All string data appears as "Instance of" when i print - flutter

recently i made a couple of form pages( text input,radio button, that kind of stuff), and they used to work pretty well. I came back to them after working in another part of the app, and realize that it doesn't work anymore.
I checked a couple of things and realized that all text input data comes as "Instance of thing". So when i send the data to the backend and check it, it appears as null. As far as i know this means that the string data the user input is not being saved as a string inside my variables, but as instances and that's why it doesn't work.
Any ideas as to why this happened? As far as i remember i didn't change anything in these pages.
I'm using provider to maintain the data locally.
If snippets of code are needed please ask.

Most probably if you are getting "Instance of thing" & also null, then you need to await on your data.

class YourClass {
int yourVariable = 0;
String anotherVariable = "string";
String toString() {
return "YourVariable : $yourVariable , AnotherVariable : $anotherVariable";
You have to override the toString() method and return your objects like above and call toString() method when you print the object


Flutter Hive save custom object with list of custom objects gone after restarting app

I am using the Hive- Package in my project to store some data locally. That has been working fine so far, but now I am facing an issue:
I have a Custom-Class which also has a field with another Custom-Class:
part 'hive_vitals_interface.g.dart';
#HiveType(typeId: 1)
class HiveVitals extends HiveObject {
String? id;
DateTime? date;
List<HiveDiscomfort> otherDiscomfort;
List<HiveDiscomfort> mentalDiscomfort;
this.otherDiscomfort = const [],
this.mentalDiscomfort = const [],
And my HiveDiscomforts-Class:
part 'hive_discomfort_interface.g.dart';
#HiveType(typeId: 2)
class HiveDiscomfort extends HiveObject {
String? title;
int? intensity;
I am trying to save HiveVitals like this:
static Future<void> addVitals(HiveVitals hiveVitals) async {
final vitalsBox = getVitalsBox();
await vitalsBox.put(!.toIso8601String(), hiveVitals);
And retrieve it like this:
static List<HiveVitals> getVitals() {
Box<HiveVitals> box = getVitalsBox();
List<HiveVitals> hiveVitals = box.values.toList();
return hiveVitals;
I don't get any errors. In fact when saving my object and checking it in the debugger, everything is saved correctly. However when restarting the app, my List<HiveDiscomfort> fields are always empty again! But the rest of the HiveVitals-Fields are still saved correctly!?
What am I missing here? I don't get it... Any help is appreciated! Let me know if you need anything else!
Also opened an issue on Github.
I use this method and it works for me as List doesn't require registering an adapter:
await Hive.openBox<List>(bookmarks);
Add data like this:
boxValue.put(index, [
And you can access the data via ValueListenableBuilder.
If you're saying data is being saved and everything worked fine till you didn't restart the app. So the problem may be :
After restarting your app, you had may put a function that cleared all the data saved in Hive as soon as app starts.
Check this one.If like this will there then remove that line or function that clear all the data from hive DB.
Updated answer:
My previous solution got me thinking and I think I know why nested lists are not persisted.
It seems like hive is not checking for list equality and therefore never persist the changes, but uses the object as it is currently in memory. So, that is why as long as the application runs the object is correctly in memory, but when the app is closed hive does not persist the data as it thinks that the data (here the lists) never changed, even though they changed (this is my guess now without looking further into the code of the hive package).
So that means the solution would be to check for equality of the lists in the equals method. For this example it would be:
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is HiveVitals &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
id == &&
date == &&
listEquals(otherDiscomfort, other.otherDiscomfort) &&
listEquals(mentalDiscomfort, other.mentalDiscomfort);
For me this solution works.
Old answer:
I had the same issue...
I try to explain my solution based on this example.
Given an object HiveVitals hiveVitals = HiveVitals(), whenever I tried to add something to the nested list of my custom object like hiveVitals.otherDiscomfort.add(), it was saved but not persisted (it was gone whenever I restarted the app). What I did was the following when I wanted to add something to the nested list:
List<HiveDiscomfort> tempList = [...hiveVitals.otherDiscomfort];
hiveVitals.otherDiscomfort = tempList;
That worked for me, now my data is persisted.
I think this is a problem with the package because I have the same issue that everything works okay but with restarting the app the data disappears. So I asked the question at hive flutter github and no answers yet. So I ask u to open an issue at hive flutter github to let them know that this is a real problem we face it.
Here are a couple of hints about the issue which may be why the data is lost:
Hive FAQ: What happens if my app is killed? The worst thing that can happen is
that you lose the last entry if it isn't written completely yet. Hive
has built-in integrity checking and crash recovery and takes care of
Limitations: Keys have to be 32 bit unsigned integers or ASCII Strings with a max
length of 255 chars. The supported integer values include all
integers between -2^53 and 2^53, and some integers with larger
magnitude Objects are not allowed to contain cycles. Hive will not
detect them and storing will result in an infinite loop. Only one
process can access a box at any time. Bad things happen otherwise.
Boxes are stored as files in the user's app-directory. Common illegal
characters/symbols such as /%& should therefore be avoided.
The most likely cause though may be related to improper implementation of the Hive Relationships behavior. Are you using HiveLists? If not look into this more closely. Secondly, you may just be trying to save too much when the app is killed. Try changing the save operation before the app is killed to verify proper behavior.

