Flutter : Timer.periodic running multiple times in each iteration - flutter

I am trying to make snake 2 in flutter. And I have used Timer.periodic() for game loop. And I tried specifying duration as 1 seconds. But the code inside the Timer.periodic() runs multiple times in a second. I also tried debugging (though I am terrible at that) and found that the code inside the Timer.periodic() ran multiple times without stepping out of it. Though while debugging this couild happen as the code pauses for input. But I'm not sure about anything .Here is my code -
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class SnakePage extends StatefulWidget {
_SnakePageState createState() => _SnakePageState();
class _SnakePageState extends State<SnakePage> {
int score = 0;
String swipe = '';
bool running = false;
int iterates = 0;
List snake = [
[4, 3],
[4, 2],
[4, 1],
// Convert radians to degree
double radians(double degree) {
return ((degree * 180) / pi);
void turn(moveEvent) {
double angle = radians(moveEvent.delta.direction);
if (angle >= -45 && angle <= 45) {
this.swipe = 'Swipe Right';
} else if (angle >= 45 && angle <= 135) {
this.swipe = 'Swipe Down';
} else if (angle <= -45 && angle >= -135) {
this.swipe = 'Swipe Up';
} else {
this.swipe = 'Swipe Left';
int toIndex(coOrdinates) {
return ((coOrdinates[0] + 1) * 10) + coOrdinates[1];
void run() {
this.running = true;
milliseconds: 500,
), (timer) {
this.setState(() {
this.iterates += 1;
this.swipe = this.iterates.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < this.snake.length; i++) {
this.snake[i][0][1] += 1;
if (this.snake[i][0][1] == 10) {
this.snake[i][0][1] = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('WC'),
body: Listener(
onPointerMove: this.running
? (moveEvent) => this.turn(moveEvent)
: (moveEvent) => this.run(),// Where the function is being called
child: Container();
And please pardon me for code being a mess and not well commented.
Any Help would be appreciated!

The problem is that, every time you execute the run() method, a new timer is created and you listen for it, again. The old timer is not stopped, so it keeps firing.
The solution is, before you create a timer, cancel the previous one. Something like this:
class _SnakePageState extends State<SnakePage> {
Timer? _myTimer;
void run() {
this.running = true;
_myTimer?.cancel(); //in case we have a timer, we'll cancel it.
_myTimer = Timer.periodic(. // assing new timer to our variable.
milliseconds: 500,
), (timer) {
this.setState(() {
this.iterates += 1;
this.swipe = this.iterates.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < this.snake.length; i++) {
this.snake[i][0][1] += 1;
if (this.snake[i][0][1] == 10) {
this.snake[i][0][1] = 0;


How can you reload data that is generated through Builder BlocConsumer?

I tried to write my own action Future using . clear() and re-generate it in the same place, but it didn't work.
For example, it first generates data for the month of the last image (August), selects May and it clears August data and generates for May.
To explain: I get data for several months or years, for example: August 2022, May 2022, December 2021, etc.
