Swift - How to create a date object containing just the time - swift

I trying to create a date object just containing the time of 1 second past midnight.
I believe the following should work but it just keeps returning nil.
let dateTime = Date()
let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()
timeFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
let time = timeFormatter.date(from: "00:00:01")
print("Time: \(time!)")
Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong!

Let Calendar do the math, this is more reliable, you aren't using the current date (dateTime) anyway.
let midnight = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: Date())
let oneSecondAfterMidnight = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .second, value: 1, to: midnight)
This works even if midnight doesn't exist due to daylight saving change.

Date is not a "date" in any meaningful way. It's a specific point in time, independent of any calendar or location. What you want to express is a point on a calendar: "one second" past an arbitrary calendar point we call "midnight." That's done with DateComponents.
var dc = DateComponents()
dc.hour = 0
dc.minute = 0
dc.second = 1
This is the second second of the first minute of the first hour (00:00:01) of an arbitrary day on an arbitrary calendar, which is what you've described.
More precisely, it's "zero hours, zero minutes, and one second," which is only "one second after midnight" if you add it to some "midnight." But beyond that, there is no independent "time" type. Those things only have meaning when applied to a Calendar.
(Keep in mind that due to DST change in some parts of world, such as Iran, there are sometimes two midnights in the same day. So when you ask for this kind of thing, you need to be very clear what you mean. Do you want every second after midnight or just the first one on a given day?)


Is there an elegant way of determining if two dates are separated by a week of year in Swift?

If I have two dates, and I want to know if one of them falls on a week of year (as defined here) just prior to the other, how can I figure this out in Swift?
Assuming I don't care about time, one approach could be:
let calendar = Calendar.current
let startOfDate1 = calendar.startOfDay(for: date1)
let startOfDate2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: date2)
let date1WeekOfYear = calendar.dateComponents([.weekOfYear], from: startOfDate1).weekOfYear!
let date2WeekOfYear = calendar.dateComponents([.weekOfYear], from: startOfDate2).weekOfYear!
if (date1WeekOfYear - date2WeekOfYear) == 1 {
// do some stuff
This works except in the case where date1 falls within the first week of the year, and date2 falls within the last week of the prior year. Do I really have to also add in other logic to check the situation where the year components are different, and account for varying lengths of years in weeks (most have 52 weeks, some have 53), or is there a more elegant way to handle this?
Please note that I'm not interested in checking if the two dates are within 7 days of each other. It's possible that the two days are within 2 days of each other, but fall within different weeks of the year.
Thanks in advance.
Here's a way I found:
You do need to get the year, but Calendar can still do the calculation for you. You just need to call a different overload of the method from the one in Rob Napier's answer. You need the overload that accepts DateComponents:
let calendar = Calendar.current
let start = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1577375330) // 2019-12-26
let end = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1577893730) // 2020-01-01
// remember it's yearForWeekOfYear, not just "year"
let startDateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: start)
let endDateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: end)
let interval = calendar.dateComponents([.weekOfYear], from: startDateComponents, to: endDateComponents).weekOfYear!
print(interval) // 1
My speculation of why this works but the overload taking Dates doesn't:
The overload that takes Dates will first get the difference between the two dates, which represent instants, and then convert that time interval to the specified set of DateComponents. Note that it's probably converting a TimeInterval to DateComponents, which is why it can't calculate week boundaries and such.
The overload that takes DateComponents can calculate week boundaries because that information is given as its parameters.
You can add 7 days to one date (allowing for year roll-over), and determine the difference in week-numbers between the two dates to be zero weeks rather then one week.
Have a look at the 2019 end of year
> var cal = Calendar.current
> let df = DateFormatter(); df.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
> var d1 = df.date(from: "2019-12-28")!;
> var w1=cal.component(.weekOfYear, from:d1)
w1: Int = 52
This tells us Dec 28 still fell in week 52.
> var w2=cal.component(.weekOfYear, from: df.date(from: "2019-12-29")!)
w2: Int = 1
And this tells us Dec 29 fell in week 1 of 2020. These two dates are "1 week apart", as humans can easily tell. Determining this by calculation can be a bit harder, even if you use modulo arithmetic: the wrap-around is irregular, at 52 for some years, and 53 for others, as the OP hinted at. (2006, 2012, 2017 and 2023 are all 53-week years)
To determine that they are 1 week apart by calculation, first move up the earlier date by 7 days, i.e. 2019-12-28 plus 7 days:
> var d1_7 = cal.date(byAdding: .day, value:7, to:d1)!;
d1_7: Date = 2020-01-04 08:00:00 UTC
> var w1_7 = cal.component(.weekOfYear,from:d1_7)
w1_7: Int = 1
Its week number is 1, equalling that of 2019-12-29. We conclude that 2019-12-28 and 2019-12-29 are 1 week apart.

