Getting below error in the browser console and the icons are not getting rendered.
Object { description: "Mirage: undefined", fileName: "http://localhost:8100/js/chunk-vendors.js line 2021 > eval", lineNumber: 806,
message: "Mirage: Your app tried to GET 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' class='ionicon' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><title>Person</title><path d='M332.64 64.58C313.18 43.57 286 32 256 32c-30.16 0-57.43 11.5-76.8 32.38-19.58 21.11-29.12 49.8-26.88 80.78C156.76 206.28 203.27 256 256 256s99.16-49.71 103.67-110.82c2.27-30.7-7.33-59.33-27.03-80.6zM432 480H80a31 31 0 01-24.2-11.13c-6.5-7.77-9.12-18.38-7.18-29.11C57.06 392.94 83.4 353.61 124.8 326c36.78-24.51 83.37-38 131.2-38s94.42 13.5 131.2 38c41.4 27.6 67.74 66.93 76.18 113.75 1.94 10.73-.68 21.34-7.18 29.11A31 31 0 01432 480z'/></svg>',
but there was no route defined to handle this request.
Define a route for this endpoint in your routes() config.
Did you forget to define a namespace?", name: "Error", number: undefined, stack: "Mirage: MirageError#webpack-internal:///.
Tried to add this.passthrough(); and combination of it, couldn't help any of those. It's working for API calls but not for this particular case, I meant the icons not getting rendered.
How can we ignore/passthrough the requests for data:image/svg+xml;utf8,...?
I was getting the same issue. You can solve that error if you add this configuration to allow loading base64 images like svgs:
new Server({
routes() {
this.pretender.get('data:image/*', this.pretender.passthrough);
Hope this works for you too.
I am experiencing strange behavior in Scrapy. I collect status codes by calling response.status, by not all of them are present (Seems to be 3xx). I see in the log the following thing:
downloader/response_status_count/200: 8150
downloader/response_status_count/301: 226
downloader/response_status_count/302: 67
downloader/response_status_count/303: 1
downloader/response_status_count/307: 48
downloader/response_status_count/400: 7
downloader/response_status_count/403: 44
downloader/response_status_count/404: 238
downloader/response_status_count/405: 8
downloader/response_status_count/406: 26
downloader/response_status_count/410: 7
downloader/response_status_count/500: 12
downloader/response_status_count/502: 6
downloader/response_status_count/503: 3
whereas my csv file has only 200, 404, 403, 406, 502, 400, 405, 410, 500, 503. I set HTTPERROR_ALLOW_ALL=True in the Can I force Scrapy to provide information about redirects? Right know I am taking it from response.meta['redirect_times'] and response.meta['redirect_urls'], but status code is still 200, instead of 3xx.
30X responses will never reach your callback (parse method) because they are being handles by a redirect middleware before that.
However all of the response statuses are already stored in scrapy stats as you have pointed out yourself which means you can easily pull them in your crawler at any point:
In your callback:
def parse(self, response):
stats = self.crawler.stats.get_stats()
status_stats = {
k: v for k, v in stats.items()
if 'status_count' in k
# {'downloader/response_status_count/200': 1}
In your pipeline (see docs for how to use pipelines):
class SaveStatsPipeline:
"""Save response status stats in a stats.json file"""
def close_spider(self, spider):
"""When spider closes save all status stats in a stats.json file"""
stats = spider.crawler.stats.get_stats()
status_stats = {
k: v for k, v in stats.items()
if 'status_count' in k
with open('stats.json', 'w') as f:
Anywhere where you have access to crawler object really!
Trying to use the following piece of code to trigger email notifications for a multi-branch pipeline job:
1 def emailNotification() {
2 def to = emailextrecipients([[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],
3 [$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'],
4 [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']])
6 //def to = ""
7 //String currentResult = currentBuild.result
8 String currentResult =
9 echo "CurrentResult1=${currentResult}"
10 echo "CurrentResult2=${}"
11 echo "CurrentResult3=${}"
12 String previousResult = currentBuild.getPreviousBuild().result
14 def causes = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
15 // E.g. 'started by user', 'triggered by scm change'
16 def cause = null
17 if (!causes.isEmpty()) {
18 cause = causes[0].getShortDescription()
19 }
21 // Ensure we don't keep a list of causes, or we get
22 // " hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause"
23 // see
25 causes = null
27 String subject = "${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}: ${currentResult}"
29 String body = """
30 <p>Triggered by: <b>${cause}</b></p>
32 <p>Last build result: <b>${previousResult}</b></p>
35 <p>Build <b>${env.BUILD_NUMBER}</b> ran on <b>${env.NODE_NAME}</b> and terminated with <b>${currentResult}</b>.