Why does calling AutoFake.Provide() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()?

Why does calling fake.Provide<T>() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()? Is this a bug?
I'm trying to understand a problem I've run into with Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy (aka AutoFake). I have a partial solution, but I don't understand why my original code doesn't work. The original code is complicated, so I've spent some time simplifying it for the purposes of this question.
Why does this test fail? (working DotNetFiddle)
public interface IStringService { string GetString(); }
public static void ACallTo_before_Provide()
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// FAILS. The result should be "Test string",
// but instead it's an empty string.
Console.WriteLine($"ACallTo_before_Provide(): result = \"{result}\"");
If I swap the order of the calls to fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo(), it works:
public static void Provide_before_ACallTo()
// Same code as above, but with the calls to
// fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo() swapped
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// SUCCESS. The result is "Test string" as expected
Console.WriteLine($"Provide_before_ACallTo(): result = \"{result}\"");
I know what is happening, sort of, but I'm not sure if it's intentional behavior or if it's a bug.
What is happening is, the call to fake.Provide<T>() is causing anything configured with A.CallTo() to be lost. As long as I always call A.CallTo() after fake.Provide<T>(), everything works fine.
But I don't understand why this should be.
I can't find anything in the documentation stating that A.CallTo() cannot be called before Provide<T>().
Likewise, I can't find anything suggesting Provide<T>() cannot be used with A.CallTo().
It seems the order in which you configure unrelated dependencies shouldn't matter.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It isn't that the Fake's configuration is being changed. In the first test, Resolve is returning different Fakes each time it's called. (Check them for reference equality; I did.)
Provide creates a new scope and pushes it on a stack. The topmost scope is used by Resolve when it finds an object to return. I think this is why you're getting different Fakes in ACallTo_before_Provide.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It's not clear to me. I'm not an Autofac user, and don't understand why an additional scope is introduced by Provide. The stacked scope behaviour was introduced in PR 18. Perhaps the author can explain why.
In the meantime, if possible, I'd Provide all you need to before Resolveing, if you can manage it.

How to cache a value returned by a Future?

For my Flutter app I'm trying to access a List of Notebooks, this list is parsed from a file by the Api. I would like to avoid reading/parsing the file every time I call my notebooks getter, hence I would like something like this:
if the file had already been parsed once, return the previously parsed List<Note> ;
else, read and parse the file, save the List<Note> and returns it.
I imagine something like this :
List<Notebook> get notebooks {
if (_notebooks != null) {
return _notebooks;
} else {
return await _api.getNotebooks();
This code is not correct because I would need to mark the getter async and return a Future, which I don't want to. Do you know any solution for this problem, like caching values ? I also want to avoid initializing this list in my app startup and only parse once the first time the value is needed.
you can create a singleton and you can store the data inside a property once you read it, from next time onwards you can use the same from the property.
You can refer this question to create a singleton
How do you build a Singleton in Dart?

