Open two incognito sessions in protractor using different user-data-dir paths - protractor

So I have some protractor tests and I have the following problems.
Some of the tests must run on incognito but with cookies allowed. Because I couldn't find something to start the incognito page with cookies allowed I used the user-data-dir="path" in my chrome options. So this is ok for now.
But then I get another problem. When I need to run a test that opens two chrome sessions I get the following error for the second session:
*"WebDriverError: invalid argument: user data directory is already in use, please specify a unique value for --user-data-dir argument, or don't use --user-data-dir".*
Without that user data directory I cannot run the other tests because I need to run them on incognito with cookies allowed.
Any ideas?


How to set Powershell's Default Browser eg when opening MS auth popup

OK so this is a tough one, because googling "set powershell Default Browser" only returns results for setting the system default browser in Powershell. What I want to do is change which browser Powershell uses to open an auth prompt when I attempt to use the Exchange Online Management module. I need to change it because I set "use always" when I chose Edge the first time it popped up, then received a message that Edge is blocked by your administrator. (Weirdly, Edge is not blocked normally, only in this context.) I'm running powershell as local PC admin. (Could this be an Azure/m365 policy blocking edge launch from powershell? Intune managed device. ) I need to change it to Chrome.
Using PS7 as 5 just told me "browser unsupported" (guessing it defaults to IE)
Tried numerous google search varying wording, still getting same results about system default browser.
Checked properties of powershell, no browser settings apparent unless I'm blind.

Connecting to Snowflake from Python using SSO and browser based sign-in

I'm trying to connect to Snowflake using SSO. I am running the following script (from here):
import snowflake.connector
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
cs = ctx.cursor()
cs.execute("SELECT current_version()")
one = cs.fetchone()
The only change I have made is passing the authenticator='externalbrowser' argument (see this) to the connect method instead of password. (user and account cannot be left blank so I'm just putting in dummy strings).
After running the script it displays the following message but a browser tab never appears:
Initiating login request with your identity provider. A browser window should have opened for you to complete the login. If you can't see it, check existing browser windows, or your OS settings. Press CTRL+C to abort and try again...
Not sure if this is relevant, but if I leave it for a few minutes, the script ends with the following error: HTTP 403: Forbidden
I have seen similar questions, but not an answer that would resolve the issue yet.
That <username> likely should be an email address. See or
With browser-based SSO, the Snowflake-provided client (for example, the Snowflake JDBC driver) needs to be able to open the user’s web browser. For this reason, the Snowflake-provided client and the client application that uses it need to be installed on the user’s machine. Browser-based SSO does not work if the Snowflake-provided client is used by code that runs on a server.
I assume you have provided the correct user name and password. Now if you are still getting this error, make sure you access the snowflake account using the default browser (which the python program is accessing) and keep your SSO session active.
Now run your python program and it must work.
there is nothing much required and your code parameters looks good

Cannot view data from GCP Datastore (Firestore) in browser when using emulator

I am using Google's Datastore (which is Firestore's support for the GCP) and the emulator to handle storage locally. Everything works fine as far as storing data. But there does not appear to be any way of actually viewing the data in the browser. I have a feeling that this is not yet implemented because the emulator is still in beta. Has anyone been able to view data in their browser? It should be stressed that this is the emulator provided by the Google Cloud Platform SDK and not the one that Firebase uses for its products. The emulator is started with:
gcloud beta emulators datastore start
As of January 2022
Setting up Firebase Datastore Emulator (FDE)
The Firebase Datastore Emulator (FDE) emulates the Google Datastore in App Engine. This is meant to run on Java 8 platforms. When correctly setup, any Datastore operations are done locally and stored to a file called local_db.bin.
The documentation for using the Firebase Datastore Emulator can be found at:
It should be noted that this documentaton contains errors and is missing some important settings. To use Firebase Datastore Emulator, install the emulator by running the following command from a terminal:
gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator
Start the emulator in a terminal:
gcloud beta emulators datastore start --data-dir=fbdatastore --host-port=localhost:8100
The official documentation does not indicate to use the --host-port flag. If you leave this flag out, a random port will be selected. But experience has shown that letting the port be randomly selected can result in exceptions generated by the client library used to access the local datastore - even when the port is correctly set in the environment variables.
The --data-dir flag indicates the directory where the local database file is stored. Here, it is specified as fbdatastore but you can use any folder located anywhere. You should make sure that the folder already exists before you start the emulator. In the example shown here, no path is included. This means that when you start the emulator, the directory specified by --data-dir should be in the same folder where you are launching the emulator.
The emulator will only create the local_db.bin file when you initially write data to it. If you don't write any data, it will not be created. Even it isn't created, the client APIs will still work correctly when reading from it, typically returning null values for any entities that you attempt to access. No exception will be thrown if the database file does not exist.
If the --data-dir is set to fbdatastore as used here, the local_db.bin file will be created under:
After the emulator has started, you can verify that it is running but opening a browser window and navigating to the url:
This will only display the text "ok".
Before you can start debugging the app, several environment variables need to be set. You need to open a new terminal window and execute the following commands to set several variables:
export DATASTORE_DATASET=[project-id]
export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8100
export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST_PATH=localhost:8100/datastore
export DATASTORE_HOST=http://localhost:8100
export DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID=[project-id]
The client libraries for the Datastore expect the app id to be used. But it was found that using only the app id didn't work. The environment variable DATASTORE_USE_PROJECT_ID_AS_APP_ID needs to be set as well. This is not specified in the documentation.
It should be noted that the official docs show the following:
export DATASTORE_DATASET=my-project-id
export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST_PATH=::1:8432/datastore
export DATASTORE_HOST=http://::1:8432
export DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID=my-project-id
For MacOS, this is wrong. The variables with values set to ::1 is wrong. Using this will cause exceptions and probably prevent the emulator from even loading. The ::1 needs to be replaced with localhost, as shown above.
You can just copy the 6 lines shown above and paste them into a terminal and hit Enter. But it is easier to just place these into a bash file and execute it. These need to be set before the local development server is started. The following bash file will set the environment variables and then start the development server:
export DATASTORE_DATASET=[project-id]
export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8100
export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST_PATH=localhost:8100/datastore
export DATASTORE_HOST=http://localhost:8100
export DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID=[project-id]
export DATASTORE_USE_PROJECT_ID_AS_APP_ID=true --address= --port=8080 --disable_update_check --jvm_flag=-Xdebug --jvm_flag=-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 build/exploded-website
Replace [project-id] with the project id shown in your Googel Cloud Platform console (don't include the square brackets).
The address parameter for is set here to 8000. You will need to set this in your IDE. Also, the port for is set to 8080. You can set this to whatever works on your system and doesn't conflict with any existing ports used elsewhere. The last parameter for is the location of your war files, which is the compiled app. Here, it is located at build/web-site. Replace this with the location of your own build files.
To view the datastore locally in your browser, navigate to:
Details on the command parameters used to start the emulator can be found at:
As far as I can understand what you want to do is to add data in the Datastore emulator running on your console and be able to see this data in the UI right?
Vieweing the data in the UI actually incurs in expenses for you because Datastore have to query the data to be able to display it on the UI.
I can still recommend you to create a Feature Request if you want to be able to see the entries form the Datastore emulator for free in the UI