36 </p>
38 <p>See: ${env.BUILD_URL}</p>
40 """
42 String log = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(40).join('\n')
43 if (currentBuild != 'SUCCESS') {
44 body = body + """
45 <h2>Last lines of output</h2>
46 <pre>${log}</pre>
47 """
48 }
50 if (to != null && !to.isEmpty()) {
51 // Email on any failures, and on first success.
52 if (currentResult != 'SUCCESS' || currentResult != previousResult) {
53 mail to: to, subject: subject, body: body, mimeType: "text/html"
54 }
55 echo 'Sent email notification'
56 }
57 }
Now, the problems that I'm facing:
def to = emailextrecipients... is not working. I found this and this Jenkins Jira issues that this may be the causes, but no workaround. Although it seems weird that if the build is started manually, say by me a user authenticated through Github Oauth, the mail can be sent. If the Github is starting the build through the webhook, I'm getting this in the Jenkins logs:
Not sending mail to user with no
permission to view
The second issue that I'm seeing is with the PostBuild email trigger.
The Pipeline looks like this:
def emailNotification() {
//the one from above
try {
stage('Stage1') {
creating multiple nodes based on an array provided
each node will execute:
checkout scm
buildSolution() //custom method defined
parallel <stuff_above>
stage('Stage2') {
//do other stuff
parallel <other_stuff_above>
} finally {
The echoes from above (rows 9-11) are all showing null
Using currentBuild.currentResult will show me only SUCCESS or FAILED, but not UNSTABLE, in case some of the tests failed.
Any ideas where the problem is?
Build status is null until something sets it or until the job finishes. Are you using any unit test steps that would cause the build to be unstable?
You don't need to use emailextrecipients instead use.
emailext body: body, mimeType: 'text/html', recipientProviders: [
[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],
[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'],
[$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], subject: subject
Not sending mail to user with no
permission to view
Means that either no jenkins user has this email address associated or the user it is associated with does not have permission to the job
Also for causes put that logic inside a different function and add #NonCPS annotation which will stop jenkins trying to serialise state while that function is running, as you currently have it there is a small chance it will still break with that exception, see
Taking a look at the following segment of code you will see two cases where the sencha cmd return an error and one case that it doesn't
var memoryStore = new MemoryStore<Individual>("personnel", [
'name', 'email', 'phone'
], [
new Individual("Batman", "", "+306969696969"),
new Individual("Jean Luc", "", "555-111-1111"),
new Individual("Worf", "", "+30 696 969 6969"),
new Individual("Deanna", "", "+30 6969696969"),
new Individual("Data", "", "+30-6969696969"),
Ext.define('', (function(){
//return JSON.stringify(memoryStore.toExtJS()) //fails
//return Ext.Object.merge({},{}) //fails
return {} //succeeds
As you see we have removed everything, even extends is missing but as long as you are typing an object by hand it works. When this object is returned from a function it stops to work!
What does the sencha cmd does behind the scenes? Is it parsing the plain javascript as a text file?..
Because if it was javascript it would run without an issue.
This is the error from sencha cmd console output:
[ERR] C2008: Requirement had no matching files ( -- /home/student/Desktop/Typescript/extTestTs/classic/src/view/main/List.js:8:10
[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to find any files for /home/student/Desktop/Typescript/extTestTs/classic/src/view/main/
[ERR] Total time: 3 seconds
[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/student/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/student/Desktop/Typescript/extTestTs/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml:380: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/student/Desktop/Typescript/extTestTs/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:382: com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to find any files for /home/student/Desktop/Typescript/extTestTs/classic/src/view/main/
How could we overcome this restriction of explicitly defining the object and rather define it more dynamically?