To make the code more optimized I want to generate first for the last incoming item, and then when I click on a certain month in the dropdown, deleting the old data to generate new data for the month and year he chose.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final _provider = Provider.of<MapRepository>(context);
currentIndicator = _provider.fieldIndicator;
filterLayer = _provider.filterLayer;
selectedMonth = currentIndicator != null ? currentIndicator!.getMonth : "";
selectedYear = currentIndicator != null ? currentIndicator!.getYear : "";
String dateMonth =
currentIndicator != null ? "$selectedMonth $selectedYear" : "Загрузка";
_controller = FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: 0);
return BlocConsumer(
bloc: indicatorBloc,
listener: (context, state) {
if (state is FetchedIndicatorsState) {
int lastPresent = 0;
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)).then((value) {
for (int i = 0; i < indicators.length; i++) {
if (indicators.reversed.toList()[i].isPresent) {
lastPresent = i;
for (var date in dates) {
String shortMonth = DateFormat("MMM", "ru").format(date);
String year = DateFormat("yy", "ru").format(date);
String month =
DateFormat("MMMM", "ru").format(date).toCapitalized();
indicatorDates['$shortMonth$year'] = '$month ${date.year}';
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is FetchedIndicatorsState) {
indicators = state.indicators;
for (int i = 0; i < indicators.length; i++) {
if (indicators[i].getMonth == selectedMonth &&
indicators[i].getYear == selectedYear) {
indicators[i], indicators[(i - 1 < 0) ? 0 : (i - 1)], i));
return buildBody(context, dateMonth, childrenIndicators);
return Container();
OnTap actions:
onTap: () {
setState(() {
selectedYear = entry.value.substring(entry.value.length - 5);
selectedMonth = entry.value.substring(0, entry.value.length - 5);
My action:
Future _refreshData() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
for (int i = 0; i < indicators.length; i++) {
if (indicators[i].getMonth == selectedMonth &&
indicators[i].getYear == selectedYear) {
indicators[i], indicators[(i - 1 < 0) ? 0 : (i - 1)], i));
setState(() {});

How do you get each timer count value? dart flutter

void main() {
final newTi = Get.put(NewTimer());
...: Obx((){
return Text('${newTi.count}');
// I'm trying to set a new timer and watch each of them.
// It's just 10. What should I do?
class NewTimer extends GetxController {
RxInt count = 10.obs;
class TimerFunc extends GetxController {
void timeRun() {
NewTimer newTime = new NewTimer();
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (t) {
if (t.tick == 10) {
} else {
I'm trying to set a new timer and watch each of them.
It's just 10. What should I do?
getter? setter? in Dart.
class NewTimer {
double _count;
double get count => _count;
set count(double c) => _count = c;
void main() {

Allow only enter 3 decimal number flutter

I want to force user to enters only one dot and 3 decimal points.
I found code below:
class NumberRemoveExtraDotFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
NumberRemoveExtraDotFormatter({this.decimalRange = 3}) : assert(decimalRange == null || decimalRange > 0);
final int decimalRange;
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
var nValue = newValue.text;
var nSelection = newValue.selection;
Pattern p = RegExp(r'(\d+\.?)|(\.?\d+)|(\.?)');
nValue = p.allMatches(nValue).map<String>((Match match) => match.group(0)).join();
if (nValue.startsWith('.')) {
nValue = '0.';
} else if (nValue.contains('.')) {
if (nValue.substring(nValue.indexOf('.') + 1).length > decimalRange) {
nValue = oldValue.text;
} else {
if (nValue.split('.').length > 2) {
var split = nValue.split('.');
nValue = split[0] + '.' + split[1];
nSelection = newValue.selection.copyWith(
baseOffset: math.min(nValue.length, nValue.length + 1),
extentOffset: math.min(nValue.length, nValue.length + 1),
return TextEditingValue(text: Utils.addCommad(nValue), selection: nSelection, composing: TextRange.empty);
but the problem is when user enters more than 3 decimal points and then want to remove, it doesn't. because numbers save in textformfield and they to remove until they reach to 3 decimal points and also when typing from middle of input cursor jump to end.
Also I want to shift number out from right if user enter more than 3 decimal points.
How can I achieve this?
If you just want to force user to enters only one dot and 3 decimal points, this could work.
According to your comment:
How to add thousands separator?
Shifting number out not work. I want to shift number out if user start to typing in decimal part when decimal point reached at maximum. e.g. current value is 0.333 and user set cursor at second 3 (0.3|33) and type 2. then value must be 0.323.
We can use intl NumberFormat to format the number.
This is my code, I did not have a thorough and detailed test. If you find any bugs, please point them out.
when enter long number whit 0 maximumFractionDigits, wrong number will added. => this is not depends on maximumFractionDigits. it's happening always.
