How to send data to AudioServiceTask class which extends BackgroundAudioTask from UI - flutter

Well, I'm stuck on this problem. I have a code for audioservice (audioplayer.dart) which takes a queue to play. I'm getting the queue from playlist.dart in audioplayer.dart using ModalRoute and save in a global variable queue. Then, I initialize the AudioPlayerService. Now everything till here is fine but inside the AudioPlayerTask class which extends BackgroundAudioTask, when I try to access the variable (inside onStart) it comes out to be an empty list. I don't know where the problem is and I'm not very much familier with the BackgroundAudioTask class. Here's how it looks like:
import .....
List<MediaItem> queue = [];
class TempScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_TempScreenState createState() => _TempScreenState();
class _TempScreenState extends State<TempScreen> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
queue = ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments;
return Container(.....all ui code);
// I'm using this button to start the service
audioPlayerButton() {
backgroundTaskEntrypoint: _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint,
androidNotificationChannelName: 'Audio Service Demo',
androidNotificationColor: 0xFF2196f3,
androidNotificationIcon: 'mipmap/ic_launcher',
androidEnableQueue: true,
print('updated queue at the start');
print('queue now is $queue');
void _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint() async { => AudioPlayerTask());
class AudioPlayerTask extends BackgroundAudioTask {
AudioPlayer _player = AudioPlayer();
Seeker _seeker;
StreamSubscription<PlaybackEvent> _eventSubscription;
String kUrl = '';
String key = "38346591";
String decrypt = "";
String preferredQuality = '320';
int get index => _player.currentIndex == null ? 0 : _player.currentIndex;
MediaItem get mediaItem => index == null ? queue[0] : queue[index];
// This is just a function i'm using to get song URLs
fetchSongUrl(songId) async {
print('starting fetching url');
String songUrl =
"" +
var res = await get(songUrl, headers: {"Accept": "application/json"});
var resEdited = (res.body).split("-->");
var getMain = jsonDecode(resEdited[1]);
kUrl = await DesPlugin.decrypt(
key, getMain[songId]["more_info"]["encrypted_media_url"]);
kUrl = kUrl.replaceAll('96', '$preferredQuality');
print('fetched url');
return kUrl;
Future<void> onStart(Map<String, dynamic> params) async {
print('inside onStart of audioPlayertask');
print('queue now is $queue');
final session = await AudioSession.instance;
await session.configure(AudioSessionConfiguration.speech());
if (queue.length == 0) {
print('queue is found to be null.........');
_player.currentIndexStream.listen((index) {
if (index != null) AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(queue[index]);
// Propagate all events from the audio player to AudioService clients.
_eventSubscription = _player.playbackEventStream.listen((event) {
// Special processing for state transitions.
_player.processingStateStream.listen((state) {
switch (state) {
case ProcessingState.completed:
AudioService.currentMediaItem != queue.last
? AudioService.skipToNext()
: AudioService.stop();
case ProcessingState.ready:
// Load and broadcast the queue
print('queue is');
print('Index is $index');
print('MediaItem is');
try {
if (queue[index].extras == null) {
queue[index] = queue[index].copyWith(extras: {
'URL': await fetchSongUrl(queue[index].id),
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(queue);
await _player.setUrl(queue[index].extras['URL']);
} catch (e) {
print("Error: $e");
Future<void> onSkipToQueueItem(String mediaId) async {
// Then default implementations of onSkipToNext and onSkipToPrevious will
// delegate to this method.
final newIndex = queue.indexWhere((item) => == mediaId);
if (newIndex == -1) return;
if (queue[newIndex].extras == null) {
queue[newIndex] = queue[newIndex].copyWith(extras: {
'URL': await fetchSongUrl(queue[newIndex].id),
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(queue);
// AudioService.updateQueue(queue);
await _player.setUrl(queue[newIndex].extras['URL']);;
await AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(queue[newIndex]);
Future<void> onUpdateQueue(List<MediaItem> queue) {
AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(queue = queue);
return super.onUpdateQueue(queue);
Future<void> onPlay() =>;
Future<void> onPause() => _player.pause();
Future<void> onSeekTo(Duration position) =>;
Future<void> onFastForward() => _seekRelative(fastForwardInterval);
Future<void> onRewind() => _seekRelative(-rewindInterval);
Future<void> onSeekForward(bool begin) async => _seekContinuously(begin, 1);
Future<void> onSeekBackward(bool begin) async => _seekContinuously(begin, -1);
Future<void> onStop() async {
await _player.dispose();
await _broadcastState();
// Shut down this task
await super.onStop();
Future<void> _seekRelative(Duration offset) async {
var newPosition = _player.position + offset;
// Make sure we don't jump out of bounds.
