Esri-leaflet-geocoder: Component not rendering; How to connect providers in Production - leaflet

I am using the great esri-leaflet-geocoder plugin and can't get it to render in production.
I registered for a provider (ArcGIS Online Geocoding Service) and got a api key, and followed the documentation on the github page to add the api key:
var searchControl = L.esri.Geocoding.geosearch({
providers: [
// API Key to be passed to the ArcGIS Online Geocoding Service
useMapBounds: false,
apikey: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY
I was getting the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'Geocoding' of undefined
So with that I went to the official documentation page of esri-leaflet-geocoder here and tried what was listed there. Turns out it seems more up to date.
var provider = ELG.arcgisOnlineProvider({ token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY });
var searchControl = new ELG.Geosearch({
useMapBounds: false,
providers: [provider]
console.log('ELG.arcgisOnlineProvider() ', provider);
console.log('searchControl', searchControl);
It didn't work but the consoles seems to show that they indeed take the props listed in the documentation:
NewClass {_requestQueue: Array(0), _authenticating: false, options: {…}, _initHooksCalled: true, _eventParents: {…}}
supportsSuggest: true
token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY // In the log it's a string
url: ""
__proto__: Object
_authenticating: false
_eventParents: {1: NewClass}
_initHooksCalled: true
_requestQueue: []
__proto__: NewClass
NewClass {options: {…}, _geosearchCore: NewClass, _leaflet_id: 1, _initHooksCalled: true}
providers: Array(1)
0: NewClass
options: {token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY // Again it is logging a string
url: "", supportsSuggest: true}
_authenticating: false
_eventParents: {1: NewClass}
_initHooksCalled: true
_requestQueue: []
__proto__: NewClass
length: 1
__proto__: Array(0)
useMapBounds: false
__proto__: Object
So how can I get the 'searchControl' to work/render in Production?

This is working for me:
import * as ELG from "esri-leaflet-geocoder";
var searchControl = ELG.geosearch({
useMapBounds: false,
providers: [
apikey: "your key here"
Working codesandbox


Can Protractor ignores the timeouts of 3rd party plugin in angular?

I'm using amchart to show my data analytics in the Angular app. If I run an E2E test on that page that contains the amchart plugin, it's not able to finish (script timeout) cause it using real-time updates for charts (dynamic)...
This command 'getAllAngularTestabilities()' in console shows that has been pendingMacrotasks on page, so if the Protractor not working here, it's totally okay.
0: Testability
taskTrackingZone: TaskTrackingZoneSpec {name: "TaskTrackingZone", microTasks: Array(0), macroTasks: Array(3), eventTasks: Array(474), properties: {…}}
_callbacks: []
_didWork: true
_isZoneStable: true
_ngZone: NgZone
hasPendingMacrotasks: true
hasPendingMicrotasks: false
isStable: true
lastRequestAnimationFrameId: -1
nativeRequestAnimationFrame: ƒ requestAnimationFrame()
onError: EventEmitter_ {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(1), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, …}
onMicrotaskEmpty: EventEmitter_ {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(1), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, …}
onStable: EventEmitter_ {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(2), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, …}
onUnstable: EventEmitter_ {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(1), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, …}
shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection: false
I have 3 charts on that page, so I checked what NgZone says: Coming to a request in every second, and I can't turn off them. I'm trying to find the solution in amchart's documentation but I haven't found anything yet...
ZONE pending tasks=
(3) [ZoneTask, ZoneTask, ZoneTask]
0: ZoneTask
callback: ƒ ()
cancelFn: undefined
creationLocation: Error: Task 'macroTask' from 'setTimeout'. at TaskTrackingZoneSpec.push.FGvd.TaskTrackingZoneSpec.onScheduleTask (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:54102:40) at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:9471:55) at Object.onScheduleTask (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:9365:69) at ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:9471:55) at Zone.scheduleTask (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:9303:47) at Zone.scheduleMacroTask (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:9326:29) at scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:10227:29) at http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:11679:34 at proto.<computed> (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.js:10542:52) at loop_1 (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:23731:42)
data: {isPeriodic: false, delay: 1000, args: Arguments(2), handleId: 1516}
invoke: ƒ ()
runCount: 0
scheduleFn: ƒ scheduleTask(task)
source: "setTimeout"
type: "macroTask"
_state: "notScheduled"
_zone: Zone {_parent: Zone, _name: "angular", _properties: {…}, _zoneDelegate: ZoneDelegate}
_zoneDelegates: null
state: (...)
zone: (...)
__proto__: Object
1: ZoneTask {_zone: Zone, runCount: 0, _zoneDelegates: null, _state: "notScheduled", type: "macroTask", …}
2: ZoneTask {_zone: Zone, runCount: 0, _zoneDelegates: null, _state: "notScheduled", type: "macroTask", …}
length: 3
__proto__: Array(0)
I can avoid this problem with a tiny workaround.
Need to create a function that using runOutsideAngular(), and if I create the chart inside the callback, no will be running macrotasks!
constructor(#Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId, private zone: NgZone) {
// Run the function only in the browser
browserOnly(f: () => void): void {
if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { => {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.browserOnly(() => {
this.chart = am4core.create('line-chart-placeholder', am4charts.XYChart);
yes, you can ignore it. You need to disable main protractor's feature that waits for page to be ready, like this
await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false)
for more info, read here

