Aggregate nested array element - mongodb

I have troubles with aggregations. I have collection "stations" with theese fiels:
stationName: string,
systemName: string,
name: string,
buyPrice: number,
sellPrice: number,
stock: number,
demand: number
I need to query max and min price for specific commodity. For example: I have commodity "water" and need to get highest sellPrice at all stations entries.
Thanks in advance

You could try doing an aggregate query with $max/$min,
$project: {
stationName: true,
systemName: true,
maxBuyPrice: {
$max: "$commodities.buyPrice"
maxSellPrice: {
$max: "$commodities.sellPrice"
Mongo playground.
For the min price you can replace $max with $min in the query, or include both if that's what you want

{ $unwind: "$commodities"},
{ $match: { "":"clothing" }}, //clothing as example
{ $sort: { "commodities.buyPrice":-1 }},
{ $limit: 10}
This worked for me.


MongoDB aggregation: How to get the index of a document in a collection depending sorted by a document property

Assume I have a collection with millions of documents. Below is a sample of how the documents look like
{ _id:"1a1", points:[2,3,5,6] },
{ _id:"1a2", points:[2,6] },
{ _id:"1a3", points:[3,5,6] },
{ _id:"1b1", points:[1,5,6] },
{ _id:"1c1", points:[5,6] },
// ... more documents
I want to query a document by _id and return a document that looks like below:
totalPoints: 16,
rank: 29
I know I can query the whole document, sort by descending order then get the index of the document I want by _id and add one to get its rank. But I have worries about this method.
If the documents are in millions won't this be 'overdoing' it. Querying a whole collection just to get one document? Is there a way to achieve what I want to achieve without querying the whole collection? Or the whole collection has to be involved because of the ranking?
I cannot save them ranked because the points keep on changing. The actual code is more complex but the take away is that I cannot save them ranked.
Total points is the sum of the points in the points array. The rank is calculated by sorting all documents in descending order. The first document becomes rank 1 and so on.
an aggregation pipeline like the following can get the result you want. but how it operates on a collection of millions of documents remains to be seen.
$group: {
_id: null,
docs: {
$push: { _id: '$_id', totalPoints: { $sum: '$points' } }
$unwind: '$docs'
$replaceWith: '$docs'
$sort: { totalPoints: -1 }
$group: {
_id: null,
docs: { $push: '$$ROOT' }
$set: {
docs: {
$map: {
input: {
$filter: {
input: '$docs',
as: 'x',
cond: { $eq: ['$$x._id', '1a3'] }
as: 'xx',
in: {
_id: '$$xx._id',
totalPoints: '$$xx.totalPoints',
rank: {
$add: [{ $indexOfArray: ['$docs._id', '1a3'] }, 1]
$unwind: '$docs'
$replaceWith: '$docs'

How to retrieve specific keys when grouping on mongo while using $max on a field?

How can i retrieve keys beyond the grouped ones from mongodb?
Documents example:
{code: 'x-1', discount_value: 10, type: 1}
{code: 'x-2', discount_value: 8, type: 1}
{code: 'x-3', discount_value: 5, type: 2}
$match: {
type: 1
$group: {
_id: null
discount_value: {$max: '$discount_value'}
This query will retrieve the max value from discount_value (10) key and the key _id but how i can do to retrieve the code and type key as well if i don't have operation to do those keys?
The current result:
{_id: null, discount_value: 10}
Expected result:
{_id: null, discount_value: 10, type: 1, code: 'x-1'}
You can try below query :
$match: { type: 1 }
$group: {
_id: null,
doc: {
$max: {
discount_value: "$discount_value",
type: "$type",
code: "$code"
I believe it would get $max on field discount_value and get respective type & code values from the doc where discount_value is max.
In another way, since you're using $match as first stage, I believe your data will be less enough to perform $sort efficiently :
$match: { type: 1 }
$sort: { discount_value: -1 } // sort in desc order
$limit: 1
Test : mongoplayground
Note :
Test the first query on DB itself rather than in playground. In first query you can use $replaceRoot as last stage if you wanted to make doc field as root of your document.

