How to make a block of code highlight in one note? [closed] - plugins

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Closed 2 months ago.
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How to make a block of code highlight in one note ? and is there a plugin which can help me ?

This is not my original post but i taught sharing would help others :)
To add the code block in ms one note you need to add additional package (again this is not my original work I am just writing this tutorial.)
Open below link and download the relevant packages as per your OS Architect and install.
and install the package and restart the ms one note and you can see new tab in your ms one note.
select your type of code.
and you're done.
But please don't report bugs here i am not the owner of the project.
And the code doesn't gets posted where the curser present rather it gets posted in top the one note text box.


How to write a Perl script to take screenshots of a website's different pages and mail it? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wanted to take screenshots of different pages of our internal websites and mail it to someone on weekly basis. I tried in Perl however I do not see any relevant modules which can help in this. please suggest.
i tried in Perl however i do not see any relevant modules which can
help in this
There are plenty. Did you even try to search it on CPAN? A simple search containing "screenshot" as search string.
Did you search about it on StackOverflow itself? See the below question which lists many ways to do it.
How can I take screenshots of webpages with Perl?
Simplest approach would be to use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox module's $mech->content_as_png method.
mail it to someone on weekly basis
Again, there are plenty of Email:: modules available on CPAN. Pick the one you like.

Any links on creating presentation in windbg [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The one and only Sasha's tweet below shows that presentations can be created using windbg.
Anyone knows how to do that?
PS: I know Sasha is on stackoverflow, so may be he can answer this question :)
"Presentation" is somewhat of an exaggeration. What you meant to ask is "how to format output in WinDbg?"
To this the answer is "using DML".
Whether you use .printf or send output to the debugger using OutputDebugString, you can use Debugger Markup Language (DML) to output use colors, links etc.
The tag reference is located in the page Customizing Debugger Output Using DML.
"Drawing" using monospace text is your business, however. WinDbg has no facilities to help you with that as far as I know.

Is there an Eclipse plugin which can perform comment translations from one language to another? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on a codebase where most of the comments are in a language which I don't understand yet and I would like to avoid cluttering my browser with Google Translate tabs. Is there an Eclipse plugin which can perform translations?
I don't know about such a plug-in, but there is this extension point in JDT, which lets you add custom hover/tooltips. You may create such an extension which uses google translator to provide a (rough) translation as tooltip for the current comment block. The ext. point is called:
This way you don't have to manipulate the source files at all.
The Google Translate Eclipse plugin. Disclaimer: I've never used it myself.
You can try out this plugin
I developed it because I am currently facing the same problem as you do

Defining custom syntax highlighting for Atlassian Fisheye/Crucible: MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using Atlassian Fisheye/Crucible ("fecru") for MATLAB code review and fecru is obviously missing a syntax scheme support for matlab code. Apparently there is a mechanism to support a user-defined scheme, one just has to place it into folder syntax/.. and register in (also see here).
Maybe some one has already implemented matlab.def file? Would appreciate if you can share it.
For now my best starting point is java.def.
I was able to produce a somewhat modified python.def to highlight MATLAB syntax on jsp-side of fecru:
Put this into matlab.def
syntaxdef matlab {
and link it in
"**/*.m" matlab.def "MATLAB"
make sure it does not conflict with
# "**/*.m" objc.def "Objective C"
You will have to restart fecru for changes to take place.

Where to get AdventureWorks2008R2 database? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have searched lot about AdventureWorks2008R2 database, but couldn't get proper URL.
Can anybody please tell the location (URL) where can I download from?
As you can see in the comments of this download page, maybe there are some problem with the download process. I also tried it, and the first time it didn't run. The file may seem to be complete but it is not. Try to download one more time until you get the exact size of 86302720 bytes. (Nov 17 2010, Stable version)
The above link now lands at a redirect page.
The updated location is now on GitHub at: