Setting autologon to a local user after joining to a domain - powershell

I'm building an application to assist in re-configuring devices on our network. I've got the entire script working except for setting the device to auto logon. Nothing I am trying seems to work. Now, the use is a little different, as the device will be joined to the domain, but logged on with a local user account. I'm trying to use the Sysinternals Autologon utility, but it is not working.
Here is the relevant code for logging on:
function Set-Autologon {
param (
$exePath = "$scriptPath\$autologon"
$user = 'aloha'
$logonPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
$defaultdomain = "DefaultDomainName"
$alohass = '<very long string>' | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $key
$alohaptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($alohass)
$aloharesult = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($alohaptr)
LogInfo "Setting auto logon for $aloha user."
Start-Process -FilePath $exePath -ArgumentList "/accepteula", $user, $domain, $aloharesult -Wait -Verbose
The domain is being passed in as that is coming from a CSV file. The $key is set somewhere else in the script. I've tried with the /accepteula in both the front and the back.
What am I missing here?

This should work with "/accepteula" as the last argument but, you can create a DWORD registry key in HKCU\Software\Sysinternals\AutoLogon for EulaAccept=1 before running the exe. You could also try starting the autologon.exe with the /accepteula flag and then immediately killing the process before running with the username/credentials arguments.


Can PowerShell interact with RDP prompts?

I'm currently writing a script to automate a number of checks, I have a number of clients which I want to automatically log into one of their servers or use an app hosted via RDweb.
Right now my script works fine, however, I'm only able to get to the point that it'll start to execute the RDP pointer, I'm wondering if there's a way to hit "connect":
The method I'm currently using to run this:
Is there a better way to run the .RDP file which will also allow you to "Connect"? I've also attempted to tick the "don't ask me" again, the next day it'll still prompt me with this message.
A solution I've found to start an RDP session that seems to work quite good is the following:
function Connect-RDP {
param (
# take each computername and process it individually
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
# if the user has submitted a credential, store it
# safely using cmdkey.exe for the given connection
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential'))
# extract username and password from credential
$User = $Credential.UserName
$Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
# save information using cmdkey.exe
cmdkey.exe /generic:$_ /user:$User /pass:$Password
# initiate the RDP connection
# connection will automatically use cached credentials
# if there are no cached credentials, you will have to log on
# manually, so on first use, make sure you use -Credential to submit
# logon credential
mstsc.exe /v $_ /f
Then you call it with Connect-rdp -ComputerName myserver -Credential (Get-Credential ).
Maybe you can adjust your script to use this cmdlet instead of your file.rdp.
I found the solution here:
Another way you could try is this:
# Get the ID of the process
$WindowsHandle = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -Match 'Remote Desktop Connection' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
# Activate the window
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.AppActivate($WindowsHandle) | Out-Null
# SendKey to connect
%{c} stands for ALT+C
The modifier keys are:
Key | Code

Start-Process, mklink and encrypted/stored credentials, oh my

I am working on a way to create a Symlink as a standard user, to address the situation outlined here.
I have created a password file and an AES key as shown here.
And I have this code, which without the credential stuff, but run from an elevated ISE, works as intended, creating a symlink in the root of C that points to the created folder in root of C.
But, when run unelevated it doesn't create the symlink, nor does it throw an error of any kind. It acts the same as if there was no credentials in use.
$passwordFile = "\\Mac\Support\Px Tools\x_PS Dev\SymLink_password.txt"
$keyFile = "\\Mac\Support\Px Tools\x_PS Dev\SymLink_AES.key"
$user = 'Px_Install'
$key = Get-Content $keyFile
$credential = New-Object -typeName:System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentList:#($user, (Get-Content $passwordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString -key:$key))
if (-not (Test-Path 'C:\_Real')) {
New-Item 'C:\_Real' -itemType:directory > $null
if (-not (Test-Path 'C:\_Real\real.txt')) {
New-Item 'C:\_Real\real.txt' -itemType:file > $null
try {
Start-Process -filePath:cmd.exe -windowStyle:hidden -argumentList:('/c', 'mklink', '/d', 'C:\C4RLink', "`"C:\_Real`"") -credential:$credential -errorAction:stop
} catch {
Write-Host "Error"
So, three questions I guess.
1: Is there any way to test the validity of the created credential? I used $credential.GetType and it returns
type GetType()
Which may or may not be correct, not sure.
2: Is there something wrong with my use of Start-Process?
3: Is there a way to actually trap meaningful errors or is cmd.exe so primitive I am stuck checking to see if the link exists post Start-Process and throwing my own error?
I tried
$results = Start-Process -filePath:cmd.exe -windowStyle:hidden -argumentList:('/c', 'mklink', '/d', 'C:\C4RLink', "`"C:\_Real`"") -credential:$credential -errorAction:stop -passThru
Write-Host "$results"
and it produces System.Diagnostics.Process (cmd) which isn't so helpful.
Speaking of Windows 7, I just tested it in Windows 7/PS2.0, and it DOES throw an error, but in Windows 10 it doesn't. Gawd Micros0ft, can't you get your shit together, EVER? but, maybe a thread to follow. Also going to try getting credentials another way, to eliminate that variable.
FWIW, I tried NOT wrapping the argument list in an array, in fact I started with that. But it didn't work so I tried the array on a lark.
EDIT: So, trying it in Windows 7 does produce an error, which is Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters. I also realized I needed -verb:Runas in there. Added that, and switched my credentials to use Get-Credential for now. But still getting parameter set issues. Sigh.
Edit2: Seems to not like -verb or -windowsStyle in Windows 7/PS2.0. The latter is no big deal I guess, but -verb is pretty much required to get this to work methinks.
Edit3: nope, seems not to like -verb in Windows 10 either. But I have it reporting exceptions now, so thats a form of progress.
EDIT4: getting closer. I now have this
Start-Process powershell -credential (Get-Credential 'Px_Install') -argumentList "-noprofile -command &{Start-Process -filePath cmd.exe -argumentList '/c', 'mklink', '/d', 'C:\C4RLink', 'C:\_Real' -verb runas}"
And it works, but it raises a UAC dialog, which pretty much makes it useless.

