How to group application in aosp launcher - android-source

sample code block
I have added similar kind of folder name & apps under favourite same as google group folder, but in my case the group folder is not getting created in desktop of the launcher.
Do I need to make changes in any other location or am I missing something?

Generally you don't need to make any other changes, Make sure whatever app you are adding as favorite app, under the folder tag, those apps should be installed in the device.
For the app folder, at least the device should have installed more than one favorite app then only it will appear in the folder.


flutter for macOS : How to access "user-selected" desktop files and folders

My setup
macOS Big Sur
Xcode 12.5.1
With macOS sandboxing, I've enabled access to
User selected file
Download folder
Picture folder
Music folder
Movie folder
all with Read/Write permissions.
However, when I use the official file_selector and path_provider. I still cannot reference any files and folders outside of the Downloads/Music/Movies/Pictures.
I always get
OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1
whenever I tried to access a directory outside of those directories mentioned above.
I expect that by giving User selected file permission, I should be able to allow file_selector to access say user Documents/Desktop folder. Otherwise, how could the user have "selected" files if it requires separate permission from those predefined folders?
I read from native dev posts that one would need to call the native function NSOpenPanel.
Can anyone let me know how? Is it that flutter does not support such User selected File feature?
Should I resort to the platform method channel?
This sounds a bit crazy.
Solved it myself based on other answers. The gist
App Sandboxing will forbid an app to access files/folders outside of the sandbox, except for these user folders: Downloads/Movies/Music/Pictures. For instance, you won't be able to access home folder by using
path.join(path_provider.getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(), '..');
which would just give you
OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1
Under Sandboxing mode, only limited locations are accessible, which must be configured within the Xcode project, either through Xcode GUI or onto the entitlement files directly.
For internal tooling or dev purposes, disable Sandboxing is good enough. The ways to disable it are
Within Xcode project Signing & Capabilities panel, click the "X" button at the right end of the App Sandbox category.
Editing the plist files DebugProfile.entitlements and Release.entitlements by setting the field
After this, the file_selector API will be able to access files outside of the app sandbox.

Samsung Legacy 2014 TV not updating application

I have followed the steps given in, and the application appears on the Smart Hub on the TV. However, when I make some changes in the application, and package it again selecting "Update the packaged files on the server", do a "Apps Sync" and run the application, the updates are not reflected.
I have tried changing the application name and version in config.xml. Only the application name changes in smart hub, but the application when opened is what was installed the first time on the TV.
If a new project is made and the same steps are followed, the new application appears on the smart hub, but an update to it has the same problem.
Am I missing something while packaging the same application for a second time?
Not sure if this is useful but I believe the device seems to cache the files. I had the same issue today and was quite frustrating.
I managed to find two solutions:
1) shut down the device and re-launch again (connect to server and the Apps Sync)
2) when you export the app in the IDE, make sure you name the package name differently + title & description need to be different too.
By doing this, Apps Sync will add another app (so you'll have two of the same app, but just click on the last one that appears in the apps list - hope that makes sense). If you want to remove the apps, simply access the widgetlist.xml which will be in the root of your server and then remove the apps references from there.
I hope that helps.

Downloading files for UIWebView to specific folder on IPhone

I have made an app that displays my website from a UIWebView and it takes you to a store that you can download files. My question is that I need to download a '.zip'file from my website using the app to the IPhone. Heres is my problem. I don't want the file to goto the App's Document folder, I want it to goto a folder that is outside of my applications folder. Here is an example path I might want my file to goto EX:'var/mobile/Library/Downloads'. If there is not a way to download the files to a path outside of the app's folder, is there a way to transfer the specific file that I have downloaded from my website using the my app to another folder that is not located in my app's folders? I know this can be done because I have used apps that have done this, of course they were apps only available on Cydia. This is also an app that will be used for Jail-broken users just for your information!
Thanks for any help!
Any "regular" iphone app runs in a sandbox that prevents access to system wide directories. Practically, you only have access to the app Home Directory.
Unless you go for a jailbroken app, you have no other options than storing to the App docs folder.
Read "The Application Sandbox" and "The File System" [here] for more details1.
I am not an expert on cydia, but the general idea is gaining access as root and then write to where you need to. This can be done by replacing your app with a suid shell script that will in turn exec your app (which will have root privileges now and then be able to go out of the sandbox).
For more info look at this.

creating a free version of an app, but having the app separate on debug device

I was just making a free version of one of my apps. I copied the folder, renamed the project, and changed the icon file, loading screen, interface, and code. BUT YET it still replaces a build on my phone.
1)how do I stop this from happening (i want both the free and paid version on my phone)
2) if you can fix this, will a customer who has the paid, and downloads the free, will that replace it on their phone?
I really need to know these, as I have the app ready to go, and would like to get it before the end of the week.
You need to have a different app bundle identifier. I think that's your problem.
Long answer:
Go into your projectname-info.plist file and change the CFBundleIdentifier.
I'd recommend something like:
com.mycompany.mycoolapp for the app store
com.mycompany.mycoolapp-beta for the beta version
You should actually be able to set up the "Debug" build configuration to use a different info.plist file configured with a different CFBundleIdentifier and a different icon filename. That way you'll automaticlly get the beta ID and icon, etc for the Debug build and the real id/icon for the full one.
This should allow users to install and use both the production and test versions of the apps at the same time without confusion.
You might also find this IPA target template helpful if you're doing ad-hoc distribution to Windows users for testing:

iPhone: retrieve contents of "documents" directory

Are there any development tools to access contents of the "documents" directory on iPhone?
I'd like to access SQLITE database that was created by my application in order to fix some bugs.
In Xcode, pull up Window>Organizer. Click on your phone. In the list of applications, for your applications (that you installed with Xcode) there will be a "download" button available that will pull the entire home directory for the app.