if (newPosition < newPosition =;
if (newPosition > mediaItem.duration) newPosition = mediaItem.duration;
// Perform the jump via a seek.
void _seekContinuously(bool begin, int direction) {
if (begin) {
_seeker = Seeker(_player, Duration(seconds: 10 * direction),
Duration(seconds: 1), mediaItem)
/// Broadcasts the current state to all clients.
Future<void> _broadcastState() async {
await AudioServiceBackground.setState(
controls: [
if (_player.playing) MediaControl.pause else,
systemActions: [
androidCompactActions: [0, 1, 3],
processingState: _getProcessingState(),
playing: _player.playing,
position: _player.position,
bufferedPosition: _player.bufferedPosition,
speed: _player.speed,
AudioProcessingState _getProcessingState() {
switch (_player.processingState) {
case ProcessingState.idle:
return AudioProcessingState.stopped;
case ProcessingState.loading:
return AudioProcessingState.connecting;
case ProcessingState.buffering:
return AudioProcessingState.buffering;
case ProcessingState.ready:
return AudioProcessingState.ready;
case ProcessingState.completed:
return AudioProcessingState.completed;
throw Exception("Invalid state: ${_player.processingState}");
This is the full code for AudioService in-case needed.

(Answer update: Since v0.18, this sort of pitfall doesn't exist since the UI and background code run in a shared isolate. The answer below is only relevant for v0.17 and earlier.)
audio_service runs your BackgroundAudioTask in a separate isolate. In the README, it is put this way:
Note that your UI and background task run in separate isolates and do not share memory. The only way they communicate is via message passing. Your Flutter UI will only use the AudioService API to communicate with the background task, while your background task will only use the AudioServiceBackground API to interact with the UI and other clients.
The key point there is that isolates do not share memory. If you set a "global" variable in the UI isolate, it will not be set in the background isolate because the background isolate has its own separate block of memory. That is why your global queue variable is null. It is not actually the same variable, because now you actually have two copies of the variable: one in the UI isolate which has been set with a value, and the other in the background isolate which has not (yet) been set with a value.
Now, your background isolate does "later" set its own copy of the queue variable to something, and this happens via the message passing API where you pass the queue from the UI isolate into updateQueue and the background isolate receive that message and stores it into its own copy of the variable in onUpdateQueue. If you were to print out the queue after this point it would no longer be null.
There is also a line in your onStart where you are attempting to set the queue, although you should probably delete that code and let the queue only be set in onUpdateQueue. You should not attempt to access the queue in onStart since your queue won't receive its value until onUpdateQueue. If you want to avoid any null pointer exception before its set, you can initialise the queue in the background isolate to an empty list, and it will eventually get replaced by a non-empty list in onUpdateQueue without ever being null.
I would also suggest you avoid making queue a global variable. Global variables are generally bad, but in this case, it may actually be confusing you into thinking that that queue variable is the same in both the UI and the background isolate when in reality each isolate will have its own copy of the variable perhaps with different values. Thus, your code will be clearer if you make two separate "local" variables. One inside the UI and one inside the background task.
One more suggestion is that you should note that the methods in the message passing API are asynchronous methods. You should wait for the audio service to start before you send messages to it, such as setting the queue. AND you should wait for the queue to be set before you try to play from the queue:
await AudioService.start(....);
// Now the service has started, it is safe to send messages.
await AudioService.updateQueue(...);
// Now the queue has been updated, it is safe to play from it.


