Split column and convert empty values to null in Spark - scala

I'm trying to fill an empty value as null when I split a column in Spark. Example:
| A |
| 1.2.3 |
| 4..5 |
I was looking for:
A split 1
A split 2
A split 3
I got:
A split 1
A split 2
A split 3
My code is:
df.withColumn("A", when(split(col("A"), "\\.") =!= lit(""), split(col("A"), "\\."))
However, I got an error because due to a type mismatch:
array(string) is not a string.
It could be possible to find a solution without using a UDF?
Many thanks

You can split then when getting array items as columns use when to change to null if element is empty :
// n is the max array size from split (in your example it's 3)
val n = 3
val df1 = df.withColumn(
split(col("A"), "[.]")
Seq(col("A")) ++ (0 to n-1).map(i =>
when(col("ASplit")(i) === "", lit(null)).otherwise(col("ASplit")(i)).as(s"A split $i")
): _*
//| A|A split 0|A split 1|A split 2|
//|1.2.3| 1| 2| 3|
//| 4..5| 4| null| 5|

You can transform the split result by replacing empty values with null:
val result = df.withColumn(
expr("transform(split(A, '\\\\.'), x -> case when x = '' then null else x end)")
).select($"A", $"split"(0), $"split"(1), $"split"(2))
| A|split[0]|split[1]|split[2]|
|1.2.3| 1| 2| 3|
| 4..5| 4| null| 5|


Create summary of Spark Dataframe

I have a Spark Dataframe which I am trying to summarise in order to find overly long columns:
// Set up test data
// Look for long columns (>=3), ie 1 is ok row,, 2 is bad on column 3, 3 is bad on column 2
val df = Seq(
( 1, "a", "bb", "cc", "file1" ),
( 2, "d", "ee", "fff", "file2" ),
( 3, "g", "hhhh", "ii", "file3" )
toDF("rowId", "col1", "col2", "col3", "filename")
I can summarise the lengths of the columns and find overly long ones like this:
// Look for long columns (>=3), ie 1 is ok row,, 2 is bad on column 3, 3 is bad on column 2
val df2 = df.columns
.map(c => (c, df.agg(max(length(df(s"$c")))).as[String].first()))
.toSeq.toDF("columnName", "maxLength")
.filter($"maxLength" > 2)
If I try and add the existing filename column to the map I get an error:
val df2 = df.columns
.map(c => ($"filename", c, df.agg(max(length(df(s"$c")))).as[String].first()))
.toSeq.toDF("fn", "columnName", "maxLength")
.filter($"maxLength" > 2)
I have tried a few variations of the $"filename" syntax. How can I incorporate the filename column into the summary?
The real dataframes have 300+ columns and millions of rows so I cannot hard-type column names.
#wBob does the following achieve your goal?
group by file name and get the maximum per column:
val cols = df.columns.dropRight(1) // to remove the filename col
val maxLength = cols.map(c => s"max(length(${c})) as ${c}").mkString(",")
val df1 = spark
.sql(s"select filename, ${maxLength} from temp group by filename")
With the output:
| file1| 1| 1| 2| 2|
| file2| 1| 1| 2| 3|
| file3| 1| 1| 4| 2|
Use subqueries to get the maximum per column and concatenate the results using union:
val res = cols.map(col => {
spark.sql(s"select '${col}' as columnName, $col as maxLength, filename from temp2 " +
s"where $col = (select max(${col}) from temp2)")
}).reduce(_ union _)
With the result:
| rowId| 1| file1|
| rowId| 1| file2|
| rowId| 1| file3|
| col1| 1| file1|
| col1| 1| file2|
| col1| 1| file3|
| col2| 4| file3|
| col3| 3| file2|
Note that there are multiple entries for rowId and col1 since the maximum is not unique.
There is probably a more elegant way to write it, but I am struggling to find one at the moment.
Pushed a little further for better result.
array( // make array of columns name/value/length
(for{ col_name <- df.columns } yield
).toSeq:_* ).alias("rowInfo")
explode( // explode array into rows
expr("filter(rowInfo, x -> x.length >= 3)") //filter the array for the length your interested in
col("rowInfo.*") // turn struct fields into columns
|rowId|length| col|col_value|
| 2| 3| col3| fff|
| 3| 4| col2| hhhh|
| 3| 5|filename| file3|
| 1| 5|filename| file1|
| 2| 5|filename| file2|
It might be enough to sort your table by total text length. This can be achieved quickly and concisely.
length( // take the length
concat( //slap all the columns together
(for( col_name <- df.columns ) yield col(col_name)).toSeq:_*
.sort( //order by total length
| 3| g|hhhh| ii| file3| 13|
| 2| d| ee| fff| file2| 12|
| 1| a| bb| cc| file1| 11|
Sorting an array[struct] it will sort on the first field first and second field next. This works as we put the size of the sting up front. If you re-order the fields you'll get different results. You can easily accept more than 1 result if you so desired but I think dsicovering a row is challenging is likely enough.
reverse( //sort ascending
sort_array( //sort descending
array( // add all columns lengths to an array
(for( col_name <- df.columns ) yield struct(length(col(col_name)),lit(col_name),col(col_name).cast("String")) ).toSeq:_* )
)(0) // grab the row max
.alias("rowMax") )
|rowId|col1|col2|col3|filename| rowMax|
| 1| a| bb| cc| file1|[5, filename, file1]|
| 2| d| ee| fff| file2|[5, filename, file2]|
| 3| g|hhhh| ii| file3|[5, filename, file3]|

