I would like to wait for data from all elements and combine them into one result:
Item: AnyPublisher <Int, Swift.Error>
Array: AnyPublisher <[Result<Int, Swift.Error>], Never>
Can this be done somehow? I've tried using Zip and Merge - but I couldn't get the desired result.
func createItem(num: Int) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Swift.Error> {
.setFailureType(to: Swift.Error.self)
func createItems(nums: [Int]) -> AnyPublisher<[Result<Int, Swift.Error>], Never> {
Publishers.MergeMany(nums.map { self.createItem(num: $0) } )
Function but "createItems" does not work
Looks like you want to generate an array of results - whether a value or an error - emitted by each publisher for each array value.
MergeMany + Collect is the right approach here. MergeMany will complete only when all its input publishers complete, and .collect() will for for that completion event before emitting.
Using your example:
func createItems(nums: [Int]) -> AnyPublisher<[Result<Int, Error>], Never> {
let publishers = nums.map { v -> AnyPublisher<Result<Int, Error>, Never> in
createItem(num: v) // AnyPublisher<Int, Error>
.first() // ensure a single result
.map { .success($0) } // map value to .success result
.catch { Just(.failure($0)) } // map error to .failure result
return Publishers.MergeMany(publishers)
.collect() // wait for MergeMany to complete
I have two lists of URLs that return some links to images.
The lists are passed into a future like
static func loadRecentEpisodeImagesFuture(request: [URL]) -> AnyPublisher<[RecentEpisodeImages], Never> {
return Future { promise in
networkAPI.recentEpisodeImages(url: request)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in },
receiveValue: { recentEpisodeImages in
.store(in: &recentImagesSubscription)
Which calls:
/// Get a list of image sizes associated with a featured episode .
func featuredEpisodeImages(featuredUrl: [URL]) -> AnyPublisher<[FeaturedEpisodeImages], Error> {
let featuredEpisodesImages = featuredUrl.map { (featuredUrl) -> AnyPublisher<FeaturedEpisodeImages, Error> in
return URLSession.shared
.dataTaskPublisher(for: featuredUrl)
.decode(type: FeaturedEpisodeImages.self, decoder: decoder)
.receive(on: networkApiQueue)
.catch { _ in Empty<FeaturedEpisodeImages, Error>() }
return Publishers.MergeMany(featuredEpisodesImages).collect().eraseToAnyPublisher()
/// Get a list of image sizes associated with a recent episode .
func recentEpisodeImages(recentUrl: [URL]) -> AnyPublisher<[RecentEpisodeImages], Error> {
let recentEpisodesImages = recentUrl.map { (recentUrl) -> AnyPublisher<RecentEpisodeImages, Error> in
return URLSession.shared
.dataTaskPublisher(for: recentUrl)
.decode(type: RecentEpisodeImages.self, decoder: decoder)
.receive(on: networkApiQueue)
.catch { _ in Empty<RecentEpisodeImages, Error>() }
return Publishers.MergeMany(recentEpisodesImages).collect().eraseToAnyPublisher()
and is attached to the app state:
/// Takes an action and returns a future mapped to another action.
static func recentEpisodeImages(action: RequestRecentEpisodeImages) -> AnyPublisher<Action, Never> {
return loadRecentEpisodeImagesFuture(request: action.request)
.receive(on: networkApiQueue)
.map({ images in ResponseRecentEpisodeImages(response: images) })
.replaceError(with: RequestFailed())
It seems that:
return Publishers.MergeMany(recentEpisodes).collect().eraseToAnyPublisher()
doesn't give me a reliable downstream value as whichever response finishes last overwrites the earlier response.
I am able to log the responses of both series of requests. Both are processing the correct arrays and returning the proper json.
I would like something like:
return recentEpisodeImages
but currently this gives me the error
Cannot convert return expression of type '[AnyPublisher<RecentEpisodeImages, Error>]' to return type 'AnyPublisher<[RecentEpisodeImages], Error>'
How can I collect the values of the inner publisher and return them as
AnyPublisher<[RecentEpisodeImages], Error>
Presuming that the question is how to turn an array of URLs into an array of what you get when you download and process the data from those URLs, the answer is: turn the array into a sequence publisher, process each URL by way of flatMap, and collect the result.