Algolia Instant Search can't add numeric filter / not working

I try to have an always on filter in my Instantsearch App (before & while the user is searching) & tried both ways from the docs:
var search = instantsearch({
appId: '------------------,
apiKey: '-----------------',
indexName: 'words',
urlSync: true,
filters: 'sendDateUnix<'+,
var search = instantsearch({
appId: '------------------,
apiKey: '-----------------',
indexName: 'words',
urlSync: true,
numericFilters: [
As you can see, I have an property that is a Unix timestamp and would like to only get results where this timestamp ist greater then now. It works perfectly when I set this param in the algolia interface. It also does not work when i write the fully filter: 'sendDateUnix < 1519751110'
IS Version:
<script src=""></script>
The numericFilters option doesn't exist on instantsearch. You need to wrap the additional parameters in the searchParameters attribute. See the documentation for more informations.
const search = instantsearch({
appId: '------------------,
apiKey: '-----------------',
indexName: 'words',
urlSync: true,
searchParameters: {
numericFilters: ['sendDateUnix < ' +],

Using Winston and Morgan to log in Sails

In the config/log.js file for Sails this is my code:
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
var winston = require('winston');
var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
transports: [
level: 'info',
timestamp: true,
filename: './logFile.log',
handleExceptions: true,
json: true,
colorize: false
level: 'debug',
timestamp: true,
handleExceptions: true,
json: false,
colorize: true
exitOnError: false
}); = {
write: function (message, encoding) {
app.use(require('morgan')("combined", {"stream":}));
module.exports.log = {
level: 'info',
custom: logger
I'm trying to use morgan along with winston to log all the HTTP requests. I found an example online that said to do it this way, and this makes sense to me, but for some reason my log file isn't showing any of the requests that are made. The winston part is fine as it is logging all the information that it should be, but I don't know how to get morgan to work with winston. Any advice or suggestions? Thanks!
Morgan is an express middleware so it should be loaded as a custom middleware to Sails.
To do that add the following to config/http.js:
customMiddleware: function(app) {
app.use(require('morgan')("combined", {"stream":}));

OData Jaydata - odata update request returns error 404 (SAPUI5, node)

I'm building a web application with SAPUI5 which makes available a list of services, that are stored in a MongoDB and available as OData.
I followed this guide jaydata-install-your-own-odata-server-with-nodejs-and-mongodb and these are my model.js:
$data.Class.define("marketplace.Service", $data.Entity, null, {
Id: {type: "id", key: true, computed: true, nullable: false},
Name: {type: "string", nullable: false, maxLength: 50},
}, null);
$data.Class.defineEx("marketplace.Context", [$data.EntityContext, $data.ServiceBase], null, {
Services: {type: $data.EntitySet, elementType: marketplace.Service}
exports = marketplace.Context;
and server.js:
var c = require('express');
window.DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
var app = c();
app.configure(function() {app.use(app.router);});
app.use(c.session({secret: 'session key'}));
app.use("/marketplace", $data.JayService.OData.Utils.simpleBodyReader());
app.use("/marketplace", $data.JayService.createAdapter(marketplace.Context, function (req, res) {
return new marketplace.Context({
name: "mongoDB",
databaseName: "marketplace",
address: "localhost",
port: 27017
app.use("/", c.static(__dirname));
The client is developed by using SAPUI5 and these are the parts of the code relative to the odata model creation:
oModel = sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("http://localhost:8080/marketplace", false); // connection to the odata endpoint
The various services are correctly showed in a SAPUI5 table and I'm easily able to insert a new service by using the POST OData.request in this way:
requestUri: "http://localhost:8080/marketplace/Services",
method: "POST",
data: newEntry // json object with the new entry
function(insertedItem) {
// success notifier
function(err) {
// error notifier
and delete a service by using the SAPUI5 function oModel.remove() in this way (oParams is a json object which contains the alert notification functions):
var serviceId = oTable.getRows()[selectedIndex].getCells()[0].getText();
oModel.remove("/Services('" + serviceId + "')", oParams);
Everything works fine but the update request for a single service. I've tried with the functions provided by SAPUI5 (oModel.update or oModel.submitChanges), by using OData.request ("method: PUT"), by creating an ajax PUT request, I also tried to craft PUT request with Fiddler.
I always get error 404:
Request URL:http://localhost:8080/marketplace/Services('NTMzZDM3M2JlNjY2YjY3ODIwZjlmOTQ0')
Request Method:PUT
Status Code:404 Not Found
Where can be the problem?
I tried with Chrome, IE, and Firefox; same problem...
Try to update with MERGE verb and pass the modified fields in JSON format inside the BODY

Avoiding global leaking when using JayData 1.3.4 local item store

Out of the box Entities defined by using $data.Entity.extend will be globally accessible. e.g. in the example taken from JayData's home page Todo will leak.
// Case 1: local item store example from
$data.Entity.extend("Todo", {
Id: { type: "int", key: true, computed: true },
Task: { type: String, required: true, maxLength: 200 },
DueDate: { type: Date },
Completed: { type: Boolean }
console.log('Leaks Todo?', typeof window.Todo !== 'undefined');
//Result: true
In a JayData forum post I found a reference to $data.createContainer(), which can be used as container during Entity definition. In this case Todo2 won't leak.
// Case2: creating Todo2 in a container
$data.Entity.extend("Todo2", container, {
Id: { type: "int", key: true, computed: true },
Task: { type: String, required: true, maxLength: 200 },
DueDate: { type: Date },
Completed: { type: Boolean }
console.log('Leaks Todo2?', typeof window.Todo2 !== 'undefined');
//Result: false
Unfortunately after accessing stores there'll be other variables that leak globally even if the Entity itself is associated with a container.
console.log('Before store access: Leaks Todo2_items?',
typeof window.Todo2_items !== 'undefined');
//Result: false
$data('Todo2').save({ Task: 'Initialized Todo2'})
console.log('After store access: Leaks Todo2_items?',
typeof window.Todo2_items !== 'undefined');
//Result: true
Complete fiddle can be found at
In an ideal world every variable that is created for entities that run in a container would be associated with the same container. Is there an option to accomplish that or is the behavior described in Case2 the best that can be currently accomplished?