Navigation bar button not showing - xcode 12, swift 5 - swift5

Im trying to build a navigation bar - but simple example is not working.
I'm using xcode 12 and swift 5 - here is sample configuration
Clicking on button new view is showing - but there is not Root View Controller button visible - but when I click in place where it should be it's moving back
What Im doing wrong ?

if you need navigation bar for that second viewController too than you'll need to embed it(second VC) in NavigationBar


Swift - iOS 8 Issue with navigation bar elements

I have a little problem with my navigation bar. I want to add title and one button at the top of the view. So I added a Navigation Controller and navigation bar to the view. But when I execute the app, title and the button is almost unvisible. And there is no action at button click.
Anyone knows or got some suggestions why that is happening?

Navigation bar object in xcode 5 not showing back button and has no functionality

I have been trying to properly setup a navigation bar in one of my View Controllers for an hour now and have not found any working solutions.
I control-clicked on a button on my app's initial view controller(1st VC) and dragged to another view controller(2nd VC) and selected "modal" as the action segue.
I then added a navigation bar item to my 2nd view controller.
When I run my app on my iPhone, I can tap on the button on my app's initial screen and it will take me to my 2nd VC, and the 2nd VC does display the navigation bar, but the navigation bar does not have the default iOS 7 back arrow to let me go back to the app's initial VC.
I was under the impression that this could be setup exactly like I did above and that the back button functionality would be included by default.
Am I completely lost? Do I need to further customize navigation bar programmatically or with a tick box in the attributes inspector? Is "modal" the wrong action segue option?
I basically just want to have navigation bars at the top of a couple of my VC's so that the user can easily get back to the app's initial screen.
Thanks for the help.
Since you are presenting your second screen (2nd VC) as MODAL from your first screen (1st VC), you will not see the back arrow button on navigation bar. Your understanding about back button works for Navigation view controllers (push segue). For MODAL you need to put a cancel button on second VC's Nav bar and put a dismiss action for that.

No top navigation bar in a tab bar controller application

I'm pretty new in iphone programming and have stumbled upon this issue which I guess should be pretty basic stuff.
I am using a tab bar application created from a template in XCode IOS 5.1. It works fine and creates 3 screens in the storyboard (tab bar controller + + 2 descended views) but when I try adding a top bar to these 2 views there is a problem...
I do this by adding the top navigation bar in interface builder from object inspector for the tab bar controller. After ticking this option the top bar shows perfectly in my storyboard for all 3 screens (tabbarcontroller + 2 descended views) but after I run the project the top navigation bar is no longer there.
What am I missing here? Why is there no top bar?
If you want to show a navigation bar on two ViewControllers of your tab bar based application, then you can do as follows:
Delete the viewcontroller1, then drag ViewController into storyboard from library and select it and go to Editor\Embed In\Navigation Controller.
From the UITabBarController, click on tabbar and right click, select relationship and drag it to the navigation controller. (means add the UINavigationController as a tab).
Hope this helps!
follow as Nuzhat Zari to show navigation bar on viewcontrollers of your tabBar based application
self.tabBar.frame =CGRectMake(0,0,self.view.frame.size.width,50);
This will make Tab Bar to appear at the top of controller.

Clicking in Xcode 4 emulator is offset!

I have a navigation bar controller + tab bar controller + UITableview for the first view of my app and within there, everything is fine. But when i click one of the table cells, i do a pushViewController with the navigationcontroller and it shows a view controller (the tab bar and navigation bar still show of course). but only within this view, i need to click about 60 px above my target to trigger the click event. Even for the navigation bar "Back" button, I need to click the very top of the iphone screen to go back.
Has anybody experienced this before!? i have no idea what is wrong
I think this happens when you put buttons directly on a window. I'll stick to keeping everything on views

Add tab bar & navigation bar in Window based application iPhone

Hi guys
I am new to iphone app development. I want to develop a application which contains tab bar ,navigation bar & middle part of view contains UIImageView.
When my application will launch it will show main view .On main view I want to add "Loading view " for connecting to server which contains text (Connecting.. & so on) & activity indicator, like this view pointed by red arrow =>
How can I add this view?
My app contains 4 tabs on main view in which last tab is more.
I completed tab bar part using tab bar controller as rootViewController .
How to add navigation bar ? I want navigation bar for whole app.
I mean to say when i select first tab new view will appear ,select 2nd tab => new view & so on. I want navigation bar & back button for all tabs so that I can return to my main screen containing all 4 tabs .
Also i want to hide my tab bar when i select tab bar item & animated to new view.
Please help me guys. Any links to tutorial , code or video is more helpful...
Thanks in advance.
Try this video tutorial. It covers a lot and should get you on your way.
Pause it, replay some parts, whatever works.
Building an iPhone App Combining Tab Bar, Navigation and Tab O'REILLY
A good place to start is the View Controller Programming Guide and the section on Tab Bar Controllers. This is Apple documentation and the guide has step-by-step instructions in implementing different view controllers. You should also read the chapter on UINavigationController.
If you want to add a tab bar and a navigation bar simultaneously in a not tabbed view application, just create a UIViewController subclass, add a Tab Bar in the view, add its tab bar items and set a delegate to File´s Owner and a referencing outlet to File´s owner. For the last one, write in the .h:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface MyView : UIViewController{
IBOutlet UITabBar *tabBarController;