spark - stack multiple when conditions from an Array of column expressions - scala

I have the below spark dataframe:
val df = Seq(("US",10),("IND",20),("NZ",30),("CAN",40)).toDF("a","b")
|a |b |
|US |10 |
|IND|20 |
|NZ |30 |
|CAN|40 |
and I'm applying the when() condition as follows:
df.withColumn("x", when(col("a").isin(us_list:_*),"u").when(col("a").isin(i_list:_*),"i").when(col("a").isin(n_list:_*),"n").otherwise("-")).show(false)
|a |b |x |
|US |10 |u |
|IND|20 |i |
|NZ |30 |n |
|CAN|40 |- |
Now to minimize the code, I'm trying the below:
val us_list = Array("U","US")
val i_list = Array("I","IND")
val n_list = Array("N","NZ")
val ar1 = Array((us_list,"u"),(i_list,"i"),(n_list,"n"))
val ap = x => when(col("a").isInCollection(x._1),x._2) )
This results in
ap: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(CASE WHEN (a IN (U, US)) THEN u END, CASE WHEN (a IN (I, IND)) THEN i END, CASE WHEN (a IN (N, NZ)) THEN n END)
but when I try
val ap = x => when(col("a").isInCollection(x._1),x._2) ).reduce( (x,y) => x.y )
I get an error. How to fix this?

You can use foldLeft on ar1 list :
val x = ar1.foldLeft(lit("-")) { case (acc, (list, value)) =>
when(col("a").isin(list: _*), value).otherwise(acc)
// x: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = CASE WHEN (a IN (N, NZ)) THEN n ELSE CASE WHEN (a IN (I, IND)) THEN i ELSE CASE WHEN (a IN (U, US)) THEN u ELSE - END END END

There is usually no need to combine when statements using reduce/fold etc. coalesce is enough because the when statements are evaluated in sequence, and gives null when the condition is false. Also it can save you from specifying otherwise because you can just append one more column to the list of arguments to coalesce.
val ar1 = Array((us_list,"u"),(i_list,"i"),(n_list,"n"))
val ap = x => when(col("a").isInCollection(x._1),x._2) )
val combined = coalesce(ap :+ lit("-"): _*)
df.withColumn("x", combined).show
| a| b| x|
| US| 10| u|
|IND| 20| i|
| NZ| 30| n|
|CAN| 40| -|


Spark Dataset joinWith API giving wrong results

This is a small test case to reproduce an issue that I am seeing in a join in my code
case class B(val b1:String, val b2: Int)
val B1 = new B("One",1)
val B2 = new B("Two",2)
val dsB = spark.createDataset(Seq(B1, B2))
| b1| b2|
|One| 1|
|Two| 2|
val m = Map(1->"Van")
val mapget = spark.udf.register("mapget", (b: Int) => m.get(b))
val dsB1 = dsB.withColumn("b2", mapget(dsB("b2"))).where("b2 is not null")
| b1| b2|
val j = dsB1.joinWith(dsB, dsB1("b1") === dsB("b1"), "inner")
| _1| _2|
|[One, Van]|[One, 1]|
|[One, Van]|[Two, 2]|
The joinWith result is not right. It is essentially doing a cross product. Any clue what the problem is? I have verified that join API works fine.
val j = dsB1.join(dsB, dsB1("b1") === dsB("b1"), "inner")
| b1| b2| b1| b2|
|One|Van|One| 1|
Looks like you use a pretty old Spark version.
On Spark 2.4.4, I get the following exception when running your example:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Detected implicit cartesian product for INNER join between logical plans
LocalRelation [_1#55]
LocalRelation [_2#56]
Join condition is missing or trivial.
The reason is that the join condition in fact compares dsB("b1") to itself and that is always true.
A trivial solution would be to rename the column. Something like that:
val dsB1 = dsB.withColumn("b2", mapget(dsB("b2"))).where("b2 is not null").withColumnRenamed("b1", "b1_2")
val j = dsB1.joinWith(dsB, dsB1("b1_2") === dsB("b1"), "inner")
| _1| _2|
|[One, Van]|[One, 1]|

