Receiving signals from a PureScript Flame application - purescript

I'm experimenting to understand PureScript channels and signals better, and specifically their use with the UI library Flame.
I've created the following as a small example:
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Flame (Html, QuerySelector(..))
import Flame.Application.NoEffects as FAN
import Flame.HTML.Attribute as HA
import Flame.HTML.Element as HE
data Message
= ButtonOne
| ButtonTwo
type Model
= { buttonOneCount :: Int
, buttonTwoCount :: Int
init :: Model
init =
{ buttonOneCount: 0
, buttonTwoCount: 0
update :: Model -> Message -> Model
update model message = case message of
ButtonOne -> model { buttonOneCount = model.buttonOneCount + 1 }
ButtonTwo -> model { buttonTwoCount = model.buttonTwoCount + 1 }
view :: Model -> Html Message
view model =
HE.main "main"
[ HE.button [ HA.onClick ButtonOne ] "Button One"
, HE.p_ ("button one: " <> show model.buttonOneCount)
, HE.button [ HA.onClick ButtonTwo ] "Button Two"
, HE.p_ ("button two: " <> show model.buttonTwoCount)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
-- flameChannel :: Channel (Array Message)
flameChannel <-
FAN.mount (QuerySelector "main")
{ init, update, view }
pure unit
I'm aware that any changes should be handled in update here, but as an experiment I'd like to subscribe to changes to flameChannel in main and run some code based on the Message Flame sends through that channel.
Just to get started, what could be added to make this output to the JavaScript console when the user clicks Button One or Button Two, using flameChannel in main?
I've tried playing around with various combinations of functions from purescript-signal: subscribe, runSignal, get, but got nowhere. I have also looked around at various games on GitHub that use the purescript-signal library, but they just seem to throw runSignal into the code, everything works and I don't understand why (also, those examples are a bit complex and far from what I'm trying to do).

ok let's see - as you've already noticed you get a Channel (from signal) back that will notify you about Messages
you should now be able to use Signal.Channel.subscribe to turn this into a Signal
Now the way Signal works is that you should provide a Signal signaling Effects (those will be executed/run) to runSignal - so you have to turn your Signal (Array Message) into a Signal (Effect Unit) first.
Luckily Signal is a Functor so you can use map or the provided ~> (flipped map) to do this. I would suggest using flattenArray first to make your life a bit easier:
logMessage :: Message -> Effect Unit
logMessage msg =
case msg of
ButtonOne -> log "button one"
ButtonTwo -> log "button two"
and in main:
main = do
flameChannel <-
FAN.mount (QuerySelector "main")
{ init, update, view }
let logSignal =
map logMessage $ flip flattenArray ButtonOne $ subscribe flameChannel
runSignal logSignal
this should work
disclaimer: I did not try to compile this - if you get any issues please report and I'll see to it


Is there an Operation to block onComplete?

