Take each first element of the group by - entity-framework

How can I take each first element in the group with EF 5 ?
var result = await context.SomeDbSet
.GroupBy(x => new { x.SomeField, ... })
.Select(x => x.First())
I am getting not supported exception.
How to correctly rewrite query? Thanks.

You cannot do that with grouping. SQL has a limitation - with GROUP BY you can select only grouping keys and aggregation result. This limitation for sure extended to LINQ to Entities - after GroupBy you can select only grouping keys and aggregation result.
Such result can be achieved by SQL and Window functions:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.SomeField1, s.SomeField2 ORDER BY s.SomeDate) AS RN
FROM SomeDbSet s
) r
WHERE r.RN = 1
For those who want to stay with LINQ, I propose extension (disclaimer: I'm extension creator) linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore
And you can write query above via LINQ
var rnQuery =
from s in context.SomeDbSet
where ...
select new
Data = s,
RN = Sql.Ext.RowNumber().Over()
.PartitionBy(s.SomeField1, s.SomeField2)
var resultQuery = await rnQuery
.Where(r => r.RN == 1)
.Select(r => r.Data)
var result = resultQuery.ToList();
// async variant may need ToListAsyncLinqToDB() call
// because of collision in async extension methods between EF Core and linq2db
var result = await resultQuery.ToListAsyncLinqToDB();


Select FROM Subquery without starting with another context object

I am trying to model the following MSSQL query that I am trying to replicate in netCore 2.2 - EF Core:
MIN(requestdate) AS startdate,
MAX(requestdate) AS enddate,
wo.wolablnk AS 'laborcode'
DB1.dbo.web_users wu INNER JOIN
DB2.dbo.workorder wo on
wu.laborcode = wo.wolablnk INNER JOIN
DB2.dbo.sw_specialrequest sw on
wo.wonum = sw.wonum
wo.status in ('LAPPR', 'APPR', 'REC') AND
sw.requestdate > GETDATE()
) a
I have the subquery portion built and working but that leaves me at an impasse:
var workOrders = await _db1Context.Workorder
.Where(r => r.Status == "LAPPR" || r.Status == "APPR" || r.Status == "REC")
var specialRequests = await _db2Context.SwSpecialRequest
.Where(r => r.Requestdate > DateTime.Now)
var subQuery = (from webUser in webUsers
join workOrder in workOrders on webUser.Laborcode equals workOrder.Wolablnk
join specialRequest in specialRequests on workOrder.Wonum equals specialRequest.Wonum
orderby webUser.Laborcode, specialRequest.Requestdate, specialRequest.Wonum
select new { workOrder.Wonum, Laborcode = workOrder.Wolablnk, specialRequest.Requestdate, workOrder.Workorderid })
I am not sure how to initiate the query I need with the subquery i've built and i'm not sure if I am on the right track even. I've looked at a couple of other examples but i'm not getting it.
Would anyone be able to shed some light on the subject and help?
Thank you!
Write LINQ query identical to the SQL and do not mix with ToListAsync(). After ToListAsync() query is sent to the server. Also you should use only one DbContext for such query.
var webUsers = _db1Context.Webuser;
var workOrders = _db1Context.Workorder
.Where(r => r.Status == "LAPPR" || r.Status == "APPR" || r.Status == "REC");
var specialRequests = _db1Context.SwSpecialRequest
.Where(r => r.Requestdate > DateTime.Now);
var subQuery =
from webUser in webUsers
join workOrder in workOrders on webUser.Laborcode equals workOrder.Wolablnk
join specialRequest in specialRequests on workOrder.Wonum equals specialRequest.Wonum
select new
Laborcode = workOrder.Wolablnk,
var resultQuery =
from a in subQuery
group a by a.Wonum into g
select new
Wonum = g.Key,
StartDate = g.Min(x => x.Requestdate),
EndDate = g.Max(x => x.Requestdate),
Laborcode = g.Min(x => x. Laborcode)
// final materialization
var result = await resultQuery.ToListAsync();

Entity Framework LINQ Query match all members of child collection

I have a Site table that has a many-to-many relationship with a UtilityServiceConnection table using a linking table called LinkSiteUtilityServiceConnection. Given a set of ServiceConnectionIds, I need to locate the Site that is exclusively linked to all of them and no more. I think I should be able to write the query using All on the collection but it's not working as expected.
var serviceConnectionIds = new[] { 546892, 546911, 546923 };
var sites1 = db.Sites
.Where(x => x.LinkSiteUtilityServiceConnections.All(y => serviceConnectionIds.Contains(y.UtilityServiceConnectionId)))
Assert.AreEqual(1, sites1.Count); //fails
This produces the query below that returns ~250,000 records when I expect to get one.
SELECT [Extent1].*
FROM [dbo].[Site] AS [Extent1]
FROM [dbo].[LinkSiteUtilityServiceConnection] AS [Extent2]
WHERE ([Extent1].[SiteId] = [Extent2].[SiteId])
AND ((NOT ([Extent2].[UtilityServiceConnectionId] IN (546892, 546911, 546923)))
WHEN ([Extent2].[UtilityServiceConnectionId] IN (546892, 546911, 546923)) THEN cast(1 as bit)
WHEN (NOT ([Extent2].[UtilityServiceConnectionId] IN (546892, 546911, 546923))) THEN cast(0 as bit)
Why isn't All working as I expect? What's the best way to write this query?
check this code:
query 1:
var sites1 = db.Sites
.Where(x => serviceConnectionIds.All(y =>
.Select(u => u.UtilityServiceConnectionId).Contains(y)))
query 2:
var query = db.Posts.AsQueryable();
var sites1 = serviceConnectionIds.Aggregate(query,
(current, item) => current.Where(e => e.LinkSiteUtilityServiceConnections
.Any(c => c.UtilityServiceConnectionId== item))).ToList();

How can I fix linq query to select count of ids with group by?

I want to create this SQL query to linq:
COUNT(m.FromUserId) AS Messages,
m.FromUserId AS UserId
dbo.ChatMessages m
dbo.ChatMessagesRead mr ON mr.ChatMessageId = m.ChatMessageId
m.ToUserId = #toUserId
I have tried create following linq query:
var messages = from m in _dbContext.ChatMessages
join mread in _dbContext.ChatMessagesRead on m.ChatMessageId equals mread.ChatMessageId
where m.ToUserId == userId
group m by m.FromUserId into g
select new
UserId = g.Key,
Messages = g.Count()
var messagesList = messages.ToList();
But this doesn't work.
How can I fix this linq query?
I get this exception:
Expression of type 'System.Func2[Microsoft.Data.Entity.Query.EntityQueryModelVisitor+TransparentIdentifier2[Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessagesRead],System.Int32]' cannot be used for parameter of type 'System.Func2[<>f__AnonymousType12[Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessagesRead],System.Int32]' of method 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[System.Linq.IGrouping2[System.Int32,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages]] _GroupBy[<>f__AnonymousType12,Int32,ChatMessages](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[<>f__AnonymousType12[Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessagesRead]], System.Func2[<>f__AnonymousType12[Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessagesRead],System.Int32], System.Func2[<>f__AnonymousType1`2[Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages,Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessagesRead],Project.BL.ChatMessages.ChatMessages])'"
I'm facing the same issue and I've found that there is an opened issue on the Entity Framework Core bugtracker
The only workaround for now seems to split the request in two.
var filtered = (from m in _dbContext.ChatMessages
join mread in _dbContext.ChatMessagesRead on m.ChatMessageId equals mread.ChatMessageId
where m.ToUserId == userId
select m).ToList();
var messages = from m in filtered
group m by m.FromUserId into g
select new
UserId = g.Key,
Messages = g.Count()
you can try this
var res = ctx.MyTable // Start with your table
.GroupBy(r => r.id) / Group by the key of your choice
.Select( g => new {Id = g.Key, Count = g.Count()}) // Create an anonymous type w/results
.ToList(); // Convert the results to List
Your code should work. However I created another version of your query using extension methods.
var messages =
.Where(message => message.ToUserId == userId)
message => message.ChatMessageId,
readMessage => readMessage.ChatMessageId,
(m, mr) => m.FromUserId
.GroupBy(id => id)
.Select(group =>
UserId = group.Key,
Messages = group.Count()
Could you please try it if it also throws the same exception or not?