Powershell Suppress Certificate Notification

I am writing a script to connect from a Windows 10 Client to a Terminal Server with the RDP-Protocoll.
The thought behind is: On these ThinClients we have about 20 RDP-Files. With about 10 of them, the password needs to be safed.
So it is quite a lot of work if you always have to save the password on every new ThinClient.
But I thought I could solve this problem with a powershell script. I just have to open the connection 1 time successfully and save the credentials and further on the credentials are saved.
I will show my code first:
$Server = "xx.yy.zz.xx"
$User = "DOMAIN\User"
$password = "password"
cmdkey /generic:"$Server" /user:"$User" /pass:"$password"
mstsc /v:"$Server"
This works so far.
But I always get the this Notification:
This is a Symbol-Picture from the Internet, as my Notification is in German. It is exactly the same, just easier to understand.
Even if I install the certificate, the notification keeps popping up.
How can I check the field with Powershell, where it says Don't ask me again for connections to this computer?
Ok i found a solution!
There is a registry-Key generated when you Tick "Dont ask me again..."
Now i just added the necessary Registry Keys with my Powershell Script..
function Test-RegistryValue {
param (
Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Value -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
return $true
return $false
#Certificate warning turn off
$exists = Test-RegistryValue -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client' -Value 'AuthenticationLevelOverride'
if($exists -eq $False){
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" /v "AuthenticationLevelOverride" /t "REG_DWORD" /d 0 /f
Like this it works without this certificate notification!