How to properly add user data using Bloc && How to properly use Google Places API

I'm having difficulties in two areas:
1) When a user successfully logs into their account using phone auth in Firestore, I take them to an "Edit profile" page so they can add their profile information. I get an error saying that I can't add data to a null user class or add data to a class within a class.
I currently have my user class setup something like the following:
class User {
String points;
Name name;
class Name {
String firstName;
String lastName;
Name({this.firstName, this.lastName})
As you can see, I have a class within a class and when I try to add a value, it says I can't. I've tried doing it like = value
And I've tried like
Name newName = Name();
newName.first = value.
The second one seems to work but it doesn't seem right. I'm hoping you could help me understand how to properly approach adding data for new users when I have a class within a class.
The second issue is understanding how to properly use the Places API. I'm currently learning from the below repo, but it's outdated and there's a couple lines I can't seem to figure out how to change. I also can't seem to find an updated tutorial since the October app crashing update.
Thanks in advance for your help!

MVC2 sending collections from the view a controller via json

I've been looking on forums for 2 days now and can't find a good answer so I'll just post it.
I appear to be having a problem posting JSON back to the controller to save. The JSON should map to model view but it keeps getting default(constructor)values rather then the values from the POST.
We have a series of JS widgets that contain a data field with json in them. We do all our data manipulation in these widget objects on the client side. When a user wants to save we grab the data we need from the widgets involved and we put it into another JSON object that matches a ViewModel and POST that back to the server.
For example:
$("#Save").click(function () {
if (itemDetails.preparedForSubmit() && itemConnections.preparedForSubmit()) { =;;
} else {
alert("failed to save");
The preparedForSubmit() method simple does stuff like any validation checks or last minute formatting you might need to do client side.
The itemDetails widgets data matches a ViewModel.
The itemConnections widgets data matches a collection of ViewModels.
The Controller looks like this:
virtual public JsonResult SaveItemDetailsComposite(ItemComposite inItemData)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
_Mapper.Save(itemComposite.Details , itemComposite.Connections);
return Json(true);
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error("Exception " + ex.InnerException.Message);
return Json(SiteMasterUtilities.CreateValidationErrorResponse(ModelState));
The ItemComposite Class is a simple View Model that contains a single itemDetails object and a collection of itemConnections. When it returns data to here it is just getting the default data as if it got a new ItemComposite rather than converting the POST data.
in Firebug I see the data is posted. Although it looks weird not automatically formatted in firebug.
Are you saying that is formatted as a JSON object? If so, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to de-serialize it before you can cast it to your object. Something like:
ItemComposite ic = jsSerializer.Deserialize<ItemComposite>(this.HttpContext.Request.Params[0]);
You may want to look into a framework like JSON.NET to ensure that your data is being serialized properly when it gets supplied to your Action.
JSON.NET seems like it's one of the main stream frameworks:
Hope this helps.
You could also use the JSON Serializer in WCF:
SO wouldn't let me put both links in one answer, sorry for the split answer.
Thanks everyone. I think I have solved my problem and I'm pretty sure that I had four issues. For the most part I followed thatSteveguys's suggestion and read more on this article:
Using jQuery's post() method and specifying json as the type didn't seem to actually send it as json. By using the ajax() method and specifying json it sent it as json.
The JSON.serialize() method was also need to cleanly send over the json.
Also my ViewModel design was a big problem. We are using the MS code analytic build junk and it didn't want me having a setter for my collections in the ViewModel. So me being from a java/hibernate world, thought it didn't need them to bind and it would just come in as a serialized object magically. Once I just suppressed the error and reset up my setters. I am getting the collections now in my controller.
I believe using the MVC2 Future's Value Providers are doing something but it still doesn't convert json dates robustly, So I am still investigating the best way to do that.
I hope my issues help out others.
UPDATE: using this method to update collections of data appears to be super slow. A collection with 200 entries in it and 8 fields per entry takes 3 minutes to get to the controller. Just 1 or 2 entries take very little time. The only thing I know of that is happening between here is data binding to the model view. I don't know if MVC2 provides a easy way to send this much data and bind it.