Here, for instance, is how to turn an array of URLs representing images into an array of the actual images (not identically what you're trying to do, but probably pretty close):
func publisherOfArrayOfImages(urls:[URL]) -> AnyPublisher<[UIImage],Error> {
.flatMap { (url:URL) -> AnyPublisher<UIImage,Error> in
return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.compactMap { UIImage(data: $0.0) }
.mapError { $0 as Error }
And here's how to test it:
let urls = [
let pub = publisherOfArrayOfImages(urls:urls)
pub.sink { print($0) }
receiveValue: { print($0) }
.store(in: &storage)
You'll see that what pops out the bottom of the pipeline is an array of three images, corresponding to the array of three URLs we started with.
(Note, please, that the order of the resulting array is random. We fetched the images asynchronously, so the results arrive back at our machine in whatever order they please. There are ways around that problem, but it is not what you asked about.)
In this code I am expecting the Empty() publisher to send completion to the .sink subscriber, but no completion is sent.
func testEmpty () {
let x = XCTestExpectation()
let subject = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()
emptyOrSubjectPublisher(subject).sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
}, receiveValue: { value in
}).store(in: &cancellables)
wait(for: [x], timeout: 10.0)
func emptyOrSubjectPublisher (_ subject: PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Never> {
.flatMap { (i: Int) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Never> in
if i == 1 {
return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
} else {
return Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher()
Why does the emptyOrSubjectPublisher not receive the completion?
The Empty completes, but the overall pipeline does not, because the initial Subject has not completed. The inner pipeline in which the Empty is produced (the flatMap) has "swallowed" the completion. This is the expected behavior.
You can see this more easily by simply producing a Just in the flatMap, e.g. Just(100):
.flatMap {_ in Just(100) }
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
}, receiveValue: { value in
}).store(in: &cancellables)
You know and I know that a Just emits once and completes. But although the value of the Just arrives down the pipeline, there is no completion.
And you can readily see why it works this way. It would be very wrong if we had a potential sequence of values from our publisher but some intermediate publisher, produced in a flatMap, had the power to complete the whole pipeline and end it prematurely.
(And see my https://www.apeth.com/UnderstandingCombine/operators/operatorsTransformersBlockers/operatorsflatmap.html where I make the same point.)
If the goal is to send a completion down the pipeline, it's the subject that needs to complete. For example, you could say
func emptyOrSubjectPublisher (_ subject: PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Never> {
.flatMap { (i: Int) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Never> in
if i == 1 {
return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
} else {
subject.send(completion: .finished) // <--
return Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher()
[Note, however, that your whole emptyOrSubjectPublisher is peculiar; it is unclear what purpose it is intended to serve. Returning subject when i is 1 is kind of pointless too, because subject has already published the 1 by the time we get here, and isn't going to publish anything more right now. Thus, if you send 1 at the start, you won't receive 1 as a value, because your flatMap has swallowed it and has produced a publisher that isn't going to publish.]
I may be going about this the wrong way, but I have a function with which I want to emit multiple values over time. But I don’t want it to start emitting until something is subscribed to that object. I’m coming to combine from RxSwift, so I’m basically trying to duplicated Observable.create() in the RxSwift world. The closest I have found is returning a Future, but futures only succeed or fail (so they are basically like a Single in RxSwift.)
Is there some fundamental thing I am missing here? My end goal is to make a function that processes a video file and emits progress events until it completes, then emits a URL for the completed file.
Generally you can use a PassthroughSubject to publish custom outputs. You can wrap a PassthroughSubject (or multiple PassthroughSubjects) in your own implementation of Publisher to ensure that only your process can send events through the subject.
Let's mock a VideoFrame type and some input frames for example purposes:
typealias VideoFrame = String
let inputFrames: [VideoFrame] = ["a", "b", "c"]
Now we want to write a function that synchronously processes these frames. Our function should report progress somehow, and at the end, it should return the output frames. To report progress, our function will take a PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>, and send its progress (as a fraction from 0 to 1) to the subject:
func process(_ inputFrames: [VideoFrame], progress: PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>) -> [VideoFrame] {
var outputFrames: [VideoFrame] = []
for input in inputFrames {
progress.send(Double(outputFrames.count) / Double(inputFrames.count))
outputFrames.append("output for \(input)")
return outputFrames
Okay, so now we want to turn this into a publisher. The publisher needs to output both progress and a final result. So we'll use this enum as its output:
public enum ProgressEvent<Value> {
case progress(Double)
case done(Value)
Now we can define our Publisher type. Let's call it SyncPublisher, because when it receives a Subscriber, it immediately (synchronously) performs its entire computation.
