Is there a way to disable Doxygen warnings for a specific folder?
Just to be clear, I still want the documentation for the files inside it to be generated, I just don't care about the warnings.
Thank you for your time!
I've a huge vscode Project:
2 Mio Files
100+ GB.
a lot of C-Files, but also build folders a lots of other irrelevant crap.
vscode is slow.
The project includes besides a lot of C/C++ files maybe in some parts cmake files, some codegen/glue-code, external headers, build scripts, external includes from SDK.
I want to use vscode to edit the code, not to compile or run it. The project consists besides the relevant c-files out of a lot of precompiled libs, helper tools, a huge amount of other files and images.
I want to speed my vscode setup up.
How to tell the user supporting tools of vscode, where to set their focus?
Are there any other options to speed up vscode?
My First Idea: "Make vscode ignore of everything I do not need and tell the tools precisely on what to focus and which leave aside."
Is there a way to make vscode ignore all of such folders in search and in the c++ indexer, the tool which supports code navigation and syntax highlighting?
Clarification / Additional info
I do not have configured vscode. I do not know how. Most the time intellisens/code heighlighting / autocompletion etc. works fine and I can jump around in that code. How ever I've encountered some huge projects, where intellisens failed half or in total or took a lot of time to do so. I do want to set up an project properly. I do not know where to find such settings and most important, which behavior it affects:
intellisense, please have a look only at folders ...
actially, ignore everything below those folders
take this single subfolder, but ignore everything around it.
btw, there is an totally different location for SDK headers, could you also use code and header from there?
I do use vscode to edit the code, I do not use it to compile or debug the code.
In short, I do not know which support tool (intellisense, c++ Extension, ???, ...) have which effect and where they can be configured. Like which vscode components make my life as easy as it is and how do I configure them?
EDIT: List of installed Plugins
as from #user requested :). If cmake is known for eating resources, I could discard it. Is it mandatory for the intellisens stuff?
Could discard python too, if necessary.
I have a problem with a file that causes the problems tab to EXPLODE with warnings, and the reason is that I only use that file inside of another "main" file, which means that instead of creating a variable in every single one of the files that I use, I only create it in the "main" one, but VScode has no idea about that, so it trashes my problems tab with errors of missing variables.
So I just thought if it was possible to exclude the folder with problematic files from the problems tab or if there is any other way to avoid the warning diarrhea.
And although I did see somewhere unrelated to this that it is possible to use .json files or something to control VScode, I know nothing about it
There appears to not be any direct way to achieve exclusion of a folder from the problem diagnostics.
The exclusion of folders seems to have been delegated to extensions according to this issue thread
vscode issue #22289
I use customized syntax coloring for my Eclipse editor and it has reverted back to the default settings. This is the second time in a couple weeks that it has happened. Any ideas as to why this is happening or how I can get my custom settings back? I have a very specific coloring scheme that I like to use and it takes forever to manually set!
Are you switching across workspaces? As I understand eclipse preferences are stored in .settings/ present in workspace's root directory.
I export eclipse preferences and import it when I switch workspaces. Another cool trick I found is to close projects when I do not use them.
Eclipse official link on how to export preferences:
Sometimes simply import/export would not be enough, so you may need a list of .pref files where the syntax coloring settings are stored. What I have here is not complete and I just list what I use and I hope it helps.
(I process .java, .jsp, .xml, js and .properties files.)
You can find them by searching .pref files in your workspace. Remember to adjust your searching options to look into subfolders.
You may copy them when you finish adjusting your syntax coloring settings. When needed, search .pref again to get access to their locations, and restore your settings by copying the lines with color code, in order to avoid unpredictable side effect. As I can see this is the only way, inconvenient buy effective.
This thread is very useful for finding out which files in Netbeans should go into source countrol, but it doesn't cover all files.
In particular I'm wondering whether the following files should go into source control. Here are my assumptions/guesses:
nb-configuration.xml - easiest - the file itself in the comment says it should go into source control.
nbactions.xml - from what I see this file stores information typical to running the application. I.e. JVM arguments etc. So I suppose it is a question of taste - if you want other developers to have a "suggested" Run configuration - include it. Otherwise - don't. Correct?
catalog.xml - not sure what this does (I GUESS it's used by the editor to find out xml schemas and such to enable syntax coloring, but it's just a guess). Anyway - I see that this file has system-specific information (path) - so it shouldn't go into source control.
Can anyone confirm the above?
I never put my IDE configuration files in the repository, for several reasons:
other colleagues may want to use theirs;
other colleagues may want to use other IDEs (such as Eclipse) and seeing those files (or even have to exclude them from the checkout) could be annoying for them;
some of these files are generally not related to a single project, others automatically generated, so no need to store them in the source code of every project.
In order to exclude them, our first solution was the .svnignore, but it was still logically wrong to modify some shared content for the specific needs of a single user, so we decided to be more strict:
in my ~/.subversion/config I have:
global-ignores = nbactions.xml nbproject
Hope this helps,
In my Maven based projects I put nbactions.xml into source control. Just make sure to change absolute paths to relative ones.
I put nbactions.xml into source control BUT there is a caveat: it's internal format can change so if your developers, for any reason, use different versions of NetBeans you could have to remove it because sharing it becomes nasty.
Recently I upgraded from NetBeans 7.3.1 to 7.4 and the "Run" action was giving a strange error message. I solved the problem by deleting and regenerating nbactions.xml: the old one had a custom Maven goal for the "Run" and "Debug" actions; it was org.codehaus.mevenide:netbeans-deploy-plugin:1.2.4:deploy it was not visible in the IDE v7.3.1 (perhaps it has been generated by an even older version for internal usage) and was generating a class not found for org.openide.util.Lookup in v7.4. I'm documenting the problem here because I found the solution by myself after an unsuccessful search on the Net. I hope this can help someone else.
I'm searching for a way to parse the whole directory with source code with semantic. Is this possible to do without explicitly opening each file in emacs?
There's a thing called an EDE project in CEDET - where you can specify the list of files in a project file. Semantic then does analysis of all of the files listed in the .ede project, and stored that in the database.
At that point, completion and intellisense works on all of those files.
I use projman mode on top of EDE. It aids in the creation of projects and provides convenient functions to find all source files and generate a global TAGS file. I had tried CEDET on and off for the past couple years and had always come away disappointed until I discovered projman.