Is it possible to concurrently run commands in cloud-init - cloud-init

As part of my cloud-init, I need to download a large file (ie. a 6GB toolchain / SDK). This step is executed through runcmd and takes 3-5 minutes, which is about half of the time of the initialization process.
Is it possible to at least start the download in the background earlier (ie, as part of bootcmd) and proceed with the rest of initialization (ie, apt-get install ...)?

Yes, that is certainly possible. E.g., given the following cloud-config:
- echo 'Starting foreground sleep' >> /var/tmp/log
- date +%s >> /var/tmp/log
- sleep 5
- date +%s >> /var/tmp/log
- echo 'Starting background sleep' >> /var/tmp/log
- date +%s >> /var/tmp/log
- sleep 10 &
- date +%s >> /var/tmp/log
I get this kind of result:
cat /var/tmp/log
Starting foreground sleep
Starting background sleep
Increasing the background sleep has no effect on the amount of time it takes cloud-init to finish. A background wget should work similarly.
That said, this isn't really what bootcmd was designed for. If you check the cloud-init docs, it specifies that bootcmd should only be used for things that could not be done later in the boot process. Some fairly major setup tasks (including disk setup) can still happen after bootcmd runs, so starting some large downloads that early during boot may not be a wise choice.
The runcmd module should run before any of the apt installs. You can verify with cloud-init analyze show on your cloud instance. Unless you have a really good reason to use bootcmd, you should probably just stick with runcmd.


Automated fsck (with init 1/init 5) on a FreeBSD machine?

I'm looking to automated fsck on my FreeBSD server. I have an idea how to do this, but because it's running pretty powerful commands, I'd like some more eyes on it before I set it to run.
Step 1. Cron job.
My cron will look something like this: 0 17 * * 0 > /usr/local/var/log/fscklog/$(date).log, to run at 5PM every sunday. It will be run from root's crontab, because what I'm doing requires root permissions.
The script goes something like this:
init 1 # Run single-user mode, so fsck can run correctly
fsck -y # Run fsck
fsck -y # Run again, to clean up. Makes my machine act better
init 5 # bring it back up.
My main concerns follow:
Does running this pose any substantial dangers I should know about?
Are there any errors in my script?
Anything I should add?
Did I actually get it right?
I'm sorry this is mostly a confirmation question, but with my level of skill with sh I'm not comfortable setting this to run without someone more experienced taking a look first.
What about just add this to /etc/rc.conf:
Basically, means to run fsck -y and don't try to run in background, so depending on the size of your disks, this could take a while to finish.

Schedule a Perl script run in Ubuntu. Not looking at cron

I've got this Perl script on Ubuntu that I need to run at a particular time in the future. I don't need it to run at that time more than once or basically what I'm trying to say is that it does not need a cron.
I need to schedule a run at a future time to run once and that's it. Any idea how to go about it? I've googled a bit but every time the concept of cron comes up so not really helpful.
I do have some code. The user clicks on a button (say "Schedule") on the GUI and a process starts in the background which schedules the run after (say) N hours.
I'm ready with the GUI and the connection to the backend Perl script. The N hours is predetermined. But I don't know how to code the scheduling concept in the Perl script.
One way is that your Perl scripting will just sleep(seconds) and then execute the action. In case you don't want to have this you need to tell some other service that it should invoke a program at a specific time. In UNIX this is usually done with the at command.
Use the at command:
echo 'perl' | at now + 3 hours

Automating Month End Process

Whether month end process can be automated in progress bases applications like nessie? I already searched for it and I think maybe it can done by scheduling it through background jobs.
Scheduling jobs is a function of the OS or of 3rd party applications that specialize in such things (generally used in large enterprises with IT groups that obsess over that kind of stuff).
If you are using UNIX then you want to look into "cron".
If you are using Windows then "scheduled tasks".
In any event you will need to create a "wrapper" script that properly sets the background job environment and launches a Progress session. If you are using Windows you should be aware that a batch process is "headless" and that unless your batch process is doing something very strange it will not be using GUI components -- so you should probably run _progres.exe rather than prowin32.exe.
A generic (UNIX) example:
export DLC PATH
_progres -b -db /path/dbname -p batchjob.p > logfile 2>&1 &
(That is "_progres" with just 1 "s" -- this is from the days when file names were restricted to 8 characters on some operating systems.)
Windows is very similar:
# echo off
set DLC=c:\progress
set PATH=%DLC%\bin;%PATH%
_progres.exe -b -db \path\dbname -p batchjob.p > logfile 2>&1
But there are a lot of "gotchyas" with Windows. If, for instance, you run a job using a login-id that might actually login then you will have the problem that on logout all the scheduled tasks will be "helpfully" killed by the OS. Aside from stopping your job when you probably don't want it to this may have other negative side effects like crashing the db. To get around that problem on Windows you either create a "service account" that never logs in or use 3rd party scheduler that runs jobs "as a service".

