Qlik Sense extension Backend Api undefined - qliksense

I'm trying to develop an extension for Qlik Sense. I would want to use the Backend API but I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'selectValues' of undefined
node.on("click", function(d){
Where's my mistake?
Thank you!

In your case this will be executed in the context of the html element (node) and the html element dont have backendApi method. So the error is "correct"
Somewhere in your code (above this part of the code) you can define new variable that is the real Qlik context. And then use it inside the click event. Something like this:
paint: function ($element, layout) {
var qlikContext = this;
// ... more code here eventually
node.on("click", function(d){


How to avoid errors from onchange methods on lightning-input?

I'm trying to learn the basics of Lightning Web Components and I'm having trouble getting the value of a lighting-input element.
I understand that it's designed for one way data binding instead of two way (a decision that I find questionable), but I can't get an onchange method to work either. I'm running this sample on the Lighting playground:
import { LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
export default class App extends LightningElement {
handleChange(event) {
And making any change to the input in the template gives me the following error:
Error: Disallowed method "appendChild" in ShadowRoot.
Why does the onchange method not work as expected and should I go about making it work as intended?
console.log() works in playground.
You have to write this way - console.log(event.target.value)
Replace it in your code & it will print values..!!
Turns out the problem was with using console.log(). Seems that it has some issues working in the Playground.

Meteor Blaze Templates Data Context in onCreated

I am reading in several places that I should be able to get the data context of the current template with Template.currentData();
I found that it seems to only work within an autorun. But after logging the data as a variable there, first it logs null, then it logs the data in the console.
When I try to use the data, like for example trying to pass data._id into a subscription, I get a TypeError in the console. TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of null. So for some reason, the data is null and I am struggling to find out why.
I have the data context set within my routes using Iron Router:
Router.route('/stock/:stockNumber', {
name: 'stock.detail',
template: 'StockDetail',
data: function () {
return Stock.findOne({
stockNumber: this.params.stockNumber*1
What I am trying to do is get access to the data context so that I can pass some things from it, such as the '_id' into some other subscriptions. What am I doing wrong?
The template is otherwise correctly displaying the data on the page as expected, and I can use Spacebars to show things like {{_id}} for example. But again, I seem to be unable to get access to the data context in Template.StockDetail.onCreated
Ok, so here's what I ended up doing...
Apparently the data context is just simply not available in the onCreated, period. What I had to do was do a Collection.findOne() within the autorun to find the stockItem and set the result to a variable, then use the stockItem._id as the parameter in the new subscription IF the item was found. With both of these things, it seems to work just fine.
Template.StockDetail.onCreated(function () {
let instance = this;
instance.autorun(function () {
instance.subscribe('stock_item', Router.current().params.stockNumber);
let stockItem = Stock.findOne({ // This is what was needed for some reason...
stockNumber: Router.current().params.stockNumber*1
if (stockItem) { // ...and, also, this was needed
instance.subscribe('stock_item_scan_log', stockItem._id);
I just don't understand why I can't just easily get the _id some other way. This way just feels incorrect and I don't like it.

SAPUI5 - Uncaught TypeError: this.getRouter.navTo is not a function

I am referring to the code used in tdg master-detail demokit application.
I am getting an error "Uncaught TypeError: this.getRouter.navTo is not a function".
I have written a console.log("is router fine? "+ this.getRouter().toLocaleString()); before this.getRouter.navTo which prints as
"EventProvider company.accounts_positions_splitpage.MyRouter"
Any suggestions what is the issue?
You have to call
instead of
With this.getRouter you do not execute the function, you just get the function as Object. There you try too execute the function navTo(), but that object itselve does not provide such a function.
With this.getRouter() you execute the function and you get the return value (a router) as Object. On that router you can now use navTo(), as you did in your console.log.

How do I test if an img tag exists?

if I do expect(img).not.toBe(null) then I get an error:
Error: expect called with WebElement argment, expected a Promise. Did you mean to use .getText()?. I don't want to get the text inside an img, I just want to know if the tag exists on the page.
describe('company homepage', function() {
it('should have a captcha', function() {
var driver = browser.driver;
var img =driver.findElement(by.id('recaptcha_image'));
Passes but I'm not sure it is testing the right thing. Changing the id to something that doesn't exist does fail.
How do I properly test for a tag to exist with protractor in a non-angular app context?
Edit 2:
Per Coding Smackdown below, an even shorter answer is now available in protractor:
Edit 1:
I discovered isElementPresent() today which is just a more readable shortcut for what I described below. See: http://www.protractortest.org/#/api
Usage for you would be:
Old answer (this works but the above is more reader friendly)
In general you should use findElements (or $$ which is an alias for findElements by css) if you're not sure a tag will be there. Then test for the array length. FindElement (and $) will just throw an error if it cant find the element.
Therefore instead of
var img =driver.findElement(by.id('recaptcha_image'));
Also, getText() returns a promise which is why you're getting that error.
Using the latest Protractor build you can shorten it down to the following:

jquery validate method not found error on mvc4

I am working on top of the sample MVC4 template to build a wizard form, I have taken the source from http://afana.me/post/create-wizard-in-aspnet-mvc-3.aspx
When I trigger the java script that makes the 'next' button i get below error
var validator = $('form').validate(); // obtain validator
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'validate'
Below is complete JS portion trigger with the next button.
$("#next-step").click(function () {
var $step = $(".wizard-step:visible"); // get current step
var validator = $('form').validate(); // obtain validator
var anyError = false;
$step.find("input").each(function () {
if (!validator.element(this)) { // validate every input element inside this step
anyError = true;
if (anyError)
return false; // exit if any error found
I have included the library sources in the mvc4 bundles.
I am able to get the client side validation successfully using unobtrusive js.
But invoking the validation on next button fails.
Any help on how to fix this would be very helpful
I was able to figure out the problem.
The MVC4 template had a js reference at the end of the body tag.
#RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
This overrides every other jquery library and hence the method x not found.
To elaborate,
VS 2013 using MVC4 adds to the _Layout partial view
a redundant second time after
#Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval") has been declared
So the redeclaration of #Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") at the bottom will disable useful methods as .valid() in the jqueryval bundle.
Remove it to fix.