I think there has some unexpected behavior in the NumberFormat, and I changed it to custom method and it support negative number now.
class NumberInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
final int maximumFractionDigits;
this.maximumFractionDigits = 3,
}) : assert(maximumFractionDigits != null && maximumFractionDigits >= 0);
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
var newText = newValue.text;
var selectionOffset = newValue.selection.extent.offset;
bool isNegative = false;
if (newText.startsWith('-')) {
newText = newText.substring(1);
isNegative = true;
if (newText.isEmpty) {
return newValue;
if (newText.indexOf('.') != newText.lastIndexOf('.')) {
// inputted more than one dot.
return oldValue;
if (newText.startsWith('.') && maximumFractionDigits > 0) {
newText = '0$newText';
selectionOffset += 1;
while (newText.length > 1 && !newText.startsWith('0.') && newText.startsWith('0')) {
newText = newText.substring(1);
selectionOffset -= 1;
if (_decimalDigitsOf(newText) > maximumFractionDigits) {
// delete the extra digits.
newText = newText.substring(0, newText.indexOf('.') + 1 + maximumFractionDigits);
if (newValue.text.length == oldValue.text.length - 1 &&
oldValue.text.substring(newValue.selection.extentOffset, newValue.selection.extentOffset + 1) == ',') {
// in this case, user deleted the thousands separator, we should delete the digit number before the cursor.
newText = newText.replaceRange(newValue.selection.extentOffset - 1, newValue.selection.extentOffset, '');
selectionOffset -= 1;
if (newText.endsWith('.')) {
// in order to calculate the selection offset correctly, we delete the last decimal point first.
newText = newText.replaceRange(newText.length - 1, newText.length, '');
int lengthBeforeFormat = newText.length;
newText = _removeComma(newText);
if (double.tryParse(newText) == null) {
// invalid decimal number
return oldValue;
newText = _addComma(newText);
selectionOffset += newText.length - lengthBeforeFormat; // thousands separator newly added
if (maximumFractionDigits > 0 && newValue.text.endsWith('.')) {
// decimal point is at the last digit, we need to append it back.
newText = '$newText.';
if (isNegative) {
newText = '-$newText';
return TextEditingValue(
text: newText,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: min(selectionOffset, newText.length)),
static int _decimalDigitsOf(String text) {
var index = text?.indexOf('.') ?? -1;
return index == -1 ? 0 : text.length - index - 1;
static String _addComma(String text) {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
var pointIndex = text.indexOf('.');
String integerPart;
String decimalPart;
if (pointIndex >= 0) {
integerPart = text.substring(0, pointIndex);
decimalPart = text.substring(pointIndex);
} else {
integerPart = text;
decimalPart = '';
List<String> parts = [];
while (integerPart.length > 3) {
parts.add(integerPart.substring(integerPart.length - 3));
integerPart = integerPart.substring(0, integerPart.length - 3);
sb.writeAll(parts.reversed, ',');
return sb.toString();
static String _removeComma(String text) {
return text.replaceAll(',', '');
Try using this:
FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp(r'(^[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]{0,3})?$)'), allow: true),
Basically the regex will try to match 0 or more occurences of digits followed by optional decimal followed by upto 3 digits after decimal. You can modify it to use negative value also ^(?:\-)?[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]{0,3})?$.
full code is here,
(update you can also change for data by cursor)
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
class DecimalChecker extends TextInputFormatter {
DecimalChecker({this.decimalRange = 3})
: assert(decimalRange == null || decimalRange > 0);
final int decimalRange;
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
String valueTxt = newValue.text;
TextSelection valueSet = newValue.selection;
var newlength = newValue.text.length;
var oldlength = oldValue.text.length;
if (oldlength < newlength) {
Pattern p = RegExp(r'(\d+\.?)|(\.?\d+)|(\.?)');
valueTxt = p
.map<String>((Match match) => match.group(0))
if (valueTxt.startsWith('.')) {
valueTxt = '0.';
} else if (valueTxt.contains('.')) {
if (valueTxt.substring(valueTxt.indexOf('.') + 1).length >
decimalRange) {
valueTxt = oldValue.text;
} else {
if (valueTxt.split('.').length > 2) {
List<String> split = valueTxt.split('.');
valueTxt = split[0] + '.' + split[1];
valueSet = newValue.selection.copyWith(
baseOffset: math.min(valueTxt.length, valueTxt.length + 1),
extentOffset: math.min(valueTxt.length, valueTxt.length + 1),
return TextEditingValue(
text: valueTxt, selection: valueSet, composing: TextRange.empty);
} else {
return TextEditingValue(
text: valueTxt, selection: valueSet, composing: TextRange.empty);
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter App',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'My Decimal Check App'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
TextEditingController numberController = TextEditingController();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0),
child: TextField(
controller: numberController,
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true),
inputFormatters: [DecimalChecker()],
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: "Please enter Number",

How to apply pagination load more function using PageController

I am working on live video streaming application with flutter. Everything is working fine except load more function. i am loading first 10 records from server and when user reach to last video i want to load more 10 records. I am using page controller to control the video pages. how can i make load more function to work. Any help would be appreciated.
