i am building an application where I want to show dialog to ask user for username and password. its not showing at start of application . can you help in this regard
I am trying to integrate Facebook with my BlackBerry app by using the jars from the facebook-bb-sdk project on Sourceforge. When I open my application and click on the Facebook button to login with Facebook, it successfully opens the Facebook login page. But after that when I enter the username and password and click on login it
me some error as shown in the figure below.
"Display one of the following values async,iframe,page,popup,touch"
Now when I click on OK button I get a screen with success written on the left top corner. After that nothing will happen. Please help to resolve this problem.
We have in our company a web application which we designed.
the person who design the UI is no longer available to us and I'm trying to figure out something in his code.
for some reason, on the login window, the browser won't suggest to save the user name and password.
it's not working on chrome and explorer, but it does works on ForeFox.
this is the link to the login window: https://console.edge-bi.com/v29/login.html
i already checked the browsers settings for autocomplte and it does work for any other websites.
do you have any suggestions?
I have added a login button to my site anad added scope to publish actions as per guide i found here: developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/login/ and this works fine but my question is: How can i have same function but this prompt to show to users without needing to click on the Login Button.
If user has not installed app, he would be prompted automatically to install it.
Thanks for any help.
Use FB.getLoginStatus of the JavaScript SDK to see if you have a user connected to your app visiting your page. If not, redirect them to the server-side auth dialog (using client-side auth would not be a good idea, since most browsers will block a popup that’s opened without any actual user interaction).
I have installed the facebook API in phonegap but i have hard time making it work see link .The index.html file in the exemple folder has a login button that once taped opens the native facebook application on my device requiring email and password. After having authenticated me, it takes me back succesfully to my app.
Whenever i tap on the "getsession" button for exemple it shows me an alert saying "undefined". I want to know how to get the access token that is given right after the authentication process within my app and everything related to the session so i can perform other tasks?
Thank you
My application is developed in C# windows. On executing the application in Windows XP, login form is getting activated properly and focus is set to UserName_TextBox. But in windows server 2008, login form is not getting activated. only after clicking on the login form, its getting activated.
I have tried code like...
this.ActiveControl = tbUserName;
Set the form as TopMost..etc.
If your app is not the active application on the system, then you cannot activate it. Image how annoying it would be to a user if an application was able to switch to itself while they were using another program!