How to create a map column to count occurrences without udaf

I would like to create a Map column which counts the number of occurrences.
For instance:
| b| a|
| 1| b|
| 2|null|
| 1| a|
| 1| a|
would result in
| b| res|
| 1|[a -> 2.0, b -> 1.0]|
| 2| []|
For the moment, in Spark 2.4.6, I was able to make it using udaf.
While bumping to Spark3 I was wondering if I could get rid of this udaf (I tried using the new method aggregate without success)
Is there an efficient way to do it?
(For the efficiency part, I am able to test easily)
Here a Spark 3 solution:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
Here the solution using Aggregator:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder
val countOcc = new Aggregator[String, Map[String,Int], Map[String,Int]] with Serializable {
def zero: Map[String,Int] = Map.empty.withDefaultValue(0)
def reduce(b: Map[String,Int], a: String) = if(a!=null) b + (a -> (b(a) + 1)) else b
def merge(b1: Map[String,Int], b2: Map[String,Int]) = {
val keys = b1.keys.toSet.union(b2.keys.toSet){ k => (k -> (b1(k) + b2(k))) }.toMap
def finish(b: Map[String,Int]) = b
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Map[String,Int]] = implicitly(ExpressionEncoder[Map[String,Int]])
def outputEncoder: Encoder[Map[String, Int]] = implicitly(ExpressionEncoder[Map[String, Int]])
val countOccUDAF = udaf(countOcc)
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
You could always use collect_list with UDF, but only if you groupings are not too lage:
val udf_histo = udf((x:Seq[String]) => x.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size))
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
This should be faster than UDAF: Spark custom aggregation : collect_list+UDF vs UDAF
We can achieve this is spark 2.4
val groupedCountDf = originalDf.groupBy("b","a").count
val dfWithArrayOfMaps = groupedCountDf
.withColumn("newMap", when($"a".isNotNull, map($"a",$"count")).otherwise(map()))
.groupBy("b").agg(collect_list($"newMap") as "multimap")
val mapConcatExpr = expr("aggregate(multimap, map(), (k, v) -> map_concat(k, v))")
val finalDf =$"b","merged_data"))
Here a solution with a single groupBy and a slightly complex sql expression. This solution works for Spark 2.4+
.agg(expr("sort_array(collect_set(a)) as set"),
expr("sort_array(collect_list(a)) as list"))
expr("map_from_arrays(set,transform(set, x -> size(filter(list, y -> y=x))))"))
| b| set| list| res|
| 1|[a, b]|[a, a, b]|[a -> 2, b -> 1]|
| 2| []| []| []|
The idea is to collect the data from column a twice: one time into a set and one time into a list. Then with the help of transform for each element of the set the number of occurences of the particular element in the list is counted. Finally, the set and the number of elements are combined with map_from_arrays.
However I cannot say if this approach is really faster than a UDAF.

Merge two columns of different DataFrames in Spark using scala

I want to merge two columns from separate DataFrames in one DataFrames
I have two DataFrames like this
val ds1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1,0,1,0)).toDF("Col1")
val ds2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(234,43,341,42)).toDF("Col2")
| Col1|
| 0|
| 1|
| 0|
| 1|
| Col2|
| 234|
| 43|
| 341|
| 42|
I want 3rd dataframe containing two columns Col1 and Col2
| Col1|| Col2|
| 0|| 234|
| 1|| 43|
| 0|| 341|
| 1|| 42|
I tried union
val ds3 = ds1.union(ds2)
But, it adds all row of ds2 to ds1.
monotonically_increasing_id <-- is not Deterministic.
Hence it is not guaranteed that you would get correct result
Easier to do by using RDD and creating key by using zipWithIndex
val ds1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1,0,1,0)).toDF("Col1")
val ds2 = sc.parallelize(Seq(234,43,341,42)).toDF("Col2")
// Convert to RDD with ZIPINDEX < Which will be our key
val ds1Rdd = ds1.rdd.repartition(4).zipWithIndex().map{ case (v,k) => (k,v) }
val ds2Rdd =[(Int)].rdd.repartition(4).zipWithIndex().map{ case (v,k) => (k,v) }
// Check How The KEY-VALUE Pair looks
res50: Array[(Long, Int)] = Array((0,0), (1,1), (2,1), (3,0))
res51: Array[(Long, Int)] = Array((0,341), (1,42), (2,43), (3,234))
So First element of the tuple is our Join key
we simply join and rearrange to result dataframe
val joinedRdd = ds1Rdd.join(ds2Rdd)
val resultrdd = => x._2).map(x => (x._1 ,x._2))
// resultrdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, Int)] = MapPartitionsRDD[204] at map at <console>
And we convert to DataFrame
| 0| 341|
| 1| 42|
| 1| 43|
| 0| 234|