Schedule a Task in Vista - System Restart

I am trying to write a system restart Task for Windows Vista. I'm a web developer by trade so I'm a little out of my element here. I have got into my OS and discovered Task Scheduler.
So far I've been able to set up some various tasks to run small WPF programs by calling the *.exe files. What I really need to do is set up a system restart at a specific time. 1 a.m. for example.
Is there a way to write a simple shell script that will force restart Windows Vista as a scheduled task?
My concern is that Vista typically asks to shut down programs when you hit restart, so I would want to make sure that it really is automatic requiring zero user interaction.
Any help, or links to examples would be greatly appreciated.
System: Windows Vista 32bit
Answer: Copy and Paste the code in the selected answer to a text file.
shutdown -r -f -t 01
Save the file as a *.bat file. You can then select it in the Actions Tab of the Task Scheduler. Works like a charm.
shutdown -r -f -t 01
will restart windows in 1 second.

How do I daemonize an arbitrary script in unix?

I'd like a daemonizer that can turn an arbitrary, generic script or command into a daemon.
There are two common cases I'd like to deal with:
I have a script that should run forever. If it ever dies (or on reboot), restart it. Don't let there ever be two copies running at once (detect if a copy is already running and don't launch it in that case).
I have a simple script or command line command that I'd like to keep executing repeatedly forever (with a short pause between runs). Again, don't allow two copies of the script to ever be running at once.
Of course it's trivial to write a "while(true)" loop around the script in case 2 and then apply a solution for case 1, but a more general solution will just solve case 2 directly since that applies to the script in case 1 as well (you may just want a shorter or no pause if the script is not intended to ever die (of course if the script really does never die then the pause doesn't actually matter)).
Note that the solution should not involve, say, adding file-locking code or PID recording to the existing scripts.
More specifically, I'd like a program "daemonize" that I can run like
% daemonize myscript arg1 arg2
or, for example,
% daemonize 'echo `date` >> /tmp/times.txt'
which would keep a growing list of dates appended to times.txt. (Note that if the argument(s) to daemonize is a script that runs forever as in case 1 above, then daemonize will still do the right thing, restarting it when necessary.) I could then put a command like above in my .login and/or cron it hourly or minutely (depending on how worried I was about it dying unexpectedly).
NB: The daemonize script will need to remember the command string it is daemonizing so that if the same command string is daemonized again it does not launch a second copy.
Also, the solution should ideally work on both OS X and linux but solutions for one or the other are welcome.
EDIT: It's fine if you have to invoke it with sudo daemonize myscript myargs.
(If I'm thinking of this all wrong or there are quick-and-dirty partial solutions, I'd love to hear that too.)
PS: In case it's useful, here's a similar question specific to python.
And this answer to a similar question has what appears to be a useful idiom for a quick-and-dirty demonizing of an arbitrary script:
You can daemonize any executable in Unix by using nohup and the & operator:
nohup script args&
The nohup command allows you to shut down your shell session without it killing your script, while the & places your script in the background so you get a shell prompt to continue your session. The only minor problem with this is standard out and standard error both get sent to ./nohup.out, so if you start several scripts in this manor their output will be intertwined. A better command would be:
nohup script args >script.out 2>script.error&
This will send standard out to the file of your choice and standard error to a different file of your choice. If you want to use just one file for both standard out and standard error you can us this:
nohup script args >script.out 2>&1 &
The 2>&1 tells the shell to redirect standard error (file descriptor 2) to the same file as standard out (file descriptor 1).
To run a command only once and restart it if it dies you can use this script:
if [[ $# < 1 ]]; then
echo "Name of pid file not given."
# Get the pid file's name.
if [[ $# < 1 ]]; then
echo "No command given."
echo "Checking pid in file $PIDFILE."
#Check to see if process running.
PID=$(cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
ps -p $PID >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
echo "Command $1 already running."
# Write our pid to file.
echo $$ >$PIDFILE
# Get command.
# Run command until we're killed.
while true; do
sleep 10 # if command dies immediately, don't go into un-ctrl-c-able loop
The first argument is the name of the pid file to use. The second argument is the command. And all other arguments are the command's arguments.
If you name this script this is how you would call it:
nohup pidFileName script args >script.out 2>&1 &
I apologise for the long answer (please see comments about how my answer nails the spec). I'm trying to be comprehensive, so you have as good of a leg up as possible. :-)
