I need to execute a shell script that is within a kubernetes pod. However the call needs to come from outside the pod. Below is the script for your reference:
echo 'Enter Namespace: '; read namespace; echo $namespace;
kubectl exec -it `kubectl get po -n $namespace|grep -i podName|awk '{print $1}'` -n $namespace --- {}
Can anyone suggest on how to do this?`
There isn't really a good way. A simple option might be cat | kubectl exec -i -- bash but that can have weird side effects. The more correct solution would be to use a debug container but that feature is still in alpha right now.
I am running a deployment called mydeployment that manages several pods/replicas for a certain service. I want to search all the service pods/instances/replicas of that deployment for a certain keyword. The command below defaults to one replica and returns the keyword matching in this replica only.
Kubectl logs -f deploy/mydeployment | grep "keyword"
Is it possible to customize the above command to return all the matching keywords out of all instances/pods of the deployment mydeployment? Any hint?
Save this to a file file, and if you are using Linux box, use sh
echo "Running Script.."
for podName in `kubectl get pods -A -o name | grep -i ${podName} | cut -d'/' -f2`;
echo "searching pod ${podName}"
kubectl -n ${nameSpace} logs pod/${podName} | grep -i ${keyWord}
I used the pods, if you want to use deployment, the idea is same change the kubectl command accordingly.
Is there some command for this? It irks me that Openshift takes pride in having "-o yaml" and "-o json" commands to avoid having to use cut/grep/awk, but for listing the current project this seems to be the only way to do it:
[root#bart-master ~]# oc project
Using project "default" on server "".
[root#bart-master ~]# oc project | cut -d '"' -f2
You can get the current project(namespace) using each oc and kubectl CLIs as follows
$ oc config view --minify -o 'jsonpath={..namespace}'
$ kubectl config view --minify -o 'jsonpath={..namespace}'
The oc project CLI command already has this built in. You can pass the -q or --short arguments to oc project in order to get the namespace name alone.
In general, oc has great help support that you can get by appending -h to the end of any command (including oc project) to get helpful arguments like this.
What is the best method for checking to see if a custom resource definition exists before running a script, using only kubectl command line?
We have a yaml file that contains definitions for a NATS cluster ServiceAccount, Role, ClusterRoleBinding and Deployment. The image used in the Deployment creates the crd, and the second script uses that crd to deploy a set of pods. At the moment our CI pipeline needs to run the second script a few times, only completing successfully once the crd has been fully created. I've tried to use kubectl wait but cannot figure out what condition to use that applies to the completion of a crd.
Below is my most recent, albeit completely wrong, attempt, however this illustrates the general sequence we'd like.
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete kubectl apply -f 1.nats-cluster-operator.yaml kubectl apply -f 2.nats-cluster.yaml
The condition for a CRD would be established:
kubectl -n <namespace-here> wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/<crd-name-here>
You may want to adjust --timeout appropriately.
In case you are wanting to wait for a resource that may not exist yet, you can try something like this:
{ grep -q -m 1 ""; kill $!; } < <(kubectl get crd -w)
{ sed -n /; kill $!; } < <(kubectl get crd -w)
I understand the question would prefer to only use kubectl, however this answer helped in my case. The downside to this method is that the timeout will have to be set in a different way and that the condition itself is not actually checked.
In order to check the condition more thoroughly, I made the following:
condition-established() {
local name=""
local condition="Established"
jq --arg NAME $name --arg CONDITION $condition -n \
'first(inputs | if ($NAME) and (.status.conditions[]?.type==$CONDITION) then
null | halt_error else empty end)'
# This is similar to the first, but the full condition is sent to stdout
#jq --arg NAME $name --arg CONDITION $condition -n \
# 'first(inputs | if ($NAME) and (.status.conditions[]?.type==$CONDITION) then
# .status.conditions[] | select(.type==$CONDITION) else empty end)'
{ condition-established; kill $!; } < <(kubectl get crd -w -o json)
echo Complete
To explain what is happening, $! refers to the command run by bash's process substitution. I'm not sure how well this might work in other shells.
I tested with the CRD from the official kubernetes documentation.