Scala spark, input dataframe, return columns where all values equal to 1

Given a dataframe, say that it contains 4 columns and 3 rows. I want to write a function to return the columns where all the values in that column are equal to 1.
This is a Scala code. I want to use some spark transformations to transform or filter the dataframe input. This filter should be implemented in a function.
case class Grade(c1: Integral, c2: Integral, c3: Integral, c4: Integral)
val example = Seq(
val dfInput = spark.createDataFrame(example)
After I call the function filterColumns()
val dfOutput = dfInput.filterColumns()
it should return 3 row 2 columns dataframe with value all 1.
A bit more readable approach using Dataset[Grade]
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
val tmp = => grade.dropWhenNotEqualsTo(1))
val rowsCount = dfInput.count()
val colsToRetain = mutable.Set[Column]()
for (column <- tmp.columns) {
val withoutNullsCount =
if (rowsCount == withoutNullsCount) colsToRetain += col(column)
| c4| c1|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|
And the case object
case class Grade(c1: Integer, c2: Integer, c3: Integer, c4: Integer) {
def dropWhenNotEqualsTo(n: Integer): Grade = {
Grade(nullOrValue(c1, n), nullOrValue(c2, n), nullOrValue(c3, n), nullOrValue(c4, n))
def nullOrValue(c: Integer, n: Integer) = if (c == n) c else null
grade.dropWhenNotEqualsTo(1) -> returns a new Grade with values that not satisfies the condition replaced to nulls
| c1| c2| c3| c4|
| 1|null| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|null| 1|
| 1|null|null| 1|
(column <- tmp.columns) -> iterate over the columns -> drop rows with nulls
e.g for c2 this will return
| c2|
| 1|
if (rowsCount == withoutNullsCount) colsToRetain += col(column) -> if column contains nulls just drop it
one of the options is reduce on rdd:
import spark.implicits._
val df= Seq(("1","A","3","4"),("1","2","?","4"),("1","2","3","4")).toDF()
val first = df.first()
val size = first.length
val diffStr = "#"
val targetStr = "1"
def rowToArray(row: Row): Array[String] = {
val arr = new Array[String](row.length)
for (i <- 0 to row.length-1){
arr(i) = row.getString(i)
def compareArrays(a1: Array[String], a2: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
val arr = new Array[String](a1.length)
for (i <- 0 to a1.length-1){
arr(i) = if (a1(i).equals(a2(i)) && a1(i).equals(targetStr)) a1(i) else diffStr
val diff = df.rdd
val cols = (df.columns zip diff).filter(!_._2.equals(diffStr)).map(s=>df(s._1))*).show()
| _1| _2| _3| _4|
| 1| A| 3| 4|
| 1| 2| ?| 4|
| 1| 2| 3| 4|
| _1|
| 1|
| 1|
| 1|
I would try to prepare dataset for processing without nulls. In case of few columns this simple iterative approach might work fine (don't forget to import spark implicits before import spark.implicits._):
val example = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
def allOnes(colName: String, ds: Dataset[Grade]): Boolean = {
val row =
if (row.length == 1 && row.head.getInt(0) == 1) true
else false
val resultColumns = example.columns.filter(col => allOnes(col, example))
example.selectExpr(resultColumns: _*).show()
result is:
| c1| c4|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|
If nulls are inevitable, use untyped dataset (aka dataframe):
val schema = StructType(Seq(
StructField("c1", IntegerType, nullable = true),
StructField("c2", IntegerType, nullable = true),
StructField("c3", IntegerType, nullable = true),
StructField("c4", IntegerType, nullable = true)
val example = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
val dfInput = spark.createDataFrame(example, schema).cache()
def allOnes(colName: String, df: DataFrame): Boolean = {
val row =
if (row.length == 1 && row.head.getInt(0) == 1) true
else false
val resultColumns= dfInput.columns.filter(col => allOnes(col, dfInput))
dfInput.selectExpr(resultColumns: _*).show()

