Is there a way to create Azure DevOps Pull Request Status links that open in a new tab? - azure-devops

Is it possible to have status policies open their link in a new tab? Like when setting the attribute target="_blank" on an <a> tag.

Is it possible to have status policies open their link in a new tab
I am afraid this is impossible.
PR check status page is designed to be shown as a Modal box. And there is no option available to change this behavior. It is impossible to change the source code which controls how the check status should be displayed.
Update: To Open the Status link in a new Tab
You can Right Click on the link and choose to Open Link in New Tab.


Mermaid Links in new tab

How do I get a Mermaid Link in a Graph that opens in a new Tab? I already got the Link in the Node, but it opens in the same tab.
I tried the HTML synax, but those wouldn't work :D

Chatbot open link in parent window

I am totally new using Chatbot and I'm creating a chatbot using the Microsoft Bot Framework. Chat window is opened in an iframe.
I want to display a link in the chat message and open the link in the parent window itself (not in a new window or new tab). Is it possible to achieve this?
Otherwise can I automatically redirect to any url in my parent window from chat window?
Your question has 2 answers:
1: Yes, it is possible to change the parent window, or top window, to another URL. (Provided the browser's security mechanism allows it: eg. both pages are hosted on the same domain and no special security restrictions have been added to the iframe)
You can do this using javascript:
window.parent.location.href = '<url to browse to>';
Or html:
2: When you change the URL of the parent page (the page with the iframe), your iframe will no longer be visible, since you are redirecting to a new page.
Since you will therefore close the iframe, and thus the chat window, this might not be what you want to do. My advice would be to use a new tab for links; this not only makes for a better user experience, but will also make it so you don't have to worry about security settings in browsers changing and then breaking your application.

Can't add page tab to Facebook page - get no prompt to add page

I relate to this well known Page Tab Tutorial by FB:
The third step, after filling of page tab info and adjusting of the tab width is getting a prompt to select a page, to which the newly created tab will be added. But i don't get this promt, like it's written in the tutorial and seems to be the normal case for all users.
After i edit tab details and press "save changes", the page reloads with "saved"-message, like on this screenshot,
and i see no further given possibility to add created app to any of my pages. If i go into the administration area of any of my pages, in the tab "apps" is this newly created app not present, so i can't add it from there too. What i'm doing wrong? The solution must be simple - i go crazy:( I tried it with Firefox and Chrome, setted off all popup- and adblockers - nothing goes...
Thanks for ideas and advice!
The "manual solution" to this problem has changed. While logged into facebook, visit this link in your browser:
There are two parts of this link you must change before it will function.
YOUR_APP_ID: Find this in your app settings or app dashboard URL. It's a long number, 16+ digits.
YOUR_URL: Use the URL of the content your new tab page will call, ie "Tab Page URL" as entered in your app settings.
This newly modified URL will load a page with a dialog where you can choose which of your Facebook Pages to add the tab to.
These instructions appear here but they are far from clear. Good luck!
For anybody who will look for solution:
to add a page tab to any page do it manually: edit a link
fill into the link the app id of your newly created page tab and run this link in your brwoser: you will get a site with the prompt from the first image i cited in the first post. There you will be able to select one or, with pressing SHIFT, many pages to add your app/page tab.
You must choose "PAGE TAB" in the dialog ! ! !
see the TUTORIAL here:

Error: (#3501) User is already associated to the object type, article, on a unique action type Like. Original Action ID: 10202808015141547

copy pasted the exact code from , changed the appid. Yesterday it used to so much.any idea?
Check the settings for your Open Graph action.
Go to the Open Graph Dashboard for your app on Facebook Developers.
Click on the Read action.
Click the Advanced link.
Make sure that Allow Multiple is selected for the setting called Unique action.

Linking to another page within a page’s tab

I have one company, multiple brands. Each brand has it’s own fan page. I would like to have it so when you open up a ‘brands’ tab on one page, there will be links to the other brands Facebook pages.
I have created the ‘brands’ tab itself, but when I open it, there is nothing there except “Go to”
Just looking as to where I can upload the links so they will appear and the user can be linked to the other pages.
You have a good idea to create a fanpage tab, but you should use links with _blank or _top target because tab content is displayed inside . Protip - you can even add a like button to each page inside tab.