EntityFramework do Paging on a query with a join

I have a query with a left join in it:
var query = (from v in context.Vehicles
//left join vehicleAttributes
join va in context.VehicleAttributes on v.VehicleId equals va.VehicleId into vAttributes
from vehicleAttributes in vAttributes.DefaultIfEmpty()
where v.FleetId == fleetId
select new { v, vehicleAttributes });
And now I need to do a paging on it.
this works but gets all rows, so much more than i actually need
query.ToList().Select(x => x.v).Distinct().Skip(10 * (page - 1)).Take(10).ToList();
this is what I tried instead but now I don't have the joint values
query.Select(x => x.v).Distinct().ToList().Skip(10 * (page - 1)).Take(10).ToList();
any ideas?
The ToList() triggers the call to the database so you need to only do this after you apply the Skip and Take. You'll need an OrderBy clause as well.
You should be able to do something like this:
var data = (from v in context.Vehicles
join va in context.VehicleAttributes on v.VehicleId equals va.VehicleId into vAttributes
from vehicleAttributes in vAttributes.DefaultIfEmpty()
where v.FleetId == fleetId
select new { v, vehicleAttributes })
.OrderBy(p => p.v.FleetId)
.Skip(10 * (page - 1))
Don't call ToList before Skip. Doing so will return all the records in the database that match your query.
To use Skip on an EntityFramework query, you need to have an instance of IOrderedQueryable, so you need an OrderBy clause.
.Select(x => x.v)
.OrderBy(v => v.FleetId)
.Skip(10 * (page - 1))
I've got a project that takes care of a lot of this functionality. It's available on NuGet (with an MVC counterpart) and Google Code.
Using it would look something like this:
var factory = new Pagination.PageSourceFactory {
MaxItemsPerPage = 50,
DefaultItemsPerPage = 20
var source = factory.CreateSource(query, page);

Converting T-SQL to Linq

I am using Entitry Framework 4.1 and I am struggling to understand how the convert the below query which uses joins and aggregate methods to a Linq to Entities call in the DomainService.
SELECT tblTime.Period As Timeline, COUNT(tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList.ID) AS Items
FROM tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList INNER JOIN
tblTime ON tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList.TimeID = tblTime.ID
GROUP BY tblTime.Period
ORDER BY tblTime.Period
Can anyone provide help.
Possible Solution
Dim var = From i In ObjectContext.tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList
Join t In ObjectContext.tblTimes On i.TimeID Equals t.ID
Group By i.TimeID Into Group
Select DateStart = (From n In ObjectContext.tblTimes Where n.ID = TimeID Select n.Period), PartCount = Group.Count
The first thing which comes to mind is:
var q = from t in Context.Time
group t by t.Period into g
orderby g.Key
select new
Timeline = g.Key,
Items = (from ti in g
from il in ti.ItemList // or whatever the property for the navigation to tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList is called
select il).Count()
However, the original SQL had an INNER JOIN, which would reject tblTime records without any matching records in tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList. So you may want:
var q = from t in Context.Time
where t.ItemList.Any()
group t by t.Period into g
orderby g.Key
select new
Timeline = g.Key,
Items = (from ti in g
from il in ti.ItemList // or whatever the property for the navigation to tblEngineeringDashboard_ItemList is called
select il).Count()
You can also flip the query around:
var q = from i in Context.EngineeringDashboardItemList
where i.Time != null
group i by i.Time.Period into g
orderby g.Key
select new
Timeline = g.Key,
Items = g.Count()
Does this work?
.Join(tblTime,ed => ed.TimeID ,t => t.ID, (ed,t) => new{ed,t})
.GoupBy(g => g.t.Period)
.Select(s => new
Timeline = s.Key,
Items = s.Count()
.OrderBy(o => o.Timeline)
While converting from sql to linq isn't an ideal approach (you should think directly in linq, translating your need to a linq query), the query you posted is rather simple.
var grouped = tblTime.OrderBy(c => c.Period).GroupBy(c => c.Period).Select(c =>
new {
timeline = c.Key,
count = c.SelectMany(x => x.tblEngineeringDashboard).Count()
*Edit: There, fixed. Everything on the L2E engine.
This provided that there are correct foreign keys between the tables (thus you don't have to declare the join manually).