Flutter: google founding choice - flutter

I'm using admob_consent, doing everything according to the instructions including step "Create respective messages inside Funding Choices for your desired app and publish them".
Deploying on android
after that code, nothing happens
_admobConsent.show(forceShow: true);
But I'm expecting to get consent dialog
debug console:

To fix this issue need to select "personalized ads" for EEA and UK users


Google Action Console blocking to starting new release on deploy > Release

I am trying to "starting new release" on Google Action Console > deploy > Release, but Google Action Console is blocking and showing an alert box saying "Please fill out required app information fields before submitting."
where to find the required app information fields?
Wow, that is pretty vague.
In this case, make sure that all the required fields for all the tabs on the left have been filled out. This includes the Directory Information, company Details, and Brand Verification if necessary.

Failure to Launch Apps Due to Package Name Inconsistency

When I used huawei AppLinking Service, the app package name is queried to locate the app details page. However, the app package name varies depending on the channel. For example, for a Huawei channel, the package name ends with .huawei, which is different from that in a Google channel.Does this mean it's impossible for an App Linking link to be opened in all local app stores due to package name inconsistency?
Does this mean it's impossible for an App Linking link to be opened in
all local app stores due to package name inconsistency?
The answer is no because there is a solution to this problem.
Perform the following to resolve the issue:
We know that App Linking can redirect users to a custom website if the app has not been installed, so you can use Android intents to create custom links, in which you can configure the package name and fallback URL to be opened. The basic syntax is as follows:
HOST/URI-path // Optional host
Taking advantage of the preceding functions, you can:
Create a link of App Linking and use the setOpenType(CustomUrl) method to set the open type to redirect users to a custom website for the Android platform. The involved APIs are as follows:
.setAndroidLinkInfo(new AppLinking.AndroidLinkInfo.Builder()
Use an Android intent to configure the preceding custom website. Here, I use Taobao as an example:
The process is as follows:
1.Use the appmarket scheme to start the app whose package name is com.huawei.appmarket, that is, to open HUAWEI AppGallery.
2.Pass the package name com.taobao.taobao to HUAWEI AppGallery. Then, HUAWEI AppGallery will start this package.
3.If com.huawei.appmarket is not found, set S.browser_fallback_url to a fallback URL.
4.The fallback URL is a Google Play link. Simply set id in this URL to the name of the package to be opened. In this example, the ID is com.taobao.taobao.
Ensure that an App Linking project of the Android platform has been completed. For details, visit:
Open the original App Linking project and add the following information in bold:
String BACK_LINK = "intent://details?id=com.taobao.taobao#Intent;" +
"scheme=appmarket;package=com.huawei.appmarket;" +
"S.browser_fallback_url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?" +
AppLinking.Builder builder = new AppLinking.Builder()
.setAndroidLinkInfo(new AppLinking.AndroidLinkInfo.Builder()
Install the demo on a device, create a link of App Linking, and add it to the note.
Uninstall the app to simulate the scenario where the app is not installed.
For a Huawei phone, tap Open/Download. On AppGallery that is displayed, open the Taobao details page. The following figure shows the Taobao details page in HUAWEI Browser.
For a non-Huawei phone, tap Open/Download. On Google Play that is displayed, open the Taobao details page. The following figure shows the Taobao details page in Google Chrome.
The problem is now resolved. If you encounter a similar problem, simply follow my example step by step and change the package name to resolve the issue.
For more details, please go to:

Warning: Your pubspec.yaml includes an "author" section which is no longer used and may be removed

I want to publish my library and same as before, I have included author name in the pubspec file.
Running flutter pub pub publish --dry-run gives me the following warning:
Warning: Your pubspec.yaml includes an "author" section which is no longer used and may be removed
I will authorize my publishing using the email in my author value. If I remove it, how will I authorize.
I'll be thankful to know more about this.
Instead of using author or authors to verify yourself, the new way is that you make yourself a verified publisher.
According to documents:
To create a verified publisher, follow these steps:
Go to pub.dev.
Log in to pub.dev using a Google Account.
In the user menu in the top-right corner, select Create Publisher.
Enter the domain name that you want to associate with your publisher
(for example, dart.dev), and click Create Publisher.
In the confirmation dialog, select OK.
If prompted, complete the verification flow, which opens the Google Search Console.
When adding DNS records, it may take a few hours before the Search
Console reflects the changes. When the verification flow is complete,
return to step 4.
You should now use authors instead of author:
name: my_package
- me#mail.com
- another_author#mail.com

Firebase Analytics: Event Parameters not Logged on FB Console

I have events successfully being logged to the Firebase console however their associated parameters are not being shown.
My goal is to track which products and brands in my app are getting clicked on most. With the debug view I can see the view_item events being triggered and the parameters being successfully passed however in the console I cannot see the parameters such as in the demo project's level completed section. I'm using swift 4 for iOS on the simulator and on my iPhone X.
I have the parameters enabled by clicking the 3-dots in the event window and enabling them however after 48 hours I see the events being logged, but no parameters attached.
Here is where I log the events:
Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventAddToCart, parameters: [AnalyticsParameterItemName : name, AnalyticsParameterPrice : price, AnalyticsParameterItemBrand : seller, AnalyticsParameterCurrency : "€"])
Parameters enabled and
No parameter data being shown
Have I logged it incorrectly or am I doing something wrong on the console side of things? Much apprecited, Allen <3
Yesterday for Xcode reasons I uninstalled and reinstalled the app on my device and that seems to have worked! Didn't change any code.

Facebook Follow Button plugin doesn't allow periods in profile

Trying to set up a follow button with Facebook's plugin here:
I've found that any profile url I enter that contains periods (for example, http://www.facebook.com/John.Smith) will return an error.
From the error console I receive
Failed to load resource: The requested URL was not found on this server.
This happens with the HTML5, iframe and URL versions of the plugin. Just out of curiosity I tried encoding the period with %2E, and I also tried using the numeric profile ID, but neither worked.
Is there any other trick I can try to make this work?
I don't think it's a problem with the social plugin. please enter the profile https://www.facebook.com/michael.kamleitner for testing purposes - everything's fine here.
If I open the profile url of John Smith I'm getting an error ("Page not found") - so imho the profile is restricted/not public at all. If it's privacy restricted, you can't use it for the follow-plugin. If you have access to John Smith's account, please double check his follower-settings: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=followers