Below is my page controller class
class VideoListController {
/// Construction method
/// Snap to slide to realize page turning
void setPageContrller(PageController pageController) {
pageController.addListener(() {
int pageIndex = pageController.page.round();
_HomePageState home = _HomePageState();
print("TAG loading more now");
var p = pageController.page;
if (p % 1 == 0) {
int target = p ~/ 1;
if (index.value == target) return;
//Play the current one, pause the others
var oldIndex = index.value;
var newIndex = target;
// carry out
index.value = target;
//Get specified index的player
FijkPlayer playerOfIndex(int index) => playerList[index];
/// Total number of videos
int get videoCount => playerList.length;
/// Continue to add videos behind the current list and preload the cover
addVideoInfo(List<VideoModel> list) {
for (var info in list) {
Glob.ITEM_BASE_URL + info.post_video,
autoPlay: playerList.length == 0,
showCover: true,
/// initialization
init(PageController pageController, List<VideoModel> initialList) {
/// Current video sequence number
ValueNotifier<int> index = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
/// Video list
List<FijkPlayer> playerList = [];
FijkPlayer get currentPlayer => playerList[index.value];
bool get isPlaying => currentPlayer.state == FijkState.started;
/// Destroy all
void dispose() {
// Destroy all
for (var player in playerList) {
playerList = [];
Below is load more function
Future<List<VideoModel>> loadMore() async {
Video menu = await getVideos();
if (menu.status == true) {
print("TAG res success is true " + menu.message);
setState(() {
print("TAG start " + start);
else {
print("No Data Found Paras");
return videoDataList;
Future<Video> getVideos() {
String data_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Map<String,String> headers = new Map();
headers['Content-Type'] = data_type;
return _netUtil.post(Glob.POST_LIST, body: {"count": count, "start": start,"type": type, "my_user_id": my_user_id},headers: headers).then((dynamic obj)
var results;
bool success = obj["status"];
print("TAG success =$success");
if (success == true)
results = Video.fromJson(obj);
results = Video.fromJsondata(obj);
return results;
Any help would be appreciated.
You're checking in the wrong way. You're actually checking the pageIndex value with the list size. The problem with that is index starts from 0 while length from 1 so pageIndex is never gonna match home.videoDataList.length. You have to check with home.videoDataList.length - 1
if(pageIndex == home.videoDataList.length - 1)
print("TAG loading more now");

How do I integrate a game in my flutter app?

I want to use this game https://github.com/yum650350/tissuebox in my Flutter project. I tried calling different parts of the main page but it wasn't coming up properly even though the game itself is working.
I want to integrate it in my iOS app and want to call it with a
function which opens a separate page where the user can play the game.
Is there a way I can do it?
So this is what I tried:
I called the method of the game in a separate screen
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() async {
runApp(new MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: FirstScreen(),
class FirstScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('First Screen'),
body: Center(
child: RaisedButton(
color: Colors.red,
child: Text('Go to Second Screen'),
onPressed: () {
.push(MaterialPageRoute<Null>(builder: (BuildContext context) {
But I don't know what to call in ?? this part since the game isn't wrapped in any class. This is the code of the game I want to call.
