Can I build a route recording app with flutter? - flutter

I’m hoping to build a map recording app. All I want to know is can I do this with flutter?
Just a typical hiking app that will record my journey and then allow me to keep a record of the trip. With a screenshot.
Would need to record key milestones along the way. I live in the U.K. and I will need the app for both iOS and android. I’m keen to do this in flutter if it’s possible.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Yes, it can be done using the Flutter framework and currently available plugins.


What's the best way to communicate with nearby Android/iOS devices using Flutter

Let's imagine User A.
I want to build an application that detects all users of my app who are currently close to user A (in terms of real-life proximity). They should be able to send out ID's to each other to identify which users are currently around them. This should work cross-platform, so Android devices should be able to see iOS devices and so on.
I'm using Flutter and have done some research but none of the example apps worked cross platform. So far I tried flutter_blue, beacon_broadcast and flutter_reactive_ble.
If someone has experience in this field, I would be incredibly thankful for some advice on how to approach this.
Thank you so much in advance!

Is it possible to record a voice call using the agora sdk on a flutter application?

I am building an application that can record the phone calls that a user places through it. Is it possible to build this application using solely flutter and agora sdk? Is there anything else I would need? Any reference material to help with implementation is welcome!
I am currently building a Flutter application myself that uses the Agora sdk. They make a good wrapper for Flutter framework you can learn more about here.
I haven't looked much into the audio recording but some quick googling and I found this. Read more here .

Making Apps using flutter

Is it possible to build a fully functioning application for iOS and Android using AndroidStudio + Flutter and FireBase alone? This is my first time trying to make a fully functioning mobile application which I want to use as I am constrained with my finances at the moment. I would appreciate the clarification.
Yes, it is possible to make both Android and IOS app using flutter and dart.
Flutter has many benefits. here some example :
Flutter hot reload helps you to build your app very fast.
User fluent. Can use app with excellent user interface design.
It's easy to use function like other OOP languages.
Update everyday with new features.
Flutter user community is increasing day by day .
Check the flutter docs for more info
Yes, Flutter can produce a fully functioning application for both iOS and Android platforms.
there are some apps built with Flutter. check them here
I am a native Android developer and I did some iOS as well. I started learning Flutter a couple of days ago and it seems promising.

Compatibility of Flutter with Car Play and Android Auto

I developed an app on Flutter and I'm looking at a way to link it with Car Play and Android Auto. For my understanding Flutter is not compatible yet. Anyone know if it will be in the future (if yes, when we should expect this)? Is there any turnaround I can look into?
Flutter Apps are now compatible with Apple CarPlay!
flutter_carplay aims to make it safe to use apps made with Flutter in the car by integrating with CarPlay. CarPlay takes the things you want to do while driving and puts them on the car’s built-in display. Currently, it supports only iOS 14.0+.
Feel free to like, star, comment, share, and contribute to support more!
Flutter has yet to have Car Play and Android Auto support as of this writing. As previously mentioned in the comments, it's best to keep track for its updates in this GitHub thread.
I got audio app working on carplay easily enough. Based on
And then using my apple developer account, setting entitlements to allow carplay, basically. I cam add details if requested. Also, I used a mac/xcode to check things worked etc.
Android auto I can't yet get working.. funny that!

Icons of running application in iOS

I'm learning iOS programming. I was wondering if there is any way to show the icons of all the running apps in the phone. I know how to get a list of apps that are running currently, but is it possible to access their icons?
If not, what is the best way to do this? Crawl the appstore for icons and store it in the app?
As far as I know there is no API for getting the current running apps in iOS (but there is something like this for Android).
If you want to show only the currently running app icons, how will crawling appstore help?
If you cannot do it directly through some API trickery, how about a sideways workaround? If you know the names of the apps that are running, you could build a process that grabs the app icons through the iTunes Store Search API (using NSData's initWithContentsOfURL: method (docs), or with NSURLConnection and its delegates).
It might be a bit convoluted, but is probably the most straightforward way of getting the icon of any app that might be running.
I have tried to grab app icons using the API and I make it!
Take an example of app yelp, the premise is you get the buddleid of this app, which you can refer to Finding list of installed apps on iphone
helps to get the information in the form of json. Use the value for key "artworkUrl60" to get the icon of yelp