I am trying to learn reactive programming, so forgive me if I ask a silly question. I'm also open to advice on changing my design.
I am working in scala-swing to display the results of a simulator. With one setting, a chart is displayed as a histogram; with the other setting the chart is displayed as the cumulative sum. (I'm probably using the wrong word; in the first setting you might have bin1=2, bin2=5, bin3=3; in the second setting the first height is 2, the second is 2 + 5, the third is 2 + 5 + 3, etc.). The simulator can be slow, so I originally used a Future to compute it, and the set the data into the chart. I decided to try a reactive approach, so my requirements are: 1. I don't want to recreate the data when I change the display mode, and 2. I want to set the Observable once for the chart and have the chart listen to the same Observable permanently.
I got this to work when I started the chain with a PublishSubject and the Future set the data into the start of the chain. When the display mode changed, I created a new PublishSubject().map(newRenderingLogic).subscribe(theChartsObservable). I am now trying to do what looks like the "right way," but it's not working correctly. I've tried to simplify what I have done:
val textObservable: Subject[String] = PublishSubject()
textObservable.subscribe(text => {
println(s"Text: ${text}")
var textSubscription: Option[Subscription] = None
val start = Observable.from(Future {
"Base text"
var i = 0
val button = new Button() {
text = "Click"
reactions += {
case event => {
i += 1
if (textSubscription.isDefined) {
textSubscription = Some( Int) => { (base: String) => s"${base} ${j}" })(i)).subscribe(textObservable))
On start, an Observable is created and logic to print some text is added to it. Then, an Observable with the generated data is created and a cache is added so that the result is replayed if the next subscription comes in after its results are generated. Then, a button is created. Then on button clicks a middle observable is chained with unique logic (it's a function that creates a function to append the value of i into the string, run with the current value of i; I tried to make something that couldn't just be reused) that is supposed to change with each click. Then the first Observable is subscribed to it so that the results of the whole chain end up being printed.
In theory, the cache operation takes care of not regenerating the data, and this works once, but onComplete is called on textObservable and then it can't be used again. It works if I subscribe it like this:
textSubscription = Some( Int) => { (base: String) => s"${base} ${j}" })(i)).subscribe(text => textObservable.onNext(text)))
because the call to onComplete is intercepted, but this looks wrong and I wanted to know if there was a more typical way to do this, or architect it. It makes me think that I don't understand how this is supposed to be done if there isn't an out-of-the-box operation to do this.
Thank you.
I'm not 100% sure if I got the essence of your question right, but: if you have an Observable that may complete and you want to turn it into an Observable that never completes, you can just concatenate it with Observable.never.
For example:
// will complete after emitting those three elements:
val completes = Observable.from(List(1, 2, 3))
// will emit those three elements, but will never complete:
val wontComplete = completes ++ Observable.never

Current year with 4 digits in elm 0.19.1

How can I do a function to get the current year with 4 digits using ELM 0.19.1? I have read something but nothing works with 0.19.1.
getCurrentYear : Int
getCurrentYear => 2020
Maybe executing new Date().getFullYear() javascript code?
The simplest way would be to pass the year in via flags when you start the app, since the current year isn't likely to change in the course of the application running. In that case, you can use the snippet of JavaScript you suggested (ellie example):
node: document.querySelector('main'),
flags: {
year: new Date().getFullYear(),
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, p, text)
type alias Flags =
{ year : Int }
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = \flags -> ( Model flags.year, Cmd.none )
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
type alias Model =
{ year : Int }
type Msg
= NoOp
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
p [] [ text "The year is ", text (String.fromInt model.year) ]
Alternatively, you can use to request the current time, as Robin Zigmond's answer suggests, however that is pointing to Elm 0.18 documentation (for elm-lang/core instead of elm/time). For 0.19, you need both a Time.Posix and a Time.Zone in order to call Time.toYear. You can chain (a Task producing a Posix value) and (a Task producing a Zone with the current time zone offset) to retrieve those values in one Cmd. Here's an example (also on ellie)
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, p, text)
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time
type alias Flags =
{ year : Int }
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = \() -> ( Model 0, whatYearIsIt |> Task.perform GotYear )
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
whatYearIsIt : Task x Int
whatYearIsIt =
Task.map2 Time.toYear
type alias Model =
{ year : Int }
type Msg
= GotYear Int
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotYear year ->
( { model | year = year }, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
p [] [ text "The year is ", text (String.fromInt model.year) ]
As I already said in my comment, it's impossible to define a function in Elm that returns the current year. You have to get such information from the Elm runtime system (which is basically JavaScript, but you don't have to write it yourself). This happens via commands, where you tell the runtime system to do something for you. But note that you can't simply retrieve the "return value" of that command and get it back into your Elm code. Instead you have to pass it into a function that can convert it into a "message" (see basic Elm Architecture tutorial here, it's fundamental to understand this before you can do anything with Elm) - this then allows you to store the value in your Model and thereby display it in your app.
These patterns do take some getting your head around, especially if you're not used to pure functional programming - but once you get used to it the benefits are huge, including a near guaranteed absence of runtime errors, and greatly enhanced ability to reason about your code.
For getting the year specifically, it looks like you need this library, which gives you (as now) a Task rather than a Cmd. You can use Task.perform to convert it to a command, which is documented here - in fact it even gives an example that matches your use case quite closely - I'll copy it here for posterity:
import Time -- elm install elm/time
import Task
type Msg
= Click
| Search String
| NewTime Time.Posix
getNewTime : Cmd Msg
getNewTime =
Task.perform NewTime
You'll have to fill this in to fit your own use case, in particular your own Msg type. But it gives a good basic outline. To get the user's current year, you need to replace the Time.Posix type with Int, and the command with (Task.map2 Time.toYear, as explained by #bdukes in his answer.