public struct SyncPublisher<Value>: Publisher {
public init(_ run: #escaping (PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>) throws -> Value) {
self.run = run
public var run: (PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>) throws -> Value
public typealias Output = ProgressEvent<Value>
public typealias Failure = Error
public func receive<Downstream: Subscriber>(subscriber: Downstream) where Downstream.Input == Output, Downstream.Failure == Failure {
let progressSubject = PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>()
let doneSubject = PassthroughSubject<ProgressEvent<Value>, Error>()
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.map { ProgressEvent<Value>.progress($0) }
do {
let value = try run(progressSubject)
progressSubject.send(completion: .finished)
doneSubject.send(completion: .finished)
} catch {
progressSubject.send(completion: .finished)
doneSubject.send(completion: .failure(error))
Now we can turn our process(_:progress:) function into a SyncPublisher like this:
let inputFrames: [VideoFrame] = ["a", "b", "c"]
let pub = SyncPublisher<[VideoFrame]> { process(inputFrames, progress: $0) }
The run closure is { process(inputFrames, progress: $0) }. Remember that $0 here is a PassthroughSubject<Double, Never>, exactly what process(_:progress:) wants as its second argument.
When we subscribe to this pub, it will first create two subjects. One subject is the progress subject and gets passed to the closure. We'll use the other subject to publish either the final result and a .finished completion, or just a .failure completion if the run closure throws an error.
The reason we use two separate subjects is because it ensures that our publisher is well-behaved. If the run closure returns normally, the publisher publishes zero or more progress reports, followed by a single result, followed by .finished. If the run closure throws an error, the publisher publishes zero or more progress reports, followed by a .failed. There is no way for the run closure to make the publisher emit multiple results, or emit more progress reports after emitting the result.
At last, we can subscribe to pub to see if it works properly:
receiveCompletion: { print("completion: \($0)") },
receiveValue: { print("output: \($0)") })
Here's the output:
output: progress(0.0)
output: progress(0.3333333333333333)
output: progress(0.6666666666666666)
output: done(["output for a", "output for b", "output for c"])
completion: finished
The following extension to AnyPublisher replicates Observable.create semantics by composing a PassthroughSubject. This includes cancellation semantics.
AnyPublisher.create() Swift 5.6 Extension
public extension AnyPublisher {
static func create<Output, Failure>(_ subscribe: #escaping (AnySubscriber<Output, Failure>) -> AnyCancellable) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> {
let passthroughSubject = PassthroughSubject<Output, Failure>()
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
return passthroughSubject
.handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { subscription in
let subscriber = AnySubscriber<Output, Failure> { subscription in
} receiveValue: { input in
return .unlimited
} receiveCompletion: { completion in
passthroughSubject.send(completion: completion)
cancellable = subscribe(subscriber)
}, receiveCompletion: { completion in
}, receiveCancel: {
func doSomething() -> AnyPublisher<Int, Error> {
return AnyPublisher<Int, Error>.create { subscriber in
// Imperative implementation of doing something can call subscriber as follows
_ = subscriber.receive(1)
subscriber.receive(completion: .finished)
// subscriber.receive(completion: .failure(myError))
return AnyCancellable {
// Imperative cancellation implementation
Using Apple's new Combine framework I want to make multiple requests from each element in a list. Then I want a single result from a reduction of all the the responses. Basically I want to go from list of publishers to a single publisher that holds a list of responses.
I've tried making a list of publishers, but I don't know how to reduce that list into a single publisher. And I've tried making a publisher containing a list but I can't flat map a list of publishers.
Please look at the "createIngredients" function
func createIngredient(ingredient: Ingredient) -> AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error> {
return apollo.performPub(mutation: CreateIngredientMutation(name: ingredient.name, optionalProduct: ingredient.productId, quantity: ingredient.quantity, unit: ingredient.unit))
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<[CreateIngredientMutation.Data], Error> {
// first attempt
let results = ingredients
// results = [AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error>]
// second attempt
return Publishers.Just(ingredients)
.flatMap { (list: [Ingredient]) -> Publisher<[CreateIngredientMutation.Data], Error> in
return list.map(createIngredient) // [AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error>]
I'm not sure how to take an array of publishers and convert that to a publisher containing an array.