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:audioplayers/audioplayers.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flame/sprite.dart';
import 'package:flame/flame.dart';
import 'package:flame/util.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'dart:math';
tissuemain() async {
var util = Util();
await util.fullScreen();
await util.setOrientation(DeviceOrientation.portraitUp);
//tissuebox : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
//background : b
//crown : c
//tissue : t
await Flame.images.loadAll(['b', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 't', 'c']);
audioLoad(c) async => (await Flame.audio.load(c)).path;
setAudio(a, s, v) async {
await a.setUrl(await audioLoad(s), isLocal: true);
//single drag : s.mp3
//double drag : s.mp3
//triple drag : s.mp3
//tick tock : tk.mp3
//game over : a.mp3
GameTable.setAudioList(GameTable.audioList1, await audioLoad('s.mp3'));
GameTable.setAudioList(GameTable.audioList2, await audioLoad('d.mp3'));
GameTable.setAudioList(GameTable.audioList3, await audioLoad('t.mp3'));
await setAudio(GameTable.tickTock, 'tk.mp3', 1.0);
await setAudio(GameTable.gameOver, 'a.mp3', .5);
var game = GameTable((await SharedPreferences.getInstance()).getInt('hs') ?? 0);
var hDrag = HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer();
var vDrag = VerticalDragGestureRecognizer();
hDrag.onUpdate = game.onDragUpdate;
hDrag.onStart = game.onDragStart;
hDrag.onEnd = game.onDragEnd;
vDrag.onUpdate = game.onDragUpdate;
vDrag.onStart = game.onDragStart;
vDrag.onEnd = game.onDragEnd;
enum Drag { tissue, box, none }
class GameTable extends Game {
//These are workarounds for the ios memory leak
static var
tickTock = AudioPlayer(),
gameOver = AudioPlayer(),
audioList1 = [AudioPlayer(), AudioPlayer(), AudioPlayer()],
audioList2 = [AudioPlayer(), AudioPlayer()],
audioList3 = [AudioPlayer(), AudioPlayer()],
audioIndex1 = 0,
audioIndex2 = 0,
audioIndex3 = 0;
static getPlayIndex(int audioPlayer) {
if (audioPlayer == 1)
audioIndex1 = audioIndex1 < audioList1.length - 1 ? audioIndex1 + 1 : 0;
else if (audioPlayer == 2)
audioIndex2 = audioIndex2 < audioList2.length - 1 ? audioIndex2 + 1 : 0;
else if (audioPlayer == 3) audioIndex3 = audioIndex3 < audioList3.length - 1 ? audioIndex3 + 1 : 0;
return audioPlayer == 1 ? audioIndex1 : audioPlayer == 2 ? audioIndex2 : audioIndex3;
static get tissue1 => audioList1[getPlayIndex(1)];
static get tissue2 => audioList2[getPlayIndex(2)];
static get tissue3 => audioList3[getPlayIndex(3)];
static setAudioList(List<AudioPlayer> al,String audioName) => al.forEach((x) {
x.setUrl(audioName, isLocal: true);
var background = Sprite('b'),
crown = Sprite('c'),
initialPoint = Offset.zero,
destPoint = Offset.zero,
dragState = Drag.none,
gameing = false,
gameover = false,
timePass = .0,
heighScore = 0,
score = 0,
timePassTemp = 0;
double tileSize, point1;
double get k => screenSize.width / 5 / tileSize;
Size screenSize;
Rect rect;
TissueBox tissueBox;
saveHighScore() async => await (await SharedPreferences.getInstance()).setInt('hs', heighScore);
GameTable(this.heighScore) {
init() async {
resize(await Flame.util.initialDimensions());
rect = Rect.fromLTWH(.0, screenSize.height - tileSize * 23, tileSize * 9, tileSize * 23);
tissueBox = TissueBox(this);
render(Canvas c) {
paintText(txt, offset, center, fontSize) {
var painter = TextPainter(
text: TextSpan(
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: fontSize,
fontFamily: 'NS'),
text: txt),
textScaleFactor: k,
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr);
painter.paint(c, center ? Offset(offset.dx - painter.width / 2, offset.dy) : offset);
background.renderRect(c, rect);
var horCenter = tissueBox.initialLeft + tissueBox.boxRect.width / 2;
if (gameing)
paintText(timePass.toStringAsFixed(timePass < 1 ? 1 : 0) + 's', Offset(horCenter + 8, k * 23), true, k * 10);
var heighScoreTxt = heighScore.toString();
