Extracting data from a table in kdb - kdb

Kdb question:
They're multiple rows in a table and I want to check if all the rows if the column meets a condition.
So the column StartDay = ***
How can I check each single row for that column?
Select from t where StartDay = '$"***"
Just gives me type errors.
Any help would be appreciated !

Assuming the column StartDay is of date type like in the following example
q)show t:([]StartDay:.z.d+til 3;number:til 3;sym:`abc`def`ghi)
StartDay number sym
2021.02.19 0 abc
2021.02.20 1 def
2021.02.21 2 ghi
Then the following query will work
q)select from t where StartDay=2021.02.19
StartDay number sym
2021.02.19 0 abc
The example you have given seems like you are trying to query a column of symbol type. Here are two examples of that
q)select from t where sym=`$"ghi"
StartDay number sym
2021.02.21 2 ghi
q)select from t where sym=`ghi
StartDay number sym
2021.02.21 2 ghi
Perhaps the following guide on where in q-sql will help.


Type error of getting average by id in KDB

I am trying make a function for the aggregate consumption by mid in a kdb+ table (aggregate value by mid). Also this table is being imported from a csv file like this:
table: ("JJP";enlist",")0:`:data.csv
Where the meta data is for the table columns is:
mid is type long(j), value(j) is type long and ts is type timestamp (p).
Here is my function:
agg: {select avg value by mid from table}
but I get the
[0] get select avg value by mid from table
But the type of value is type long (j). So I am not sure why I can't get the avg I also tried this with type int.
Value can't be used as a column name because it is keyword used in kdb+. Renaming the column should correct the issue.
value is a keyword and should not be used as a column name.
You can remove it as a column name using .Q.id
q)t:flip`value`price!(1 2;1 2)
value price
1 1
2 2
q)t:.Q.id t
value1 price
1 1
2 2
Or xcol
q)(enlist[`value]!enlist[`val]) xcol t
val price
1 1
2 2
You can rename the value column as you read it:

In KDB Q, how can I select the last letter of a symbol?

Say I have a table with an enumerated symbol column with values:
_ _ _ _
I'm trying to select just the rows where the last letter of the symbol is C.
I've selecting against last string sym and -1#string sym, but I get an incompatible list length error every time.
What am I doing wrong?
The keyword like works for symbols as well as strings so no need to cast to string if you're trying to pattern match
q)select from ([]sym:`AAPL`MSFT`INTC`ABC) where sym like"*C"
Does this work?
q)t: ([] sym: `AAPL`MSFT`INTC)
q)select last each string sym from t

q/kdb Selecting a variable in query

q)t:([] s:`g`v; p:2?10.)
Selecting the variable sym works fine in the following query :
q)select sym from t
However it throws an error while selecting with a table column, I am not able to figure out the reason
q)select sym, p from t
You get a 'length error because the lists sym and p (column from t) are different lengths.
q)select sym,p from t
sym p
a 3.927524
b 5.170911
What is the output you are trying to get to with this?
Assuming you are trying to select as many elements of sym as the table count :
q)select p,(count i)#sym from t
p sym
1.780839 a
3.017723 b

upsert into unkeyed kdb table

I am trying to modify the entry in the factor column that corresponds to the provided date.
I cannot find any good documentation for KDB's upsert function and I have zero idea what I am doing wrong here..
query: {[table;dates;factors] table upsert (date:dates factor:factors);}
table: `test
dates: (2016.01.04T01:30:00.000; 2016.01.04T01:31:00.000)
factors: (0.9340078471263533; 0.9340078471263533)
query[table; dates; factors]
date price original factor askVol bidVol
2017.04.19T07:28:00.000 6.105 6.105 1 2.176407e+07 1.907746e+07
2017.04.19T07:29:00.000 6.105 6.105 1 2.274138e+07 1.893807e+07
2017.04.19T07:30:00.000 6.105 6.105 1 2.629207e+07 2.030017e+07
An error occurred during execution of the query.
The server sent the response:
Studio Hint: Possibly this error refers to wrong type, e.g `a+1
You have a small syntax error in the function query, when you define the table from the input arguments -
query: {[table;dates;factors] table upsert (date:dates factor:factors);}
Should be:
query:{[table;dates;factors] table upsert ([] date:dates; factor:factors);}
Note the additional [] after the opening ( for a table definition. Moreover, column values need to be delimited with ;
q)show table:([] dates:.z.D+til 3;factors:3?.1; something:3?`2)
dates factors something
2017.04.20 0.09441671 hj
2017.04.21 0.07833686 lh
2017.04.22 0.04099561 mg
q)show factormap:(.z.D,.z.D+2)!10000.1 20000.2
2017.04.20| 10000.1
2017.04.22| 20000.2
q)update factors:factors^factormap[dates]from table
dates factors something
2017.04.20 10000.1 hj
2017.04.21 0.07833686 lh
2017.04.22 20000.2 mg

how to calculate date difference

my data
column1 column2
1-Sep-11 31-Aug-12
1-May-12 30-Apr-14
1-Mar-09 28-Feb-14
1-Apr-13 31-Mar-14
1-Apr-10 31-Mar-13
i want how many years difference between column1 and column2
out put like
column1 column2
1-Sep-11 31-Aug-12 1
1-May-12 30-Apr-14 2
1-Mar-09 28-Feb-14 5
1-Apr-13 31-Mar-14 1
1-Apr-10 31-Mar-13 3
please let me know
Please try:
select to_date(Column1,'DD-MON-YYYY')- to_date(Column2,'DD-MON-YYYY') from Table;
Excel solution:
If you only want the difference between the years, i.e. coming from 31-Dec-13 to 1-Jan-14 should result in 1 year, use pnut's formula =YEAR(B1)-YEAR(A1).
If you're interested in the real underlying duration, i.e. 1-Apr-13 to 31-Mar-14 would be 0 years, use this formula: =INT((B1-A1)/365)!