How to throw error inside riverpod future provider and catch it on error flutter

final loginProvider =<bool, LoginParam>((ref, param) async {
if (param.sgId == '' || param.password == '') {
return false;
final http.Response response =
await APIClient().login(param.sgId, param.password);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
await APIClient().saveTokens(response);
UserDefaultEntity entity =
//ref.state =;
return true;
} else {
throw Exception(jsonDecode(response.body)['message'] ?? 'Unknown Error');
void login(String userName, String password) async {
state = AsyncValue.loading();
AsyncValue<bool> result;
try {
result = await ref.refresh(loginProvider(LoginParam(userName, password)));
state = result;
} catch (e) {
state = AsyncError(e);
I'm trying to throw an custom exception inside riverpod future provider and catch the exception in other state notifier classes, but the catch block is not triggered.
Is there any other way to handle exceptions that future provider throw.
First of all, you won't have to manually catch errors inside a FutureProvider, it will do that for you. Refer this example.
Generally, the operations that happen after certain "user interaction" like a button click (in this case, login operation), are not meant to be written in FutureProvider. Scenarios where you'd be using FutureProvider are as follows:
Fetching some data over HTTP/HTTPS.
Performing operations like reading a file or a local database.
So your use case of login can be achieved using a StateNotifier.
// auth_provider.dart
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
// Always prefer some strongly typed object to
// know current status of authentication.
enum AuthState {
// StateNotifier is recommended to encapsulate all your business
// logic into a single class and use it from there.
class AuthStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<AuthState> {
// Initialize with the default state of "unauthenticated".
const AuthStateNotifier() : super(AuthState.unauthenticated);
Future<void> login(LoginParam params) async {
if (param.sgId.isEmpty || param.password.isEmpty) {
state = AuthState.failed;
final http.Response response = await APIClient().login(param.sgId, param.password);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
await APIClient().saveTokens(response);
UserDefaultEntity entity = await;
state = AuthState.authenticated;
} else {
state = AuthState.failed;
throw Exception(jsonDecode(response.body)['message'] ?? 'Unknown Error');
// Finally, create a provider that can be consumed in the presentation layer (UI).
final authProvider = StateNotifierProvider<AuthStateNotifier, AuthState>((ref) => const AuthStateNotifier());
Then, in your UI part, usually in the onTap / onPressed event handler of button, you can use it as follows. Please note that, we have created a button widget that extends the ConsumerWidget to access the ref.
// login.dart
import 'auth_provider.dart';
class LoginButton extends ConsumerWidget {
final LoginParam params;
const LoginButton({
Key? key,
required this.params,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
void login() {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Handle error here.
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text('Login'),
// Call the handler here.
onPressed: login,

Flutter Unhandled exception: ServicesBinding.defaultBinaryMessenger was accessed before the binding was initialized

I am trying to create an Isolate un Flutter and then use this isolate to fetch some data from Firebase Realtime Database.
I am creating de Isolate in a file called home.dart (not main) and here is my code for that file. I have a class to create the Isolate and the function for the Isolate to execute. Inside this function I am trying to fetch the data.
void elIsolate(SendPort sPort) async {
print("Fetching data");
final databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child("categories");
DataSnapshot info;
/*databaseReference.once().then((DataSnapshot snapshot) {
info = snapshot;
print("new isolate created");
IsolateChannel channel = IsolateChannel.connectSend(sPort); {
print('newIsolate received : $data');
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
List list = [];
void initState(){
print("Init state");
Future loadIsolate() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
print("Load isolate");
ReceivePort rPort = ReceivePort();
IsolateChannel channel = IsolateChannel.connectReceive(rPort); {
print('rootIsolate received : $data');
channel.sink.add('How are you');
await Isolate.spawn(elIsolate, rPort.sendPort);
/*await Isolate.spawn(getAllWorkers, receivePort.sendPort);
receivePort.listen((message) {
Then I have my main.dart. I added this line inside the main function: WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
Here is my code
Future<void> main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
bool resp;
await SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((prefs) {
resp = prefs.getBool('isUser');
if (resp == null) {
FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
resp = (_auth.currentUser != null);
prefs.setBool('isUser', resp);
runApp(MyApp(user: resp));
flutter_isolate: ^2.0.2
onPressed: () {
FlutterIsolate.spawn(_isolateEntrypoint, "");
// A "top level" function (i.e. not inside a class or make it static)
_isolateEntrypoint(String foo) {
Make sure that authorization and initialization were made on the same main thread (top level or static).
Now this FlutterEngine will be able to communicate with Firebase Realtime Database but the main FlutterEngine won't. In practice, depending on the app, an app may want to communicate with Realtime Database from either engine (or both). In background apps, more likely from here rather than the main isolate, but again that depends on the app.

How to pass and play specific queue position media item from playlist in audio_service flutter?

I am using flutter audio_service and just_audio package for music player. I want to play specific queue position media item from playlist when I initialize the music player. It is always playing first item of the playlist when I called AudioService.start() method. How can I pass and play specific queue position media item from playlist when I start the audio service?
AudioService start
backgroundTaskEntrypoint: _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint,
androidNotificationChannelName: 'Zenmind',
androidNotificationColor: 0xFF2196f3,
androidNotificationIcon: 'mipmap/ic_launcher',
androidEnableQueue: true,
params: params); // [params contains playlist ]
_audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint code
void _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint() async { => AudioPlayerTask());
AudioPlayerTask class
class AudioPlayerTask extends BackgroundAudioTask {
var _queue = <MediaItem>[];
AudioPlayer _player = new AudioPlayer();
AudioProcessingState _skipState;
Seeker _seeker;
StreamSubscription<PlaybackEvent> _eventSubscription;
List<MediaItem> get queue => _queue;
int get index => _player.currentIndex;
MediaItem get mediaItem => index == null ? null : queue[index];
Future<void> onStart(Map<String, dynamic> params) async {
List mediaItems = params['data'];
// print(params['data']);
for (int i = 0; i < mediaItems.length; i++) {
MediaItem mediaItem = MediaItem.fromJson(mediaItems[i]);
_player.currentIndexStream.listen((index) {
print("index value is $index");
if (index != null) {
_eventSubscription = _player.playbackEventStream.listen((event) {
_player.processingStateStream.listen((state) {
switch (state) {
case ProcessingState.completed:
case ProcessingState.ready:
_skipState = null;
try {
await _player.setAudioSource(ConcatenatingAudioSource(
children: => AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse(,
} catch (e) {
print("Error: $e");
Future<void> onSkipToQueueItem(String mediaId) async {
final newIndex = queue.indexWhere((item) => == mediaId);
if (newIndex == -1) return;
_skipState = newIndex > index
? AudioProcessingState.skippingToNext
: AudioProcessingState.skippingToPrevious;, index: newIndex);
AudioServiceBackground.sendCustomEvent('skip to $newIndex');
Future<void> onPlay() =>;
Future<void> onPause() => _player.pause();
Future<void> onSeekTo(Duration position) =>;
Future<void> onFastForward() => _seekRelative(fastForwardInterval);
Future<void> onRewind() => _seekRelative(-rewindInterval);
Future<void> onSeekForward(bool begin) async => _seekContinuously(begin, 1);
Future<void> onSeekBackward(bool begin) async => _seekContinuously(begin, -1);
Future<void> onStop() async {
await _player.dispose();
await _broadcastState();
await super.onStop();
Future<void> _seekRelative(Duration offset) async {
var newPosition = _player.position + offset;
if (newPosition < newPosition =;
if (newPosition > mediaItem.duration) newPosition = mediaItem.duration;
// if (newPosition > _player.duration) newPosition = _player.duration;
void _seekContinuously(bool begin, int direction) {
if (begin) {
_seeker = Seeker(
Duration(seconds: 10 * direction),
// Duration(seconds: 1), mediaItem)
Duration(seconds: 1),
Future<void> _broadcastState() async {
await AudioServiceBackground.setState(
controls: [
if (_player.playing) MediaControl.pause else,
systemActions: [
androidCompactActions: [0, 1, 3],
processingState: _getProcessingState(),
playing: _player.playing,
position: _player.position,
bufferedPosition: _player.bufferedPosition,
speed: _player.speed,
AudioProcessingState _getProcessingState() {
if (_skipState != null) return _skipState;
switch (_player.processingState) {
case ProcessingState.idle:
return AudioProcessingState.stopped;
case ProcessingState.loading:
return AudioProcessingState.connecting;
case ProcessingState.buffering:
return AudioProcessingState.buffering;
case ProcessingState.ready:
return AudioProcessingState.ready;
case ProcessingState.completed:
return AudioProcessingState.completed;
throw Exception("Invalid state: ${_player.processingState}");
In audio_service 0.17, the params passed into start() were only intended for simple data types, not for lists of MediaItems. In fact there are other methods in the API specifically designed for that.