If you are able to install programs (have root access), and are willing to do one-time legwork to set up your script for daemon execution (i.e., more involved than simply specifying the command-line arguments to run on the command line, but only needing to be done once per service), I have a way that's more robust.
It involves using daemontools. The rest of the post describes how to set up services using daemontools.
Initial setup
Follow the instructions in How to install daemontools. Some distributions (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu) already have packages for it, so just use that.
Make a directory called /service. The installer should have already done this, but just verify, or if installing manually. If you dislike this location, you can change it in your svscanboot script, although most daemontools users are used to using /service and will get confused if you don't use it.
If you're using Ubuntu or another distro that doesn't use standard init (i.e., doesn't use /etc/inittab), you will need to use the pre-installed inittab as a base for arranging svscanboot to be called by init. It's not hard, but you need to know how to configure the init that your OS uses.
svscanboot is a script that calls svscan, which does the main work of looking for services; it's called from init so init will arrange to restart it if it dies for any reason.
Per-service setup
Each service needs a service directory, which stores housekeeping information about the service. You can also make a location to house these service directories so they're all in one place; usually I use /var/lib/svscan, but any new location will be fine.
I usually use a script to set up the service directory, to save lots of manual repetitive work. e.g.,
sudo mkservice -d /var/lib/svscan/some-service-name -l -u user -L loguser "command line here"
where some-service-name is the name you want to give your service, user is the user to run that service as, and loguser is the user to run the logger as. (Logging is explained in just a little bit.)
Your service has to run in the foreground. If your program backgrounds by default, but has an option to disable that, then do so. If your program backgrounds without a way to disable it, read up on fghack, although this comes at a trade-off: you can no longer control the program using svc.
Edit the run script to ensure it's doing what you want it to. You may need to place a sleep call at the top, if you expect your service to exit frequently.
When everything is set up right, create a symlink in /service pointing to your service directory. (Don't put service directories directly within /service; it makes it harder to remove the service from svscan's watch.)
The daemontools way of logging is to have the service write log messages to standard output (or standard error, if you're using scripts generated with mkservice); svscan takes care of sending log messages to the logging service.
The logging service takes the log messages from standard input. The logging service script generated by mkservice will create auto-rotated, timestamped log files in the log/main directory. The current log file is called current.
The logging service can be started and stopped independently of the main service.
Piping the log files through tai64nlocal will translate the timestamps into a human-readable format. (TAI64N is a 64-bit atomic timestamp with a nanosecond count.)
Controlling services
Use svstat to get the status of a service. Note that the logging service is independent, and has its own status.
You control your service (start, stop, restart, etc.) using svc. For example, to restart your service, use svc -t /service/some-service-name; -t means "send SIGTERM".
Other signals available include -h (SIGHUP), -a (SIGALRM), -1 (SIGUSR1), -2 (SIGUSR2), and -k (SIGKILL).
To down the service, use -d. You can also prevent a service from automatically starting at bootup by creating a file named down in the service directory.
To start the service, use -u. This is not necessary unless you've downed it previously (or set it up not to auto-start).
To ask the supervisor to exit, use -x; usually used with -d to terminate the service as well. This is the usual way to allow a service to be removed, but you have to unlink the service from /service first, or else svscan will restart the supervisor.
Also, if you created your service with a logging service (mkservice -l), remember to also exit the logging supervisor (e.g., svc -dx /var/lib/svscan/some-service-name/log) before removing the service directory.
daemontools provides a bulletproof way to create and manage services. I use it for my servers, and I highly recommend it.
Its logging system is very robust, as is the service auto-restart facility.
Because it starts services with a shell script that you write/tune, you can tailor your service however you like.
Powerful service control tools: you can send most any signal to a service, and can bring services up and down reliably.
Your services are guaranteed a clean execution environment: they will execute with the same environment, process limits, etc., as what init provides.
Each service takes a bit of setup. Thankfully, this only needs doing once per service.