Trying to catch MsgBox text and press button in xlwings

So I have some code which uses xlwings for writing data in Excel file, xlsm.
after i've done writing, I press a certain button to calculate.
sometimes, an error/message pops in the Excel, which is fine, but i want to catch this message to python, and write it later to a log/print it.
also, i need to interact with this message, in this case to press "Ok" in the message box
Attached image of the message box
So guys, I've been able to solve this with an external python library.
here is the code:
from pywinauto import application as autoWin
app = autoWin.Application()
con = app.connect(title = 'Configuration Error')
msgText = con.Dialog.Static2.texts()[0]
basically, what it does, is connecting to the app, and searching for the title.
in this case "Configuration Error"
it needs to perform double click in order to press "Ok" to close the message.
Secondly, it gets the text from the message, and can forward it wherever i want.
important part to remember though, because this should be an automated task, it should run concurrently, which means Threading.
so, a simple Thread class below:
class ButtonClicker(Thread):
def __init__(self):
self._stop_event = Event()
def stop(self):
def stopped(self):
return self._stop_event.is_set()
def run(self) -> None:
while True:
app = autoWin.Application()
con = app.connect(title='Configuration Error')
msg_data = con.Dialog.Static2.texts()[0]
while True:
# print(msg_data)
return msg_data
except Exception as e:
print('Excel didnt stuck')
and of course to actually use it:
event_handle = ButtonClicker()
some manipulation is needed in order to work in different codes/scenarios, but at least I hope i will help others in the future, because this seems to be very common question.
#Danny's solution, i.e. pywinauto and Thread, works perfectly in my local machine, but it seems can't catch the message box when Excel is running in server mode, e.g. in my case, the automation is triggered in local and started by a system service installed in the server.
{'title': '<my-wanted-title>', 'backend': 'win32', 'visible_only': False}
It is finally solved with another python third-party library pywin32, so providing a backup solution here.
Keep finding message box with specified title and clicking button to close it,
until stopped by the main thread.
import time
from threading import Thread, Event
import win32gui
import win32con
class ButtonClicker(Thread):
def __init__(self, title:str, interval:int):
self._title = title
self._interval = interval
self._stop_event = Event()
def stop(self):
'''Stop thread.'''
def stopped(self):
return self._stop_event.is_set()
def run(self):
while not self.stopped:
except Exception as e:
print(e, flush=True)
def _close_msgbox(self):
# find the top window by title
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, self._title)
if not hwnd: return
# find child button
h_btn = win32gui.FindWindowEx(hwnd, None,'Button', None)
if not h_btn: return
# show text
text = win32gui.GetWindowText(h_btn)
# click button
win32gui.PostMessage(h_btn, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, None, None)
win32gui.PostMessage(h_btn, win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP, None, None)
if __name__=='__main__':
t = ButtonClicker('Configuration Error', 3)

How do I work with a Scala process interactively?

