Auto assign predefined env vars \ mounts to every pod (including future ones) on a cluster - kubernetes

I want every pod created in my cluster to hold\point the same data
e.g. let's say I want all of them to have an env vars like "OWNER=MYNAME".
there are multiple users in my cluster and I don't want them to start changing their YAMLs and manually assign OWNER:MYNAME to env.
Is there a way to have all current/future pods to be assigned automatically with a predefined value or mount a configmap so that the same information will be available in every single pod?
can this be done on the cluster level? namespace level?
I want it to be transparent to the user, meaning a user would apply whatever pod to the cluster, and the info could be available to him without even asking.
Thanks, everyone!

Pod Preset might help you here to partially achieve what you need. Pod Preset resource allows injecting additional runtime requirements into a Pod at creation time. You use label selectors to specify the Pods to which a given PodPreset applies.
Check this to know how pod preset works.
First you need to enable pod preset in your cluster.
You can use Pod Preset to inject env variables or volumes in your pod.
You can also inject configmap in your pod.
Make use of some common label for all the pods which you want to have common config, use this common label in your pod preset resource.
Unfortunately there are plans to remove pod presets altogether in coming releases, but I guess you can still use it with current releases. Although there are other implementations similar to pod presets, which you can try.


Any way we can add an ENV to a pod or a new pod in kubernetes?

Summarize the problem:
Any way we can add an ENV to a pod or a new pod in kubernetes?
For example, I want to add HTTP_PROXY to many pods and the new pods it will generate in kubeflow 1.4. So these pods can be access to internet.
Describe what you’ve tried:
I searched and found istio maybe do that, but it's too complex for me.
The second, there are too many yamls in kubeflow, as to I cannot modify them one by one to use configmap or add ENV just in them.
So anyone has a good simle way to do this? Like doing this in kubernetes configuation.
Use "PodPreset" object to inject common environment variables and other params to all the matching pods.
Please follow below article
If PodPreset is indeed removed from v1.20, then you seem to need a webhook.
You will have to run an additional service in your cluster that will change the configuration of the pods.
Here is an example, on the basis of which I created my webhook, which changed the configuration of the pods in the cluster, in this example the developer used the logic adding a sidecar to the pod, but you can set your own to forward the required ENV:

Kubernetes Edit File In A Pod

I have used some bitnami charts in my kubernetes app. In my pod, there is a file whose path is /etc/settings/test.html. I want to override the file. When I search it, I figured out that I should mount my file by creating a configmap. But how can I use the created configmap with the existed pod . Many of the examples creates a new pod and uses the created config map. But I dont want to create a new pod, I wnat to use the existed pod.
If not all then almost all pod specs are immutable, meaning that you can't change them without destroying the old pod and creating a new one with desired parameters. There is no way to edit pod volume list without recreating it.
The reason behind this is that pods aren't meant to be immortal. Pods meant to be temporary units that can be spawned/destroyed according to scheduler needs. In general, you need a workload object that does pod management for you (a Deployement, StatefulSet, Job, or DaemonSet, depenging on deployment strategy and application nature).
There are two ways to edit a file in an existing pod: either by using kubectl exec and console commands to edit the file in place, or kubectl cp to copy an already edited file into the pod. I advise you against both of these, because this is not permanent. Better backup the necessary data, switch deployment type to Deployment with one replica, then go with mounting a configMap as you read on the Internet.

Facing "The Pod "web-nginx" is invalid: spec.initContainers: Forbidden: pod updates may not add or remove containers" applying pod with initcontainers

I was trying to make file before application gets up in kubernetes cluster with initcontainers,
But when i am setting up the pod.yaml and trying to apply it with "kubectl apply -f pod.yaml" it throws below error
Like the error says, you cannot update a Pod adding or removing containers. To quote the documentation ( )
Kubernetes doesn't prevent you from managing Pods directly. It is
possible to update some fields of a running Pod, in place. However,
Pod update operations like patch, and replace have some limitations
This is because usually, you don't create Pods directly, instead you use Deployments, Jobs, StatefulSets (and more) which are high-level resources that defines Pods templates. When you modify the template, Kubernetes simply delete the old Pod and then schedule the new version.
In your case:
you could delete the pod first, then create it again with the new specs you defined. But take into consideration that the Pod may be scheduled on a different node of the cluster (if you have more than one) and that may have a different IP Address as Pods are disposable entities.
Change your definition with a slightly more complex one, a Deployment ( ) which can be changed as desired and, each time you'll make a change to its definition, the old Pod will be removed and a new one will be scheduled.
From the spec of your Pod, I see that you are using a volume to share data between the init container and the main container. This is the optimal way but you don't necessarily need to use a hostPath. If the only needs for the volume is to share data between init container and other containers, you can simply use emptyDir type, which acts as a temporary volume that can be shared between containers and that will be cleaned up when the Pod is removed from the cluster for any reason.
You can check the documentation here:

Is it possible to add/modify kubernetes container spec based on clusterwide setting

I have a kubernetes-based application that uses an operator to build and deploy containers in pods. Sometimes I'd like to run containers in privileged mode to enable performance tracing, but since I'm not deploying the pod/containers directly from a manifest, I cannot simply add privileged mode and the debugfs filesystem mount.
That leaves me to fork the operator code, change where it builds the container spec, and redeploy with the modified operator. Doable, but awkward.
So my question is, is it possible to impose additional attributes to be added to container specs based on some clusterwide setting, either before pods are deployed by the operator? Or to modify the container spec after deployment? I tried that with kubectl edit pod mypod, but that didn't work.
This is on a physical cluster installed with kubespray.
There are three things to consider:
Your operator can create a controller (e.g. Deployment) instead of Pod, which allows modifications in the Pod Spec area, thus triggering Deployment's rollout (see rolling update strategy).
Use MutatingAdmissionWebhook
so before creating the Pod, its manifest would be modified/overwritten on the fly.
More info regarding MutatingAdmissionWebhook can be found here and here.
A workaround solution in a form of modifying the supply spec -> swapping the pod-a.
More about this was discussed here.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.

Keeping pod volume mount configurable in Kubernetes

Is it possible to keep the volume mount configurable, such that I can choose to mount any specific persistent volume claim during POD creation?
I have a list of volume claims and I’m looking to configure my PodSpec in a way that will let me decide which claim to use as a volume mount without having to modify the YAML every time.
It is fine with me to run an additional kubectl command on the cluster before creating a new pod.
Based on your description here and in slack
Firstly, there is no interactive way to deploy yamls which will let you choose during run-time. Yaml are delarative therefore, you declare and then apply. NO questions asked, unless you have syntax errors!
Secondly, if you are looking for a kubectl command which the Sysadm will apply on production. Then right after deploying the dev yaml, you can use a (something similar to your use case) kubectl patch [resource name example pod] --patch '{"spec":{"volumes":[{"name": "glusterfsvol","persistentVolumeClaim": {"claimName": "nameOfNewVolumeClaim"}}]}}'
Lastly, What would be more concrete in your use case is to use a different storageclass in your dev and another one in production. In that you can have the same pvc which point to a different storage as it is defined in that k8s cluster. refer docs