Absolute UTC offset in Swift

My task is to create a string containing UTC offset during DST and during summer time (example: UTC+1UTC+2 or UTC+1UTC+1 if there is no DST for a region). My function looks the following:
extension TimeZone {
public func utcOffset(for date: Date = Date()) -> String {
var currentTimeOffest = self.secondsFromGMT(for: date)
if isDaylightSavingTime() {
currentTimeOffest -= Int(daylightSavingTimeOffset(for: date))
let currentInHours = Int(currentTimeOffest / 3_600)
let hoursSymbol: String = currentInHours > 0 ? "+" : ""
let daylightOffset = TimeInterval(currentTimeOffest) + self.daylightSavingTimeOffset(for: date)
let daylightInHours = Int(daylightOffset / 3_600)
let daylightSymbol: String = daylightInHours > 0 ? "+" : ""
return "UTC\(hoursSymbol)\(currentInHours)UTC\(daylightSymbol)\(daylightInHours)"
It works well and I've written tests for it. All is good but after recent DST changes in multiple countries the tests started failing, even though I pass a specific date to calculate the offset for:
func testUtcOffset() {
let date: Date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1_557_482_400) //May 10, 2019 10:00:00 AM
let warsaw = TimeZone.init(identifier: "Europe/Warsaw")! //eastern hemisphere, with DST
XCTAssertEqual(warsaw.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC+2UTC+3")
let shanghai = TimeZone.init(identifier: "Asia/Shanghai")! //eastern hemisphere, without DST
XCTAssertEqual(shanghai.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC+8UTC+8")
let barbados = TimeZone.init(identifier: "America/Barbados")! //western hemisphere, without DST
XCTAssertEqual(barbados.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC-4UTC-4")
let bermuda = TimeZone.init(identifier: "Atlantic/Bermuda")! //western hemisphere, with DST
XCTAssertEqual(bermuda.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC-4UTC-3")
let gmt = TimeZone.init(identifier: "GMT")! //GMT, without DST
XCTAssertEqual(gmt.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC0UTC0")
let lisbon = TimeZone.init(identifier: "Europe/Lisbon")! //GMT, with DST
XCTAssertEqual(lisbon.utcOffset(for: date), "UTC+1UTC+2")
2 weeks ago, the warsaw and lisbon timezones started failing, today bermuda. Any ideas what might be wrong?
A few things:
In your tests, you have the offsets for Warsaw and Lisbon an hour off. Warsaw is UTC+1 during standard time, and UTC+2 during daylight saving time. Lisbon is UTC+0 during standard time, and UTC+1 during daylight time.
From your comment, it seems you're looking for the standard offset and the daylight offset. However, the standard offset isn't necessarily the same as the current offset. The current offset might include daylight saving time, or not.
According to these docs, the secondsFromGMT function returns the difference including the daylight adjustment if one is in effect. Thus you should not be adjusting for that yourself.
It doesn't seem to make sense to be asking the daylightSavingTimeOffset function for the offset on a date when daylight saving time doesn't apply. You might get better results just using secondsFromGMT for two different dates in the current year. A common approach is to get the offsets for January 1st and July 1st. Whichever is smaller is the standard time, the other is the daylight time. Keep in mind they may be the same if DST is not used, and they will be inverted between northern and southern hemisphere time zones.
Even with the above approach, this sort of algorithm ignores a lot of the complexities of time zones. Consider that some time zones have changed their standard time at different points in their history. Such an algorithm might mistake that as a daylight saving time change.
A point of concern: Once you have your string generated, such as "UTC+1UTC+2", how will the external API you know from that alone which set of daylight saving time rules to apply? Since daylight saving time starts and stops at different dates and times in different parts of the world, it's likely that the wrong dates could be used when interpreting the offsets.

