Sort negative dimension values in Qliksense? - qliksense

I have a bar chart in Qlik sense. X- axis dimension looks like -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 but I am not able to sort the x-axis.
Please help me to resolve this sorting issue.

It looks like your chart is sorted by your measure on the Y axis rather than the dimension on the X axis. You should just be able to go to the chart properties and change the sort order to sort by your dimension on the X axis.
However if the numbers are stored as text you may first need to convert them as Qlik Sense may not recognise the correct sort order.

You can selection the dimension as numeric and apply sorting on it


Adding x error bars to a scatter plot in tableau

I have a scatter plot in tableau:
I am looking to add error bars to the points but cant find how to do this. I would need to specify the lower limits and upper limmits (i.e. not just a fixed percentage of the value). The only thing I can find is adding y errors in the form of a gant plot but this isnt helpuful (I dont think) as I only need x errors.
Its possible with a combination of using Measure Values (to show lines between the error ranges) and a dual axis (to overlay the X values on the lines)
See sample workbook

Matlab date help on x-axis

I have a porkchop plot that looks similar to this:
The contour function used to make it has input arguments for the x and y positions that are serial dates (as that seemed to be required by MATLAB). Then I used the following command to get the format I want:
datetick('x', 2); datetick('y', 2);
The problem I am having is that when I zoom in on the plot the tick labels to not autogenerate and I can be left with no ticks on the x or y axis if I zoom in to use a weeks' date range for example.
I tried enabling 'auto' for XtickMode and YtickMode but when I zoom in or pan after using those commands the relationship between the independent and dependent variables are lost for some reason (aka the dates don't stay with data like they do when you just have numbers on the x axis and zoom in).
Any ideas on how to solve this issue to get the functionality I'm looking for?
I have also tried the command xtickformat('dd-MMM-yy') but I get an error "Invalid numeric tick label format." when I use it with the contour plot.
As far as I know there is no builtin method in MATLAB to do this. I use the datetickzoom function from the MATLAB FileExchange. If you replace all instances of datetick with datetickzoom, it will automatically update the relevant axis labels when you zoom in.

AmChart HeatMap with the same categories on value axis

I have an matrix with correlation values beetween objects and I have to show it on heat map using amchart library. I'm using this example (it's with jsfiddle) but I can't make it works to have the same values also on left axis.
Here is example what I have now, I need to have the same labels 'CAT[i]' on left axis.
How to solve it ?
You can use labelFunction to modify the labels of your value axis.
I think this should fit your needs.

Tableau Control Chart - Attribute measure incorrect

I have a control chart, with on the X-axis a time period, and the Y-axis the value of the measure (I'd like to plot all the points in a control chart).
However, I have 2 different values as a measure, which have the exact same date (up to a second match) but different measure values.
When I plot this on a control chart, instead of having 2 points in the control chart with value 500 and 550 for example - it gives me one point with a value of about 200.
It also gives a notification that there is a NULL value in this axis, which points to the X-axis where 2 records have the exact same date.
Any idea what I can do to make this correct - or make tableau draw the measure points correctly?
Thanks in advance!
It's difficult to answer without seeing more detail about your problem, but this sounds like a good candidate for a blended axis. (multiple measures sharing a single axis)
The easiest way to do this is to put your (probably continuous) datetime field on the row axis and one of your measures on the row axis to see one of then control plots. Then drag the second measure to the Y-axis until you see a little translucent two bar icon to indicate that you are adding a second measure to that axis, at which point you can release the pointer and you should see a two plots on the same axis.
If the scales for the two measures are radically different, you can instead drag the second measure to the right side instead to get a dual axis.

How to Equally distribute the data point on the graph along x axis

I have some datas, say from [0.1:0.1:0.9]+[1:1:10].
If I use scatter to plot it, it looks like this.
However, it want the points equally distribute along the axis, anyone can tell me how to do it? What I mean is the distance between data points in [0.1-0.9] are the same with [1-10] on the graph respect to x-axis.
If your data is contained in vectors x and y, use
instead of plot(x,y,'o') or scatter(x,y).
If you want to label the x axis, use something like
set(gca,'xtick',1:length(y),'xticklabel',[.1:.1:.9 1:10])
Or you might want a subset of the labels, for example:
set(gca,'xtick',1:2:length(y),'xticklabel',[.1:.2:.9 2:2:10])