I'm writing a bot in Scala for a game that uses text input and output. So I want to work with a process interactively - that is, my code receives output from the process, works with it, and only then sends its next input to the process. So I want to give a function access to the inputStreams and the outputStream simultaneously.
This doesn't seem to fit into any of the factories in scala.sys.process.BasicIO or the constructor for scala.sys.process.ProcessIO (three functions, each of which has access to only one stream).
Here's how I'm doing it at the moment.
private var rogue_input: OutputStream = _
private var rogue_output: InputStream = _
private var rogue_error: InputStream = _
Process("python3 /home/robin/IdeaProjects/Rogomatic/python/ --rogomatic").run(
new ProcessIO(rogue_input = _, rogue_output = _, rogue_error = _)
try {
private val rogue_scanner = new Scanner(rogue_output)
private val rogue_writer = new PrintWriter(rogue_input, true)
// Play the game
} finally {
This works, but it doesn't feel very Scala-like. Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
So I want to work with a process interactively - that is, my code receives output from the process, works with it, and only then sends its next input to the process.
In general, this is traditionally solved by expect. There exist libraries and tools inspired by expect for various languages, including for Scala:
The README of the project gives various examples. While I don't know exactly what your expects in terms of stdin/stdout interactions, here's a quick "hello world" example showing how you could interact with a Python interpreter (using the Ammonite REPL, which has conveniently library importing capabilities):
import $ivy.`work.martins.simon::scala-expect:6.0.0`
import work.martins.simon.expect.core._
import work.martins.simon.expect.core.actions._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val timeout = 5 seconds
val e = new Expect("python3 -i -", defaultValue = "?")(
new ExpectBlock(
new StringWhen(">>> ")(
Sendln("""print("hello, world")""")
new ExpectBlock(
new RegexWhen("""(.*)\n>>> """.r)(
What the code above does is it "expects" >>> to be sent to stdout, and when it finds that, it will send print("hello, world"), followed by a newline. From then, it reads and returns everything until the next prompt (>>>) using a regex.
Amongst other debug information, the above should result in Success(hello, world) being printed to your console.
The library has various other styles, and there may also exist other similar libraries out there. My main point is that an expect-inspired library is likely what you're looking for.

data-based buffering in Rx

Let me explain what I want to achieve first.
Lets say I have the following data incoming form the event stream
var data = new string[] {
When I subscribe the data source, I would like to get the following result
"begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events"
Basically, I want to get whichever data that start with ok or error and the data between begin and end.
I have tried this so far..
var data = new string[] {
var dataStream = Observable.Generate(
e => e.MoveNext(),
e => e,
e => e.Current.ToString(),
e => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
var onelineStream = from d in dataStream
where d.StartsWith("ok") || d.StartsWith("error")
select d;
// ???
// may be need to buffer? I want to get data like "begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events"
// but it is not working...
var multiLineStream = from list in dataStream.Buffer<string, string, string>(
bufferOpenings: dataStream.Where(d => d.StartsWith("begin")),
bufferClosingSelector: b => dataStream.Where(d => d.StartsWith("end")))
select String.Join(" ", list);
// merge two stream????
// but I have no clue how to merge these twos :(
mergeStream .Subscribe(d =>
Since I'm very new to Reactive programming, I can't make myself to think in reactive way. :(
Thanks in advance.
You were so, so very close to the right answer!
Essentially you had the onelineStream & multiLineStream queries just about right.
Merging them together is very easy. Just do this:
However, where your queries fell short was in the Observable.Generate that you used to introduce the delay between values. This creates a observable that, if you have multiple subscribers, kind of "fans out" the values.
Given your data and your definition for dataStream look how this code behaves:
dataStream.Select(x => "!" + x).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
dataStream.Select(x => "#" + x).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
You get these values:
Notice that some got handled by one subscription and the others got handled by the other. This means that even though your onelineStream & multiLineStream queries were just about right they would only see some of the data each and thus not behave as you expect.
You can also get race conditions that can skip and duplicate values. So it's best to avoid this kind of observable.
A better approach to introduce a delay between values is to do this:
var dataStream = data.ToObservable().Do(_ => Thread.Sleep(100));
Now this creates a "cold" observable, meaning that every new subscriber will get a fresh subscription of the observable so starting from the first value.
Your multiLineStream query will not work correctly on a cold observable.
To make the data stream a "hot" observable (which shares values amongst the subscribers) we use the Publish operator.
So, multiLineStream now looks like this:
var multiLineStream =
dataStream.Publish(ds =>
from list in ds.Buffer(
ds.Where(d => d.StartsWith("begin")),
b => ds.Where(d => d.StartsWith("end")))
select String.Join(" ", list));
You can then get your results like so:
onelineStream.Merge(multiLineStream).Subscribe(d =>
This is what I got:
begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events
Let me know if that works for you.