paintText(heighScoreTxt, Offset(heighScoreTxt.length==1?44.0:heighScoreTxt.length>2?22.0:33.0, k * 30), false, k * 12);
crown.renderRect(c, Rect.fromLTWH(28.0, k * 10, 49.2, 39.0));
paintText(score.toString(), Offset(horCenter, k * 50), true, k * 25);
heighScore = score > heighScore ? score : heighScore;
update(double t) {
timePass -= gameing || gameover ? t : 0;
if (timePass < 0 && gameing) {
tissueBox.isAway = true;
gameing = false;
timePass = 2;
gameover = true;
} else if (gameing && !gameover) {
var floor = timePass.floor();
if (floor < timePassTemp && floor < 6 && floor != 0)
TissueBox.delay(Duration(milliseconds: 300), () => GameTable.tickTock.resume());
timePassTemp = floor;
gameover = timePass <= 0 && gameover ? false : gameover;
resize(s) {
screenSize = s;
tileSize = screenSize.width / 9;
onDragStart(DragStartDetails detail) {
var point = detail.globalPosition;
dragState = tissueBox.tissue.rect.contains(point) ? Drag.tissue : tissueBox.boxRect.contains(point) ? Drag.box : Drag.none;
initialPoint = Offset(point.dx == 0 ? initialPoint.dx : point.dx, point.dy == 0 ? initialPoint.dy : point.dy);
point1 = (tissueBox.tissue.rect.left - point.dx).abs();
onDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails detail) {
if (gameover || dragState == Drag.none) return;
var point = detail.globalPosition;
destPoint = Offset(point.dx == 0 ? destPoint.dx : point.dx, point.dy == 0 ? destPoint.dy : point.dy);
if (dragState == Drag.tissue) {
if (initialPoint.dy - destPoint.dy > 100) {
if (gameing != true && gameover != true) {
gameing = true;
timePass = 10;
score = 0;
var sub = (point1 - (tissueBox.tissue.rect.left - point.dx).abs()).abs();
var addPoint = sub < 3 ? 3 : sub < 6 ? 2 : 1;
dragState = Drag.none;
score += addPoint;
} else if (dragState == Drag.box) {
tissueBox.boxRect = Rect.fromLTWH(tissueBox.initialLeft + destPoint.dx - initialPoint.dx, tissueBox.boxRect.top, TissueBox.boxSize.dx, TissueBox.boxSize.dy);
tissueBox.ismoving = true;
playTissueAudio(i) => (i == 1 ? GameTable.tissue1 : i == 2 ? GameTable.tissue2 : GameTable.tissue3).resume();
onDragEnd(DragEndDetails detail) {
initialPoint = Offset.zero;
dragState = Drag.none;
tissueBox.tissue.isMoving = false;
tissueBox.ismoving = false;
destPoint = initialPoint;
class TissueBox {
Rect get initialRect => Rect.fromLTWH(boxRect.center.dx - Tissue.width / 2, boxRect.top - boxRect.height + 20.3, Tissue.width, Tissue.width);
Sprite get getBoxSprite =>Sprite( rnd.nextInt(7).toString());
var tissueAwayList = List<TissueAway>(), rnd = Random(), ismoving = false, isAway = false;
Offset get getTissueUpPosition => Offset(initialRect.left, initialRect.top - 150);
final GameTable game;
Sprite boxSprite;
Rect boxRect;
int tissueCount;
Tissue tissue;
double get initialLeft => game.screenSize.width / 2 - TissueBox.boxSize.dx / 2;
double get initialTop => game.screenSize.height - game.tileSize * 5.5;
static var boxSize = Offset(150.0, 100.0);
TissueBox(this.game) {
boxRect = Rect.fromLTWH(initialLeft, initialTop, boxSize.dx, boxSize.dy);
tissueCount = 10 - rnd.nextInt(5);
tissue = Tissue(game, this);
boxSprite = getBoxSprite;
render(Canvas c) {
boxSprite.renderRect(c, boxRect);
tissueAwayList.forEach((x) => x.render(c));
update(double t) {
tissueAwayList.removeWhere((x) => x.isAway);
tissueAwayList.forEach((x) => x.update(t));
var distense = boxRect.left - initialLeft;
if (ismoving && !game.gameover) {
if (distense.abs() > 50 && tissueCount == 0){
isAway = true;
} else if (isAway && !game.gameover) {
boxRect = boxRect.shift(Offset(distense > 0 ? boxRect.left + game.k * 11 : boxRect.left - game.k * 11, boxRect.top));
if (boxRect.right < -50 || boxRect.left > game.screenSize.width + 50) {
} else if (isAway && game.gameover) {
var target = Offset(boxRect.left, game.screenSize.height + Tissue.width) - Offset(boxRect.left, boxRect.top);
boxRect = boxRect.shift(
game.k * 11 < target.distance ?