Result value of type '[AnyPublisher]' does not conform to closure result type 'Publisher'
Essentially, in your specific situation you're looking at something like this:
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<[CreateIngredientMutation.Data], Error> {
This 'collects' all the elements produced by the upstream publishers and – once they have all completed – produces an array with all the results and finally completes itself.
Bear in mind, if one of the upstream publishers fails – or produces more than one result – the number of elements may not match the number of subscribers, so you may need additional operators to mitigate this depending on your situation.
The more generic answer, with a way you can test it using the EntwineTest framework:
import XCTest
import Combine
import EntwineTest
final class MyTests: XCTestCase {
func testCreateArrayFromArrayOfPublishers() {
typealias SimplePublisher = Just<Int>
// we'll create our 'list of publishers' here. Each publisher emits a single
// Int and then completes successfully – using the `Just` publisher.
let publishers: [SimplePublisher] = [
// we'll turn our array of publishers into a single merged publisher
let publisherOfPublishers = Publishers.MergeMany(publishers)
// Then we `collect` all the individual publisher elements results into
// a single array
let finalPublisher = publisherOfPublishers.collect()
// Let's test what we expect to happen, will happen.
// We'll create a scheduler to run our test on
let testScheduler = TestScheduler()
// Then we'll start a test. Our test will subscribe to our publisher
// at a virtual time of 200, and cancel the subscription at 900
let testableSubscriber = testScheduler.start { finalPublisher }
// we're expecting that, immediately upon subscription, our results will
// arrive. This is because we're using `just` type publishers which
// dispatch their contents as soon as they're subscribed to
XCTAssertEqual(testableSubscriber.recordedOutput, [
(200, .subscription), // we're expecting to subscribe at 200
(200, .input([1, 2, 3])), // then receive an array of results immediately
(200, .completion(.finished)), // the `collect` operator finishes immediately after completion
I think that Publishers.MergeMany could be of help here. In your example, you might use it like so:
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error> {
let publishers = ingredients.map(createIngredient(ingredient:))
return Publishers.MergeMany(publishers).eraseToAnyPublisher()
That will give you a publisher that sends you single values of the Output.
However, if you specifically want the Output in an array all at once at the end of all your publishers completing, you can use collect() with MergeMany:
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<[CreateIngredientMutation.Data], Error> {
let publishers = ingredients.map(createIngredient(ingredient:))
return Publishers.MergeMany(publishers).collect().eraseToAnyPublisher()
And either of the above examples you could simplify into a single line if you prefer, ie:
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error> {
You could also define your own custom merge() extension method on Sequence and use that to simplify the code slightly:
extension Sequence where Element: Publisher {
func merge() -> Publishers.MergeMany<Element> {
func createIngredients(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> AnyPublisher<CreateIngredientMutation.Data, Error> {
To add on the answer by Tricky, here is a solution which retains the order of elements in the array.
It passes an index for each element through the whole chain, and sorts the collected array by the index.
Complexity should be O(n log n) because of the sorting.
import Combine
extension Publishers {
private struct EnumeratedElement<T> {
let index: Int
let element: T
init(index: Int, element: T) {
self.index = index
self.element = element
init(_ enumeratedSequence: EnumeratedSequence<[T]>.Iterator.Element) {
index = enumeratedSequence.offset
element = enumeratedSequence.element
static func mergeMappedRetainingOrder<InputType, OutputType>(
_ inputArray: [InputType],
mapTransform: (InputType) -> AnyPublisher<OutputType, Error>
) -> AnyPublisher<[OutputType], Error> {
let enumeratedInputArray = inputArray.enumerated().map(EnumeratedElement.init)
let enumeratedMapTransform: (EnumeratedElement<InputType>) -> AnyPublisher<EnumeratedElement<OutputType>, Error> = { enumeratedInput in
.map { EnumeratedElement(index: enumeratedInput.index, element: $0)}
let sortEnumeratedOutputArrayByIndex: ([EnumeratedElement<OutputType>]) -> [EnumeratedElement<OutputType>] = { enumeratedOutputArray in
enumeratedOutputArray.sorted { $0.index < $1.index }
let transformToNonEnumeratedArray: ([EnumeratedElement<OutputType>]) -> [OutputType] = {
$0.map { $0.element }
return Publishers.MergeMany(enumeratedInputArray.map(enumeratedMapTransform))
Unit test for the solution:
import XCTest
import Combine
final class PublishersExtensionsTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: - Private properties
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
// MARK: - Tests
func test_mergeMappedRetainingOrder() {
let expectation = expectation(description: "mergeMappedRetainingOrder publisher")
let numbers = (1...100).map { _ in Int.random(in: 1...3) }
let mapTransform: (Int) -> AnyPublisher<Int, Error> = {
let delayTimeInterval = RunLoop.SchedulerTimeType.Stride(Double($0))
return Just($0)
.delay(for: delayTimeInterval, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
let resultNumbersPublisher = Publishers.mergeMappedRetainingOrder(numbers, mapTransform: mapTransform)
resultNumbersPublisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { resultNumbers in
XCTAssertTrue(numbers == resultNumbers)
}).store(in: &cancellables)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5)
You can do it in one line:
I can't understand the difference between map and flatMap In RxSwift. In the RxSwift playground examples and the books, flatMap is used as converting Observables which has inner Observable property.
