Select field names assigning an alias in firebird - firebird

It is possible to assign a alias to each fields when doing a select of field names, like that:
select rdb$field_name as field
from rdb$relation_fields
where rdb$relation_name='TableName'
What, for instance, would return something like that:
I'm looking for a way of set an alias for each field, instead returning FieldName1 return MyName, so on.

You may run command comment on column tablename.tablecolumn is 'my comment text'
See chapter 5.16 in SQL manual
But then you would have to do a special query to fetch comments along with field names.
select coalesce(rdb$description, rdb$field_name) as field
from rdb$relation_fields
where rdb$relation_name='TableName'


Filemaker Execute SQL with column name

I think this is a very dumb question but I just can't find how to do it.
I'm using ExecuteSQL in filemaker but I noticed the result text doesn't contain the column name, any idea how I can make the result show column name?
Thanks in advance!
You could simply add a text line to your calculation, before calling the ExecuteSQL() function, e.g.:
Execute SQL ( "SELECT SomeField, AnotherField FROM YourTable" ; "" ; "" )
Note that you can use the GetFieldName() function to protect your calculation against fields being renamed.
You can also use a query like:
SELECT * FROM FileMaker_Fields WHERE TableName='YourTable'
to retrieve ALL field names of a table.

DISTINCT ON (col) col_alias – alias not working

I am trying to run this command:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (_id) test FROM creator_map.infos;
which is giving me the error:
ERROR: column "test" does not exist
but according to the following tutorial, the test should be an alias
(column_1) column_1_alias,
How do I get the distinct to become an alias?
You can't give on (...) an alias because it's not expression that "returns" a name. It's like trying to give an IN condition an alias where a in (1,2,3) as foo
If in doubt, read the manual. It does not mention an alias there.
You can only define an alias for an expression in the actual select list, and the (...) is not part of the select list, but part of the distinct on expression.
I think it's just a matter of bad wording on that tutorial page, and should read:
select distinct on (column1)
column1 as column_1_alias,
from ....

What command should I use to make my void function display a paticular table using a variable from the function in the where clause?

I basically have a void function that creates a tuple on a existing table. Now at the end of the function I want display the table with the updated tuple. I am running it problems when trying to do this.
This is the statement I am using:
EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE IDNo = idnumber';
-- (idnumber is a variable that is assigned a value in the function)
I get the following error:
ERROR: column "idnumber" does not exist.
Can someone please help me find a solution.
For the actual query, you would want to do something like this:
execute 'select * from table where IDNo = $1' using idnumber;
With the key being the $1 and the USING clause to interpolate the variable.
That should resolve the column error regarding idnumber.
However, I'm not quite sure what you mean by:
display the table with the updated tuple
Do you mean you want to return all the rows in the table including the newly added row? Or just the newly added row? or something else?
Edit in response to comment from OP:
The substitution variables, e.g. $1, $2, $3... are scoped (i.e. unique) to each separate execute statement. So if you had two statements, the first with 3 variables, the second with three, you could use $1, $2, $3 in each and they would refer to the variables mentioned in the USING clause for that individual statement.
See the Postgres Basic Statements doc, specifically the section entitled 40.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands, for more detail.
Second edit in response to display comments from OP:
When executeing statements, they won't output the way, say, a select statement would if you were doing it within psql or pgadmin. Rather, you have a couple different options, depending on what you ultimately want to do.
First, you could use an INTO clause to put the result into a record (although how you do this depends on whether it's just one row or many rows).
You would need to declare it in that case in the declaration section something like this: foo RECORD;
And then add INTO foo before the USING clause. If it complains about more than one record, you could add LIMIT 1 clause at the end of the query.
You could then do whatever else you wanted to with that record, including RAISE NOTICE with interpolating the record's columns, which would print it to the console.
If you want the entire table, and you want it to "display" more like psql or similar would (that is, return the rows obtained), you would want to have the function return a setof a specific type.
So it may then look something like this:
create function get_table() returns setof table as $$
execute 'select * from table where IDNo = $1' using idnumber;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
Where table is the name of the table you want. If you just want to return the existing rows of the table, this sort of query should work. It would then "display" in a client (e.g. psql, etc.) as the result set.
If you want to modify that (say, by dynamically adding some columns), then you would need to define that new type specifically, and then use that as the type being returned.
See the Postgres Wiki for more details. The wiki content is pretty old (Postgres 7.x vintage), but it generally still applies.