Offset.fromDirection(target.direction, game.k * 11)
: target);
} else {
var target = Offset(initialLeft, initialTop) - Offset(boxRect.left, boxRect.top);
boxRect = boxRect.shift(
game.k * 11 < target.distance ?
Offset.fromDirection(target.direction, game.k * 11)
: target);
nextTissue(int pointsAdd) {
var duration = Duration(milliseconds: 100);
tissueAwayList.add(TissueAway(game, this));
if (pointsAdd > 1)
delay(duration, () {
tissueAwayList.add(TissueAway(game, this));
if (pointsAdd > 2)
delay(duration, () {
tissueAwayList.add(TissueAway(game, this));
tissue = Tissue(game, this, --tissueCount == 0);
newBox() {
boxSprite = getBoxSprite;
boxRect = Rect.fromLTWH(boxRect.right < -0 ? game.screenSize.width + 50 - boxSize.dx : -50.0, initialTop, boxSize.dx, boxSize.dy);
tissueCount = 10 - rnd.nextInt(5);
tissue = Tissue(game, this);
isAway = false;
ismoving = false;
newGame() async {
isAway = true;
await delay(Duration(seconds: 2), () {});
static delay(duration, func()) async => await Future.delayed(duration, func);
class Tissue {
var tissueSprite = Sprite('t'), isMoving = false;
static var width = 100.0;
final TissueBox tissueBox;
final GameTable game;
bool isAway;
Rect rect;
Tissue(this.game, this.tissueBox, [this.isAway = false]) {
rect = tissueBox.initialRect;
render(Canvas c) => tissueSprite.renderRect(c, rect);
update(double t) => rect = isAway ? rect.shift(Offset.infinite) : tissueBox.initialRect;
class TissueAway extends Tissue {
TissueAway(GameTable game, TissueBox tissueBox) : super(game, tissueBox);
render(Canvas c) => tissueSprite.renderRect(c, rect);
update(double t) {
var speed = 500 * t;
Offset target = tissueBox.getTissueUpPosition - Offset(rect.left, rect.top);
if (speed < target.distance)
rect = rect.shift(Offset.fromDirection(target.direction, speed));
isAway = true;
The code in the main method will have a line that says runApp(...). The value of the ... is a widget that will be treated as the root widget of the app. In theory, you could just take that widget and pass it to your Navigator.push method and it should treat that widget as any other widget.
That being said, real life probably won't be as clean as this. There might be some initialization code in that app's main method or root widget that won't work properly if the app has long since already been initialized. Since virtually every Flutter app's root widget creates a WidgetsApp (or one of its derived classes MaterialApp or CupertinoApp), there might be some conflict that arrives from having one of those widgets being inserted as a descendent of another one of those widgets.
The game in question may work simply, or it might take some tweaking to work properly. That's something that will depend entirely on what app you are trying to embed into your own, so the only solution is to try it out and see for yourself.