How to show changes in frontend when backend is edited - mongodb

I am using a mongodb database with backend based on NodeJS. I am calling one api to show a list of task (custom class) in front end and calling another API to delete a task. I want to read the list of task again when a task is deleted. How do I do that?
Function to get a list of tasks
Future<List<Task>> listOfTask() async {
List<Task> result;
try {
final response = await http.get('api link');
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
List<Task> taskList =<Task>((entry) {
return Task.fromJson(entry);
result = taskList;
} catch (e) {
return result;
Getting the list of tasks in initState
void initState() {
DatabaseServices().listOfTask().then((value) {
setState(() {listOfTask = value;});
Function to delete task
Future<http.Response> taskDelete(task) async {
try {
final response = await http.delete('api link');
return response;
} catch (e) {
print("Error: " + e.toString());
return null;
Deleting task from frontend
onPressed: () async {
dynamic result = await DatabaseServices(token: token).taskDelete(task);
How do I make sure the list of task is updated once I click delete. (Note: the Function to get task list and delete works)


Flutter: _TypeError

I'm trying to get datas from api and add them a list. But at this moment, I see datas i got but I can't get it out of the function. What should i do?
List<dynamic> xxx = [];
void initState() {
Future<List<dynamic>> fetchCompanies(List<dynamic> datas) async {
var response = await Dio().get(CompaniesPath().url);
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
Map<String, dynamic> company = jsonDecode(;
for (int i = 0; i < company['Data'].length; i++) {
//print(datas); //=> I see datas here
} else {
throw Exception();
return datas;
When I run print(fetchCompanies(xxx)); I got "Instance of 'Future<List<dynamic>>'". How can i get data inside fetchCompanies to my xxx list?
You're trying to print future instance of List that's why you got
Instance of Future<List>
You have to wait until function finish executing.
Catch here is you can't call wait in initState() so you have to use .then method
try this:
.then((result) {
print("result: $result");
It should already work fine like it is. But you probably want to call a setState to refresh the page. Try this:
void initState() {
Future<List<dynamic>> fetchCompanies(List<dynamic> datas) async {
var response = await Dio().get(CompaniesPath().url);
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
Map<String, dynamic> company = jsonDecode(;
for (int i = 0; i < company['Data'].length; i++) {
//print(datas); //=> I see datas here
setState(() {}); // added this
} else {
throw Exception();
return datas;

how to create a stream in flutter that return a bool in every second

i am making a app. And i want to check my server state every minite and give user information
about the server. How do i do it. is stream good for it. Can some provide me a code for that.
just follow this guide
suppose your bool return value function is
Future<bool> isGpsOn() async {
return await Geolocator().isLocationServiceEnabled();
and this is create stream from bool value
Stream futureToStream(fn, defaultValue, Duration duration) async* {
var result;
while (true) {
try {
result = await fn();
catch (error) {
result = defaultValue;
finally {
yield result;
await Future.delayed(duration);
final gpsStatusStream = futureToStream(isGpsOn, false, Duration(seconds: 5));
gpsStatusStream.listen((enabled) {
print(enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
Use asyncMap
Stream<String> checkConnectionStream() async* {
yield* Stream.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (_) {
return //your function
}).asyncMap((event) async => await event);

why my circularProgressIndicator having strange behavior when async function called?

Im calling a function to get data from Excel file and upload it to my Firestore as following
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: () async {
await FireStoreServices.bulkUploadFromExcelToFireStore(
collectionName: 'test',
fileName: 'test',
sheetName: 'test');
the problem is my Progress loading indicator not working as expected in this case (not spinning only shows and freeze until the function complete after that its popped)
i tried to replace the awaited function 'bulkUploadFromExcelToFireStore' with Future.delayed and it worked as expected
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {});
what might be the problem ?
here is the code of bulkUploadFromExcelToFireStore function
static Future bulkUploadFromExcelToFireStore(
{required String fileName,
required String sheetName,
required String collectionName}) async {
try {
final rowsData = await Utils.readExcelFileData(
excelFilePath: fileName, sheetName: sheetName);
for (var row in rowsData) {
firebaseFirestore.collection(collectionName).doc(row[0]).set(data, SetOptions(merge: true));
} catch (e) {
print('Cached ERROR MESSAGE = = = = ${e.toString()}');
I added some validations inside your function to check for possible failures.
It would also be interesting to validate a failure warning and terminate the Progression Indication initialization.
static Future<String> bulkUploadFromExcelToFireStore({required String fileName, required String sheetName,required String collectionName}) async {
try {
final rowsData = await Utils.readExcelFileData(excelFilePath: fileName, sheetName: sheetName);
if(rowsData.length == 0) {
return "No Items!";
} else {
for (var row in rowsData) {
firebaseFirestore?.collection(collectionName)?.doc(row[0])?.set(data, SetOptions(merge: true));
return "Item allocated!";
} catch (e) {
return e.toString();