MongoDB get full doc after match, group, and sort

order_id: 1,
order_time: ISODate(...),
customer_id: 456,
products: [
product_id: 1,
product_name: "Pencil"
product_id: 2,
product_name: "Scissors"
product_id: 3,
product_name: "Tape"
I have a collection with a whole bunch of documents like the above. I would like to query for the latest order for each customer who ordered Scissors.
That is, where there exists a "products.product_name" which equals "Scissors", group by customer_id, give me the full document where the "order_time" is the "max" for that group.
To find the documents, I could do like find({ 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }) but then I get all of the order with Scissors, I only want the most recent.
So, I am looking at aggregation... Mongo's "$group" aggregation stage seems to require that you do some kind of actual aggregation inside like sum or max or whatever. I am guessing there's some combination of $match, $group, and $sort to use here but I can't seem to quite get it working.
Something close:
$match: { 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }
$sort: { created_at:-1 }
$group: {
_id: "$customer_id",
But this doesn't return the full doc and I am not sure that it's doing the sorting and grouping right.
You can use $first operator to get most recent order (are ordered desc) and special variable $$ROOT to get whole object in a final result:
$match: { 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }
$sort: { created_at:-1 }
$group: {
_id: "$customer_id",
lastOrder: { $first: "$$ROOT" }

MongoDB aggregation: $unwind after grouping by date

I have this model for purchases:
purchase_date: 2018-03-11 00:00:00.000,
total_cost: 400,
items: [
title: 'Pringles',
price: 200,
quantity: 2,
category: 'Snacks'
What I'm trying to do is to, first of all, to group the purchases by date, by doing so:
{$group: {
_id: {
date: $purchase_date,
items: '$items'
However, now what I want to do is group the purchases of each day by items[].category and calculate how much was spent for each category in that day. I was able to do that with one day, but when I grouped each purchase by date I no longer able to $unwind the items.
I tried passing the path $items and it doesn't find it at all. If I try to use $_id.$items or _id.$items in both cases I get an error stating that it is not a valid path for $unwind.
You can use purchase_data and items.category as a grouping _id but you need to use $unwind on items before and then you can add another $group to get all groups per day
{ $unwind: "$items" },
$group: {
_id: {
purchase_date: "$purchase_date",
category: "$items.category",
total: { $sum: { $multiply: [ "$items.price", "$items.quantity" ] } }
$group: {
_id: "$_id.purchase_date",
categories: { $push: { name: "$_id.category", total: "$total" } }

MongoDB aggregation but not including certain items

I'm very new to MongoDB's aggregation framework, so I do not know properly how to do this.
I have a data model that is structured like this:
name: String,
store: {
item1: Number,
item2: Number,
item3: Number,
item4: Number,
createdAt: Date
I want to return the average price of every item'i'. I'm trying with this query:
$group: {
_id: "",
item1Avg: { $avg: "$store.item1"},
item2Avg: { $avg: "$store.item2"},
item3Avg: { $avg: "$store.item3"},
item4Avg: { $avg: "$store.item4"}
The problem is that when an item has no price set, it's stored in the database as a "-1".
I don't want these values to pollute the average result. Is there any way to limit the agreggation to only take into account when price is > 0.
$match operator before $group is not a solution because I want to return all the average prices.
Thank you!
EDIT: Here you have of an example of the input & desired output:
name: 'name',
store: {
item1: 10,
item2: -1,
item3: 12,
item4: 3,
name: 'name2',
store: {
item1: 10,
item2: -1,
item3: -1,
item4: 2,
An the desired output:
item1Avg: 10,
item2Avg: 0,
item3Avg: 12,
item4Avg: 2.5
You need to $unwind the store, then $match values to meet your condition, then $group ones that passed the test. Unfortunately there is no way to $unwind an object, so you need to $project it to array first:
{$project: {store:[
{item:{$literal:"item1"}, val:"$store.item1"},
{item:{$literal:"item2"}, val:"$store.item2"},
{item:{$literal:"item3"}, val:"$store.item3"},
{item:{$literal:"item4"}, val:"$store.item4"}
{$match: {"store.val":{$gt:0}}},
{$group: {_id:"$store.item", avg:{$avg:"$store.val"}}}
As #blakes-seven pointed, it may not work on versions < 3.2. An alternative approach with $map may work:
{$project: {
store: {
{item:{$literal:"item1"}, val:"$store.item1"},
{item:{$literal:"item2"}, val:"$store.item2"},
{item:{$literal:"item3"}, val:"$store.item3"},
{item:{$literal:"item4"}, val:"$store.item4"}
as: "i",
in: "$$i"
{$match: {"store.val":{$gt:0}}},
{$group: {_id:"$store.item", avg:{$avg:"$store.val"}}}