Step function - sqs - ecs - amazon-ecs

We have a use case where all the micro services are on ECS and we are planning to implement Saga pattern with AWS Step Functions. AWS has below pattern which uses Lambda. Just want to know if it is a good solution (scalable, resilient etc) to use the same approach and replace Lambda's with ECS services? Please advise.
Note : AWS Step Functions have integration with ECS tasks and due to various reasons we don't want to use it.

I don't see issues with using SQS to trigger ECS.
However, what is the issue with using the Step Functions ECS integration to call your ECS directly?
You can define error handling and retries within the Step Functions, if that was something that might have been a blocker.


Trigger a PHP script to run on each Fargate task in an ECS service

What is the best way to trigger a PHP script on all running Fargate tasks for an ECS service?
I need to trigger this from another PHP script on one of the ECS tasks.
The reason I need to do this is that I have NGINX FastCGI Cache on these individual ECS tasks and need to purge the cache for all tasks when an admin makes an update in the CMS.
My NGINX configuration has a /purge/[path] endpoint that will purge the cache using fastcgi_cache_purge, and I do currently have a somewhat working hacky solution that looks something like this:
Admin saves in the CMS
PHP snippet runs that:
a) Fetches the number of running ECS tasks using AWS PHP SDK
b) Runs a for loop for the number of ECS tasks running
c) Calls the /purge/[path] URL using cURL (tries multiple times as it sometimes hits the same ECS task)
The above works but is not optimal.
Here are some other solutions that come to mind, but I can't find much information online on how to implement:
Would it be possible perhaps to change the fastcgi_cache_path to a shared file system like AWS EFS, or does that hurt performance not being tmpfs? I see that there's tmpfs support for ECS, but once mounted, would it be shared across the multiple ECS tasks or individually per ECS task?
Using AWS SNS/SQS (write one PHP script that subscribes and another one that publishes an event)
Use Redis pub/sub similar to above (also not sure exactly how to implement and how to start a long-running subscriber when ECS tasks start)
Use ECS Exec and AWS PHP SDK (almost have a working solution that fetches all ECS tasks and loops them through, and executes an "ECS Exec" command, but "--non-interactive" is not available yet, so it doesn't work. Only "--interactive" mode works currently)
Is there an easier/better solution for this? If using any of the above implementations, can someone put me in the right direction on how to implement this using PHP?
This honestly seems like a duplicate of your previous question, but I'll answer:
Would it be possible perhaps to change the fastcgi_cache_path to a shared file system like AWS EFS, or does that hurt performance not
being tmpfs? I see that there's tmpfs support for ECS, but once
mounted, would it be shared across the multiple ECS tasks or
individually per ECS task?
EFS wouldn't be a good option for this because EFS is SLOW. It would kill any performance benefit of having a cache.
A tmpfs on Fargate will not be shared among instances.
Using AWS SNS/SQS (write one PHP script that subscribes and another one that publishes an event)
SNS could work, as discussed in your previous question. SQS would not work at all, since an SQS message is only delivered to one consumer, and you want it to be delivered to all instances.
Use Redis pub/sub similar to above (also not sure exactly how to implement and how to start a long-running subscriber when ECS tasks
Yes this would work, as discussed in your previous question. But of course would require a lot of custom coding.
Use ECS Exec and AWS PHP SDK (almost have a working solution that fetches all ECS tasks and loops them through, and executes an "ECS
Exec" command, but "--non-interactive" is not available yet, so it
doesn't work. Only "--interactive" mode works currently)
This should work. Why do you state that --non-interactive is not available yet? If you just leave off the --interactive parameter, then the command is executed non-interactively.