How to return catch exception in flutter

I working on error handling of api's. i want if api is crashed then it display a message of "Server is down" something like this, in UI.
I created a class where i'm creating methods of api, here in getBooks method if i modify the api url then it is printing this Exception, and i want it in UI. The problem is getBooks return type is List<Book>> so we can't return this Exception, any solution how to do this?
E/flutter (12924): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Exception
here is my api code
class BooksApi {
static Future<List<Book>> getBooks(String query) async {
try {
final url = Uri.parse(
final response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final List books = json.decode(response.body);
return => Book.fromJson(json)).where((book) {
final titleLower = book.title.toLowerCase();
final authorLower =;
final searchLower = query.toLowerCase();
return titleLower.contains(searchLower) ||
} else {
throw Exception;
} catch (e) {
throw Exception;
and calling it like
Future init() async {
setState(() {
isLoading = true;
var books = await BooksApi.getBooks(query); //this
var response = await obj.getProduct();
setState(() => this.books = books);
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
You could handle errors with then and onError :
await BooksApi.getBooks(query).then((books) async {
setState(() => {
this.books = books;
this.isLoading = false;
}, onError: (error) {
// do something with error
or a simple try-catch (you can write try-catch clauses the same way you would in synchronous code).
See handling errors.
You can also use catchError id you don't use async/await :
BooksApi.getBooks(query).then((books) {
setState(() => {
this.books = books;
this.isLoading = false;
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
print("error is: $error");
See futures error handling.
Try to wrap 'var books = await BooksApi.getBooks(query)' with try and catch.
try {
var books = await BooksApi.getBooks(query);
} catch (e) {
// To do for UI
For api, you need to make something like this:
final int code;
// or a success flag
// final bool success;
final String message;
final List<Book> data;
It means, every api have its own code,message,and data filed.
When you request, you can check your code or success:
var response = await request(params);
isLoading = false;
if(response.code == 0){}
// or
// do what you want
else {;
You can use build_runner and json_serializable.

Flutter: 'Future.wait' multiple async functions in parallel VS 'await' one at a time. <= different results

I recently learned of the fabulous way of waiting for multiple async functions to complete using Future.wait([asyncFuncOne(), asyncFunctwo()])
However, I noticed two different outcomes when running either of these blocks of code. One awaiting each function to finish, the other using Future.wait for parallel processing. What am I doing wrong?
Method 1:
await msm.initProfileData();
await msm.initActivityFeed();
await msm.getRecentlyActiveUsers();
await msm.getRecommendedUsers();
await msm.getGroups();
await msm.getFollowing();
await msm.getFollowers();
Method 2:
await Future.wait([
in Method 1, all the async functions complete before my apps home screen appears. In Method 2 the home screen appears before all the async functions complete.
Cheers and thanks in advance.
EDIT: Additional code example.
void initState() {
googleSignIn.onCurrentUserChanged.listen((account) {
}, onError: (err) {
print('Error signing in: $err');
googleSignIn.signInSilently(suppressErrors: false).then((account) {
}).catchError((err) {
setState(() => _showSignIn = true);
print('Error signing in: $err');
handleSignIn(GoogleSignInAccount account) async {
if (account != null) {
await createUserInFirestore();
setState(() {
isAuth = true;
} else {
setState(() {
isAuth = false;
_showSignIn = true;
createUserInFirestore() async {
final GoogleSignInAccount user = googleSignIn.currentUser;
DocumentSnapshot doc = await usersRef.document(;
//do stuff
await someFunc1(); //Method1
// await comeFunc2(); //Method2
//do more stuff
someFunc1() async {
someFunc2() async {
await Future.wait([
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return isAuth ? buildAuthScreen() : buildUnAuthScreen();
Using Future.wait(List<Future>) will wait for all the async operations without sequence as mentioned in the docs. While using await consecutively, it'll wait for the first await async operation to finish before running the next await async operation. If you have a prerequisite output before running the next async operation, it's better to use await async in sequence instead.