to this point, everything seems to be ok, doesn't it? However...
I want to have some sort of staff instruction. Like in the X-Com game, every trooper can be assigned to some craft for offense action, or can be unassigned. In addition, every trooper can be assigned to some facility (or can be unassigned) for defense action. So, I have to add nullable foreign keys Trooper.Craft_ID and Trooper.Facility_ID, referring to Craft.ID and Facility.ID respectively.
That database has a redundancy. If some trooper is assigned to a craft or to a facility (or both), it has two (or even three) relations to the base--one direct relation through its Base_ID and some indirect relations as Facility(Trooper.Facility_ID).Base_ID and Craft(Trooper.Craft_ID).Base_ID. Even if I get rid of Trooper.Base_ID (e.g. I can make both assignment mandatory and create a mock craft and a mock facility in every base), I can't get rid of both trooper-facility-base and trooper-craft-base relations.
In addition to this redundancy, there is a worse problem--in case of a mistake, some trooper can be assigned to a craft from one base and to a facility from another base, that's a really nasty situation. I can prohibit it in the application business logic tier, but it's still allowed by the database.
There can be some constraints to apply, but is there any structural modification to the schema that can get rid of the redundancy and potential inconsistency as a result of a good structure, not as a result of constraints?
CREATE TABLE facility (
base_id int REFERENCES base
base_id int REFERENCES base
CREATE TABLE trooper (
assigned_facility_id int REFERENCES facility,
assigned_craft_id int REFERENCES craft,
base_id int REFERENCES base
Now I want to get some sort of constraints on a trooper t so that
facilities.get(t.assigned_facility_id).base_id IS NULL OR EQUAL TO t.base_id
crafts.get(t.assigned_craft_id).base_id IS NULL OR EQUAL TO t.base_id
This hypothetical constraint has to be applied to table trooper, because it applies in boundaries of each trooper row separately. Constraints on one table have to check equality between fields of two other tables.
I would like to create a database schema where there is exactly one way, having a trooper.id, to find its referenced base.id. How do I normalise my schema?

Composite FK referencing atomic PK + non unique attribute

I am trying to create the following tables in Postgres 13.3:
account_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
user_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
account_id Integer NOT NULL REFERENCES accounts(account_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
calendar_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
user_id Integer NOT NULL,
account_id Integer NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id, account_id) REFERENCES users(user_id, account_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
But I get the following error when creating the calendars table:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "users"
Which does not make much sense to me since the foreign key contains the user_id which is the PK of the users table and therefore also has a uniqueness constraint. If I add an explicit uniqueness constraint on the combined user_id and account_id like so:
ALTER TABLE users ADD UNIQUE (user_id, account_id);
Then I am able to create the calendars table. This unique constraint seems unnecessary to me as user_id is already unique. Can someone please explain to me what I am missing here?
Postgres is so smart/dumb that it doesn't assume the designer to do stupid things.
The Postgres designers could have taken different strategies:
Detect the transitivity, and make the FK not only depend on users.id, but also on users.account_id -> accounts.id. This is doable but costly. It also involves adding multiple dependency-records in the catalogs for a single FK-constraint. When imposing the constraint(UPDATE or DELETE in any of the two referred tables), it could get very complex.
Detect the transitivity, and silently ignore the redundant column reference. This implies: lying to the programmer. It would also need to be represented in the catalogs.
cascading DDL operations would get more complex, too. (remember: DDL is already very hard w.r.t. concurrency/versioning)
From the execution/performance point of view: imposing the constraints currently involves "pseudo triggers" on the referred table's indexes. (except DEFERRED, which has to be handled specially)
So, IMHO the Postgres developers made the sane choice of refusing to do stupid complex things.

Database design with composite types in postgresql

How to refer another table built from composite type in my table.
I am trying to setup a database to understand postgresql and its Object oriented features.
The statement is as follows : There are multiple companies which can have board members.
Each company can own another company or a person can own that company too.
This is the type of database design I am looking for.
create type companyType(
name: VARCHAR,
boardMembers : personType[],
owns: companyType[]
create type personType(
name: VARCHAR,
owns: companyType[]
Create table company as companyType
Create table person as personType
I understand that I cannot self reference the companyType so I will probably move this another table.
My question is, when I am trying to insert into say company type, how do i insert list of person table objects as foreign key ?
Would making a column 'id' in each table and giving it type SERIAL work to use it as a foreign key?
That is not a relational database design, and you won't get happy with it.
Map each object to a table. The table columns are the attributes of the object. Add an artificial primary key (id bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY). Don't use composite types or arrays.
Relationships are expressed like this:
If the relationship is one-to-many, add a foreign key to the "many' side.
If the relationship is many-to-many, add a "junction table" that has foreign keys to both tables. The primary key is the union of these foreign keys.
Normalize the resulting data model to remove redundancies.
Sprinkle with unique and check constraints as appropriate.
That way your queries will become simple, and you can use your database's features to make your life easier.

How to edit a record that results in a uniqueness violation and echo the change to child tables?