Services must be set up to run in the foreground. Also, for best results, they should be set up to log to standard output/standard error, rather than syslog or other files.
Steep learning curve if you're new to the daemontools way of doing things. You have to restart services using svc, and cannot run the run scripts directly (since they would then not be under the control of the supervisor).
Lots of housekeeping files, and lots of housekeeping processes. Each service needs its own service directory, and each service uses one supervisor process to auto-restart the service if it dies. (If you have many services, you will see lots of supervise processes in your process table.)
In balance, I think daemontools is an excellent system for your needs. I welcome any questions about how to set it up and maintain it.
You should have a look at daemonize. It allows to detect second copy (but it uses file locking mechanism). Also it works on different UNIX and Linux distributions.
If you need to automatically start your application as daemon, then you need to create appropriate init-script.
You can use the following template:
# mydaemon This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the <mydaemon>
# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# Do preliminary checks here, if any
#### START of preliminary checks #########
##### END of preliminary checks #######
# Handle manual control parameters like start, stop, status, restart, etc.
case "$1" in
# Start daemons.
echo -n $"Starting <mydaemon> daemon: "
daemon <mydaemon>
# Stop daemons.
echo -n $"Shutting down <mydaemon>: "
killproc <mydaemon>
# Do clean-up works here like removing pid files from /var/run, etc.
status <mydaemon>
$0 stop
$0 start
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
I think you may want to try start-stop-daemon(8). Check out scripts in /etc/init.d in any Linux distro for examples. It can find started processes by command line invoked or PID file, so it matches all your requirements except being a watchdog for your script. But you can always start another daemon watchdog script that just restarts your script if necessary.
As an alternative to the already mentioned daemonize and daemontools, there is the daemon command of the libslack package.
daemon is quite configurable and does care about all the tedious daemon stuff such as automatic restart, logging or pidfile handling.
If you're using OS X specifically, I suggest you take a look at how launchd works. It will automatically check to ensure your script is running and relaunch it if necessary. It also includes all sorts of scheduling features, etc. It should satisfy both requirement 1 and 2.
As for ensuring only one copy of your script can run, you need to use a PID file. Generally I write a file to /var/run/.pid that contains a PID of the current running instance. if the file exists when the program runs, it checks if the PID in the file is actually running (the program may have crashed or otherwise forgotten to delete the PID file). If it is, abort. If not, start running and overwrite the PID file.
Daemontools ( ) is a set of pretty hard-core utilities used to do this, written by dj bernstein. I have used this with some success. The annoying part about it is that none of the scripts return any visible results when you run them - just invisible return codes. But once it's running it's bulletproof.
First get createDaemon() from
Then the main code:
import subprocess
import sys
import time
while True:" ".join(sys.argv[1:]),shell=True)
You could give a try to immortal It is a *nix cross-platform (OS agnostic) supervisor.
For a quick try on macOS:
brew install immortal
In case you are using FreeBSD from the ports or by using pkg:
pkg install immortal
For Linux by downloading the precompiled binaries or from source:
You can either use it like this:
immortal -l /var/log/date.log date
Or by a configuration YAML file which gives you more options, for example:
cmd: date
file: /var/log/date.log
age: 86400 # seconds
num: 7 # int
size: 1 # MegaBytes
timestamp: true # will add timesamp to log
If you would like to keep also the standard error output in a separate file you could use something like:
cmd: date
file: /var/log/date.log
age: 86400 # seconds
num: 7 # int
size: 1 # MegaBytes
file: /var/log/date-error.log
age: 86400 # seconds
num: 7 # int
size: 1 # MegaBytes
timestamp: true # will add timesamp to log
This is a working version complete with an example which you can copy into an empty directory and try out (after installing the CPAN dependencies, which are Getopt::Long, File::Spec, File::Pid, and IPC::System::Simple -- all pretty standard and are highly recommended for any hacker: you can install them all at once with cpan <modulename> <modulename> ...).
# Usage:
# 1. put this in your crontab, to run every minute:
# --pidfile=<pidfile> --command=<executable> <arguments>
# 2. put this code somewhere near the beginning of your script,
# where $pidfile is the same value as used in the cron job above:
# use File::Pid;
# File::Pid->new({file => $pidfile})->write;
# if you want to stop your program from restarting, you must first disable the
# cron job, then manually stop your script. There is no need to clean up the
# pidfile; it will be cleaned up automatically when you next call
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use File::Pid;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(system);