Can Selenium IDE deal effectively with Browser alerts

Hi I am currently writing a Test script for an ecommerce site using Seleneium IDE, this is in a testing environment in HTTP. The issue I am having is the test payment gateway 3D Secure is in HTTPS so when using FireFox the browser displays the security warning message when I am returning from the payment gateway 3D Secure HTTPS to the site testing environment.
'Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party.
Are you sure you want to continue sending this information?'
I have tried the various commands in the IDE for waitForAlert* and asertAlert* but this javascript alert just seems to over ride any of the commands I use and essentially halts the script until manual intervention is used.
I am unable to turn this particular alert off in FF from what I can assertain from various forums as it is too important to be switched off, I have tried in FF about:config
I can obviusly switch the 3D secure off to allow thee script to run, but I would prefer a complete user scenario to be tested as opposed to a test adapted to suit automation.
Many thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
I had exactly the same problem :
I use Selenium web driver to test against my local http server which sends redirects to https service (3DS as well btw ;). The problem is not with certs, but with this hardcoded warning of switching between https/http.
Based on the link from MacGyver's answer and this answer Key press in (Ctrl+A) Selenium WebDriver, I tested this and I can confirm it closes "Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party" dialog:
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
The other solution, seems to work fine but you'll get UnhandledAlertException with latest Selenium versions (e.g. 2.25.0) :
Actions a = new Actions(driver);
Option #1:
The easiest way is to remove the option in security options for your profile:
Option #2:
Not sure if this applies to an untrusted certifiate or your security warning, but the forum thread seemed to fit. It requires that you use Selenium RC Server.
Profiles are stored here for Firefox: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox
Profiles can be edited:
Follow the snippet below from this link:,-how-to-remove-td22907376.html
If using Firefox 3, see the following post
The solution I use to get past this security pop-up is only applicable to Firefox 3 browsers and might be more of an hack than a fix but it works.
Run the selenium test
Select "Accept this certificate permanently" when prompted by popup
Click on the OK button (it might be neccessary to have a pause after this because we need to open explorer to find a file now)
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to => "C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\customProfileDirxxxx"
This is a temparary profile created by Firefox which contains a file called "cert_override.txt"
Copy "cert_override.txt" to your temp directory
Stop your selenium server.
Open your "selenium-server.jar" file from "c:\selenium-remote-control-xxx\selenium-server-xxx" using WinRar
Drag "cert_override.txt" file into the "selenium-server.jar\customProfileDirCUSTFFCHROME" folder in WinRar (do not delete or edit anything in the .jar file!!!!!)
Close WinRar, start selenium and try it again :)

Recorded test plan does not work

I use jmeter to record the requests and then perform a performance test.
After I've recorded all the requests with proxy server and they contain post form,
I run these test-cases, but I found the post form not work: it can not create a record in website's database automatically.
But before that i used webload and everything was ok.
What's the problem? What can i do to solve it?
Does your JMeter test contain an HTTP cookie manager?
The built in proxy recorder of JMeter may create problems in case your application requires cookies and/or sessions to allow access to content.
You might want to try Blazemeter. Blazemeter has an extension in Google Chrome. You can record your test script using this extension as you browse through your application. Once you are done, export the test script in .JMX format from the extension (you will have to be logged in to Blazemeter for this). Open that as test plan in JMeter. Make any changes required in the test plan and run your test!