PostgreSQL 11.1
How can "Editing" of a record be transmitted to dependent records?
Summary of my issue:
The master table, disease, needs a unique constraint on the description column. This unique constraint is needed for foreign key ON UPDATE CASCADE to its children tables.
To allow for a temporary violation of the unique constraint, it must be made deferrable. BUT A DEFERABLE CONSTRAINT CAN NOT BE USED IN A FOREIGN KEY.
Here is the situation.
The database has 100+ tables (and keeps on growing).
Most all information has been normalized in that repeating groups of information have been delegated to their own table.
Following normalization, most tables are lists without duplication of records. Duplication of records within a table is not allowed.
All tables have a unique ID assigned to each record (in addition to a unique constraint placed on the record information).
Most tables are dependent on another table. The foreign keys reference the primary key of the table they are dependent on.
Most unique constraints involve a foreign key (which in turn references the primary key of the parent table).
So, assume the following schema:
CREATE TABLE phoenix.disease
recid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('disease_recid_seq'::regclass),
code text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
description text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT disease_pkey PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT disease_code_unique UNIQUE (code)
CONSTRAINT disease_description_unique UNIQUE (description)
CONSTRAINT disease_description_check CHECK (description <> ''::text)
CREATE TABLE phoenix.dx
recid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dx_recid_seq'::regclass),
disease_recid integer NOT NULL,
patient_recid integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_dx_recid PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT dx_unique UNIQUE (tposted, patient_recid, disease_recid)
CONSTRAINT dx_disease_recid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (disease_recid)
REFERENCES phoenix.disease (recid) MATCH SIMPLE
CONSTRAINT dx_patients FOREIGN KEY (patient_recid)
REFERENCES phoenix.patients (recid) MATCH SIMPLE
(Columns not involved in this question have been removed. :) )
There are many other children tables of disease with the same basic dependency on the disease table. Note that the primary key of the disease table is a foreign key to the dx table and that the dx table uses this foreign key in a unique constraint. Also note that the dx table is just one table of a long chain of table references. (That is the dx table also has its primary key referenced by other tables).
The problem: I wish to "edit" the contents of the parent disease record. By "edit", I mean:
change the data in the description column.
if the result of the change causes a duplication in the disease table, then one of the "duplicated" records will need to be deleted.
Herein lies my problem. There are many different tables that use the primary key of the disease table in their own unique constraint. If those tables ALSO have a foreign key reference to the duplicated record (in disease), then cascading the delete to those tables would be appropriate -- i.e., no duplication of records will occur.
However, if the child table does NOT have a reference to the "correct" record in the parent disease table, then simply deleting the record (by cascade) will result in loss of information.
Disease Table:
record 1: ID = 1 description = "ABC"
record 2: ID = 2 description = "DEF"
Dx Table:
record 5: ID = 5 refers to ID=1 of Disease Table.
Editing of record 1 in Disease table results in description becoming "DEF"
Disease Table:
record 1: ID = 1 "ABC" --> "DEF"
I have tried deferring the primary key of the disease table so as to allow the "correct" ID to be "cascaded" to the child tables. This causes the following errors:
A foreign key can not be dependent on a deferred column. "cannot use a deferrable unique constraint for referenced table "disease"
additionally, the parent table (disease) has no way of knowing ahead of time if its children already have a reference to the "correct" record so allowing deletion, or if the child needs to change its own column data to reflect the new "correct" id.
So, how can I allow a change in the parent table (disease) and notify the child tables to change their column values -- and delete within them selves should a duplicate record arise?
Lastly, I do not know today what future tables I will need. So I cannot "precode" into the parent table who its children are or will be.
Thank you for any help with this.

PostgreSQL: constraint, Insert value in column only if it exists in another table

I want to add a constraint to my table student such that any value entered in its majors column must also exist in majors table. How can I do this?
That's a foreign key constraint.
FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES major (id);
Note that if student.major_id is nullable, the column's value can still be null.
Note also your table doesn't accommodate double majors. To do that, we'd have a student_major table that is a many-to-many relation between student and major. This also demonstrates creating foreign keys in a create table, instead of in an alter table
create table student_major (
id serial not null unique primary key, -- optional, but good idea
student_id int not null references student(id), -- fk
major_id int not null references major(id), -- fk
UNIQUE (student_id, major_id) -- no redundant relations
-1 for rejecting composite keys. – Bill Karwin
So let me understand this. Bill agrees that I correctly answered the OP's questions about constraints. He agrees that I correctly saw what the OP hadn't asked about, possible double majors. But Bill still marks this answer as wrong because Bill and I disagree about composite keys.
I didn't even say that a synthetic id was necessary; indeed, I specifically said it was optional but in my opinion a good idea. (Why? It "plays better" with deletes, with tables that might reference student_majors, and with ORMS and generated code in general.)
Bill, that's frankly petty. You marked down a correct answer over an elaboration (composite/synthetic) on an elaboration (students:majors being M:M instead of M:1), and over what's a "religious" war. Do you mark down correct answers because you disagree with the answerer's stand on tabs vs. spaces or vi vs. emacs? Maybe you should have taken the time to give your own answer, rather than marking down correct answers.