TYPO3 10 Viewhelper class not found, Fluid error - typo3

There is some small detail I seem to be missing but I just can't find out what it is...
I get this error:
Error: The ViewHelper "<ugh:example>" could not be resolved. Based on your spelling, the system would load the class "TYPO3\Projectname\ViewHelpers\ExampleViewHelper", however this class does not exist.
I have my own extension called sitepackage, which works without issues.
In my ext_localconf.php I wrote
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['fluid']['namespaces']['ugh'] = ['TYPO3\\Projectname\\ViewHelpers'];
Then there's the directory ViewHelpers inside Classes with the file ExampleViewHelper.php
namespace TYPO3\Projectname\ViewHelpers;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
// etc ...
I expect it to use like <ugh:example />
What am I missing? Is there something outside of this that I have to do?
I'm freaking out about this...

Your global configuration works, yet PHP is not able to find your TYPO3\Projectname\ViewHelpers\ExampleViewHelper.
I suspect that you have a spelling error or your autoloading information is out of date (assuming a composer-based installation, composer dump-autoload updates it) or you forgot to add your namespace to composer.json (see composer docs or a TYPO3 extension example here).
That said, the usual approach is to add ViewHelper namespaces to the Fluid template directly. See https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/10.4/en-us/8-Fluid/8-developing-a-custom-viewhelper.html#importing-namespaces
Without composer
Use TYPO3 InstallTool "rebuild autoload information" or similar to build the class autoloading information. I think ext_emconf.php needs to contain the autoloading information, too.


TYPO3 extension - f:uri.resource returns wrong path

I'm writing a backend module for my own TYPO3 extension, where I'm wrapping the content into a be.container including a CSS and a JS file:
includeCssFiles="{0: '{f:uri.resource(path:\'CSS/backend.css\')}'}"
includeJsFiles="{0: '{f:uri.resource(path:\'JS/backend.js\')}'}"
<!-- module content -->
None of those resources gets included though. When I'm rendering f:uri.resource directly into the HTML, it - no matter which path - resolves to
which makes no sense to me. In my project, /typo3/ is the path where the TYPO3 core is symlinked to, relative to my web path.
I've assured that my resource files are placed in EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/CSS/backend.css and EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JS/backend.js respectively. I had a similiar issue including resources in the frontend, where it would resolve to just a / - in the end I decided to go with inclusion via Typoscript instead. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this for the backend module as well. Any idea how to solve this? Maybe I missed something in the configuration which messes up path resolution for f:uri.resource. Any help would be appreciated.
For a minimal test case, try putting the plain output into your fluid template:
If that yields the same result, it seems like the ViewHelper is not aware of the current extension. You can pass it the extension key as argument, see https://docs.typo3.org/other/typo3/view-helper-reference/9.5/en-us/typo3/fluid/latest/Uri/Resource.html.

TYPO3 REST Extension setup

I'm trying to setup the REST-Extension v2 in TYPO3 8.7 following this tutorial. I included the 2 templates called Virtual-Object-Page and Virtual-Object-Content in my template. I made a new extension using Extension Builder 8.7 from Github with a simple model. I installed the new extension and made some Instances of my model in the List View on my start page. In the Typoscript of my template I added:
plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
1 {
path = me-kinder-child
read = allow
write = allow
Me is the Vendor, kinder my extension key and child is my model.
When I'm calling http://localhost/rest/ I get The requested URL /rest/ was not found on this server.
What am I missing?
The path in the setup is explained being possible with several options, so perhaps try different configuration, possible is also all.
I don't see a fault in your setup, so the fault might be related to the server-file .htaccess or the extension realurl respectively the combination of both perhaps.
If you try it already with realurl or cooluri then disable that to get it running without first.
The htaccess file you can disable first too and enable it later again to adjust all requirements to each other.
The problem was not about RealURL was missing in any way. I just did not clear a cache that got cleared while installing RealURL. I guess that the "Clear all caches"-button in the Install-Tool would do it too.

TYPO3 Hook not found

I am currently trying to write a Hook to add extra fields to a Flexform. Therefore I followed this tutorial: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/DeveloperManual/ExtendNews/ExtendFlexforms/Index.html?fref=gc&dti=250938618364487#extend-flexforms-with-custom-fields
But when I go to a page in the backend that contains an options from a Flexform I get the following Error:
Class 'ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook' not found.
I register the Hook in the ext_localconf like this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS'][\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\FlexForm\FlexFormTools::class]['flexParsing'][] = \ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook::class;
and my Hook-file is here: typo3conf/ext/search_bar_additional/Classes/Hooks
and is initialized that way:
namespace ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks;
class FlexFormHook { /* ... */
So in my opinion everything is in the right place and should work, but I do still get the error that TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance("ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook") fails.
Do you guys have any ideas, what could be wrong? Do I have to register the Hook in \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( or something similar (as the posted code is really the only thing I've done)?
This is a typical class loading error. Check that you added your PHP namespaces to composer autoloading and/or ext_emconf.php and make sure your filenames are correctly named according to PSR-4. If in doubt you can inspect the class loading map files generated by composer in vendor/composer (if you use composer for class loading, which you definitely should do).
I found the mistake: My Hook does indeed not get loaded. I tried to 'include' it in the ext_localconf.php and it is working now.
But as this is of course an extremely ugly solution I posted a second question, how to load a hook here: Typo3 8.X - autoload Hook
Thank you for your help!!!

How can I expose plugin functions to docpad partials?

tldr; Is there a way to expose functions defined in one plugin for another plugin to use?
I'm trying to use the tagging plugin (https://github.com/rantecki/docpad-plugin-tagging) within a partial.
I have a Jade partial setup as follows:
| Posted in
each tag in tags
a(href=getTagUrl(tag))= tag + ' '
where getTagUrl is a function defined by the tagging plugin. The problem is that the partial has no knowledge and this partial does not render.
As v2.8.0+ of the partials plugin now includes the template data by default (you don't have to manually specify it's inclusion anymore), try running docpad update in your project's root directory and trying again. Otherwise, we'll probably have to see the source code of your project to help isolate the issue.
It's because partial do not have access by default to templateData, the object holding the getTagUrl helper. You have to pass it explicitly to the partial.
Here's a similar answer provided for the eco templating language :

How to make Modules use Application View Helpers?

Since, adding some extra modules to the zend framework application, a lot of errors are popping out. By default, all the extra modules tend to use the same layout file to render a html, but for view helpes, it searches it's own folder.
In my case, I made a view helper, to load some template's css file. I named it LoadTemplate and placed it inside APPLICATION_PATH."/view/helpers"
It works perfectly, until I browse to a module. Then it gives a error saying
Plugin by name 'LoadTemplate' was not found in the registry; used paths: Custom_View_Helper_: x/x/application/modules/custom/views\helpers/ Zend_View_Helper_: Zend/View/Helper/
It is searching in the wrong folder.
Can't we tell it to search its folder first, and if not found go and find the helper from the default or Application's View Helper?
If your helper is in that directory, make sure it is called Zend_View_Helper_LoadTemplate, the function is called loadTemplate and the file name is LoadTemplate.php
Edit -
Also check out this blog post by Rob Allen: http://akrabat.com/zend-framework/view-helpers-in-modules/