How to create multiples columns from a MapType columns efficiently (without foldleft)

My goal is to create columns from another MapType column. The names of the columns being the keys of the Map and their associated values.
Below my starting dataframe:
|id | mapColumn |
| 1 |Map(keyA -> 0, keyB -> 1) |
| 2 |Map(keyA -> 4, keyB -> 2) |
Below the desired output:
|id |keyA|keyB|
| 1 | 0| 1|
| 2 | 4| 2|
I found a solution whith a Foldleft with accumulators (work but extremely slow):
val colsToAdd = startDF.collect()(0)(1).asInstanceOf[Map[String,Integer]].map(x => x._1).toSeq
res1: Seq[String] = List(keyA, keyB)
val endDF = colsToAdd.foldLeft(startDF)((startDF, key) => startDF.withColumn(key, lit(0)))
//(lit(0) for testing)
The real starting dataframe being enormous, I need optimization.
You could simply use explode function to explode the map type column and then use pivot to get each key as new column. Something like this:
val df = Seq((1,Map("keyA" -> 0, "keyB" -> 1)), (2,Map("keyA" -> 4, "keyB" -> 2))
).toDF("id", "mapColumn")
df.select($"id", explode($"mapColumn"))
| id|keyA|keyB|
| 1| 0| 1|
| 2| 4| 2|