How to get data from specific column in firebird using rdb$field_name

how to get data from a specific column in fire bird? something like.
select from rdb$relation_fields
where rdb$relation_name = 'table' and rdb$field_name = 'code'
Your question doesn't quite make sense to me - if you already know the table and field name (as you do in your example) then why not select directly from the table? Anyway, you can create SQL statement dynamically in PSQL as string and then execute it using EXECUTE STATEMENT. The EXECUTE BLOCK might also be of intrest, depends where and what exactly youre tring to achieve.
EDIT after reading the comment
So just build the SELECT statement at the client side, selecting the field currently selected in combobox. You don't mention the language you use but generaaly it something like
query.SQL := 'SELECT '+ comboField.Text +' FROM '+curTableName;
// read the resultset

How to make "case-insensitive" query in Postgresql?

Is there any way to write case-insensitive queries in PostgreSQL, E.g. I want that following 3 queries return same result.
SELECT id FROM groups where name='administrator'
SELECT id FROM groups where name='ADMINISTRATOR'
SELECT id FROM groups where name='Administrator'
Use LOWER function to convert the strings to lower case before comparing.
Try this:
FROM groups
WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER('Administrator')
using ILIKE instead of LIKE
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'
The most common approach is to either lowercase or uppercase the search string and the data. But there are two problems with that.
It works in English, but not in all languages. (Maybe not even in
most languages.) Not every lowercase letter has a corresponding
uppercase letter; not every uppercase letter has a corresponding
lowercase letter.
Using functions like lower() and upper() will give you a sequential
scan. It can't use indexes. On my test system, using lower() takes
about 2000 times longer than a query that can use an index. (Test data has a little over 100k rows.)
There are at least three less frequently used solutions that might be more effective.
Use the citext module, which mostly mimics the behavior of a case-insensitive data type. Having loaded that module, you can create a case-insensitive index by CREATE INDEX ON groups (name::citext);. (But see below.)
Use a case-insensitive collation. This is set when you initialize a
database. Using a case-insensitive collation means you can accept
just about any format from client code, and you'll still return
useful results. (It also means you can't do case-sensitive queries. Duh.)
Create a functional index. Create a lowercase index by using CREATE
INDEX ON groups (LOWER(name));. Having done that, you can take advantage
of the index with queries like SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('ADMINISTRATOR');, or SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = 'administrator'; You have to remember to use LOWER(), though.
The citext module doesn't provide a true case-insensitive data type. Instead, it behaves as if each string were lowercased. That is, it behaves as if you had called lower() on each string, as in number 3 above. The advantage is that programmers don't have to remember to lowercase strings. But you need to read the sections "String Comparison Behavior" and "Limitations" in the docs before you decide to use citext.
You can use ILIKE. i.e.
SELECT id FROM groups where name ILIKE 'administrator'
You can also read up on the ILIKE keyword. It can be quite useful at times, albeit it does not conform to the SQL standard. See here for more information:
You could also use POSIX regular expressions, like
SELECT id FROM groups where name ~* 'administrator'
SELECT 'asd' ~* 'AsD' returns t
select id from groups where name ILIKE 'adminstration';
If your coming the expressjs background and name is a variable
select id from groups where name ILIKE $1;
Using ~* can improve greatly on performance, with functionality of INSTR.
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ~* 'adm'
return rows with name that contains OR equals to 'adm'.
ILIKE work in this case:
FROM groups
WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'
For a case-insensitive parameterized query, you can use the following syntax:
"select * from article where upper(content) LIKE upper('%' || $1 || '%')"
-- Install 'Case Ignore Test Extension'
create extension citext;
-- Make a request
select 'Thomas'::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');
select name from users where name::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');
If you want not only upper/lower case but also diacritics, you can implement your own func:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lower_unaccent(input text)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
return lower(unaccent(input));
Call is then
select lower_unaccent('Hôtel')
>> 'hotel'
A tested approach is using ~*
As in the example below
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ~* 'administrator'
select id from groups where name in ('administrator', 'ADMINISTRATOR', 'Administrator')