my ($pid_file, $command);
GetOptions("pidfile=s" => \$pid_file,
"command=s" => \$command)
or print "Usage: $0 --pidfile=<pidfile> --command=<executable> <arguments>\n", exit;
my #arguments = #ARGV;
# check if process is still running
my $pid_obj = File::Pid->new({file => $pid_file});
if ($pid_obj->running())
# process is still running; nothing to do!
exit 0;
# no? restart it
print "Pid " . $pid_obj->pid . " no longer running; restarting $command #arguments\n";
system($command, #arguments);
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Pid;
File::Pid->new({file => "pidfile"})->write;
print "$0 got arguments: #ARGV\n";
Now you can invoke the example above with: ./ --pidfile=pidfile --command=./ 1 2 3 and the file pidfile will be created, and you will see the output:
Pid <random number here> no longer running; restarting ./ 1 2 3
./ got arguments: 1 2 3
You might also try Monit. Monit is a service that monitors and reports on other services. While it's mainly used as a way to notify (via email and sms) about runtime problems, it can also do what most of the other suggestions here have advocated. It can auto (re)start and stop programs, send emails, initiate other scripts, and maintain a log of output that you can pick up. In addition, I've found it's easy to install and maintain since there's solid documentation.
I have made a series of improvements on the other answer.
stdout out of this script is purely made up of stdout coming from its child UNLESS it exits due to detecting that the command is already being run
cleans up after its pidfile when terminated
optional configurable timeout period (Accepts any positive numeric argument, sends to sleep)
usage prompt on -h
arbitrary command execution, rather than single command execution. The last arg OR remaining args (if more than one last arg) are sent to eval, so you can construct any sort of shell script as a string to send to this script as a last arg (or trailing args) for it to daemonize
argument count comparisons done with -lt instead of <
Here is the script:
# this script builds a mini-daemon, which isn't a real daemon because it
# should die when the owning terminal dies, but what makes it useful is
# that it will restart the command given to it when it completes, with a
# configurable timeout period elapsing before doing so.
if [ "$1" = '-h' ]; then
echo "timeout defaults to 1 sec.\nUsage: $(basename "$0") sentinel-pidfile [timeout] command [command arg [more command args...]]"
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "No command given."
if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$ ]]; then
[ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "No command given (timeout was given)." && exit
echo "Checking pid in file ${PIDFILE}." >&2
#Check to see if process running.
if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
ps -p $PID >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "This script is (probably) already running as PID ${PID}."
# Write our pid to file.
echo $$ >$PIDFILE
cleanup() {
trap cleanup EXIT
# Run command until we're killed.
while true; do
eval "$#"
echo "I am $$ and my child has exited; restart in ${TIMEOUT}s" >&2
sleep $TIMEOUT
$ pidfilefortesting 0.5 'echo abcd | sed s/b/zzz/'
Checking pid in file pidfilefortesting.
I am 79281 and my child has exited; restart in 0.5s
I am 79281 and my child has exited; restart in 0.5s
I am 79281 and my child has exited; restart in 0.5s
$ pidfilefortesting 0.5 'echo abcd | sed s/b/zzz/' 2>/dev/null
Beware that if you run this script from different directories it may use different pidfiles and not detect any existing running instances. Since it is designed to run and restart ephemeral commands provided through an argument there is no way to know whether something's been already started, because who is to say whether it is the same command or not? To improve on this enforcement of only running a single instance of something, a solution specific to the situation is required.
Also, for it to function as a proper daemon, you must use (at the bare minimum) nohup as the other answer mentions. I have made no effort to provide any resilience to signals the process may receive.
One more point to take note of is that killing this script (if it was called from yet another script which is killed, or with a signal) may not succeed in killing the child, especially if the child is yet another script. I am uncertain of why this is, but it seems to be something related to the way eval works, which is mysterious to me. So it may be prudent to replace that line with something that accepts only a single command like in the other answer.
There is also a very simple double-fork + setsid approach to detach any script from its parent process
( setsid my-regular-script arg [arg ...] 1>stdout.log 2>stderr.log & )
setsid is a part of standard util-linux package which has been with linux since birth. This works when launched in any POSIX compatible shell I know.
Another double-fork based approach doesn't even require any extra exacutables or packages and relies purely on POSIX based shell
( my-regular-script arg [arg ...] 1>stdout.log 2>stderr.log & ) &
It also survives becoming an orphan when the parent process leaves the stage