I suggest the following startup sequence instead:
// Set the playlist
await AudioService.updateQueue(playlist);
// Jump to the right item
await AudioService.skipToQueueItem(...);
// Play; // don't await!
Note: Replace AudioService. by audioHandler. if you use version 0.18.0 or later.
The await keyword above is important. These methods are asynchronous, and the later methods should not be called until the earlier ones have completed. For example, you don't want to skip to a particular queue item until after the queue has actually been set. But note the lack of await on the last step: you don't await the play call unless you want to wait for playback to complete.
In your background audio task (0.17) or audio handler (0.18), add the callback for updateQueue:
// 0.17 solution:
Future<void> onUpdateQueue(List<MediaItem> queue) async {
AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue = queue);
await _player.setAudioSource(ConcatenatingAudioSource(
children: => AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse(,
// 0.18 solution:
Future<void> updateQueue(List<MediaItem> queue) async {
this.queue.add(_queue = queue);
await _player.setAudioSource(ConcatenatingAudioSource(
children: => AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse(,
You already have an onStart, but remember that using the suggested startup sequence above, the queue will be set in a later step, and the player will skip to the right queue item in a later step, so you can remove those parts from your onStart, and just keep the code that initialises the event listeners. (In 0.18, that logic would go in your audio handler constructor).

Print and save data of list of installed apps in flutter

I am trying to get list of appName for all Apps installed and using package: . How to run this in initstate so I can run it in background and save data in backend.
Below code prints all information while I am only looking for specific fields as list.
void initState() {
Future<void> getinstalledAppList() async{
List<Application> apps = await DeviceApps.getInstalledApplications();
chetan suri you can map your apps list to new one or use foreach statement. Here is example:
void initState() {
Future<void> getinstalledAppList() async{
List<Application> apps = await DeviceApps.getInstalledApplications();
// Using foreach statement
apps.forEach((app) {
// TODO Backend operation
Map apps list to new:
Class model:
class AppInfo {
String appName, packageName, versionName;
static List<AppInfo> retrieveSomeFields(List<Application> data) {
return data
(app) => AppInfo(
appName: app.appName,
packageName: app.packageName,
versionName: app.versionName,
Future<void> getinstalledAppList() async{
List<Application> apps = await DeviceApps.getInstalledApplications();
var data = AppInfo.retrieveSomeFields(apps);
// TODO Backend operation
You can write a work manager and callbackDispatcher for background processes. Here is a good explanation. It will look like this:
const myTask = "syncWithTheBackEnd";
void main() {
myTask, //This is the value that will be returned in the callbackDispatcher
// Set Your Delay!
initialDelay: Duration(minutes: 5),
constraints: WorkManagerConstraintConfig(
requiresCharging: true,
networkType: NetworkType.connected,
void callbackDispatcher() {
Workmanager.executeTask((task) {
switch (task) {
case myTask:
print("this method was called from native!");
// Call your own method for Android.
case Workmanager.iOSBackgroundTask:
print("iOS background fetch delegate ran");
// Call your own method for iOS.
//Return true when the task executed successfully or not
return Future.value(true);

is there any way to cancel a dart Future?

In a Dart UI, I have a button submit to launch a long async request. The submit handler returns a Future. Next, the button submit is replaced by a button cancel to allow the cancellation of the whole operation. In the cancel handler, I would like to cancel the long operation. How can I cancel the Future returned by the submit handler? I found no method to do that.
