How to rearrange mail merge documents in ms-word? - ms-word

I have an excel file, which connects to Mail merge in word, which I already did.
Suppose there seems to be total 500 records in that excel, and have a field serial number, which seems to be unique from 1 to 500. I need to list the details of the 1st record in top of the 1st A4 page and 251st record in bottom of the 1st A4 page, and 2nd record in top of the 2nd A4 page and 252nd record in bottom of the 2nd A4 page and so on.. and in 250th page, 250th record in top and 500th record in bottom of that page..
My Requirement is, when I cut this A4 size to 2 parts, the page needs to be sort in the serial number order. Hope you understand my requirement.
Thank you in advance..


iTextSharp table cell content only display complete content in second page directly due to long content

I had search some relative question which had been asked, but seem not too much my condition.
My problem is simpler to this problem
Table in iTextSharp is not page breaking as desired?
The different between my problem and his is I need header in each extend page.
Currently I put a long table in one of cell, it make me has header in each page, but if the table to long, all table will shift to second page, and first page is empty.
I have tried table.KeepRowsTogether, but the 15 rows stay in second page and rest in third..
I determine what is the length of list. if number of items more than 15 then I separate list into 0 ~ 14 and 15th to the end, keep all content in the same table then there will having header in second page. Case close

SSRS Double row headers and data display for printing

** I'm using SSRS2008 R2
I have a report that the users would like to see in a printable pdf.
Problem is there are several columns, potentially too many to fit on a printed 8.5x11 paper.
One of the concepts they suggested was a stacked header/data display, like breaking the columns into 2 rows, so 2 rows of data (for John and Bill) would look like this:
John 1/20/2016 NY GE
10076 $100.00 2/20/2016
Bill 5/13/2016 MA Netflix
00013 $150.00 12/31/2016
This leads me to 2 questions:
Is there a way to do this with a tablix?
AND/OR in addition, is there a way to set a default property on the report so when the report is exported to pdf and to print, that it defaults to fit all columns on one page (therefor shrinking the font size to fit on page?)
For anyone that cares - Apparently this can easily be achieved by dragging a Tablix onto the work area, right clicking the header row, adding a new row underneath (basically becomes header row 2), then do the same thing to the details row - however make sure to insert row - Inside group. That allows you to have stacked header and data rows and you can copy / paste headers and row values in whichever row you'd prefer.
it will work if you make all the columns on the same height not unequal. If all the columns has same height, then while exporting to pdf/excel and print it will come in the same page.

how to put two records same page

I have a page with exactly same pre-format data in the left side than in the right and i need that my result query data that gives me example 10 records i need to show in the left side first record, in the right side second record on first page and then do the same with all records Now i make a first report wich calls another one, first report gives me data but i can only show one record per page in second report, i need 2 records per page, one in left side and another in another side of the page...
Assuming that each of your records will take up more than half a page, this should be as simple as changing the report to have 2 columns.
In iReport, select the report itself (top element) in the report inspector, then change the Columns property to 2. Alternatively, in the JRXML, add/change the attribute columnCount on the jasperReport element to 2.
If your records occupy less than half the page height each, you will end up with multiple records per column. To get around this, create a group with the expression $V{REPORT_COUNT} and check the "Start on a new column" property (set the isStartNewColumn attribute in JRXML). This will create a new column for each record.

Print detail record on next page, although there is room on previous page

I have following problem.
I have main report with subreport. Subreport has detail band with group header and footer, with keepTogether = true. Each detail can have different number of rows.
Then I run the reports and on first page of result PDF there is:
Detail record nr. 1
Detail record nr. 2
White space
On next page there is
Detail record nr. 3
But detail 3 record has so height, that it could be printed on first page as:
Detail record nr. 1
Detail record nr. 2
Detail record nr. 3
with no records on next page. But it is not so. Why ? Maybe there is any explanation for it, could you help me ? When I set page height longer then A4 paper size, there are all three records on first page. Depend it on height of subreport, as it is designed ?
Thank you

JasperReports. Wrong layout in generated PDF report with two tables

During PDf generation in Jasper, I have 2 bands having table in each, if data display of table1 ends in 90% of a page in PDF, then data display of table 2 display starts, where the table column header cannot be able to print within that page, so it prints only the border line of the table in that balance 10% of the page, but it normally prints the same data in next page. Here the problem is, it should not print the border of the table in first page if the actual data containing in that table cell cant able to print it within that page. This looks like some junk printing in the PDF. Please help.
For the group which holds Table 2, set the minHeightToStartNewPage, as per your requirements (maybe something like 100 or 200, for an A4 layout).