No reaction when dragging into Access form - forms

This post Drag file into Access, how to check the file details? says a BoundObjectFrame can be used as a target to drag and drop files from the Windows Explorer.
I've tried putting one on a form, but when I drag a file onto it, I get the circle-and-slash symbol that says I can't.
I've also tried various other control, including MS Forms textboxes, which are supposed to support drag-and-drop. But in every case I get the symbol.
Can anyone explain why?


How to display active directory browser from powershell

I have a GUI for AD user creation. One of the parameters I put in is location where the user shall be created. For now I have it in a text box as a simple text (ou=subcontainer,ou=container,dc=domain,dc=com). But this is not very user friendly and I'd like to add a button there to open a browser (like the left panel if you run dsa.msc) to select the path. I found a specially created browser for that, but it's again made of the text strings, which could be confusing for low-skilled technicians. Some of the people supposed to use this script are just skilled enough to create and modify a user in a GUI, but don't have much deeper knowledge and have no idea what that string means, so I'd like to have the classical gui from active directory users and computers. I tried to search classes under system.directoryservices.activedirectory but didn't find anything that could display the dialog
I found what I needed here: - posted in comment by CraftyB

Microsoft Access: Moving Form to shared drive, VBA code not working once there

Hello and thank you for helping!
I created an Access form that has a few button on it that when clicked format a textbox below the buttons (basically different colors). The idea is for employees to not lose track of important issues to discuss while they are on a phone call with clients. I know Access is typically for database-ing if you will, but I don't need it to track anything or update records as there are none.
This works fine on my computer, however when I try to send it via email or put it on a shared drive, the form appears, but the buttons do not work. I even tried copying the database file along with it to the shared drive, but it still did not work. It seems the VBA code that is connected to the button clicks does not work on a shared drive.
The drive itself is mapped to a letter (Y) on my computer, but may be mapped to Z or another letter on employee computers. Would this be the issue? Or better yet, is there a way to isolate the form so it works like a standalone program on each new machine using it?
I am relatively new to Access, what am I missing?
TL;DR Press button on Access form, textbox turns blue. Send to friends, they try to do the same, nothing happens.
As always, thank you for your time!
EDIT: There are two scenarios that can happen when another user tries to access this form:
1) The form appears perfectly, but when they click the buttons, nothing happens, no text box is formatted.
2) It throws this error: 'blah blah drive X' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
Try the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) instead of the drive letter (Y:)
The format is below.
The servername and sharename information can be found on "My Computer" for Windows
Finally, this was solved! I changed the Form Record source to be the linked table, and it worked. It was still referencing a table on the computer I created it on. Thank you to everyone who helped!

Unable to edit forms in IBM Forms Designer

I've created a form in the Forms Designer and saved it. I tried making some modifications to it later, specifically deleting input fields and adding new drop down lists. It won't delete input fields and new drop down lists can't be repositioned.
When trying to delete the program either does nothing or gives me the following error:
"Delete" did not complete normally. Please see the log for more information. incompatible with
Tried looking up the error but so far no solution. I've tried opening the .xfdl file as xml and edit it manually, it worked ok but now when I re-open the file in the Designer all the fields freeze up as they do with the drop down lists.
Any help appreciated.
There doesn't seem to be a way to fix the deleting bug from the Forms Designer itself. The best I could come up with is:
opening the .xdfl file in a text editor and deleting the tag for the particular field you want to delete
re-open the file in the Designer and the element can be deletable now
or if that doesn't work, find and delete any entry related to the element in the text editor and re-open in the Designer.
For the freezing page elements: close the file and restart IBM/Lotus Forms.

