Drools Eclipse cannot show Rete view - eclipse

I am trying to study Drools to build a Rule Based System.
I installed Drools plugin for Eclipse.
I created a new Drools project with sample, but when I opened Sample.drl file then select "Rete Tree" I got an error
"Rete Tree Build Error!
java.lang.Exception: Unable to parse rules to show RETE view!
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.drools.ecj.EclipseJavaCompiler cannot be found by org.drools.eclipse_7.47.0.Final"
My version:
Eclipse version: J2EE 2019-03
Drools version: 7.47.0
I already configured the Drools Runtime.
Could you help me

Unfortunately, the drools-tools plugin for Eclipse was broken in the 7.47.0.Final release process due to a delivery error.
Please upgrade to 7.48.0.Final
After a more thorough investigation, the situation is not that simple.
The latest working version is 7.46.0.Final, and as we're planning to deprecate the Eclipse plugin, that'll be our latest release.
It’s possible to use a different version of a plugin and runtime.
As we haven’t added any feature in the plugin it should work the same if you use the 7.46.0.Final plugin with another runtime (7.49 or even 7.50)
The documentation will be updated accordingly.


Error configuring pipeline debugger in Eclipse

enter image description hereI have been trying really hard to configure a pipeline debugger in eclipse. After using my digital server account in server configuration when i select my site and click 'Debug' button it gives me an error
Could not initialize class com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.TreeMapConverter
I couldn't find much help online. I even tried changing the JRE version to an older version 14.0.2 but it doesn't seem to help.
[![Image attached of error][2]][2]
enter image description here
That library seems to be a core component of the Pipeline editor. I would suggest that you ensure that your Eclipse version is compatible with the plugin if you haven't done so already.
Currently, according to the documentation it only supports:
Mars - Eclipse 4.5
Neon - Eclipse 4.6
Furthermore, you must install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Eclipse. (Though in the past I've found that older plugin versions may sometimes work in newer Eclipse builds.)
This error relates to discounted class from JRE.
So my recipe for solving the issue:
used OpenJDK v11
installed latest eclipce version
SFCC plugin v4.6
Some found issues:
with new eclipce version brakepoints are not set from JS editor only via ScriptEditor
Thank you,
I had issues with running debugger, but after I installed eclipse version 2020-12 and installed UX studio plugin it started to work. maybe new versions are not compatible with plugin

Error installing drools 7.38 plugin in Eclipse 4.15

I am trying to install the drools plugin in Eclipse on Windows. The version of Eclipse that I installed is 4.15.0 build 20200313-1211.
I then went to https://download.jboss.org/drools/release/7.38.0.Final/ and downloaded droolsjbpm-tools-distribution-7.38.0.Final.zip and set that up as a local update site.
When I select "Drools and jBPM" and click "Next", I get an error message about these two items:
JBoss Runtime Drools Detector
JBoss Runtime Drools Detector Developer Resources
with this error messsage:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software being installed: JBoss Runtime Drools
Detector 7.38.0.Final
7.38.0.Final) Missing requirement: JBoss Runtime Drools Detector 7.38.0.Final (org.jboss.tools.runtime.drools.detector.feature.feature.group
7.38.0.Final) requires 'org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; org.jboss.tools.runtime.core.feature.feature.group 0.0.0' but it could
not be found
I don't know anything about Eclipse or Drools so I might be trying to install the wrong thing. I've been looking at all of the tutorials I can find about getting Drools up and running. Every tutorial I've found leads me to a dead-end like this. Am I installing the correct software to test Drools?

NetBeans 8.2 External Execution Base API Missing for Scala Plugins

I am using NetBeans 8.2 to develop Scala application.
Some Scala plugins require: "The plugin External Execution Base API is requested in implementation version 201510222201".
Can I download that API anywhere?
One of the frequent pull request submitters has an 8.2 plugin set available for download.
I've just ran into the same problem. The solution is the following:
Find out what version of the External Execution Base API you have in your Netbeans installation.
In my case, it is noted in
..\NetBeans 8.2\ide\modules\org-netbeans-modules-extexecution-base.jar\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
Edit the dependency definitions of the related nbscala nbm files.
In my case I had to update the following files
Delete the nbm signatures, since the changes made it invalid
Install the modules and hope there won't be any issue encountered by this hack.

HSQLDB Plug-In for Eclipse

I want to add the eclipse plugin for HSQLdb. I followed the instructions given here: hsqldb plugin for eclipse
Got the same problem:
Cannot add HSQLDb Engine nature: org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow can not be cast to org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow"
The proposed solution was to import newer version from Eclipse market place:
"There's a newer version here:
Unfortunately, that did not work for me. What have might gone wrong?
The Marketplace version you reference says it is compatible with Eclipse 3.* so it should work with Eclipse 3.8 and earlier.
The error you are getting appears to be because the code is relying on internal Eclipse classes which have been changed in Eclipse 4.x (specifically org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow which no longer extends org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow). This can only be resolved by rewriting the HSQLdb plugin.

Is there a way in Eclipse to find out plugins that are not used?

I am struggling with this!
While trying to install some features - eclipse keeps complaining about some dependency not met and about old version of some dependencies. The messages are rather not straigtforward.
Is there a way to clean the eclipse installation of the unused plugins? Does eclipse tell you on its own as to which features/plugins have not been used (for a while)?
What would be the definition of an unused plugin? All plugins that Eclipse update manager is referencing are currently in use because they were installed directly or are referenced by plugins that were installed directly.
I am not aware of anything that would actively track which features you are utilizing while using Eclipse and then report on unneeded plugins.
The error that you are running into typically happens because plugin A that you have depends on plugin X v1 and you are trying to install plugin B that requires X v2. Since both v1 and v2 of X cannot be simultaneously installed, installation of B aborts.
Here are the two most common causes of users finding themselves in this situation:
You haven't run "search for updates" recently, so many of your plugins are on older service levels. The plugin you are installing, however, requires a newer service level of a particular plugin. Resolve by updating your installation prior to trying to install the new plugin.
The plugin you are trying to install was not designed to be compatible with the major version of Eclipse that you are running. For instance, you might be running Eclipse "Galileo" 3.5 platform while the plugin you are trying to install was designed to work with Eclipse "Helios" 3.6 platform. You cannot use the update manager to move between major releases. Pay attention to what yearly release the plugin advertises support for. If it needs a newer version and you are willing to upgrade, you will need to download a new package.
Outside of that, post a new question with specific failure message you are getting along with details about your current installation and what you are trying to install. Someone here ought to be able to translate the installation failure into resolution options for you.