You can use CancelableOperation or CancelableCompleter to cancel a future. See below the 2 versions:
Solution 1: CancelableOperation (included in a test so you can try it yourself):
cancel a future
test("CancelableOperation with future", () async {
var cancellableOperation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(
Future.value('future result'),
onCancel: () => {debugPrint('onCancel')},
// cancellableOperation.cancel(); // uncomment this to test cancellation
cancellableOperation.value.then((value) => {
debugPrint('then: $value'),
cancellableOperation.value.whenComplete(() => {
cancel a stream
test("CancelableOperation with stream", () async {
var cancellableOperation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(
Future.value('future result'),
onCancel: () => {debugPrint('onCancel')},
// cancellableOperation.cancel(); // uncomment this to test cancellation
(value) => { debugPrint('value: $value') },
onDone: () => { debugPrint('onDone') },
Both above tests will output:
then: future result
Now if we uncomment the cancellableOperation.cancel(); then both above tests will output:
Solution 2: CancelableCompleter (if you need more control)
test("CancelableCompleter is cancelled", () async {
CancelableCompleter completer = CancelableCompleter(onCancel: () {
// completer.operation.cancel(); // uncomment this to test cancellation
completer.complete(Future.value('future result'));
print('isCanceled: ${completer.isCanceled}');
print('isCompleted: ${completer.isCompleted}');
completer.operation.value.then((value) => {
print('then: $value'),
completer.operation.value.whenComplete(() => {
isCanceled: false
isCompleted: true
then: future result
Now if we uncomment the cancellableOperation.cancel(); we get output:
isCanceled: true
isCompleted: true
Be aware that if you use await cancellableOperation.value or await completer.operation then the future will never return a result and it will await indefinitely if the operation was cancelled. This is because await cancellableOperation.value is the same as writing cancellableOperation.value.then(...) but then() will never be called if the operation was cancelled.
Remember to add async Dart package.
Code gist
How to cancel Future.delayed
A simple way is to use Timer instead :)
Timer _timer;
void _schedule() {
_timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
print('Do something after delay');
void dispose() {
As far as I know, there isn't a way to cancel a Future. But there is a way to cancel a Stream subscription, and maybe that can help you.
Calling onSubmit on a button returns a StreamSubscription object. You can explicitly store that object and then call cancel() on it to cancel the stream subscription:
StreamSubscription subscription = someDOMElement.onSubmit.listen((data) {
// you code here
if (someCondition == true) {
Later, as a response to some user action, perhaps, you can cancel the subscription:
For those, who are trying to achieve this in Flutter, here is the simple example for the same.
class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
final CancelableCompleter<bool> _completer = CancelableCompleter(onCancel: () => false);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Future")),
body: Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Submit"),
onPressed: () async {
// it is true only if the future got completed
bool _isFutureCompleted = await _submit();
RaisedButton(child: Text("Cancel"), onPressed: _cancel),
Future<bool> _submit() async {
return _completer.operation.value;
// This is just a simple method that will finish the future in 5 seconds
Future<bool> _solve() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5), () => true);
void _cancel() async {
var value = await _completer.operation.cancel();
// if we stopped the future, we get false
assert(value == false);
One way I accomplished to 'cancel' a scheduled execution was using a Timer. In this case I was actually postponing it. :)
Timer _runJustOnceAtTheEnd;
void runMultipleTimes() {
_runJustOnceAtTheEnd = null;
// do your processing
_runJustOnceAtTheEnd = Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), onceAtTheEndOfTheBatch);
void onceAtTheEndOfTheBatch() {
print("just once at the end of a batch!");
// will print 'just once at the end of a batch' one second after last execution
The runMultipleTimes() method will be called multiple times in sequence, but only after 1 second of a batch the onceAtTheEndOfTheBatch will be executed.
my 2 cents worth...
class CancelableFuture {
bool cancelled = false;
CancelableFuture(Duration duration, void Function() callback) {
Future<void>.delayed(duration, () {
if (!cancelled) {
void cancel() {
cancelled = true;
There is a CancelableOperation in the async package on that you can use to do this now. This package is not to be confused with the built in dart core library dart:async, which doesn't have this class.
Change the future's task from 'do something' to 'do something unless it has been cancelled'. An obvious way to implement this would be to set a boolean flag and check it in the future's closure before embarking on processing, and perhaps at several points during the processing.
Also, this seems to be a bit of a hack, but setting the future's timeout to zero would appear to effectively cancel the future.
The following code helps to design the future function that timeouts and can be canceled manually.
import 'dart:async';
class API {
Completer<bool> _completer;
Timer _timer;
// This function returns 'true' only if timeout >= 5 and
// when cancelOperation() function is not called after this function call.