I'm looking for a way to tell (from within a script) when a Kubernetes Job has completed. I want to then get the logs out of the containers and perform cleanup.
What would be a good way to do this? Would the best way be to run kubectl describe job <job_name> and grep for 1 Succeeded or something of the sort?
Since version 1.11, you can do:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob
and you can also set a timeout:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30s job/myjob
You can visually watch a job's status with this command:
kubectl get jobs myjob -w
The -w option watches for changes. You are looking for the SUCCESSFUL column to show 1.
For waiting in a shell script, I'd use this command:
until kubectl get jobs myjob -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?
(#.type=="Complete")].status}' | grep True ; do sleep 1 ; done
You can use official Python kubernetes-client.
Create new Python virtualenv:
virtualenv -p python3 kubernetes_venv
activate it with
source kubernetes_venv/bin/activate
and install kubernetes client with:
pip install kubernetes
Create new Python script and run:
from kubernetes import client, config
v1 = client.BatchV1Api()
ret = v1.list_namespaced_job(namespace='<YOUR-JOB-NAMESPACE>', watch=False)
for i in ret.items:
Remember to set up your specific kubeconfig in ~/.kube/config and valid value for your job namespace -> '<YOUR-JOB-NAMESPACE>'
I would use -w or --watch:
$ kubectl get jobs.batch --watch
python 0/1 3m4s 3m4s
Adding the best answer, from a comment by #Coo, If you add a -f or --follow option when getting logs, it'll keep tailing the log and terminate when the job completes or fails. The $# status code is even non-zero when the job fails.
kubectl logs -l job-name=myjob --follow
One downside of this approach, that I'm aware of, is that there's no timeout option.
Another downside is the logs call may fail while the pod is in Pending (while the containers are being started). You can fix this by waiting for the pod:
# Wait for pod to be available; logs will fail if the pod is "Pending"
while [[ "$(kubectl get pod -l job-name=myjob -o json | jq -rc '.items | .[].status.phase')" == 'Pending' ]]; do
# Avoid flooding k8s with polls (seconds)
sleep 0.25
# Tail logs
kubectl logs -l job-name=myjob --tail=400 -f
It either one of these queries with kubectl
kubectl get job test-job -o jsonpath='{.status.succeeded}'
kubectl get job test-job -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(#.type=="Complete")].status}'
Although kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob and kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob allow us to check whether the job completed but there is no way to check if the job just finished executing (irrespective of success or failure). If this is what you are looking for, a simple bash while loop with kubectl status check did the trick for me.
while true; do
status=$(kubectl get job jobname -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0].type}')
echo "$status" | grep -qi 'Complete' && echo "0" && exit 0
echo "$status" | grep -qi 'Failed' && echo "1" && exit 1
I am trying to call kubectl create -n $test_namespace -f <absolute-path-to-tea-rc-file>.yaml from a shell script.
echo "current_dir is $current_dir"
parentdir="$(dirname "$current_dir")"
echo $parentdir
kubectl create -n $test_namespace -f $parentdir/deployment/common/tea-rc.yaml
It gives error as below:
Bhagyashrees-MacBook-Pro:execution_controller bhagyashree$ sh
current_dir is /Users/bhagyashree/Documents/FDrepo/armada-ingress-ctl-test/execution_controller
error: unknown command "/Users/bhagyashree/Documents/FDrepo/armada-ingress-ctl-test/deployment/common/tea-rc.yaml"
See 'kubectl create -h' for help and examples.
the same command works when it is executed from a terminal.
kubectl create -n testnamespace -f /Users/bhagyashree/Documents/FDrepo/armada-ingress-ctl-test/deployment/common/tea-rc.yaml
What I am i missing here?
I think it's because the variable $test_namespace has not been set.
If you change the last line to echo "kubectl create -n $test_namespace -f $parentdir/deployment/common/tea-rc.yaml" you'll see what it's trying to run, it will look like kubctl create -n -f /path/to/dir/deployment/common/tea-rc.yaml. The Namespace can not be left blank.
You could also try adding a line like echo $test_namespace to check.