Result of adding second to date is one minute off; workaround

I'm adding a second to an instance of Foundation's date, but the result is off by an entire minute.
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601)
calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: "en")
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT")!
let date1 = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: -62544967141.9)
let date2 = calendar.date(byAdding: DateComponents(second: 1),
to: date1,
wrappingComponents: true)!
ISO8601DateFormatter().string(from: date1) // => 0019-01-11T22:00:58Z
ISO8601DateFormatter().string(from: date2) // => 0019-01-11T21:59:59Z
Interestingly, one of the following makes the error go away:
round time interval since reference date
don't add time zone to calendar
set wrappingComponents to false (even though it shouldn't wrap in this case)
I don't really need sub-second precision in my code, so I created this extension that allows me to discard it.
extension Date {
func roundedToSeconds() -> Date {
return Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: round(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate))
I want to know this:
Why does this error happen?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there any issue with my workaround?
Why does this error happen?
I would say this is a bug in Core Foundation (CF).
Calendar.date(byAdding:to:wrappingComponents:) calls down to the internal Core Foundation function _CFCalendarAddComponentsV, which in turn uses the ICU Calendar C API. ICU represents a time as an floating-point number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch, while CF uses a floating-point number of seconds since the NeXT reference date. So CF has to convert its representation to ICU's representation before calling into ICU, and convert back to return the result to you.
Here's how it converts from a CF timestamp to an ICU timestamp:
double startingInt;
double startingFrac = modf(*atp, &startingInt);
UDate udate = (startingInt + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970) * 1000.0;
The modf function splits a floating-point number into its integer and fractional parts. Let's plug in your example date:
var startingInt: Double = 0
var startingFrac: Double = modf(date1.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate, &startingInt)
print(startingInt, startingFrac)
// Output:
-62544967141.0 -0.9000015258789062
Next, CF calls __CFCalendarAdd to add one second to -62544967141. Note that -62544967141 lies in the round one-minute interval -62544967200 ..< -62544967140.0. So when CF adds one second to -62544967141, it gets -62544967140, which would be in the next round one-minute interval. Since you specified wrapping components, CF isn't allowed to change the minute part of the date, so it wraps back to the beginning of the original round one-minute interval, -62544967200.
Finally, CF converts the ICU time back to a CF time, adding in the fractional part of the original time:
*atp = (udate / 1000.0) - kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970 + startingFrac + (nanosecond * 1.0e-9);
So it returns -62544967200 + -0.9000015258789062 = -62544967200.9, exactly 59 seconds earlier than the input time.
Am I doing something wrong?
No, the bug is in CF, not in your code.
Is there any issue with my workaround?
If you don't need sub-second precision, your workaround should be fine.
I can reproduce it with more recent dates but so far only with negative reference dates, e.g. Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: -1008899941.9), which is 1969-01-11T22:00:58Z.
Any negative timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate in the last second of a minute interval should cause the problem. The bug effectively makes the first round whole minute prior to time 0 span from -60.99999999999999 through -1.0, but it should span from -60.0 through -5e324. All more-negative round minute intervals are similarly offset.

Get the difference between two dates in calendar days

can anyone explain how can I get difference between two dates in calendar days, not in whole 24-hour periods. There is a good solution here: Getting the difference between two NSDates in (months/days/hours/minutes/seconds) -- but it doesn't work for me as, for example, it gives the difference between 23:00 today and 1:30 tomorrow as 0 days despite of calendar dates differ already by 1.
Use the normal way to calculate the difference in days with one change - convert both of your dates to midnight.
let d1 = ... // your first date
let d2 = ... // your second date
let cal = Calendar.current
let days = cal.dateComponents([.day], from: cal.startOfDay(for: d1), to: cal.startOfDay(for: d2)).day!
This will give an answer of 1 for "yesterday at 23:00" and "today at 1:30", for example.

Picking a date with swift UI automation

In the app I'm testing there is a date picker I'm trying to automate. The wheel defaults to tomorrow and I'm attempting to change it to today's date but 2 minutes from now. Below is the code I'm using to attempt this.
app.pickerWheels.element(boundBy: 0).adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "Today")
app.pickerWheels.element(boundBy: 1).adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "1")
app.pickerWheels.element(boundBy: 2).adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "00")
(In the actual code I'm using variables and not hard coding these string)
This code works for the second and third wheel (hours and minutes) but for the first wheel it won't set the value. The test will fail and not continue past that point.
I have also tried passing today's date instead of just "Today" with the same results.
You can use the DateFormatter class with Date to accomplish this.
// Initialize the date formatter. Set the timeZone and format. I chose hours and minutes.
let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm"
// Initialize the Date instance using a time interval since now.
let d: Date = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 2 * 60)
print("Current Time = \(dateFormatter.string(from: Date())), Two-Minutes-From-Now = \(dateFormatter.string(from: d))")
Output: Current Time = 23:57, Two-Minutes-From-Now = 23:59
A Date is stored as a time interval since January 1st, 1970. You can manipulate the date by adding or subtracting seconds from it. Here, I added 2 * 60 or two 60-second minutes to the current time interval (a large value represented in a double). This points to two minutes in the future.
Now, if you print the date without the formatter, it will just display the current time with no regard to your time zone. So if you want it to be accurate to your time zone, you need to set that in the formatter first. Note that it doesn't change the time, just its representation to you.