// Returns false otherwise
Future<bool> apiFunctionWithTimeout() async {
_completer = Completer<bool>();
// timeout > time taken to complete _timeConsumingOperation() (5 seconds)
const timeout = 6;
// timeout < time taken to complete _timeConsumingOperation() (5 seconds)
// const timeout = 4;
_timeConsumingOperation().then((response) {
if (_completer.isCompleted == false) {
_timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: timeout), () {
if (_completer.isCompleted == false) {
return _completer.future;
void cancelOperation() {
if (_completer.isCompleted == false) {
// this can be an HTTP call.
Future<bool> _timeConsumingOperation() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5), () => true);
void main() async {
API api = API();
api.apiFunctionWithTimeout().then((response) {
// prints 'true' if the function is not timed out or canceled, otherwise it prints false
// manual cancellation. Uncomment the below line to cancel the operation.
The return type can be changed from bool to your own data type. Completer object also should be changed accordingly.
A little class to unregister callbacks from future. This class will not prevent from execution, but can help when you need to switch to another future with the same type. Unfortunately I didn't test it, but:
class CancelableFuture<T> {
Function(Object) onErrorCallback;
Function(T) onSuccessCallback;
bool _wasCancelled = false;
CancelableFuture(Future<T> future,
{this.onSuccessCallback, this.onErrorCallback}) {
assert(onSuccessCallback != null || onErrorCallback != null);
future.then((value) {
if (!_wasCancelled && onSuccessCallback != null) {
}, onError: (e) {
if (!_wasCancelled && onErrorCallback != null) {
cancel() {
_wasCancelled = true;
And here is example of usage. P.S. I use provider in my project:
_fetchPlannedLists() async {
if (_plannedListsResponse?.status != Status.LOADING) {
_plannedListsResponse = ApiResponse.loading();
_plannedListCancellable = CancelableFuture<List<PlannedList>>(
onSuccessCallback: (plannedLists) {
_plannedListsResponse = ApiResponse.completed(plannedLists);
}, onErrorCallback: (e) {
print('Planned list provider error: $e');
_plannedListsResponse = ApiResponse.error(e);
You could use it in situations, when language changed, and request was made, you don't care about previous response and making another request!
In addition, I really was wondered that this feature didn't come from the box.
Here's a solution to cancel an awaitable delayed future
This solution is like an awaitable Timer or a cancelable Future.delayed: it's cancelable like a Timer AND awaitable like a Future.
It's base on a very simple class, CancelableCompleter, here's a demo:
import 'dart:async';
void main() async {
// Create a completer that completes after 2 seconds…
final completer = 2));
// … but schedule the cancelation after 1 second
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), completer.cancel);
// We want to await the result
final result = await completer.future;
print(result ? 'completed' : 'canceled');
// start
// canceled
// done
Now the code of the class:
class CancelableCompleter { delay) : _completer = Completer() {
_timer = Timer(delay, _complete);
final Completer<bool> _completer;
late final Timer? _timer;
bool _isCompleted = false;
bool _isCanceled = false;
Future<bool> get future => _completer.future;
void cancel() {
if (!_isCompleted && !_isCanceled) {
_isCanceled = true;
void _complete() {
if (!_isCompleted && !_isCanceled) {
_isCompleted = true;
A running example with a more complete class is available in this DartPad.
You can use timeout() method
Create a dummy future:
Future<String?> _myFuture() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 10));
return 'Future completed';
Setting a timeout of 3 seconds to stop early from 10sec:
const Duration(seconds: 3),
onTimeout: () =>
'The process took too much time to finish. Please try again later',
and thats it you cancel your FUTURE.
there is no way unfortunately, take a look:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
final object = SomeTimer();
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
print('finish program');
class SomeTimer {
SomeTimer() {
Future<void> init() async {
.complete(Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10), () => someState = 1));
print('before wait');
await completer.operation.valueOrCancellation();
print('after wait');
if (completer.isCanceled) {
timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 5), (() => print('finish timer')));
Timer? timer;
int _someState = 0;
set someState(int value) {
print('someState set to $value');
_someState = value;
CancelableCompleter completer = CancelableCompleter(onCancel: () {
void dispose() {
after ten seconds you will see someState set to 1 no matter what