how to concat multiple columns in spark while getting the column names to be concatenated from another table (different for each row)

I am trying to concat multiple columns in spark using concat function.
For example below is the table for which I have to add new concatenated column
table - **t**
| id|name|
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
and below is the table which has the information about which columns are to be concatenated for given id (for id 1 column id and name needs to be concatenated and for id 2 only id)
table - **r**
| id| att |
| 1|id,name|
| 2| id |
if I join the two tables and do something like below, I am able to concat but not based on the table r (as the new column is having 1,a for first row but for second row it should be 2 only)
t.withColumn("new",concat_ws(",","att").first.mkString.split(",").map(c => col(c)): _*)).show
| id|name| att |new|
| 1| a|id,name|1,a|
| 2| b| id |2,b|
I have to apply filter before the select in the above query, but I am not sure how to do that in withColumn for each row.
Something like below, if that is possible.
t.withColumn("new",concat_ws(",",t.**filter**("id=""att").first.mkString.split(",").map(c => col(c)): _*)).show
As it will require to filter each row based on the id.
scala> t.filter("id=1").select("att").first.mkString.split(",").map(c => col(c))
res90: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(id, name)
scala> t.filter("id=2").select("att").first.mkString.split(",").map(c => col(c))
res89: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(id)
Below is the final required result.
| id|name| att |new|
| 1| a|id,name|1,a|
| 2| b| id |2 |
We can use UDF
Requirements for this logic to work.
The column name of your table t should be in same order as it comes in col att of table r
| id|name|
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| id| att|
| 1|id,name|
| 2| id|
scala> val join_df = input_df_1.join(input_df_2,Seq("id"),"inner")
join_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, name: string ... 1 more field]
scala> val req_cols = input_df_1.columns
req_cols: Array[String] = Array(id, name)
scala> def new_col_udf = udf((cols : Seq[String],row : String,attr : String) => {
| val row_values = row.split(",")
| val attrs = attr.split(",")
| val req_val ={at =>
| val index = cols.indexOf(at)
| row_values(index)
| }
| req_val.mkString(",")
| })
new_col_udf: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
scala> val intermediate_df = join_df.withColumn("concat_column",concat_ws(",",'id,'name)).withColumn("new_col",new_col_udf(lit(req_cols),'concat_column,'att))
intermediate_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, name: string ... 3 more fields]
scala> val result_df ='id,'name,'att,'new_col)
result_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, name: string ... 2 more fields]
| id|name| att|new_col|
| 1| a|id,name| 1,a|
| 2| b| id| 2|
Hope it answers your question.
This may be done in a UDF:
val cols: Seq[Column] = => col(x)).toSeq
val indices: Seq[String] = => x).toSeq
val generateNew = udf((values: Seq[Any]) => {
val att = values(indices.indexOf("att")).toString.split(",")
val associatedIndices = indices.filter(x => att.contains(x))
val builder: StringBuilder = StringBuilder.newBuilder
values.filter(x => associatedIndices.contains(values.indexOf(x)))
values.foreach{ v => builder.append(v).append(";") }
val dfColumns = array(cols:_*)
val dNew = dataFrame.withColumn("new", generateNew(dfColumns))
This is just a sketch, but the idea is that you can pass a sequence of items to the user defined function, and select the ones that are needed dynamically.
Note that there are additional types of collection/maps that you can pass - for example How to pass array to UDF