Dependency among different ecs tasks

I have developed a backend server using multiple microservices, using spring cloud.
I have discovery service, config service, and different other services.
Right now for testing purposes, I use docker-compose to run them in the right order. Now I have decided to deploy my application on AWS.
I thought of using running them using ECS using fargare, But I am not able to understand how can I define dependency among my tasks.
I found this article
It defines dependency among containers in the same task.
But I do not think that I can run all my services with just one task as there will be complications in assigning vCPUs, even if I use 4vCPUs and huge memory then also I am not sure how well my containers will run. and after that scaling them will be another issue. Overall having such huge vCPUs and memory will incur a lot of costs as well.
Is there any way to define dependency among ECS tasks?
CloudFormation supports the DependsOn attribute which allows you to control the sequence of deployment (you basically trade off speed of parallelism for ordered deployments when you need them).
Assuming your tasks are started as part of ECS services you can set the DependsOn to a service that needs to start first.
- AppService
Out of curiosity, how did you move from Compose to CloudFormation? FYI we have been working with Docker to add capabilities into the Docker toolset to deploy directly to ECS (basically converting docker compose files into CloudFormation IaC). See here for more background. BTW this mechanism honors the compose dependency chain. That is, if you set one service being dependent on the other in compose, the resulting CFN template uses the DependsOn attribute I described above.

Consume events from AWS EventBridge in a self hosted kafka cluster outsite aws

We got a SaaS which is publishing it's events on AWS eventbridge (coulple of milion per day). We would love to consume those events and put them on our self hosted Kafka cluster. What would be the best methode to do this? We where thinking about lambda's, but the seem expensive for this use case and we don't to to manage to many other components. Does anyone have some good practices?
i was looking for a similar solution but in my case it is from eventbridge to MSK within AWS account. at this point looks like the only option is to use a lambda to feed into Kafka.
As per today, AWS only supports following Targets -
I have a similar use case where i need to send a message to AWS RabbitMQ or even to AWS Kafka as i need Priority Logic Implemented.
As AWS supports Lambda's, the message can be forwarded to the lambda from where it can be fed to any system

Run task defintion after stack creation

The question seems simple enough. I have a bunch task definitions and a cluster in my CloudFormation template. When setting up manually I would create a task based on any definition and provide it with a CRON definition. It would then start to run.
I can't seem to find this option in CF? I found service but this only works for tasks that run indefinitely, which mine are not (they run once per day for approx. 10-20 minutes).
After some research I found out about AWS::Events::Rule which people seem to only use in conjunction with Lambda which I do not. I was unable to find any example that referenced FARGATE tasks so I'm not sure it's even possible.
If anyone has any examples of running tasks in CRON using CF, that would be great.
I think that ECS scheduled tasks (cron) would suit you:
Amazon ECS supports the ability to schedule tasks on either a cron-like schedule or in a response to CloudWatch Events. This is supported for Amazon ECS tasks using both the Fargate and EC2 launch types.
This is based on CloudWatch Events which can be used to schedule many things, not only lambda.
To setup it using CloudFormation you can use AWS::Events::Rule with the target of AWS::Events::Rule EcsParameters

How to run multiple Kubernetes jobs in sequence?

I would like to run a sequence of Kubernetes jobs one after another. It's okay if they are run on different nodes, but it's important that each one run to completion before the next one starts. Is there anything built into Kubernetes to facilitate this? Other architecture recommendations also welcome!
This requirement to add control flow, even if it's a simple sequential flow, is outside the scope of Kubernetes native entities as far as I know.
There are many workflow engine implementations for Kubernetes, most of them are focusing on solving CI/CD but are generic enough for you to use however you want.
Added a custom resource deginition in Kubernetes entity for Workflow
Takes a more serverless like approach and is built on Javascript which is very flexible
Has a unique approach where you can use the SaaS to easily get started without complicated installation and maintenance, and you can point Codefresh at your Kubernetes nodes to run the workflow on.
Feel free to Google for "Kubernetes Workflow", and discover the right platform for yourself.
Disclaimer: I work at Codefresh
I would try to use cronjobs and set the concurrency policy to forbid so it doesn't run concurrent jobs.
I have worked on IBM TWS (Workload Automation) which is a scheduler similar to cronjob where you can mention the dependencies of the jobs.
You can specify a job to run only after it's dependencies has run using follows keyword.