However I see flatMap being used directly on Observable of basic types. For example for below code, both of them produces the same output. Can someone help me to understand the difference between map and flatMap
struct Student {
let score:Int
let ryan = Student(score:80)
let student = PublishSubject<Student>()
let deneme = student.map({ val in
return Student(score: val.score+10)
deneme.subscribe(onNext: {
print("StudentMAP: \($0.score)")
let deneme2 = student.flatMap({ val -> Observable<Student> in
return Observable.of(Student(score: val.score + 10))
deneme2.subscribe(onNext: {
print("StudentFlatMAP: \($0.score)")
map get value from stream and return another value of whatever type, result is Observable< whatever type >.
flatMap get value from stream and return an Observable of whatever type.
This means you can use flatMap when:
you already have a function declared which returns Observable< ? >, so you may want to use it in flatMap
func foo(_ number: Int) -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.just(String(number))
.flatMap { (number) -> Observable<String> in
return foo(number)
you need that returned value push more than one value in the stream
func updates() -> Observable<String> {
// Something that generates updates
func shouldListenToUpdated() -> Observable<Bool> {
return Observable.just(true)
.flatMap { (listenToUpdated) -> Observable<String> in
return listenToUpdated ? updates() : Observable.empty()
While map will just transform next value in the stream.
Hope this clarifies things a bit.
To keep it simple
Use flatMap when you want return Observable down the stream.
Use map is simply transform the value of the observable and pass down the stream
response.flatMap { response, _ -> Observable<NSString> in
guard let value = response.allHeaderFields["string"] as? NSString
else {
return Observable.empty()
return Observable.just(value)
}.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] string in
}).disposed(by: bag)
response.filter { response, _ in
return 200..<300 ~= response.statusCode
}.map { _ , data -> [[String: Any]] in
guard let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []),
let result = jsonObject as? [[String: Any]] else {
return []
return result
}.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] objects in
}).disposed(by: bag)
flatMap is similar to map, but it transforms element of observable to an observable of sequences. The example you use is relatively simple, it is simply sending and Observable mapped into something else.
Here is quote from Reactive extension documentation,
The FlatMap operator transforms an Observable by applying a function
that you specify to each item emitted by the source Observable, where
that function returns an Observable that itself emits items. FlatMap
then merges the emissions of these resulting Observables, emitting
these merged results as its own sequence.
This method is useful, for example, when you have an Observable that
emits a series of items that themselves have Observable members or are
in other ways transformable into Observables, so that you can create a
new Observable that emits the complete collection of items emitted by
the sub-Observables of these items.
If you extend the example a bit, you will know that flatMap actually transforms each element into a sequence.
Notice that you used,
Remove your dename2 and add this code below,
let studentObservable: PublishSubject<Student> = PublishSubject()
let deneme2 = student.flatMap({ val -> Observable<Student> in
return studentObservable.map { val in Student(score: val.score + 10) }
deneme2.subscribe(onNext: {
print("StudentFlatMAP: \($0.score)")
studentObservable.onNext(Student(score: 80))
studentObservable.onNext(Student(score: 90))
studentObservable.onNext(Student(score: 100))
Now, you can see that map would simply transform a value from sequence and new Observable is created, while flatMap transforms it into sequence. Now, each of the flatMapped elements can themselves emit values since they are stream themselves.