Advanced join two dataframe spark scala

I have to join two Dataframes.
Dataframe1 looks like this
df1_col1 df1_col2
a ex1
b ex4
c ex2
d ex6
e ex3
df2_col1 df2_col2
1 a,b,c
2 d,c,e
3 a,e,c
In result Dataframe I would like to get result like this
res_col1 res_col2 res_col3
a ex1 1
a ex1 3
b ex4 1
c ex2 1
c ex2 2
c ex2 3
d ex6 2
e ex3 2
e ex3 3
What will be the best way to achieve this join?
I have updated the code below
val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("a","ex1"),("b","ex4"),("c","ex2"),("d","ex6"),("e","ex3")))
val df2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(List(("1","a,b,c"),("2","d,c,e")))).toDF
df2.withColumn("df2_col2_explode", explode(split($"_2", ","))).select($"_1".as("df2_col1"),$"df2_col2_explode").join(df1.select($"_1".as("df1_col1"),$"_2".as("df1_col2")), $"df1_col1"===$"df2_col2_explode","inner").show
You just need to split the values and generate multiple rows by exploding it and then join with the other dataframe.
You can refer this link, How to split pipe-separated column into multiple rows?
I used spark sql for this join, here is a part of code;
val df_result = spark.sql("""select
| b.df1_col1 as res_col1,
| b.df1_col2 as res_col2,
| a.df2_col1 as res_col3
| from (select df2_col1, exp_col
| from temp_v_df2
| lateral view explode(split(df2_col2,",")) dummy as exp_col) a
| join temp_v_df1 b on a.exp_col = b.df1_col1""".stripMargin)
I used spark scala data frame to achieve your desire output.
val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("a","ex1"),("b","ex4"),("c","ex2"),("d","ex6"),("e","ex3"))).toDF("df1_col1","df1_col2")
val df2 = sc.parallelize(Seq((1,("a,b,c")),(2,("d,c,e")),(3,("a,e,c")))).toDF("df2_col1","df2_col2")
df2.withColumn("_tmp", explode(split($"df2_col2", "\\,"))).as("temp").join (df1,$"temp._tmp"===df1("df1_col1"),"inner").drop("_tmp","df2_col2").show
Desire Output
| 2| e| ex3|
| 3| e| ex3|
| 2| d| ex6|
| 1| c| ex2|
| 2| c| ex2|
| 3| c| ex2|
| 1| b| ex4|
| 1| a| ex1|
| 3| a| ex1|
Rename the Column according to your requirement.
Here the screenshot of running code
Happy Hadoooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppp

Pyspark: Delete rows on column condition after groupBy

This is my input dataframe:
id val
1 Y
1 N
2 a
2 b
3 N
Result should be:
id val
1 Y
2 a
2 b
3 N
I want to group by on col id which has both Y and N in the val and then remove the row where the column val contains "N".
Please help me resolve this issue as i am beginner to pyspark
you can first identify the problematic rows with a filter for val=="Y" and then join this dataframe back to the original one. Finally you can filter for Null values and for the rows you want to keep, e.g. val==Y. Pyspark should be able to handle the self-join even if there are a lot of rows.
The example is shown below:
df_new = spark.createDataFrame([
(1, "Y"), (1, "N"), (1,"X"), (1,"Z"),
(2,"a"), (2,"b"), (3,"N")
], ("id", "val"))
df_Y = df_new.filter(col("val")=="Y").withColumnRenamed("val","val_Y").withColumnRenamed("id","id_Y")
df_new = df_new.join(df_Y, df_new["id"]==df_Y["id_Y"],how="left")
df_new.filter((col("val_Y").isNull()) | ((col("val_Y")=="Y") & ~(col("val")=="N"))).select("id","val").show()
The result would be your preferred:
| id|val|
| 1| X|
| 1| Y|
| 1| Z|
| 3| N|
| 2| a|
| 2| b|

Add a New column in pyspark Dataframe (alternative of .apply in pandas DF)

I have a pyspark.sql.DataFrame.dataframe df
id col1
1 abc
2 bcd
3 lal
4 bac
i want to add one more column flag in the df such that if id is odd no, flag should be 'odd' , if even 'even'
final output should be
id col1 flag
1 abc odd
2 bcd even
3 lal odd
4 bac even
I tried:
def myfunc(num):
if num % 2 == 0:
flag = 'EVEN'
flag = 'ODD'
return flag
df['new_col'] = df['id'].map(lambda x: myfunc(x))
df['new_col'] = df['id'].apply(lambda x: myfunc(x))
It Gave me error : TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable
How do is use .apply ( as i use in pandas dataframe) in pyspark
pyspark doesn't provide apply, the alternative is to use withColumn function. Use withColumn to perform this operation.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
| id|col1|
| 1| abc|
| 2| bcd|
| 3| lal|
| 4| bac|
F.when(F.col("id")%2 == 0, F.lit("Even")).otherwise(
| id|col1|flag|
| 1| abc| odd|
| 2| bcd|Even|
| 3| lal| odd|
| 4| bac|Even|