Network Diagram, Word etc

Making a word document of our network set-up.
We have about 7 servers and I need to include screenshots and other info on each.
Is it possible to have a pic of the server that when clicked will open up another word doc that reveals all of the other info. Can this then be mailed to someone easily?
I think that you should have actually tried to do it in Word before asking. The answer is trivial. For completeness sake:
Right-click on the image, choose "Hyperlink..." from the menu. Select the document you want from the resulting standard file selection dialog.
That's it. Doing ctrl-click on the pickture will open up the document selected though you will probably get a security warning first.
You can also do it from a VBA macro. First select the desired image and then:
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, Address:= _
"C:\Users\me\Documents\a-document.doc", SubAddress:=""
So you could automate the process of server discovery (or maybe you have the data in a spreadsheet that you could use), adding images and hyperlinks automatically. Probably not worth it for just 7 servers.
I'm not clear what you mean by the last part about emailing. Do you want to email the Master word document or the one opened after clicking on the hyperlink? Either way, Word has a menu option for doing this.
If you are wanting to send the document that is opened from the hyperlink - do you actually need the user to open that document or would you rather email it directly? A simple macro can be written that will ask you for the target email address and send the document directly without having to open it. There are really too many possibilities to write down here - we need more information.

How to export data from Chrome developer tool?

Network analysis by Chrome when page loads
I would like to export this data to Microsoft Excel so that I will have a list of similar data when loaded at different times. Loading a page one time doesn't really tell me much especially if I want to compare pages.
if you right click on any of the rows you can export the item or the entire data set as HAR which appears to be a JSON format.
It shouldn't be terribly difficult to script up something to transform that to a csv if you really need it in excel, but if you're already scripting you might as well just use the script to ask your questions of the data.
If anyone knows how to drive the "load page, export data" part of the process from the command line I'd be quite interested in hearing how
from Chrome 76, you have Import/Export buttons.
I was trying to copy the size data measured from Chrome Network and stumbled on this post. I just found an easier way to "export" the data out to excel which is to copy the table and paste to excel.
The trick is click Control + A (select all) and once the entire table will be highlighted, paste it to Microsoft Excel. The only issue is if there are too many fields, not all rows are copied and you might have to copy and paste several times.
UPDATED: I found that copying the data only works when I turn off the filter options (the funnel-looking button above the table). – bendur
Right-click and export as HAR, then view it using Jan Odvarko's HAR Viewer
This helps in visualising the already captured HAR logs.
I came across the same problem, and found that easier way is to undock the developer tool's video to a separate window! (Using the right hand top corner toolbar button of developer tools window)
and in the new window , simply say select all and copy and paste to excel!!
In Chrome, in the Developer Tools, under Network, in the Name column, right-click and select "Save as HAR with content". Then open a new tab, go to and open the saved HAR file.
Note that ≪Copy all as HAR≫ does not contain response body.
You can get response body via ≪Save as HAR with Content≫, but it breaks if you have any more than a trivial amount of logs (I tried once with only 8k requests and it doesn't work.) To solve this, you can script an output yourself using _request.contentData().
When there's too many logs, even _request.contentData() and ≪Copy response≫ would fail, hopefully they would fix this problem. Until then, inspecting any more than a trivial amount of network logs cannot be properly done with Chrome Network Inspector and its best to use another tool.
You can use fiddler web debugger to import the HAR and then it is very easy from their on... Ctrl+A (select all) then Ctrl+c (copy summary) then paste in excel and have fun
I don't see an export or save as option.
I filtered out all the unwanted requests using -.css -.js -.woff then right clicked on one of the requests then Copy > Copy all as HAR
Then pasted the content into a text editor and saved it.
I had same issue for which I came here. With some trials, I figured out for copying multiple pages of chrome data as in the question I zoomed out till I got all the data in one page, that is, without scroll, with very small font size. Now copy and paste that in excel which copies all the records and in normal font.
This is good for few pages of data I think.
In more modern versions of Chrome you can just drag a .har file into the network tab of Chrome Dev Tools to load it.
To get this in excel or csv format- right click the folder and select "copy response"- paste to excel and use text to columns.
You can try use Haiphen, which is a chrome extension that allows you to analyze network traffic and what API calls a web application is making.