The goal is to make typescript work with ExtJS but not with the extreme unconventional solutions others propose, like forking typescript itself
Found a workaround
First allow unreachable code in typescript
Here is a screenshot from the IntelliJ settings:
And the code in the questions transforms into that
var memoryStore = new MemoryStore<Individual>("personnel", [
'name', 'email', 'phone'
], [
new Individual("Batman", "", "+306969696969"),
new Individual("Jean Luc", "", "555-111-1111"),
new Individual("Worf", "", "+30 696 969 6969"),
new Individual("Deanna", "", "+30 6969696969"),
new Individual("Data", "", "+30-6969696969"),
Ext.define('', function (Personnel) {
return memoryStore.toExtJS()
return {} //do not erase this line
Yeah the line return {} might seem totally redundant but (obviously) the sencha cmd is trying to parse the file before it includes it in the requires
Now sencha cmd gives a success and executing sencha app web start the sample app works ok
I want to use restful in my ci 3.03 application:
I found this tutplus tutorial
I downloaded file and copied Format.php and REST_Controller.php(#version 3.0.0) files into /application/libraries/REST directory
I created control application/controllers/api/Users.php :
class Users extends REST_Controller
//protected $rest_format = 'json';
function users_get()
//$users = $this->user_model->get_all();
$filter_username= $this->get('filter_username');
$filter_user_group= $this->get('filter_user_group');
$filter_active= $this->get('filter_active');
$sort= $this->get('sort');
$sort_direction= $this->get('sort_direction');
//, $filter_user_group, $filter_active, $sort, $sort_direction
$users_list = $this->muser->getUsersList(false, ''/*, $filter_username, $filter_user_group, $filter_active, $sort, $sort_direction, ''*/);
echo '<pre>'.count($users_list).'::$users_lists::'.print_r($users_list,true).'</pre>';
$this->response($users, 200);
$this->response(NULL, 404);
AND RUNNING URL I got many errors:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Users::$format
Filename: REST/REST_Controller.php
Line Number: 734
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/application/libraries/REST/REST_Controller.php
Line: 734
Function: _error_handler
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/application/libraries/REST/REST_Controller.php
Line: 649
Function: response
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/index.php
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Users::$format
Filename: REST/REST_Controller.php
Line Number: 752
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/application/libraries/REST/REST_Controller.php
Line: 752
Function: _error_handler
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/application/libraries/REST/REST_Controller.php
Line: 649
Function: response
File: /mnt/diskD_Work/wwwroot/ci3/index.php
Line: 292
Function: require_once
Actually I wanted to get some workable library to help me with REST api creation. I think that is preferable way istead of making from zero.
But is this library not workable or does it needs for some fixing? Sorry, what I missed is if this library only for ci 2?
I made search on this forum and found such hint :
I have the same problem when I load both Format.php and
Rest_Controller.php into a controller. After have a quick glance at
Format.php, it appears to be a standalone format conversion helper.
Try to just load Rest_Controller.php and see if your problem goes
I commented line
in my controller, but I still get errors like :
Message: Undefined property: Users::$format.
I tried to review code of this library and see that invalid block when data are converted to json format, line 731-757 :
elseif ($data !== NULL)
// If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format
if (method_exists($this->format, 'to_' . $this->response->format))
// Set the format header
$this->output->set_content_type($this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format], strtolower($this->config->item('charset')));
$output = $this->format->factory($data)->{'to_' . $this->response->format}();
// An array must be parsed as a string, so as not to cause an array to string error
// Json is the most appropriate form for such a datatype
if ($this->response->format === 'array')
$output = $this->format->factory($output)->{'to_json'}();
// If an array or object, then parse as a json, so as to be a 'string'
if (is_array($data) || is_object($data))
$data = $this->format->factory($data)->{'to_json'}();
// Format is not supported, so output the raw data as a string
$output = $data;
If I tried to commented this block, but get error
Message: Array to string conversion
Looks like data are not converted in this case...
Is is possible to fix these errors?
Or can you, please, to tell me advice some codeigniter 3 REST api workable library with similar interface like library above?
I use that lib, work just fine. My suggestion is follow the more relevant installation instruction on github .
you also wrong place the lib file :
Tutorial say :
You try :
No need to include the format because on line 407 the lib will load it. And also good to know on line 404 it will load the configuration (application/config/rest.php) it will be your default configuration, and also you can change it to suit your need.
Please let me know if you still got error using my answer :)
I'm trying to implement a very simple play app based on the securesocial sample on based on this demo.
play 2.2.2 built with Scala 2.10.3 (running Java 1.7.0_45)
However, I'm getting a compile error.
Compilation error
type mismatch; found : String("/link-result") required: Int
In /Users/ssimanta/demo-play-auth/app/views/index.scala.html at line 60.
57 { provider =>
58 #if( provider.authMethod == OAuth1 || provider.authMethod == OAuth2 ) {
59 #defining( "securesocial/images/providers/%s.png".format( ) { imageUrl =>
60 <img src=""/>
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 </span>
65 <hr>
Your double-quotes around the path are not escaped.
Try this:
I had the same error, it had nothing to do with quotes: I was referencing 2.1.4 instead of 2.1.x-SNAPSHOT in my build .sbt file. The latter SecureSocial release has support for provider linking and defines in module-code/app/securesocial/core/IdentityProvider.scala:
def authenticationUrl(redirectTo: String): String = RoutesHelper.authenticate(id, Some(redirectTo)).url