Powershell - Copying File to Remote Host and Executing Install exe using WMI

EDITED: Here is my code now. The install file does copy to the remote host. However, the WMI portion does not install the .exe file, and no errors are returned. Perhaps this is a syntax error with WMI? Is there a way to just run the installer silently with PsExec? Thanks again for all the help sorry for the confusion:
#declare params
param (
[string]$finalCountdownPath = "",
[string]$slashes = "\\",
[string]$pathOnRemoteHost = "c:\temp\",
[string]$targetJavaComputer = "",
[string]$compname = "",
[string]$tempPathTarget = "\C$\temp\"
# user enters target host/computer
$targetJavaComputer = Read-Host "Enter the name of the computer on which you wish to install Java:"
[string]$compname = $slashes + $targetJavaComputer
[string]$finalCountdownPath = $compname + $tempPathTarget
#[string]$tempPathTarget2 =
#[string]$finalCountdownPath2 = $compname + $
# say copy install media to remote host
echo "Copying install file and running installer silently please wait..."
# create temp dir if does not exist, if exist copy install media
# if does not exist create dir, copy dummy file, copy install media
# either case will execute install of .exe via WMII
#[string]$finalCountdownPath = $compname + $tempPathTarget;
if ((Test-Path -Path $finalCountdownPath) )
copy c:\hdatools\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe $finalCountdownPath
([WMICLASS]"\\$targetJavaComputer\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process").Create("cmd.exe /c c:\temp\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe /s /v`" /qn")
else {
New-Item -Path $finalCountdownPath -type directory -Force
copy c:\hdatools\dummy.txt $finalCountdownPath
copy "c:\hdatools\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe" $finalCountdownPath
([WMICLASS]"\\$targetJavaComputer\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process").Create("cmd.exe /c c:\temp\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe /s /v`" /qn")
I was trying to get $Job = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -Scriptblock $Script to allow me to copy files on a different server, because I needed to off load it from the server it was running from. I was using the PowerShell Copy-Item to do it. But the running PowerShell script waits until the file is done copying to return.
I want it to take as little resources as possible on the server that the powershell is running to spawn off the process on another server to copy the file. I tried to user various other schemes out there, but they didn't work or the way I needed them to work. (Seemed kind of kludgey or too complex to me.) Maybe some of them could have worked? But I found a solution that I like that works best for me, which is pretty easy. (Except for some of the back end configuration that may be needed if it is is not already setup.)
I am running a SQLServer Job which invokes Powershell to run a script which backups databases, copies backup files, and deletes older backup files, with parameters passed into it. Our server is configured to allow PowerShell to run and under the pre-setup User account with SQL Server Admin and dbo privileges in an Active Directory account to allow it to see various places on our Network as well.
But we don't want it to take the resources away from the main server. The PowerShell script that was to be run would backup the database Log file and then use the another server to asynchronously copy the file itself and not make the SQL Server Job/PowerShell wait for it. We wanted it to happen right after the backup.
Here is my new way, using WMI, using Windows Integrate Security:
$ComputerName = "kithhelpdesk"
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName RemoteServerToRunOn -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList 'powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path \\YourShareSource\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak -Destination \\YourShareDestination\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"'
Here is my new way using passed in Credentials, and building arg list variable:
$Username = "YouDomain\YourDomainUser"
$Password = "P#ssw0rd27"
$ComputerName = "RemoteServerToRunOn"
$FromFile = "\\YourShareSource\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"
$ToFile = "\\YourShareDestination\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"
$ArgumentList = 'powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path ' + $FromFile + ' -Destination ' + $ToFile + '"'
$SecurePassWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $Username, $SecurePassWord
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $ComputerName -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Credential $Cred
We think that this above one is the preferred one to use.
You can also run a specific powershell that will do what you want it to do (even passing in parameters to it):
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName RemoteServerToRunOn -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList 'powershell.exe -file "C:\PS\Test1.ps1"'
This example could be changed to pass in parameters to the Test1.ps1 PowerShell script to make it more flexible and reusable. And you may also want to pass in a Credential like we used in a previous example above.
Help configuring WMI:
I got the main gist of this working from:
But it may have also needed WMI configuration using:
Powershell New-PSSession Access Denied - Administrator Account (I used to get how to call Invoke-WmiMethod). (I used to get syntax of command line)
I didn't use this one, but could have: How to execute a command in a remote computer?
I don't know for sure if all of the steps in the web articles above are needed, I suspect not. But I thought I was going to be using the Invoke-Command PowerShell statement to copy the files on a remote server, but left my changes from the articles above that I did intact mostly I believe.
You will need a dedicated User setup in Active Directory, and to configure the user accounts that SQL Server and SQL Server Agent are running under to give the main calling PowerShell the privileges needed to access the network and other things to, and can be used to run the PowerShell on the remote server as well. And you may need to configure SQLServer to allow SQL Server Jobs or Stored Procedures to be able to call PowerShell scripts like I did. But this is outside the scope of this post. You Google other places on the internet to show you how to do that.

Copying from one server to other with credentials

I'm trying to copy a file from one server to another server so that it doesn't ask me to enter my login info and I don't have to store the password blatently in the code. The problem is, it's still coming up with a credential request GUI, even though I give the -Credential parameter. This is how I store the password in a file:
read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\secString.txt
Then the code looks like this:
function GetSecureLogin() {
$username = "usa02xxxswg2\20xbackup"
$password = get-content C:\secString.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $password
function CopyFileToFolder ([string]$Source, [string]$destination){
Copy-Item "$Source" -Destination "$destination" -Credential $cred #this is where the login info box is coming up but shouldn't be
######################start here#####################
$cred = ""
$tempSource = "filename.txt"
$ToLocation = "$ToLoc"
CopyFileToFolder $tempSource $ToLoc
Any ideas? I'm relatively new to PowerShell, so I could be doing something silly. I'm not sure how to tell if $cred is getting back to my Copy function ok or if it's out of scope.
I've looked at these examples but I'm having trouble deciding if I need to do something different because they are specifying the server info and I'm trying to avoid that since I just want to use UNC path like I was doing before. The copying was working fine without login because I was using my Active Directory login to save the task. Now we want to use a locally saved login (where the script is run) and then it needs a different local login when it's trying to access the other server.
copy-item with alt cred,
powershell without prompt for cred,
copy without cred,
copy with alt cred,
cred without password prompt
I'm trying to figure out if returning $cred from my GetSecureLogin function, and assigning it to $cred in the main part of the script will fix the problem where it's asking me for the login info when I do the copy. It looks like my co-worker moved all the directories, so I still have to test this once I figure out where he moved them to.
Looks like I figured it out. I did it like this link. It was a little tricky in that I didn't have to use the directory that came after my sharename, but once I got rid of the subdirectory, it worked.
copy with credentials and New-PSDrive